Robin Hood Men In Tights

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The movie is set in England, during the medieval 

ages. At the start of the movie, we are introduced  

to the king’s beautiful daughter; Lady Mirian. 

She is inside the royal bathroom, singing  

beautifully. Just then, her maid, Broomhilde 

approaches her, and asks her to get ready.  

When Lady Marian gets up from the bathtub, it 

is revealed that she is wearing a chastity lock.  

It turns out that her father, the King, wanted to 

protect her from evil men, so he safeguarded her  

assets with the lock. Unfortunately, the key has 

long been lost, and Marian has been desperately  

searching for the man who can open her lock.

In the next scene, we see a group of men dancing  

to hip hop music. One of the dancers sings 

about how Prince John and his sheriff have  

taken over England, and are imposing 

heavy and unfair taxes on people.

Elsewhere in Khalil prison in Jerusalem, we are 

introduced to the main character of the movie;  

Robin Hood. He has been apprehended for fighting 

in the crusades, and is being taken to the most  

notorious cell of the prison. There, one of the 

guards asks him about who sent him there, but  

Robin refuses to answer. As a result, the guard 

takes out a ‘tongue loosener’ and punishes him  

with it. However, Robin still does not budge.

Tired, the guard chains Robin next to a prisoner  

named Asneeze, mentioning that he will be back 

for interrogation again. After he is gone,  

the two prisoners introduce themselves and 

become fast friends. While Robin is imprisoned  

for something serious, Asneeze is locked up for 

simply jaywalking. Soon, they come up with a  

plan to escape and strike the metal bar, which is 

holding their chains. Luckily, the bar breaks, and  

they are able to set themselves free. The duo then 

frees everyone inside the cell and collectively,  

all of them escape through the ventilator.

In the next scene, Robin and Asneeze are on  

the beach, where Robin expresses his gratitude 

towards Asneeze for helping him escape. As a sign  

of friendship, he promises to help him in any 

way possible. Hearing this, Asneeze takes out a  

picture from his pocket, which belongs to his son; 

Ahchoo. He then hands over the picture of Robin,  

and requests him to look after his son, who is in 

England. Surprised, Robin asks how Ahchoo ended up  

in England, to which Asneeze replies that he’s 

an exchange student. Being the man of his word,  

Robin promises to look after Ahchoo, and departs 

the place. However, instead of traveling on a  

boat like a normal person would, he swims 

all the way from Jerusalem to England.

After reaching, he gets on a horse and proceeds 

towards his house. Surprisingly, on the way,  

he sees some soldiers beating an African 

boy. Robin quickly deduces that it’s Ahchoo,  

as there are no other Africans in the area. He 

rushes to save the boy, and with his exemplary  

fighting skills, defeats all the soldiers single 

handedly. After this, the two get on the horse,  

and proceed to Robin’s home; the Loxley Hall.

Sadly, when they reach there, they find the house  

being towed away by a man. Enraged, Robin 

confronts the man, and asks what’s goin on.  

The man simply hands him a scroll, and on 

reading, Robin finds out that Prince John  

has confiscated his house for failing to pay 

taxes on time. Although Robin tries his best  

to claim that it was impossible for him to pay 

the taxes, as he was jailed in Jerusalem, the  

man doesn’t listen and takes the house away.

As Robin wanders the place dejected, he notices  

his blind servant; Blinkin. The two express their 

happiness at meeting each other after long, but  

soon, Robin gets devastated when he finds out that 

his father has passed away. To make matters worse,  

Blinkin mentions that even his mother, brothers, 

dog, cat and goldfish perished while he was away.  

As the two continue talking, Blinkin takes 

out a pendant and hands it over to Robin,  

mentioning that it was his father’s last gift 

for him. When Robin asks what’s inside it,  

Blinkin replies that it holds the key to 

the greatest treasure in all the land.

After a while, Robin introduces Ahchoo and 

Blinkin to each other. As the trio is talking,  

a boy comes running at them from the woods. Being 

the kind man that he is, Robin asks the boy what’s  

wrong, and the latter replies that he is being 

chased by the Sheriff of Rottingham. In no time,  

the Sheriff arrives with his men, and demands 

the boy back, but Robin refuses to hand him over.  

As a result, the two get into an altercation, 

which ends with Robin humiliating the Sheriff in  

front of everyone. Before he sends the group away, 

he vows to take revenge against Prince John.

Later, the sheriff of Rottingham meets Prince 

John, and reveals that Robin is coming after them.  

Here, we get to know that Prince John is acting 

as the ruler of the kingdom, as his brother,  

the King, has gone to fight in the crusades. 

