Andhadhun Movie Ending Explained

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Hi, Today, I am 
going to explain an Indian black comedy  

crime thriller film called “Andhadhun”. 
Spoilers ahead!
A farmer in the outskirts of Pune is being 
troubled by a hare. He chases after the  

animal with a gun and takes aim at it. A loud 
gunshot is heard as the screen goes blank.

Somewhere in Pune lives a talented blind pianist 
named Akash. He lives alone, cooks, and cleans  

after himself, despite his disability. Akash is 
frequently bothered by a kid who thinks he is not  

blind. The kid goes far and beyond to try to prove 
his theory but hasn’t been successful yet.

One morning, after being troubled by the 
kid as always, Akash goes to a music shop.  

We find out he plans to move to London in 
a month to work in a famous pub. The shop’s  

owner thinks he is a great man for not letting 
his impaired vision hold him back in life.

Then, we are introduced to a former Bollywood 
actor Pramod Sinha. He lives with his young  

wife Simi on the posh side of Pune. Despite 
often being criticized for the age difference,  

they are happily married.
Apart from Simi, Pramod’s only  

immediate family is his daughter from his 
first marriage, Daani. She doesn’t live with  

the couple but visits them once in a while.
One afternoon, Akash is hit by a scooter while  

trying to cross the road. The driver is 
a girl named Sophie who feels awful even  

after helping him up. She invites him to lunch 
as an apology. They talk for a while and upon  

finding out Akash is a pianist, Sophie invites 
him to perform at her father’s restaurant.

Andhadhun Movie Watch Online

Later that day, Akash returns home and takes 
off his glasses, alongside the foggy lenses.  

This is when it is revealed that he has been 
lying about being blind. He rationalizes it  

as a method to make his creative senses 
flow. Being blind gives him a vision of  

music that he doesn’t see otherwise. Hence, he 
has been living a lie for the past few years  

and making a career out of it.
The next day, he goes to Sophie’s  

restaurant for the first time and plays the 
piano. Everyone is thoroughly impressed,  

mostly because they think he is blind. 
Coincidentally, Pramod is also at the restaurant,  

equally impressed by Akash. His and Simi’s third 
wedding anniversary is in a few days and he wishes  

to surprise her with live music. Akash promises 
to come to his apartment to play for them.

Because the actor wants the day to be a surprise, 
he lies to Simi that he will be out of town.  

Simi is annoyed but she understands 
that her husband is a busy man.

While returning home from work, Sophie has 
to stay at Akash’s home because of the rain.  

He pretends to not look when she changes into 
his clothes in front of him. The two have felt  

the sparks between them in the past few days 
they have been together. Soon, they begin to  

make out and spend the night together.
In the following scene, Akash is outside  

Pramod’s apartment. Simi opens the door and asks 
him to go away because her husband is not home.  

Akash insists that he was supposed 
to be here but she doesn’t listen.  

However, when an old neighbor sees them, Simi 
feels uncomfortable and lets Akash in.

He gets to work and is enjoying himself but 
that is until he notices Pramod’s dead body  

on the floor. The pianist is shocked to 
his core but he doesn’t stop playing.

Simi disregards her husband’s dead body, thinking 
that since Akash cannot see she has enough time  

to hide it. A while later, he makes his way to 
the bathroom and gets a full view of the dead  

man. While keeping cool, he enters the bathroom, 
only to see that a man is hiding inside. Akash  

pees in front of him and returns to the piano, 
without giving away that he is panicking.

A flashback shows us that Simi and the stranger 
were having an affair behind Parmod’s back.  

On being caught, they panicked and shot 
him dead. While Akash continues playing,  

the killers clean up the mess and put 
Pramod’s dead body in a suitcase.

Then, Simi pretends to be talking to 
Pramod, trying to make it seem like he  

has returned home. Akash plays along 
and leaves after saying goodbye.

Outside, he has to sit down for some time to take 
everything in and decide what he must do next.  

