The Ledge (2022) Film Explained

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The film The Ledge starts and a girl ”Kelly” with her best friend is shown.

They were sitting in a cabin and they come here for climbing.

Here we discover about ”Kelly” that she was a professional climber.

One day her best friend purposes her when he was training her for climbing.

Then his foot slips and he dies while falling down.

”Kelly” doesn’t forget that incident even today and weeps everyday while seeing his pictures with her.

Later, a car stops near their cabin

and four boys come out of it. One of them was named ”Josh” and there was his brother with him

another boy was named ”Rey” and they have come here for climbing.

”Kelly’s” friend becomes happy to see them but she wasn’t interested in them.

Meanwhile, ”Josh” comes to them and invites them to tonight’s party.

They will drink a lot at that party and after inviting them ”Josh” goes to his friends.

During their conversation, we discover ”Josh” was rude with his friends and aggressive.

The scene in the cabin is shown and ”Kelly’s” friend says we should go to the party at night.

We will return after having a drink

on it, ”Kelly” agrees and they reach them after some time.

They start drinking.

Meanwhile, ”Josh” starts appreciating that I have a watch with which I can discover my location.

Likewise, if we got into trouble someone will reach here for our help.

”Kelly’s” friend was enjoying this but she wasn’t interested in this.

She was about to leave because he was bored, but “Josh” grabs her hand and says, “Come sit for a while and then leave.”

Why are you in hurry?

”Kelly” doesn’t like this and says leave my hand what are you doing?

I am leaving and then ”Rey” says let her go if she wants to.

”Josh” lets her leave from there and ”Kelly” comes to her cabin.

She again starts weeping while seeing her friend’s pictures.

She sleeps while weeping.

”Kelly’s” friend is shown with them and drinking a lot.

She lost her senses because of drinking.

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Later, she comes to ”Josh” and says I have to go into the forest for some important task.

She goes to the forest and ”Josh” also comes behind her.

He tries to misbehave with her but she screams

due to it, ”Josh’s” friends come there and save ”Kelly’s” friend.

”Josh” becomes furious and during this, ”Kelly’s” friend runs inside the forest.

They chase her and after reaching a place they hold her.

”Josh” punches her in anger.

Her foot slips and she falls down the mountain.

She becomes injured and feeling pain.

She was screaming loudly.

”Kelly” awakes hearing her voice and she moves in search of her with her camera.

”Josh” and his friends also reach ”Kelly’s” friend.

”Rey” was calling the helpline because he was kindhearted and a nice boy than them.

Being furious, ”Josh” snatches and throws the phone while saying what are you doing? are you mad?

Why were you calling? we will be caught like this.

The police will imprison us for 20 years.

What will we do? and his friends say we will not tell anything to the police.

We will say this is just an accident but ”Josh” doesn’t agree with them.

He says absolutely not and I can’t do this mistake and can’t take this huge risk.

Then he attacks ”Kelly’s” friend with a stone.

Due to it, she dies on the spot.

Seeing this, the condition of ”Josh’s” friends gets worse but he says just relax nothing has happened.

He asks them to hit her with the stone one by one and his friend dies the same.

He hits her with a huge stone and then they start rubbing her hands.

So the police will think she fell while climbing and dies like this.

Now they decide to throw her dead body down

and ”Kelly” also arrives who was watching them secretly.

She was recording this incident.

They lift the dead body of ”Kelly’s” friend and then throw her into that ditch.

”Kelly” couldn’t control herself seeing this and screamed.

They hear her and she hides but unluckily, she has done a huge mistake while screaming here.

Moving further you will understand what mistake she has done.

Now they were running behind ”Kelly”.

”Kelly” was running towards her cabin.

They try to find ”Kelly” separately but she hides in a place.

Later, when she realizes that they have gone she again starts running.

”Rey” comes in front of her while running.

Now because he was a good boy so he says relax ”Kelly” I haven’t seen you

run from here immediately.

”Kelly” does the same and runs to her cabin

then she runs from there while taking her climbing things.

The four friends were also running after her and while running there were rocks in front of ”Kelly”

now she starts climbing up those mountains.

”Josh’s” friend says stop girl just stop it your game is over.

”Kelly” doesn’t stop and she keeps on the climbing upside.

”Josh’s” friend also tries to catch her while climbing behind her.

He couldn’t hold her and was climbing up the mountain continuously.

He reaches near ”Kelly” that he tries to hold her bag.

”Kelly’s” camera falls from the bag but doesn’t fall down

because it hangs on a ledge and ”Josh’s” friend again tries to hold her bag.

This time, the ropes fall from ”Kelly’s” bag due to it, ”Josh’s” friend was also falling down.

He was lucky and doesn’t fall down and hold a stone.

Getting a chance, ”Kelly” climbs up the rocks and moves after picking up her camera.

”Josh’s” friend again climbs up while chasing her.

Once again he comes near ”Kelly” that he holds her leg

he kicks her and makes him fall down due to it, his leg becomes injured.

His leg gets fractured and they lift their friend and take him inside the cabin.

Later, they make him sleep after giving him painkillers.

Then they take their climbing thing there and how they will chase ”Kelly”.

”Josh” says after some time I have forgotten my gloves in the cabin so I will return after bringing them.

