Urine Film Explained

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The movie is set in Japan, in the year 

2030. Because of a sudden decline in  

the global oil production, prices of 

commodities have risen steeply and the  

domestic unemployment rate is the worst 

since the end of World War ll. In short,  

Japan is undergoing a hyper-recession period, 

which has brought turmoil all over the country.

At the start of the movie, a news 

broadcast shows people protesting  

against the increasing prices in 

the country. People have come out  

of their homes as they don’t have any source 

of income because of the rising unemployment.

Meanwhile, at the government employment 

office, we are introduced to the protagonist,  

Yumoto. Just like everyone else, Yumoto also has 

been badly impacted by the current crisis. He asks  

the job placement officer for a suitable job, but 

unfortunately, there is none. It turns out that  

this has been Yumoto’s fourth visit to the office 

this week. As he argues with the officer for a  

job, the lights suddenly go out. This shows how 

critical the situation of the country has become.

Later, a devastated Yumoto wanders around a park 

and stumbles across a peeing boy statue. The words  

‘useless guy’ have been scribbled on the statue 

and seeing this, Yumoto resonates it to himself.  

He then takes out a handkerchief and begins 

erasing the words. After he’s cleaned up the whole  

statue, he gets a sudden urge to pee and rushes 

to find a bathroom. Meanwhile, the statue boy  

mysteriously pees a drop of dark substance from 

its weener, as if Yumoto has summoned the Genie.

In the next scene, Yumoto finally 

finds a bathroom but when he enters,  

he is disappointed to find that they’re not 

in use anymore. Despite no one being around,  

and the place still being a bathroom, he 

chooses not to pee as the Japanese are  

strict with their manners. However, when 

his urinary bladder reaches its limit,  

he forgets all his ethics and goes to a 

nearby bush to pee. There, he notices a fire,  

and decides to extinguish it with his pee, 

claiming that it is dangerous for nature.

Surprisingly, when he starts, instead of pee, a 

dark substance comes out of his manhood. As soon  

as the liquid touches the fire, it bursts into 

large flames, as if the liquid is combustible.  

Here, it is finally revealed that the peeing 

boy statue has rewarded Yumoto with a unique  

ability for his kindness. He can produce 

an unlimited amount of oil just by peeing.

Startled by the strange incident, 

Yumoto immediately heads to a doctor  

to get examined. He provides a sample of his 

urine, and after inspecting it, the doctor is  

taken aback. Yumoto inquires if everything is 

fine, but the doctor simply asks him to wait,  

and goes outside. After a while, he brings 

two men to the place and points them towards  

Yumoto. The men are from the national research 

institute, and they are there to escort Yumoto  

to their laboratory for research. Yumoto tries his 

best to convince them that he is a normal person,  

and that he just wants to go home, 

but the men drag him to their van.

On their way to the lab, Yumoto again gets a 

sudden urge to pee and requests one of the men  

for a break. This time, his request is granted, 

and the van stops near a secluded jungle. Soon,  

Yumoto starts peeing on a tree while the man keeps 

an eye on him. Just then, Yumoto notices that his  

pee is flowing in the direction of the man. At 

the same time, the man takes out a cigarette,  

and as he is about to light it, he accidentally 

drops his lighter. Unfortunately for him,  

the burning lighter falls directly into 

Yumoto’s pee, causing a large fire. The man is  

covered in flames, and hearing his screams, his 

colleague rushes to help him. Yumoto is shocked  

to witness all this, but nonetheless, he takes 

advantage of the opening and makes a run for it.

After running the whole night, Yumoto arrives at 

a small village the next morning and collapses  

to the ground. Just then, a village girl comes 

across his pitiful state, and takes him home.  

When he regains consciousness, he finds an old 

man staring at him. Startled, Yumoto immediately  

gets up and inquires about the man’s identity, 

and the latter replies that he is the mayor of  

the village. Meanwhile, the same girl who brought 

Yumoto to the place, Jiaokou, enters the room with  

some food. She is the mayor’s assistant, and is 

one of the most beautiful girls in the village.  

