Newly Rich Full Movie Explained

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Tika Wardana is an ambitious architecture 
student , who goes to the best university  

in town. Her elder brother, Duta is also 
a student. He is majoring in theatrical  

arts. Duta dreams of becoming a producer 
someday. Finally, the third and youngest  

sibling is Dodi. He is a school boy who usually 
spends his day having fun with his friends.

At first glance, it may look as if they 
belong to a wealthy family, but in reality,  

it is the exact opposite. The Wardanas are 
a lower middle class family that live in a  

cramped house in Jakarta. Mr. Wardana works at a 
repair shop, while his wife; Mrs. Wardana sells  

cookies on a small scale. Although money is 
always tight, they have vowed to give their  

children the best life they can. This is why the 
three siblings study in upper class institutions.

However, everything is not as easy as it looks. 
At Tika’s university, she is always bullied by the  

rich girls for her poor dressing sense and lack 
of make up. As for Duta, his dream of becoming a  

producer remains a dream due to lack of funds. He 
has now given up and is on the verge of changing  

careers. Finally, the little boy, Dodi, is often 
teased by his mates for wearing cheap sneakers.  

Despite all this, the family tries to be happy 
with what they have. Every night, they gather  

around and have dinner together, where Mr. Wardana 
cracks a few jokes and makes everyone laugh.

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The siblings also team up and have fun 
from time to time. In one instance,  

they sneak into a rich couple’s wedding and 
enjoy free food. There, Tika meets her crush;  

Bayu, who does menial jobs to earn a living. 
After a while, the siblings are caught,  

but they seem to be used to it. They simply 
run away, not caring about the consequences.

But one day, everything changes. Mr. 
Wardana suddenly passes away in his sleep,  

leaving the family devastated. Now, the 
major source of their income is gone,  

and since they have no savings, living 
is going to get extremely tough.

Hence, that night, Mrs. Wardana gathers 
her children to make some important  

decisions. The elder siblings; 
Tika and Duta know what’s coming,  

so they express their desires to leave 
university with immediate effect. However,  

Mrs. Wardana says they don’t have to. She 
respects her late husband’s decisions,  

and that’s why the children must continue studying 
and graduate. For the funds, Mrs. Wardana has  

decided to sell the house. The decision is a tough 
one, but it is something that had to be made.

The next morning, as the family is preparing 
for the day, two lawyers suddenly show up  

outside with some important news. To explain 
in detail, they play a video on their laptop,  

and surprisingly, Mr. Wardana is in it. 
At first, he jokes about being alive,  

but soon comes to the point. He explains that 
he recorded this video a few months back,  

knowing that he might die soon. Now, 
he has an important announcement to  

make. In a shocking turn of events, he 
reveals that he is actually….. Rich.

The family cannot believe what they are 
hearing, and Mr. Wardana goes on to say  

that he is the son of one of the richest families 
in Indonesia. In fact, he has a large inheritance,  

which he kept hidden from his family for 21 years. 
The only reason was that he wanted his wife and  

children to be independent. But now that he is 
gone, he wants them to have the money and live  

a proper life. At last, before the video ends. 
Mr. Wardana says that he loves his family a lot.

Hearing all this, Mrs. Wardana and the 
children are left in utter disbelief.  

Even after the lawyers are gone, they 
are still convinced that everything  

is just a prank. However, when they 
go to Mr. Wardana’s bank that day,  

they are handed over a massive amount of 
500 million Rupiah. The lawyer from earlier  

also shows up and reveals that once they 
spend this amount, they can withdraw more.

Elated, the family immediately heads outside 
to enjoy their new found wealth. At first,  

they enter a fancy restaurant, book the VIP room,  

and order all the lavish delicacies. They even 
invite a poor man and force him to eat with them.

Following this, they head to a mall and go on a 
shopping spree. Mrs. Wardana gets loads of fancy  

clothes for herself, which she has always desired. 
On the other hand, the children get themselves new  

mobile phones and other gadgets. From this 
day onwards, their lives completely change.

