Explaining The Nightcrawler Ending With Full Plot Analysis

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The 2014 thriller Nightcrawler was written and directed by Velvet Buzzsaw creator Dan Gilroy. Lou Bloom, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, is the focus of the movie. He is a desperate man who will do anything to make money. Alongside a stellar ensemble, Jake pulls off this job like a champ. Here, we can talk about some fascinating topics. You are guided through the breathtaking universe of this film by Diane from EssayWriterCheap.com. Spoilers ahead for the explanation of the Nightcrawler movie’s narrative and conclusion.

What is Nightcrawler About?

Explaining The Nightcrawler Ending With Full Plot Analysis

Nightcrawler is a terrifying portrayal of a contemporary monster, and I’m not only referring about Lou Bloom, the protagonist. Bloom is a lonesome unemployed person who accidentally discovers the grey market of freelance crime reporting. He soon discovers that there is a lot of money to be earned in this seedy and perilous sector, and he isn’t afraid to take any necessary risks in order to succeed. This includes taking advantage of and manipulating others who are already weak, sometimes even going so far as to engage in overtly criminal activities.

The movie is a satire on our increasingly voyeuristic culture, in which we are inundated with graphic depictions of violence and death. Observing what happens when someone will stop at nothing to succeed is disturbing.

Lou isn’t your typical psycho-killer, which is what makes him disturbing. Lou is articulate and smart. He has the ability to win people over with charm. He has the kind of personality that can persuade you to do anything.

The movie serves as a warning about the lengths individuals would go to in order to succeed financially and the kind of evil that hides beneath the façade of decency. It’s a disturbing look at how our culture is evolving.

Nightcrawler| A Brief Synopsis of the Plot

Experienced burglar Louis Bloom is looking for work, but no one will even consider hiring him as an intern. He once notices a do-it-yourself video team documenting an automobile collision. The officers are seen in the video risking their lives to save a wounded woman from a flaming automobile. This article appeared in the morning news. Louis develops interest in this profession as a result of this occurrence.


Explaining The Nightcrawler Ending With Full Plot Analysis

After some time, Lou decides to work with Rick, a young man in desperate need of money. They scour the city for nocturnal events while on patrol. Their television performances quickly gain popularity, and Louis receives a sizable payment from the news organisation. He purchases a quick vehicle and brand-new filming gear. However, he has no plans to stop there and is prepared to go to any lengths to produce a truly exclusive video.

surpassing the opposition

Louis makes the decision to remove one of the nightcrawlers from the game when they become the first to capture a crash on camera. He causes the rival to lose control of his vehicle, which causes him to crash into a pole and shatter his spine. Louis mercilessly records everything with a video camera.

The Cemetery House

In a posh area, Louis and Rick find themselves at the site of a home invasion. Before the police show up, Louis is able to get video of the burglars getting into their car and the victims inside the house.

He gives Nina his conditions for ongoing collaboration before selling this recording to a news organisation for $15,000. He and Rick are now journalists for Video News, their own business.

Rick enquires further

Louis and Rick get into a fight because Rick demands a higher prize. He therefore asks for half of what Louis will earn from selling the clip. Although Louis agrees to pay him the money, he takes his time in contacting the police. Louis decides to wait until the burglars leave the house before following them to a fast food joint where they decide to have a bite to eat.

Rick Turns Into The Story

The gangster is supposed to be dead, so Louis sends his buddy to film him, but he comes back to life and kills Rick. The last criminal trying to resist is killed by the police when they arrive. Louis contacts his hurt partner and confesses that he lied to him on purpose to get rid of an unreliable worker from his organisation. Then Rick passes away.

Everyone at the news organisation is stunned by the video, which is hugely sensational news for their TV network. The police, on the other hand, have a different opinion; they imprison Louis on the suspicion that he purposely delayed turning over the offenders so he could record the deadly gunfight. However, the cops are compelled to release Louis since they lack sufficient proof to charge him. Louis is shown hiring new staff as interns towards the end of the movie and telling them to take his counsel.

Explaining The Nightcrawler Ending With Full Plot Analysis

Explained ending to Nightcrawler

Viewers anticipate that the main character will be detained by the police after Lou’s aide actually dies. Nightcrawler’s climax, however, demonstrates that the police are powerless to stop Lou; he succeeds despite being responsible for everyone’s deaths, and his business evolves into a legitimate journalistic organisation. The director highlights “unsinkability” as a result; current media, with their cynicism and audience manipulation.

However, the viewer is constantly participating in creating the information image of the globe in addition to nightcrawlers, news directors, and TV station owners.

Nightcrawler offers a depressing analysis of contemporary journalism as well as the society that places such a high value on it.

Questions and Answers 

Louis| Did he cause the collision?

Yes, a sequence in which Lou tampers with Joe Loder’s van is depicted. I think he changed the brake fluid. Because to slow-failure of the brakes as a result, the driver abruptly loses control.

Joe Loder was he dead?

Joe is seen to have suffered serious injuries in the collision, and Lou is on the scene to record it on film so he can sell it to the news network (s). But it seems that even if Joe lived, he would have been permanently disabled.

Nightcrawler| Did Nina and Louis share a bed?

Yes. By threatening to stop giving Nina any more film, Lou not only blackmails her into going on a date with him but also coerces her into having sex with him.

Louis| Did you kill the security guard, Nightcrawler?