As soon as Yumoto sees the food, he starts 

devouring it, as he hasn’t eaten since a day.

Later, the mayor along with his group 

take Yumoto to the village fields,  

which have become completely barren. He explains 

that after the country started going through  

hyper-recession, the farmers couldn’t afford 

oil and thus, the farming tractors were no  

longer operable. Because of this, the village, 

which was once a very productive farming area,  

has now become deserted. The mayor also reveals 

that most of the youths in the village have fled  

to Tokyo for a better life, and now, all 

that remains are old people and cattle.

Hearing all this, Yumoto becomes sad. He 

remembers the saying ‘with great powers  

comes great responsibilities’ and decides 

to test himself out. He excuses himself,  

picks up an empty bottle, and heads 

inside the nearby woods. As the mayor  

and Jiaokou watch in suspense, Yumoto starts 

peeing inside the bottle, and once again,  

he discharges oil. Seeing this, the 

mayor immediately covers Jiaokou’s eyes.

After Yumoto is done, he pours the collected 

oil into the tractor and starts the engine.  

Surprisingly, the tractor comes to life, leaving 

the mayor and his group stunned. Yumoto then bids  

goodbye to the group and prepares to leave, 

however, the mayor requests him to stay.

In the next scene, Yumoto is taken to the village 

school, where he is offered a job. At first,  

he thinks that he will become a teacher, but when 

the mayor shows him his empty basement-like room,  

he becomes confused. Soon, the mayor introduces 

him to Sumiko, the school caretaker, who will now  

assist Yumoto in his job. The job is simple, all 

he has to do is drink a lot of water and urinate.  

Yumoto is initially skeptical about the job, 

but since he has nowhere else to go, he accepts.

Next, we see an inspiring montage of Yumoto 

drinking water and filling several gallon  

jars with his pee. As he does his business, Sumiko 

notes down his performance and smiles like a proud  

teacher. By the end of the day, he has accumulated 

30 jars of pee, prompting the mayor and his men to  

clap for him. Yumoto is happy, as for the first 

time in his life, he has done something useful.

Because of his heroics, the whole village comes 

back to life. The farmers start harvesting the  

crops in their fields and public buses are 

in full operation. From one of the buses,  

two women come out and start talking about the 

miraculous discovery of oil in their village.  

They also talk about how their village is the 

only one to not suffer power outages. Yumoto,  

who has also come out of the same bus, 

overhears their conversation and smiles.

Later, he returns to his office, and starts his 

usual business. After a few hours, he completes  

his quota of 100 liters and decides to leave, 

but just then, the mayor arrives and orders him  

to produce more oil. By this time, greed has set 

into his mind, and he wants more oil for himself.  

Hearing this, Yumoto claims that he is already 

tired, but the mayor forces him to start peeing.

In the evening, Yumoto meets with Jiaokou and 

the two talk about their daily lives. When Yumoto  

reveals that he is working extra shifts, Jiaokou 

mentions that the mayor is cunning, and that she  

doesn’t like him. However, she says that Yumoto 

is doing a great job by helping the villagers.

Meanwhile, at the school, a delegate from 

the national research institute, Shinji,  

arrives and confronts the mayor. He warns 

the old man to reveal whatever he is hiding,  

since the village has been producing a 

lot of oil lately. However, the mayor,  

who is unphased by the threats, replies that 

he doesn’t have anything to hide. With this,  

Shinji leaves, but not before 

promising to come back again.

Elsewhere, as Yumoto and Sumiko go on with 

their daily work, the power suddenly goes  

out. As a result, Yumoto decides to take 

a break, and heads to explore the other  

rooms in the school. Because of the 

darkness, he carries a torch with him. When  

Yumoto reaches a bit further, he notices 

a few drops of oil on the floor. Shocked,  

he follows the droplets and reaches a warehouse, 

which has several barrels of oils stored in it.