The next day at school, the little boy; Dodi makes 
his friends jealous by flaunting his expensive  

Adidas sneakers. Everyone is stunned how a boy 
from a poor family could afford these. Meanwhile,  

Tika starts dating her crush; Bayu. 
One day, his motorcycle breaks down,  

so Tika buys him a new one for a whopping 
19 million Rupiah. They ride it the entire  

day and have fun. But at night, Bayu returns the 
motorcycle to her, saying he can’t just take it.

At home, Mrs. Wardana has become obsessed with 
exotic clothes and jewelry. She buys a whole  

bunch of them, and so in a matter of just 
3 days, the 500 million Rupiah evaporates.

However, it is not a problem at all. As 
Mr. Wardana mentioned in his video earlier,  

more funds will be available soon. That day, the 
lawyers again arrive and play a video. Once again,  

Mr. Wardana greets his family with a cheerful 
face and inquires if they are living a lavish  

life. He then explains that they will 
get access to 15 billion Rupiah now,  

which is 30 times the previous amount. This 
sends his family into a state of frenzy.

Newly Rich Full Movie Review

Starting the very next day, they go on 
a monstrous spending spree. At first,  

they enter a large mansion and immediately 
buy it without any negotiations. Then,  

they go to a furniture store and buy whatever they 
touch. They also buy the security guard there,  

promising to pay him triple the amount. 
After this, they go to a luxury car  

showroom and buy not one but 3 cars, even 
though none of them know how to drive.

As the days pass by, the family grows distant from 
one another. Even though they have all the wealth  

in the world, the closeness and unity that they 
had is slowly fading. When Mr. Wardana was alive,  

they used to have dinner together, but now, 
everyone eats separately. In particular,  

the little boy, Dodi, is very 
annoyed of what they have become.

Meanwhile, Tika’s rich friends who used to 
bully her have suddenly become her friends.  

Envious of her new found wealth, they pretend to 
have a genuine interest in her life. Tika also  

doesn’t mind being with them, but in the process, 
she starts ignoring her real friends, who have  

always been by her side. They had dreamt of taking 
part in the annual physics quiz competition and  

winning it. However, now that Tika has become 
distant, her friends have decided to quit.

On the other hand, the elder sibling; 
Duta’s big day is approaching near. He  

has organized a drama show, for which he 
has invested a lot of money. Every week,  

he keeps hiring famed actors and actresses from 
all over the country, not realizing that they may  

be too expensive. Duta simply knows one thing; 
his father has left them with a lot of money.

As for Mrs. Wardana, the money has 
gotten inside her head the most.  

Every evening while she is returning 
home after picking Dodi up from school,  

she listens to some street musicians and tips 
them handsomely. With the days passing by,  

more and more musicians arrive, hoping 
to get rewarded by her. At one point,  

the number cross hundred, but Mrs. Wardana 
still has enough money to tip all of them.

One day, someone catches her in the act and 
clicks a video. This video quickly goes viral,  

and it is even shown on the news. Mrs. 
Wardana is astounded that she is on tv  

for the first time in her life, so she decides 
to continue the charade. From the next day,  

she wears extensive make up and goes to the 
same spot with a higher amount of cash. She  

even gives interviews and lies that she has 
been helping street musicians since years.

Amidst all this, the lawyers show up for 
the umpteenth time and display another  

video which Mr. Wardana had recorded some 
months ago. He cracks a few cringe jokes  

and reveals that they will have access to 
a further 15 billion Rupiah the next day.

With this, the family, except for Dodi, gets even 
more greedy. Mrs. Wardana has started showboating  

so much that one day, a reporter asks her 
if she would like to donate to the needy  

people. Since she has set the bar very high, 
Mrs. Wardana says ‘yes’. She sets a date,  

and promises to provide a lot of food, 
clothes, and money for the needy people.

Meanwhile, Tika has started spending an awful lot 
of time with her rich friends. She often goes on  

trips with them, parties with them, and even 
has sleepovers at their place. In the process,  

Tika starts drinking heavily, and in one instance, 
she almost gets persuaded into swallowing a pill.  

