Dark World Equilibrium (2013) Film Explained

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A school bus is shown at the start of the film.

Some students and their teacher are in it.

Then black smoke is seen , chasing the bus.

Which wraps the whole bus. The sight was not seeming clear to driver now.

So the bus becomes out of control. At the same time, a car is also driving in front of the bus.

Saving this car, bus faces an accident.

Then a little girl falls into the water, losing her balance from the bus.

That girl’s name is “Dasha”. Falling into the depth of the water, she begins to swim there.

Where she also glimpses a mysterious man there.

Whose face remains invisible! He says to “Dasha”, Dark shadow’s power is increasing now.

It means , all those black demons are liberating.

A time will come when you will be able to control them!

Saying this, that man hands her over a locket.

Later, that little girl “Dasha” comes on the surface of the water.

Reaching at the brink, all other kids begin to move towards her.

That’s why she hides that locket.

After this, the story shifts to a few years later. Where a college building is shown.

There was also that girl “Dasha” who had grown up.

She is sitting with her female friend in the class.

In the next scene, She is seen sitting in the car where she was learning how to drive.

And her driving instructor asks her to drive car with full speed in the first trial.

So that car faces an accident with car, coming before this.

It is observed exactly after this that “Dasha” is in a toy car.

It meant that it was her nightmare which she faced recently.

Dark World Equilibrium Movie Watch Online

After this, she returns from there. She tells her nightmare to her female friend at night.

Then her friend says to her, Don’t overthink about this!

It was just nightmare not the reality! Neither you were learning how to drive nor you faced accident.

But “Dasha” checks that her necklace is missing.

So she begins to search out her locket, moving outside.

Then that driving instructor comes before her again.

And he says while showing that locket, It is not an ordinary locket!

But this locket works like a sight!

Because it can see each and everything regarding knowledge and power.

As “Dasha” catches that locket. She feels as she has stepped into another World.

She comes to her real state as she drops that locket.

So she investigates about all these happening from the driving instructor.

He responds on this, You are among of us now!

It means that you can see all those invisible things which are out of sight for others.

This has started from you here. Because you have been selected for a specific task!

Saying this, that man disappears from there.

“Dasha” returns to her room where she observes that her friend is crying.

Because she was waiting for her friend after preparing her birthday celebration.

But her friend did not come . Then Dasha’s friend says,

He will be in the party of another girl and taking drink there!

Hearing this, “Dasha” immediately moves to her friend.

Where she sees, going there, He is intoxicated and he is taking rest!

His other friends were also along with him there.

There was also a girl among them who was sitting beside a window.

As “Dasha” catches her locket then she begins to witness a fire sign over the head of her friend.

It indicated that a Satan is in surroundings.

When “Dasha” notices that girl, sitting beside the window,

Then she looks to her in demonic form not in human form.

Then that girl says after turning into human form , Now you witnessed me!

Then she begins to run from there while jumping over the window.

But another girl named “Liza” stops her, appearing there.

And the fight begins between them. Then “Liza” makes that girl unconscious , attacking her.

Then “Liza” calls someone to come here , revealing the whole story.

Then “Dasha” asks “Liza” coming to her, Who is this girl?

Then “Liza” tells, She is a demon and an evil shadow!

Which ends the powers and the feelings of the human beings.

At the same time, one more boy appears there who is actually the partner of “Liza”.

He opens a portal on the wall while spraying then they take that girl away through that portal.

That portal is closed as they leave. It is seen in the next scene that,

“Dasha” also comes to those people at a place along with the instructor.

Then that instructor tells , this girl is the black shadow of the dark World!

Who had been captured right now!

Then “Dasha” witnesses that girl in her real condition while holding that locket.

Where she observes that girl is so horrific!

Because she is demon and black shadow!

Now “Liza” and her partner move that girl in a portal after creating it on the front wall .

Then “Liza” tells “Dasha” here, It is actually the portal of the dark World!

And the black shadows enter our World through this!

But we cannot kill them ! We can just send them back from this World!

There were also three guards of that portal.

They reveal that they knew about this portal and the dark World in 1984.

We are guarding it from that time! Then they come to Liza’s house, creating a portal on the wall.

They begin to explain about the portal, going there.

After this, a wizard is seen who says to his assistant that,

The goal is near me for which I have been living for many years!