In the next scene, an enraged Yumoto confronts 

the mayor for his lies and demands answers. To  

his surprise, the mayor mentions that it’s all 

business, and that he was just storing the oil  

to sell to other cities. Hearing this, Yumoto 

becomes even more angry and decides to head  

down to the warehouse to retrieve the oil and 

distribute it amongst the villagers. However,  

before he can proceed, he is captured by 

the mayor’s men. While being taken away,  

he is devastated to find out that 

Sumiko knew about the secret all along.

Later, Yumoto is tied up in an isolated room, and 

ordered to continue working. When he refuses, the  

men attach a pipe to his mahood, hoping that his 

pee will get collected in a jar. They then warn  

him that if he holds his pee for long, he might 

suffer from urinary tract infection. After the men  

leave, Yumoto tries his best to hold his pee, but 

with each minute passing, it becomes increasingly  

difficult. Soon, he reaches a point where he can’t 

hold it anymore but just then, Jiaokou arrives at  

the scene and rescues him. She then tells him that 

they must escape the place as soon as possible.

Wasting no time, Yumoto gets up and the two run 

inside the woods. After a while, the mayor and  

his men catch wind of the escape, and immediately 

begin a search operation. On reaching the woods,  

he finds some oil in a tree, and deduces 

that it came out of Yumoto. The mayor then  

provides the oil sample to his dog, who in 

turn starts tracking the runaway couple.

Elsewhere, Yumoto and Jiaokou reach an abandoned 

house, where they light a fire and start an  

awkward conversation. Jiaokou mentions that the 

villagers are completely dependent on Yumoto’s  

pee, and that they are willing to swallow it, if 

that’s the only way to preserve it. Hearing this,  

Yumoto becomes sad, and he blames himself for 

bringing hope to the villagers. He then starts  

punching his crotch, hoping to destroy 

his oil tank. However, Jiaokou stops him  

and asks him to save the world with his pee. 

She also mentions that he is the chosen one,  

whose pee has the ability to change people’s 

lives. The speech finally inspires Yumoto,  

and he agrees to use his pee 

for the betterment of humanity.

Following this, the duo start 

making out, and while they are busy,  

we see a drop of oil appearing out of 

nowhere and dropping into the fire.

The next morning, as the couple is still 

asleep, the mayor and his men arrive at the  

place. They immediately wake the duo up, and 

apprehend them. As they are about to leave,  

Shinji suddenly barges inside the house with 

several armed officers. He then threatens the  

mayor to hand Yumoto over to him, but the latter 

refuses. The mayor then reveals that his plan  

was to produce large amounts of oil, so that his 

village can become an independent country, and he  

will become the king. On the other hand, Shinji 

mentions that the national research institute  

is after Yumoto, as they want to research on 

him, and create several other oil-producing  

humans. If they succeed in this, they can sell 

the oil at high prices and rule the world.

Meanwhile, Yumoto becomes disgusted after 

hearing the fantasies of both the parties.  

Having had enough, he breaks free from his captors 

and tells everyone that oil is not there to make  

ugly fights with people. Instead, oil exists 

to make everyone happy. Saying this much,  

he picks up a burning stick from the 

fire and points it at Shinji. At first,  

Shinji is unbothered, as he believes that 

Yumoto is fighting a failing battle. However,  

when the oilman brings out his manhood, everyone 

in the room is terrified. They plead with him to  

stop, but Yumoto pees on the burning stick. 

Surprisingly, instead of exploding the place,  

the pee extinguishes the fire. Shocked, Yaumoto 

tries one more time, but again, the same result.  

With this, he realizes that his superpowers have 

finally come to an end. Realizing this, the mayor  

and Shinji also decide to become friends, as 

there is nothing left to fight for anymore.

The scene then cuts forward to several 

years, where Yumoto is still in the village,  

working as a counselor. He has married Jiaokou 

and the couple has a son together. The movie ends  

as their infant son pees a mysterious liquid, 

which looks like a portal to another dimension.


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