Identity Movie Explanation|What Actually Took Place?

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Identity is a 2003 neo-noir psychological thriller with a captivating plot, an outstanding cast, and a tonne of replay potential. The Agatha Christy novel And Then There Were None serves as a loose inspiration for the cult classic mystery. However, it has required so much artistic licence that few people will draw this conclusion. It’s got two masterfully written plot arcs, lots of distinctive characters, and has subsequently developed a cult following. Spoilers follow as we break down Identity’s storyline and resolution.

Identity Movie| A Brief Synopsis of the Plot

Malcolm Rivers, a vicious mass murderer, is about to be put to death, and his psychiatrist is attempting to convince a committee of his insanity. Ten people are simultaneously stranded at a distant motel during a downpour.
As the hotel guests are eliminated one by one, things quickly get out of hand. They are eliminated in descending sequence because each corpse has a room key hidden on it. They are cut off from the outside world, and soon they begin to turn against one another.

Identity Spoiler in a Film

In a shocking storyline turn, it is revealed that Malcolm Rivers is actually these ten strangers’ various personalities and that everything is happening inside of his skull. In other words, an experimental technique is being used to identify and kill Malcolm’s violent personality while keeping Malcolm’s number of personalities to a minimum.

Identity Movie

Identity Film: Characters in the order of death

  1. Ed’s chauffeured Caroline Suzanne, a Hollywood actress
    Secondly, Lou Isiana, a newlywed
  2. Convicted murderer Robert Maine
    Alice York is George’s wife and Timmy’s mother. George York is also Alice’s stepfather. Ginny is Lou’s spouse.
  3. Larry Washington, who oversees the hotel
  4. Ed, a limo driver and former LA police officer 9. Samuel Rhodes, a criminal who was transporting Maine while posing as an officer
  5. Paris Nevada, a street walker seeking a fresh start
  6. Timmy, who is George’s stepson and Alice’s son

What appears to be nothing more than a graphic illustration of this mental treatment approach is this murder spree at a hotel. This is also a distinct method of experimental simulated reality since it occurs in the mind rather than in a regulated physical setting like Dark City. Furthermore, both films are noir, which strengthens the validity of the comparison.

Identity of the Killer in the Movie| Who is He?

In the film Identity’s climax, it is revealed that the child’s personality, which is normally associated with innocence, is the homicidal one, making Malcolm a pure evil being who deceives and murders Dr. Mallick.
In the end, it appears that Paris (Amanda Peet) is the sole survivor, and the committee commutes Malcolm’s death sentence. The very last scene, however, makes it clear that everything was a ruse and that the most violent characters had actually survived. In keeping with this wild trip of a movie, it concludes on a cliffhanger and another plot twist. The youngster, Timmy, turns out to be both the murderer and the sole survivor.

Identity film| Narrative Techniques D

Duplicate Plot

This film’s narrative is superbly executed. We begin by receiving two stories at once without any justification. Identity’s main plot isn’t revealed to be fictional until the final quarter of the movie, from a storytelling standpoint. It is abundantly clear that this is a cleverly executed plot twist.
Effective Character arcs

The characters are amazingly well-developed. Everyone is different in some way. Edward “Ed” Dakota, the main character, is a former police officer who resigned when his nihilism prevented him from saving the life of a young girl. When the girl in question asked for a single reason to live, he was so numb from what he had witnessed on the force that he was at a loss for words. He left the force after she plunged to her death, feeling guilty ever since. Paris is ultimately saved by him by being given a cause to live. That is how you construct a strong character arc!

Samuel Rhodes is a shady correctional officer who is hiding something, and Ray Liotta plays him. Larry Washington, the manager of a motel with a peculiar backstory, is John Hawkes (of how he came into possession of the motel). The truth is that each character’s tale would make a suitable standalone film (or at least one TV show episode). It’s reasonable to say that this is the film’s main selling point.

mediocre character arcs

Identity Movie

Cons of Identity Movie| Tough to believe make-believe

The thing that bothers me the most with Identity is how much more logical and internally consistent Malcolm Rivers’ invented world is than the real one. In his imaginary world, each character is slain one by one by the least likely suspect. They are listed as having died, and the protagonist has an ark of redemption.

On steroids several personalities

But when it comes to the real world, well, let’s just say that the idea of make-believe doesn’t even come close to covering everything. You frequently get the impression that the author had unbridled imagination and had no idea what split personality disorder was all about. To be fair, though, this isn’t a universal problem with this film.
How does the law stand?
You also get the impression that the scriptwriter doesn’t understand how the legal system functions. You see, Malcolm Rivers is currently incarcerated and declared legally crazy. This would not be achievable in the actual world.

Second, the committee meets on the evening of his execution for dramatic effect. In addition, if they aren’t convinced… wait for it… They are to summarily execute him, not because of his innocence, but because the only personality left is benign. This is as far from any accepted legal procedure as it is possible to get, and it also makes no sense logically. Nobody questions what evidence there is to show that all other personalities have passed away and the last one left is in fact benign. The experiment fails, which is precisely why it is against the law.

The Ineffective Experiment

The medical care is the worst part of it all. By the time they’re done, there will only be one (hopefully good) character left because the doctor has convinced his personalities to begin killing one another. The committee decides to accept Malcolm’s word for it after waiting for the personalities to clash while they are seated around him. The death penalty was obviously out of the question since the only person left was the character played by Amanda Peet.

Identity Film| Final Thoughts

It’s a story that’s incredibly compelling but makes no sense at all. In other words, your capacity for imagination will largely determine how much you love this movie. If you can overlook all the logical errors and concentrate on the mystery and whodunit, you’ll appreciate the movie Identity. On the other hand, if you have a tendency to pick flaws, you should probably just skip this one. The cast is outstanding, the dialogue is excellent, and the film generally has a strong sense of immersion. In other words, it is a cult classic for a reason despite its flaws.

What did you think of Identity’s dual storyline and conclusion? Leave a comment below.

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