13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

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Making a movie that is shot in several distinct locations might be challenging. However, other films complicate matters by locating the entire narrative in a single location. Although it might save money, doing so frequently improves the story and writing. They frequently use close-up views, therefore the actors must be exceptionally talented. Here are some fantastic films that were shot in a single location.

9 Deaths (2009)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

Nine victims are taken by a masked man in the suspense film “Nine Dead,” who then imprisons them in a chamber. Even though they initially believe they are all strangers, he instructs them to discover their connections. Additionally, the enigmatic stranger promises to return every hour to see if they’ve discovered it. If they haven’t, he will begin by killing one person and continue until all nine have perished. Due to the fact that everything takes place in such a confined area, the entire movie keeps you on edge.

The Earth Man (2007)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In “The Man From Earth,” coworkers who are departing suddenly are given a farewell party by pals. He discusses his intriguing past throughout the party, which intrigues some people but angers others. They probe him relentlessly all day long, learning startling details that contradict all they had previously believed. With a few moments outside the house, the majority of the film is filmed in a living room. The movie’s conclusion will genuinely surprise you.

Buried (2010)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In the movie “Buried,” Ryan Reynolds’ character awakens inside a coffin that is six feet underground, in the smallest possible place. Terrorists only leave him with a mobile phone and a few goods while demanding $5 million from him. The entire movie is filmed from within the coffin, which makes it extremely cramped. The suspenseful film leaves you wondering what will happen in the climactic scene. More information on it is provided in “Buried Explained.”

h0us3 (2018)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In the movie “h0us3,” a couple has a casual gathering at their home for their college pals. One of them discusses a momentous finding that might alter history during the meal and their time together. The entire narrative takes place in a single room. Considering how little money was spent on it, the production value is remarkably high. “h0us3” has a strong cast and a compelling plot that will hold your attention the entire time. For further information on the story and characters in the film, you can find a thorough description of it here.

12 Furious Guys (1957)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In “12 Angry Men,” a jury that was initially unanimous is persuaded by one man to take the accused, an 18-year-old, into account even in the face of overwhelming evidence. The young man is accused of killing his own father, and the death penalty would apply if found guilty. The entire film takes place in this one chamber where the jury deliberates. As the jury members debate the case and voice their reservations, the tale of the movie enthrals spectators from beginning to end.

Locke (2013)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In the movie “Locke,” a phone call abruptly interrupts the life of a successful construction manager who also happens to be a loving husband and parent. He must make a moral decision, so he decides to go with a pregnant woman who is travelling alone. Tom Hardy plays the person who answers each phone call from a different character while he is driving his car throughout the entire film. The narration of the movie is entirely dialogue-based, and the script holds your attention from beginning to end.

The Guilty (2018), Den Skyldige (2021)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

The Danish movie “Den Skyldige” was remade in Hollywood as “The Guilty.” The protagonist of the tale is a police officer preparing to appear in court who has been temporarily assigned to the 911 contact centre. He gets a call from a distressed woman on his last night who says her husband is kidnapping her. The officer takes immediate measures to assist her, with all of his resources and contacts. The entire film takes place in a single location, with the emphasis on the discussions the cop has while making numerous phone calls. Both plotlines are brilliantly carried out, and the acting is superb. The article “The Guilty Explanation” contains a thorough examination of the film.

Circle (2015)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In this movie, there are fifty characters who are all positioned in a circle. Anyone who tries to leave their position is electrocuted by a weird contraption in the room. The group comes to the realisation that someone has to die next. One death is caused by the device every two minutes. This circular chamber serves as the setting for the entire film, which is a fascinating examination of human behaviour that takes into account social dynamics, prejudice, and self-preservation.

Cube (1997)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In the movie “Cube,” a group of strangers awaken in a room that is shaped like a cube and has doors on each face. They are unable to recall how they arrived there. They quickly learn that some rooms have been set up with lethal traps because each door leads to a room with a similar layout and more doors. They find themselves in a maze that seems to go on forever, attempting to find their way out while evading these terrible threats. The entire movie was shot inside just one cuboid, making it a notable addition to the list of films shot in a single location while representing many stacked chambers.

Exam (2009)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In the movie “Exam,” a room is filled with eight persons who are taking a job assessment test. Even though there is just one question, it seems straightforward, but its vagueness causes confusion among them. This area serves as the setting for the entire narrative, which grips you from beginning to end.

Devil (2010)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

A big group of individuals are trapped in a high-rise lift in the movie “Devil,” and each time there is a power outage and the lights come back on, one body is discovered within the lift. All of the tense sequences take place in this small area, and the viewer is left in suspense until the very end on who the murderer is.

Coherence (2013)

13 Incredible Films Made In One Place

In the film “Coherence,” a group of friends get together for dinner and beverages on a calm night while an unidentified comet approaches Earth. They quickly discover that their evening and home have become involved in a strange cosmic event that casts doubt on their understanding of reality. The majority of the movie is set in the living room of the house, with a few moments being shot outside. The movie, despite its restricted location, presents a fascinating idea and wraps up in an engaging way, even though it leaves you with a lot of unsolved concerns. Your queries will be addressed in the article “Coherence Explained.”

The Framework (2019)

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A man is imprisoned in a vertical structure with numerous levels in the film “The Platform,” and there are two persons on each level. Food is delivered through a central hole, but there is a catch: the higher floors have more food. The sustenance of individuals on lower levels depends on the generosity of those above. The difficulty is that every month, inmates are moved to various levels. Although the movie takes place on several different floors, it was all filmed in one location because each floor is the same. This makes it a suitable addition to the list of films that were entirely filmed in one place.

This engrossing film gives us a glimpse of the difficulties associated in enacting change when basic necessities aren’t being provided. Check out the “The Platform Explained” article if you’re interested in learning more about the themes and resolution of “The Platform.”

There are undoubtedly many more great films that were filmed in a single location. Feel free to share your favourite in the comments if it isn’t on our list.

ALSO READ THIS: How the 2018 film Jonathan ends

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