When ”Josh” left his friends suspect him that he is so selfish he may end their friendship.

His friend goes behind him to the cabin but then ”Josh” comes out of the cabin with gloves.

Then he says to his friends that our friend is fine and sleeping.

”Kelly” is shown climbing up the rocks

suddenly, a small snake appears in front of her and ”Kelly” gets scared seeing it.

Then courageously she remains standing there and stops breathing. The snake leaves without harming her.

”Kelly” was climbing for a long time she gets tired and felt thirsty.

Her condition was worse because of thirst.

She stops at a place and starts drinking water while taking out a bottle from her bag.

Unluckily, the water bottle drops from her hand and lost the water she had.

Her survival was becoming difficult.

Moving forward, ”Kelly” sees a rope that may be tied by another climber who came here.

She tries to hold the rope but couldn’t and then holds it with the help of a wire.

Now it was becoming difficult for her to move forward but then she remembers a way told by her friend

and moving forward through the rope and reaches under a ledge.

There was a tent already and ”Kelly” somehow reaches upside the ledge.

Now she becomes relaxed because that place was safe.

The three friends come upside the rock with a shortcut

so they will hold ”Kelly” when she will come here and ”Josh” says ”look, ”Kelly” give us the camera

in return, we will let you go from here and will not harm you”.

We will also leave after taking the camera.

”Josh” throws the rope downside and asks her to tie the camera with it.

”Kelly” ties the abusive words and sends it through the rope

”Josh” becomes furious seeing those abusive words and starts yelling at her.

”Kelly” is shown in trouble as she has no food or water and was stuck there.

The trouble was increasing for her

as the night was appearing.

Now ”Kelly” makes the tent straight and then sits inside it.

At night, ”Josh” throws water there to tease ”Kelly”

and it falls in her tent and ”Josh” says ”Good night, Sleep tight”.

”Kelly” was tired because of climbing so she sleeps.

Later, they sent a bag with heavy stuff near ”Kelly’s” camp.

The bag collides with the tent and she awakes with a jerk.

The bag hit hard so the tent loses its balance and opens.

”Kelly” was about to fall down and holds the bag somehow sent by them.

They cut the bag’s rope so ”Kelly” will die while falling down.

”Kelly” somehow holds a ledge while leaving the bag

likewise, she escaped once again.

”Kelly” again sets the tent and sleeps in it.

After a short time, someone was hitting a knife at her tent hard and he was ”Josh’s” brother.

He reaches there with the help of the rope and asks her while holding her tell me where is the camera?

She doesn’t tell him and then he was about to throw her down holding her hair.

”Kelly” tells him the camera is in the bag and he starts checking the bag

but then ”Kelly” stabs his back with that knife.

He shouts with pain and because of losing balance, ”Kelly” was about to fall down

but she holds the legs of ”Josh’s” brother.

”Josh’s” brother asks him to pull him upward and ”Josh” was pulling them upside.

Reaching upside, ”Josh” holds her hair but she somehow releases herself.

She escapes from falling down while holding the tent.

She again reaches the ledge but this time, the rope of the tent breaks and falls down.

The three friends are shown sleeping there and ”Kelly” was feeling cold.

She was in trouble and it was difficult for her to survive here.

”Josh’s” brother awakes after some time but ”Josh” makes him fall down the mountain while attacking his head.

As his brother was asking him to leave ”Kelly” and to save her.

”Rey” awakes and asks ”Josh” about his brother

and ”Josh” lied to him that he has gone back into the cabin.

”Rey” says to ”Josh” I will ask for the camera from ”Kelly” and will end her as I get the chance.

”Rey” comes down through rope and reaching there, he starts talking to her.

”Kelly” says your friend is a mad and evil human because he has thrown his own brother.

His brother didn’t go back to the cabin he lied to you.

Later, he will end you but ”Rey” doesn’t believe this but ”Kelly” makes him believe so he agrees.

”Rey” asks ”Kelly” to give him the camera and you can take out its memory card

”Kelly” does the same and gives the camera to ”Rey” while taking out the memory card.

”Josh” checks the camera and becomes furious because there wasn’t a memory card.

He becomes aggressive with ”Rey” and says you are also a cheater

and you are with ”Kelly” and make him injured while attacking him.

He ties his hands with a rope and then burns him alive while putting wine at him.

Then he hangs him with that rope and after some time the rope burns.

”Rey” falls down and ”Josh” says to ”Kelly” listen I am giving you the last warning.

I will come down if you will not give me the memory card but ”Kelly” was climbing to the other side.

Moving forward, a snake appears in front of her that was moving to its hole.

”Josh” also comes behind her while hanging with a rope

and attacks ”Kelly” with a knife but puts his hand into the snake hole.

The snake bites him and now he was feeling pain.

Being furious he was fighting with ”Kelly” but now she has the knife so she cuts the rope

but he holds the ledge before falling and requests ”Kelly” to help him.

”Kelly” doesn’t pull him upside and he falls down

and here, his game overs.

The morning appears and ”Kelly” was climbing upside

the question arises what happened to their injured friend?

Actually, their injured friend was ended by ”Josh” when he went to bring gloves.

He hides this from his friends.

In order to get the camera ”Josh” ended his two friends and was also ended in the end.

Only ”Kelly,” who had somehow survived, remained.

Here this movie ends.

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