Now I want to attain this. Then he shows his assistant Moscow’s model.

Dark World portal had also been indicated on that.

He tells that high 7 buildings with it are providing the security to this portal.

First of all, I will root out those three guards of that portal!

Opening the portal, I will use the black demons after bringing them into this World.

Next day, “Dasha” goes to her college where a boy is taking her photo, standing at a distance.

“Dasha” is observing the things here with her eye of locket.

He tells a boy named “Sam” , His car’s brakes are failed!

Being impressed from this fact, that boy “Sam” asks him, How do you know about this?

But “Dasha” reveals him nothing! On the other side, the other boy is seen,

Who sends Dasha’s photos to that wizard after taking them.

Then that wizard says to that boy, I need the detailed information about this girl “Dasha”!

Because she has been inherited a power!

And her power may become hindrance on my way!

Then “Dasha” observes same fire sigh over a girl in the college.

It denoted that a demonic or darkie shadow is in surroundings.

So “Dasha” immediately calls “Liza” to ask her, What should I do now?

Then “Liza” instructs her to find out the dark shadow in that girl’s surroundings.

But she views nothing! So she says to that boy named “Michael” , giving her contact number,

Call me if you face any problem! In the next scene, it is seen that “Dasha” is swimming.

Then she begins to visualize her childhood images.

When she comes out of the water instantly then its locket is disappeared.

Then she thinks that locket perhaps had fallen into the water.

So she does not get this locket when she goes to take this.

When she tells “Liza” the whole thing , coming out of the water.

Then “Liza” tells her, Instructor will surely send a help for you!

Then “Dasha” is in the lavatory then Liza’ partner brings a boy to her.

That boy had the power as he could tell about anyone , just smelling him.

In the next scene, “Michael” is seen who receives a video.

He witnesses the same video scene in reality as he comes outside.

It means that happening which was occurring with him in the video.

Now it was happening in reality! Then that boy who has ability to sniff,

He tells “Dasha” after smelling Michael’s friend that, He is not black shadow!

But “Michael” is under the control of any black shadow.

And it is getting the control of his soul! And he is going go die exactly after one day.

But that black shadow will appear at once before his dying.

Then we will have to know about it, What is this? Then “Dasha” says here that,

How will I glimpse that dark shadow without the locket?

How will I recognize this? That boy tells, That dark shadow is feared from the wintry season!

Moreover, it does also not likes the milk! So use one of the methods!

“Dasha” notices that her friend is very excited as she returns to home.

Because her friend has come to reconcile her. Then college boy “Sam” comes to “Dasha”.

The boy who was told about the failed brakes of car by “Dasha”.

They both begin to spend time here with each other.

On the other side, “Michael” is seen who receives a mail from an unknown ID.

There is the video of “Michael’s own death! Watching this, “Michael” is so upset ,

That he instantly calls “Dasha” to come. Then “Dasha” moves to him.

Watching that video, she tells him, I know everything that what is going on here?

I have also awareness of this, How it can be stopped!

So don’t worry! Everything will be alright, I am with you!

“Dasha” hides herself there when Michael’s friend begins to arrive there.

On the other side, a wizard is seen who shows his assistant sculpture.

And this sculpture was of a witch in her time. Later, she converted into stone.

There were written some magical spells on her face which may open any portal.

But the part of that magical spell had been damaged. Wizard tells that,

I have been collecting its shattered part for many years.

Now one piece has left which was of her eyes. Further, “Dasha” is seen,

Who had fallen asleep at the house of “Michael”.

Going to the college, she remains herself behind “Michael” and his friend.

She may capture the black shadow as she glimpses it.

Now “Liza” , her partner and that detection boy were present in college to keep an eye on them.

Meanwhile, they suspect the classmate of “Michael”.

So they catch him. But it is known , He was not a black shadow!

Then a girl takes “Michael” with her, coming into the class.

And “Dasha” becomes worried, not glimpsing “Michael” in the classroom.

Then “Dasha” hits upon a plan. She begins to imagine locket while Sketching it on a paper,

Her plan becomes successful here.

Where she begins to witness the footsteps of the black shadow.

She reaches a room , following those footsteps.

Where “Michael” is going to jump over the window after being bewitched.

There was also a black shadow beside in form of a professor.

Then “Dasha” uses her wisdom here .

And she throws milk on him. Due to this, that black shadow becomes unrest.