Fortunately, with whatever sense is left inside 
of her, she spits it out and flushes it down  

the toilet. Tika then finally realizes that 
she is slowly going into a downward spiral,  

and that getting out of it will be a challenge. 
As she proceeds to leave the bathroom, she also  

hears a bunch of girls backbiting about her. This 
makes her feel really bad, so she immediately  

heads to her true friends and convinces them 
to practice for the upcoming quiz competition.

On the other hand, Duda has continued 
hiring new personnel, even though they  

are not really required. Sadly, with 
only 1 day left for his drama premier,  

all his actors and actresses go on a strike. 
They want to get paid before the performance.

Unfortunately, that evening, the lawyers arrive 
with some bad news. They showcase yet another  

one of Mr. Wardana’s videos and while the 
family eagerly waits to hear an amount,  

he reveals that his savings are 
finished. The family is shocked  

as they were expecting another large 
sum. Mrs. Wardana wants 200 million  

Rupiah for her charity show while Duda 
is in debt of around 1 billion Rupiah.

Despite the setback, the family decides 
to continue on with their lives. Mrs.  

Wardana uses up all her savings 
to conduct the charity show, Tika,  

with some motivation from her boyfriend, 
gets ready for her quiz competition,  

and Duda begs a powerful politician to fund 
his drama in exchange for a small promotion.

On the grand day, everything seems to 
be going as normal. Mrs. Wardana has  

amassed hundreds of boxes to deliver 
to the poor. Tika and her friends get  

on stage for their quiz competition and 
Duda has successfully managed his drama.

But soon, everything starts going downhill. 
Due to the excessive crowd gathered outside  

Mrs. Wardana’s house, a girl gets injured 
and she has to be rushed to the hospital.

At the quiz competition, a group 
of policemen suddenly arrive and  

apprehend Tika and her rich friends on 
the accusation of consuming narcotics.

Meanwhile, at Duda’s drama show, the politician 
comes up on stage and tries promoting himself.  

However, instead of getting applauded, he 
is insulted by the crowd. They call him a  

corrupt politician who is good for nothing. Duda 
tries to calm them down but fails. As a result,  

the show, which was supposed 
to run very well, is ruined.

In this way, the entire family falters on the 
most important day of their lives. The only  

positive is that Tika is cleared after 
her urine tests come out negative. Her  

real friends and Bayu also forgive her, 
despite her rude attitude as of late.

Later at home, the family gathers, 
but they are not in the mood to  

talk to one another. The situation is 
very tense, and to make matters worse,  

the lawyers show up with some bad news. They have 
come along with a man, who reveals himself to be  

Mr. Wardana’s younger brother. The lawyers 
then reveal that Mr. Wardana had left some  

of his inheritance for his brother, and 
now, the latter has come to claim it.

Since the family has already spent a considerable 
chunk, they will have to hand over all their  

current properties like home, cars, and so on. 
This breaks Mrs. Wardana and her children, but  

they also realize that possessions are temporary. 
The only thing that lasts forever is family. Now,  

they finally come to the conclusion that 
money and fame cannot guarantee happiness.

In the next scene, the family is back at their 
old house, living a simple life like they used  

to. Tika and Bayu are getting married soon while 
Duta has finally come to terms with his life.

However, little did they know that fate has 
yet another twist in their lives. One day,  

the lawyers again show up and display Mr. 
Wardana’s video. In the video, the old man  

is with his supposed brother, who has now taken 
all their property. And to everyone’s surprise,  

he reveals that the man is actually a paid 
actor. He also reveals that his savings are  

not yet finished. In fact, they have not even 
spent 1 % of his wealth. Mr. Wardana simply  

lied about it so that his family could again 
understand the value of money. He knew that they  

would get too greedy and lose the togetherness, 
which had always been their strength. At last,  

before the video ends, Mr. Wardana reminds 
his family that he loves them very much,  

and that he will keep helping 
them, even though he has died.

At this point, Mrs. Wardana and her children are 
brought to tears, and it appears that they have  

finally learnt their lessons. However, at the 
end of the movie, Mrs. Wardana cheekily puts  

on a golden necklace, indicating that she is 
ready to go on yet another spending spree.

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