He is approached by a local lottery ticket 
seller named Sakhu. She offers to help him by  

calling him a rickshaw. The rickshaw driver Murli 
recognizes Akash as a regular customer and brings  

him to the police station at his request.
Akash has decided to tell the police what he saw  

but seconds before doing so, the head police 
inspector Manohar arrives. He is the same  

man who was Simi’s accomplice in the murder. 
Akash freezes mid-sentence and pretends to be  

complaining about his cat’s murder.
Manohar recognizes him instantly and  

accompanies him to his house to see if the dead 
cat story is true. He also wants to make sure  

that Akash is actually blind and doesn’t know 
about Pramod’s death. To do so, he throws a  

knife at him but Akash doesn’t flinch.
After the inspector leaves, Akash goes to  

the restaurant he works in. He knows that he has 
to act normal in order to not be suspected. Simi  

also comes to the restaurant, casually telling 
people that her husband is out for work.

Then the next morning, Pramod’s death is 
broadcasted on news as a case of robbery.  

He was found inside his car by a bridge 
with his watch and jewelry missing.

Manohar takes the case into his hands to make 
sure the truth never comes out. For investigation,  

Pramod’s daughter Daani, Simi, and Akash are 
called to the police station. Daani seeks  

reassurance from Simi, unaware that she killed her 
father. Meanwhile, Akash refrains from telling the  

truth, scared of ending up like Pramod.
At the funeral, their neighbor Mrs. D’SA,  

who had seen Akash come to the house, approaches 
a policeman. She had been keeping an eye on the  

neighbor’s apartment on the day of death and 
knows that something about the story is off.

Simi thinks the old woman will be a problem if 
she digs into the case. Hence, the next time  

they are alone, she pushes Mrs. D’SA off the 
balcony and kills her. To Akash’s misfortune,  

he witnesses the incident and has to pretend to 
not have seen anything for the second time.

He quickly rushes home and calls Sophie, 
planning to tell her everything. What he  

doesn’t know is that the annoying neighbor kid 
is taking a video of him at the same time.

Before Sophie, Simi comes to his house, offering 
him sweets from Pramod’s funeral. Akash keeps  

his guard up and invites her in.
He makes coffee for her and turns around  

to see Simi wearing a ghost face mask. She wants 
to startle him and catch him in the lie but he  

doesn’t give her a reaction. As they chat, Simi 
points a gun at him which makes Akash come clean.  

He swears that he won’t tell anyone about 
the murder and move to London right away.

Suddenly, he feels dizzy and falls 
unconscious. It turns out Simi had  

drugged the sweet that she offered him.
When Sophie comes to meet him, the kid shows  

her the video that proves Akash is not 
blind. She furiously knocks on his door,  

only to be received by a naked Simi. She pretends 
to have slept with Akash who is still unconscious.  

A heartbroken Sophie storms off after that.
Akash only wakes up hours later with a strange  

feeling in his eyes. He tries opening them 
and finds out he cannot see anything. He has  

been actually blinded by Simi so even if he tries 
telling the truth, people won’t believe him.

He calls Sophie for help but she blocks his 
number, leaving him with no options.

Meanwhile, the events have caused a dent in 
Manohar and Simi’s relationship. He is mad  

at her for not killing Akash instead of just 
blinding him. Simi argues she is not a serial  

killer, sending him to finish the job.
When it gets dark, the policeman breaks in  

and tries to strangle the pianist to death. Akash 
struggles and manages to escape after hurting him.  

However, he has difficulty navigating through 
the neighborhood after going blind.

In the morning, he wakes up in a hospital 
surrounded by Dr. Swami, the rickshaw driver  

Murli and the lottery ticket seller Sakhu.
They found him in the streets last night and  

brought him to the hospital. Dr. Swami makes 
an appointment with an optometrist at Akash’s  

request. His first priority is to get his eyes 
checked, then to flee the country. However, hours  

pass but he is never taken to the doctor.
Outside, Sakhu, Murli and the doctor discuss  

the amount of money they are about to 
earn. They are planning to sell Akash’s  

organ in the black market since he is an 
easy target with no family members.

When they put him on a hospital bed, Akash 
hears them talking about surgery and panics.  

They restrain him, making it evident that 
they are planning to do something bad.  