Meanwhile, “Michael” jumps and a portal is opened at the below side.

So he falls into the swimming pool rather than on the ground.

In this way, he is rescued . Then “Dasha” and his partners are seen at a place.

Where he meets another boy, moving there who could predict for the further moments.

He was an oracle! Instructor scolds all , coming there saying,

That boy “Michael” could die because of your committed mistake!

And Liza’ partner has rescued him, creating portal on time.

After this, instructor goes to drop “Dasha” at college.

And he says to her while returning her locket back, All these powers are in yourself not in this locket!

I wanted to prove this and expose before you!

This is the cause that I did not give you that locket.

Then “Dasha” moves away in rage, wearing that locket.

Where she witnesses “Michael” before her. Who has nothing in his memory how did “Dasha” rescue her.

Then instructor tells “Dasha”, coming to her. Be carefree! I have done this for security.

So no one may know about this about you!

On the other side, that wizard sends witch to Moscow after “Dasha”.

“Michael” says to “Dasha” here through a call, My friends are suspecting me!

Tell them that there is nothing between us!

But Michael’s friend does not agree with him. One day, “Michael” says to “Dasha”, coming to a library.

I need a help from you! he tells, I visualize myself while jumping over the window again and again.

And you always rescue me! Meanwhile, “Sam” appears there.

Who was the friend of “Dasha” now.

“Michael” was unknown about the relationship of “Sam” and “Dasha”.

So he begins to quarrel with “Sam”. Then “Dasha” explains to her while stopping him.

Contrarily, that witch is seen sent after “Dasha” by the wizard.

That witch comes to Michael’s friend. That wizard meet with some people there.

Who hand him over that last broken piece of that sculpture. At the first sight,

Wizard’s assistant kills all of them. “Dasha” receives a glass kettle by parcel.

That kettle is broken as “Dasha” holds it.

Next day, “Dasha” discovers the pieces of glass everywhere in the college.

And she also witnesses a burn scar on herself like “Michael”.

Then her partner detection boy tells her after smelling that,

Black shadow is trying to hold a control over you.

It will also remove your attractiveness so no one may be your friend!

Now both get so worried, thinking these facts.

Then they both move to courier office. Then courier boy informs that,

A girl had come to give this parcel to us which we sent you.

When all those companions gather at place later.

Then “Dasha” tells him about her and Sam’s relationship.

“Dasha” had a fear here that “Sam” may not go far from her because of the dark shadow.

“Liza” makes a plan here and says , Our oracle will keep an eye on the social media!

At the same time, I and my friend will keep an eye on the “Dasha” and her classmates.

So that they may find out the dark shadow! Then detection boy tells that,

We have only 3 hours of taking all these actions!

On the other side, that witch begins to tell her task to Michael’s friend.

How did she send a parcel to “Dasha”! Michael’s friend is entrapped in her words.

Because she used to suspect “Dasha” and her friend before.

All companions are trying to search for the black shadow there.

And “Dasha” was so worried because of this whole situation.

Then she tells the whole facts , going to “Sam”. She also shows her horrific face in the mirror.

And she tells , When that black shadow’s magic will be completed,

Then I will look like this! And you will go after leaving me.

But “Sam” says, No matter what happens , I still like you!

I will not go after leaving you! Contrarily, that witch is waiting for the completion of her magic.

But her magic is reversed as “Sam” utters these words.

Due to this, she becomes feeble as being unrest.

“Dasha” and “Sam” are spending time with each other there.

That wizard also completes that sculpture, adjusting the broken piece of it.

Which was incomplete. But the security cover is not removed which is made on the model.

It means that wizard still could not open the portal.

Then he understands all here that Dasha’s locket is required to do this.

After this, wizard starts the sorcery on a doll, keeping in mind “Sam”.

“Sam” is possessed and he takes off the locket of “Dasha”.

When “Dasha” asks him about the locket, waking up,

He says, It is relevant with me! Actually, that wizard has made him to speak such words.

When “Dasha” again asks him a locket then “Sam” makes her unconscious, hitting her.

In the next scene, “Sam” is seen sleeping. He starts calling “Dasha” as he wakes up.

But she is not there. Meanwhile, that detection boy and “Liza” approach there.

“Liza” begins to ask him about the locket while attacking him.

“Sam” says on this, I don’t know anything about the locket!