However, instead of being a just and kind ruler  

like his brother, he is imposing heavy 

taxes on people for his own benefit.

Expectedly, the news scares John, and he starts 

brainstorming ways to tackle the situation.  

When he finds no solution, he heads to the 

dungeons to take advice from his witch;  

Latrine. John briefs everything to his witch, 

and asks her for a way to defeat Robin. Latrine  

agrees to help, but in return, she asks John to 

assist her hook up with her crush; the sheriff.  

Although the prince is sure that the sheriff will 

never get close to the witch, he still agrees.

Elsewhere, as Robin and his crew are traveling 

to the castle, they are stopped on a bridge by  

a giant named Little John. Robin demands to 

let them through, but Little John claims that  

they firstly have to pay the toll tax. When 

Robin refuses, the two get into a stick fight.  

Despite his small frame, Robin manages to defeat 

the giant, and pushes him into the nearby river,  

which barely has any water. Surprisingly, 

as Little John does not know how to swim,  

he starts drowning in the puddle. 

At first, Robin is taken aback,  

but when Little John continues to struggle, he 

helps him up. With this, he wins the giant’s  

trust, and makes him a part of the team. Before 

leaving, little John calls his best friend; Will,  

who happens to be a dagger expert. He can slice 

through anything mid-air, with his insane dagger  

techniques. After the introductions, the group of 

5 start their journey to Prince John’s castle.

Meanwhile, Prince John and the sheriff are having 

a party inside the castle. Soon, John’s niece;  

lady Marian, joins the duo and observes the 

celebrations. The sheriff, who is infatuated  

by Marian’s beauty, immediately starts flirting 

with her, but the latter pays him no attention.  

Just then, Robin barges inside with a dead 

hog on his shoulder, and drops it on the royal  

table. John and the sheriff are left furious by 

the intrusion, but surprisingly, Lady Marian is  

impressed. Robin then introduces himself to Marian 

and kisses her on the hand. This enrages the  

sheriff, and he challenges Robin to a fight.

Expectedly, Robin cleans the floor with the  

sheriff, so the prince is forced to call upon his 

guards. Robin fights valiantly for some time, but  

he is eventually outnumbered. When all hope seems 

to be lost, Robin’s gang barges through the door  

and starts attacking the guards. In no time, they 

subdue all the bad guys, impressing the entire  

crowd, including Lady Marian. Before leaving, 

Robin warns Prince John to reduce the taxes,  

or else he will eliminate him the next time.

In the next scene, Little John gathers some men  

to fight for the cause, but Robin fails 

to inspire them with his boring speech.  

Instead, he makes them fall asleep. Seeing 

this, Ahchoo steps forward, wears his specs,  

and delivers an inspiring speech, despite it only 

being three sentences. The crowd gets riled up,  

and they agree to fight with Robin, against 

the tyrannical prince of England.

The next morning, all the men get dressed 

as Robinhoods and start training. Robin and  

Will lead the training, but the men are so bad 

that they cannot even defeat some dummies.

Meanwhile at the castle, the sheriff invites an 

Italian mafia named Don Giovanni to assassinate  

Robin. Giovanni has come with his two 

associates; dirty Ezio, a mute assassin,  

and filthy Luca, a multiple-time gold medalist 

in archery. After a bit of chatting, the two  

come to a conclusion that they will lure Robin by 

organizing an archery competition in the palace,  

and filthy Luca will defeat him in it. When the 

crowd turns against Robin and calls him a loser,  

dirty Ezio will assassinate him secretly. The 

plan makes everyone excited, and even dirty Ezio,  

who cannot speak a word, starts laughing. 

Surprisingly, Lady Marian is hearing the  

entire conversation through her balcony. Worried, 

she immediately wakes up her maid, Broomhilde, and  

briefs her about the situation.

The two discuss for a while, and decide  

to sneak out of the castle and warn Robin of 

the impending danger. Marian calls her horse,  

jumps onto it and lands safely, but when it’s 

Broomhilde’s turn, her horse simply moves away,  

causing her to drop onto the floor.

After a while, they reach Robin’s camp,  

and Marian reveals the sheriff’s evil plot to 

them. At first, Robin vows to stay out of trouble,  

but when Marian mentions that the palace is 

going to organize an archery competition,  

he starts having second thoughts. Even if his 

life is in danger, he has to attend a festival,  

if there is an archery competition in it.

Following this, Robin puts on a show for his men,  

and starts singing behind a curtain in an 

operatic voice. Although he takes out his sword,  

the boys on the other side of the curtain think 

that he has taken out something else. After the  

performance is over, he takes Marian to a secluded 

place to express his feelings for her. However,  

as he proceeds to make out with her, he realizes 

that she has been locked with a chastity belt.  