No, it doesn’t appear to be. Lou is calculating and chilly. He keeps a low profile, and if he committed murder, the police would be after him. He seems to knock out the security guy before stealing his watch. The security guard could go to the police to identify Lou, but it would only make him out to be a bad security guard, wouldn’t it?

The protagonist, Lou Bloom

Explaining The Nightcrawler Ending With Full Plot Analysis

You don’t want to run into Lou Bloom in a creepy alley. He is a sociopath who will use anyone as a stepping stone in order to achieve his goals.

Cameraman Bloom works on the periphery of the news business. He documents collisions and criminal scenes and sells the material to nearby news outlets. And he consistently produces the nasty, gruesome footage that audiences adore.

The terrifying thing about Bloom is that he doesn’t consider himself to be evil. He is adamant that he is only taking the necessary steps to advance. He is also impervious to the brutality and violence he documents every day. It appeals to him.

As Lou, the skinny and ravenous embodiment of difficult times and much harder decisions, Jake Gyllenhaal provides one of his greatest performances. Lou is what you’d get if you hid Jay Gatsby beneath a rock for a few decades and fed him nothing but MBA-talk and self-help books. He’s pale and melancholy even as he spews clichés.

Nightcrawler’s themes


A fantastic thriller, Nightcrawler is also a drama that grabs you by the neck and rattles you. Other critics have referred to Nightcrawler as a media parody. However, it’s important to note that all of the actions taken by the fictitious LA news organisation that begins purchasing Lou’s film are real, not mocking.


The undercurrent of all of her station’s crime coverage, according to ex-anchor and current producer Nina (frosty and gorgeous in a wonderful performance), is “urban crime going to the suburbs.” You shouldn’t be surprised because it’s a euphemism that never mentions race despite being exclusively about race. It resembles what you already hear on the evening news quite closely.


Nightcrawler displays elements of urban noir, crime drama, suspense thriller, and social commentary. However, it’s most intriguing and successful when used as a form of low-budget horror movie.


In an interview, writer-director Gilroy stated that nightcrawlers are only able to operate because, absent them, LA news stations would have to pay their union camera personnel and correspondents double rates after 10 p.m. Lou is simply a cost-cutter who knows how to slice, the freelancer from hell.

Lou cheats on both his employers and his workers, does everything it takes to advance, and breaks every rule in the book. We watch Lou progress from stowing his belongings in the back of a beat-up hatchback to a flashy muscle car. Lou is a self-taught Gordon Gecko or an ambitious Norman Bates. He is a go-getter.

Predetermined Leadership

At various occasions, Lou makes the pledge: “I will never ask you to do something that I wouldn’t do myself.” They simply don’t understand where Lou sets the boundary.

The Inside Out

Too many people in our society are just one illness or vehicle accident away from homelessness. The anxiety that Lou might appear unexpectedly at your door one day isn’t what makes Nightcrawler a horror movie; it’s also the fear that he might appear in your mirror one morning.

Size Option For Frames

As Lou videos what he sees, you start to recognise Nightcrawler as a profoundly cinematic movie. Although it does, I don’t just mean how good it looks. Gilroy and director Robert Elswit (Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood) took a daring but lucrative, difficult but game-changing decision to shoot the daytime portions of the movie in 35mm and the nighttime portions on video. As a result, the images complement the tone and plot of the movie.

Other Movie Feels

Explaining The Nightcrawler Ending With Full Plot Analysis

Additionally, it has a similar vibe to many other movies. Drive’s late-night setting, Miracle Mile’s ominous 4 a.m. LA beauty and dread, David Cronenberg’s psychocynicism (but with stunning camerawork and lighting), and some of DePalma’s earlier work’s glossy guilty pleasures are just a few examples (but without the ruinous excesses).

Gyllenhaal also receives support from other excellent actors, such as Russo and Bill Paxton, who plays a veteran of the area Lou is pouring into. Gyllenhaal gives what might be the performance of a lifetime. As Rick, Lou’s unpaid intern who ends up serving as more of a sidekick than an assistant, Riz Ahmed is startlingly, cunningly clever and urgent.

This movie serves as a warning on the perils of letting ambition rule your life. The plot demonstrates how simple it is for someone like Lou Bloom to take advantage of the system and how fast he can go from an outsider to the most feared individual in the room.

The Nightcrawler’s cinematography

One of the movie Nightcrawler’s best qualities is its unsettling cinematography. It takes place in modern-day Los Angeles, which appears in the movie as a character. Additionally, the swooping and diving motion of the camera through the city streets evokes a sense of dread and anxiety.

The result is absolutely horrifying because it gives you the impression that you are right there with Lou as he follows his prey. The sequences where he sneaks into people’s houses or waits to spy on a vehicle accident are expertly executed.

A sense of realism that heightens the tension is produced by the clever use of light and shadow. Nightcrawler is undoubtedly worth seeing since it will stick with you for a very long time.

Nightcrawler| Final

You visit Nightcrawler because you want to watch something ominous and unsettling. And it does not let you down. This movie paints a terrifying picture of a contemporary monster—the kind of person who will do everything to succeed. Gyllenhaal has a beautiful performance, and the rest of the ensemble is excellent. Nightcrawler is definitely worth your time if you’re in the mood for a dark thriller.

What did you think of the storyline and resolution in Nightcrawler? Make sure to comment below.


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