I have short memory issue and I forget about the things.

Then it is seen that wizard receives that locket by a parcel.

Which he instantly sticks on that sculpture but in vain.

Then he comes to know that Dasha’s blood is still required to open this portal.

Liza’ partner tells “Dasha” when she goes to college there.

“Sam” has been used at that day after being possessed. They had brought “Sam” to instructor.

Then that instructor asks “Dasha” to move to a restaurant.

And he tells that Michael’s friend had met with that witch in this restaurant.

So let’s know about the black shadow at this place! Then “Dasha” goes to that restaurant.

And she gives that page to her partner detection boy , a complain page written by that witch .

He detects after sniffing it as where is the black shadow now?

So he asks Liza’ companion to create the portal of that place.

Then they reach an office through that portal.

And there was that witch and she feels the presence of everyone there.

This witch attacks them before they attack her.

Then she climbs up the roof while running from there.

And the fight of all of them starts here with that witch.

Liza’s partner throws a steel page after making a portal on this.

Due to this, she directly falls near the dark World’s portal.

There is “Liza” who sends her in the dark World.

After this, they move to “Sam” where that wizard talks with “Dasha” through “Sam”.

“Liza” observes there as traffic is jammed at a place.

So she gets off the car . The smoke was spreading there.

At the same time, wizard’s assistant approaches there.

And she hits “Liza” and makes her senseless.

Now their all companions were coming under the effect of their magic now.

Then that wizard tells “Dasha” through “Sam”, I have grabbed your locket!

And I want to free all the black demons after opening the portal.

When wizard knows that “Dasha” has deep affections for “Sam”.

Then he begins to torture and torment “Sam” through that doll.

“Dasha” is unable to bear this and she feels so poignant.

The condition of the whole city is seen there that black shadow had spread throughout the city.

This wizard says to “Dasha”here , I need your blood!

So “Dasha” goes to “Sam” to rescue him.

And she gives her own blood to him. He fixes that locket on sculpture, smearing her blood on this.

On the other hand, “Michael” watches the photo of “Sam” in news where it was being broadcast on TV,

That Sam’s mother is searching for him.

And wizard’s assistant had also captured “Liza” with her 2 partners.

“Dasha” is seen there who comes to her companion and “Sam” back.

“Dasha” tells her companion here that he has caught all of us!

Then “Sam” is seen who goes to the portal. “Liza” is trying to make her free there.

Then an instructor stops “Sam”, coming on his way.

The fight starts between both of them. On the other side, “Liza” frees herself successfully.

After this, she breaks the door and makes her partners free also.

And they begin to flee. But wizard’s assistant again comes before them.

And the fight is again begun among them.

But “Liza” defeats her , attacking her at this time.

So they come outside victoriously.

“Sam” starts opening the portal with wizard, reciting the spells and killing the instructor.

Due ti this, all 7 buildings of security are collapsed.

And there was one their college buildings among them.

Then “Dasha” and her companion come to “Sam”.

Where “Dasha” helps him to break his spell while recalling all old memories.

Then “Michael”, “Liza” and with other partners approach there.

And he tells “Dasha”, His real name is not “Same” but another one.

So call him with his real name! So “Dasha” starts to call him with his real identity.

As a result, “Sam” begins to see his flashbacks of childhood.

Consequently, he breaks the trance. At the same time, portal is also opened.

And everything starts destroying. “Liza” rescues “instructor there along with everyone.

So he asks everyone to go outside as the portal opens.B

But “Dasha” does not leave and says, I can close this portal!

Whereas all attempt to stop her . In spite of this, she jumps into the portal.

The portal is closed as she steps inside.

Going there, she glimpses many dark shadows in surroundings.

Suddenly, that sculpture is exploded because of the closing of the portal.

And that locket falls near “Dasha” , separating from that sculpture.

All black shadows are vanished as “Dasha” holds that locket.

And she comes out the same water at the same place,

where she had come out in her childhood at the start of the movie.

She contacts to “Sam” from there and “Sam” gets excited, hearing her voice.

That she is safe and sound. After a time, it is seen that college has again maintained.

Where “Sam” goes to meet his mother along with everyone.

Who was searching for her. Being satisfied, her mother embraces him.

Then Sam’s all other friends also filled with joy.

And this movie completes on this scene while showing them.

Thank you.

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