Marian then reveals that her overly-protective 

father put the device on her, so that she cannot  

have any ‘fun’ before her marriage. Hearing this, 

Robin tries to kiss her, but they are stopped by  

Broomhilde, who mentions that they are getting 

late. With this, the two depart on their horses,  

but not before vowing to meet Robin again.

In the next scene, we are taken to the palace,  

where the annual archery competition is about to 

commence. Several skilled archers have come from  

all across the land, hoping to win the ultimate 

prize. As expected, Robin’s men are also there,  

but they are disguised as women. On the other 

hand, Robin has worn the attire of an old man.

Soon, the competition begins, and only two men 

are able to hit the bulls eye. The two men are  

none other than Filthy Luca, and Robin. Seeing 

him, the sheriff immediately deduces that it is  

Robin in disguise. Meanwhile, Dirty Ezio is hiding 

in a nearby tower, ready to shoot at Robin.

As the first round between Filthy 

Luca and Robin ended in a draw,  

they are instructed to have one more go 

at it. Robin goes first and once again  

hits the bullseye. He then removes his 

disguise and reveals himself to be Robin,  

much to the delight of Marian. However, when 

it’s Filthy Luca’s turn, he takes a good aim and  

pierces through Robin’s arrow, hitting a ‘double 

bullseye’. This gets the crowd going and they  

start cheering for Filthy Luca. At the same time, 

they jeer at Robin, and call him a loser.

Robin is in shock, as he is never supposed to 

lose in an archery contest. Hence, he takes  

out the movie’s script, to check if everything is 

fine. Luckily, he finds that he has one more shot  

left. Prince John and the sheriff also check their 

scripts and confirm the plot. Wasting no time,  

Robin takes out his arrow, but just as he is 

about to shoot, Filthy Luca pushes him, causing  

him to fire his arrow up. Surprisingly, the arrow 

travels in the air, through the entire audience,  

and lands on the bullseye, thus making him the 

winner. This proves that movie writers can do  

anything to make their heroes victorious.

As Robin celebrates his victory, an envious  

Sheriff orders his men to arrest and execute 

him. This worries Lady Marian, so she vows  

to marry the Sheriff, but only if he lets Robin 

go. The Sheriff accepts the proposal, and leaves  

the place to prepare for the wedding.

In the next scene, a hangman places a noose  

on Robin’s neck, just in case Marian changes her 

mind. Soon, the sheriff arrives with a minister,  

followed by Marian, who is dressed beautifully 

for the occasion. She is accompanied by her uncle;  

Prince John. As Robin watches everything unfold, 

the marriage ceremony begins. The sheriff accepts  

his vows immediately, but when it’s Marian’s 

turn, she hesitates. This gives Ahchoo an opening,  

and he cuts Robin loose with the help of an 

arrow. With this, an intense battle ensues  

as Robin’s men start fighting with the guards. 

Amidst the chaos, the sheriff grabs Marian, and  

forces her into his room, attempting to make love 

with her. However, as he proceeds to deflower her,  

he notices the chastity lock on her.

Determined, the sheriff brings a drilling machine,  

and attempts to break the lock, but it’s of 

no use. Just then, Robin enters the room,  

and challenges the sheriff to a duel. The 

two go back and forth, and during the action,  

Robin’s pendant shatters and a key emerges from 

it. Surprisingly, the key lands on the lock, and  

fits perfectly, implying that Marian’s virginity 

is the greatest treasure in the land.

The boys are distracted for a while, but soon 

resume their fight. After a lengthy tussle,  

Robin accidentally stabs the sheriff with his 

sword. As the sheriff lies injured on the floor,  

Latrine approaches him and mentions that she 

has a pill, which can save him from death.  

However, she will only provide him with it, if 

he promises to marry her. With no options left,  

the sheriff agrees, and after being 

saved, he is dragged away by Latrine.

In the final scene of the movie, Robin and Marian 

get married in front of everyone. Just then,  

the King returns from his crusade and condemns 

his brother from being cruel and evil. He orders  

his men to lock away John and at the same time, 

rewards Robin for his bravery and valor. The  

king also returns Robin’s house back, and lifts 

all the unfair taxes imposed on the people.

After this, Robin and Miriam 

finally kiss each other.

In the post-credits scene, as Robin tries to 

deflower Miriam, he finds out that even with  

the key, the lock won’t open. The movie 

ends as Robin calls for a locksmith.

Fun fact: During the entire course 

of the movie, Prince John’s face mole  

changes its location several times.

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