They sedate him but before passing out, Akash 
mentions that Sakhu has a Lord Shiva tattoo  

on her arm. The three are shocked because no one 
ever told him about the tattoo. They think it is a  

sign from god and decide to withdraw the plan.
Upon waking up, Akash is told he was about to  

be killed. The group asks him 
if he is actually blind. Akash  

affirms and suggests a better way for them to 
make money. He hopes that they get the money,  

they will spare his life, and let him go.
Then, he tells them everything about Manohar,  

Simi, and how they killed her husband. But, 
he adds that the murderers have a million  

bucks that they can share with the group if 
blackmailed. Their eyes glow with greed and  

they decide to help Akash after that.
In the following scene, Simi returns home  

to see Akash playing the piano with Daani. 
She is shocked at the audacity of the guy  

and nervous about him revealing the truth. Hence, 
she quickly calls Manohar and asks him to come to  

a location. After that, she offers Akash a 
ride to get him to Manohar and kill him.

On their way, Akash asks her for ten lakhs 
rupees to keep his mouth shut so he can get  

a cornea transplant. She refuses to give him 
any money but Akash already has a backup plan.  

Murli’s rickshaw blocks their car and Akash 
sedates Simi when she is distracted. Then,  

the group abducts her, hoping to ask Manohar 
for a huge ransom in exchange for her life.

Next, Akash calls Manohar’s wife Rasika and 
tells her everything. She is asked to give  

them million rupees by tomorrow if she doesn’t 
want her husband’s reputation to be ruined.

Rasika, who has anger issues, loses her 
mind. She threatens to kill her husband  

and only stops when he gets a call. The 
police found Simi’s car on a bridge with  

her shoes and wallet. By the looks of it, 
she seems to have committed the unthinkable.  

Rasika finally calms down and thinks 
of a way to solve the problem.

Meanwhile, Simi retaliates 
and refuses to cooperate.  

To scare her, the doctor draws her blood and 
threatens to sell her kidney for money.

Later that day, Manohar arrives with a case 
full of money as ransom. As they are about to  

execute the next step of the plan, Sakhu and 
Murli betray Akash. They tie him to a chair  

and run outside to go through with the plan 
on their own. They do not trust Akash and  

want all the money for themselves.
Ironically, Akash and Simi are locked  

in the same room as hostages. Simi laughs at the 
absurdity of the situation, calling him a loser.  

Akash, in turn, says that she should be the 
most scared because, at this point, she is a  

burden to Manohar. The best way for him to get 
out of this situation would be to kill her.

At the same time, the doctor is 
going through Simi’s blood report.  

His face lights up at something mentioned on 
the paper and he quickly goes to meet her.

In the hideout, Murli manages to get the bag of 
money but Manohar shoots him before he can run  

away. Sakhu freaks out and traps the inspector 
in the elevator, stealing the bag right after.  

Then, she brings Murli to the hospital but 
he is too far gone to be saved. She also  

finds out the money she received is fake.
In the meantime, Simi unties the rope around  

her hands and attacks Akash to kill him but 
is stopped by Dr. Swami. They get into a  

struggle that ends when they knock her out.
The doctor puts her inside the trunk and drives  

to Mumbai with Akash. On the way, he explains 
that Simi has a B RH negative blood group which  

is extremely rare. A wealthy man’s daughter is in 
desperate need of a liver from someone like Simi.  

If they sell her organ, they will earn 
more than fifty million bucks.

Akash can do whatever he wants with half of 
it, even get a cornea transplant. However,  

he doesn’t feel right because he will 
have to kill Simi for her liver.

The scene abruptly cuts to two years 
later. Sophie is on a vacation in Europe,  

living her best life after forgetting everything 
that happened with Akash. But the past follows  

her when she sees a poster of him outside 
a pub. He is playing the piano at the pub,  

as he had envisioned years ago. Sophie confronts 
him and he tells her everything that happened.

A flashback shows us Swami and Akash driving to 
Mumbai with Simi in the trunk. The doctor comes  

out of the car to give her another dosage of 
tranquilizer. But he is attacked and killed in  

the process. Then, Simi asks Akash to get out 
of the car and starts driving toward him.

She is seconds away from hitting him when 
a gunshot is heard. It is the same noise we  

heard at the beginning of the film when 
the farmer was trying to kill the hare.  

The said hare jumps on the windshield, making Simi 
swerve and crash. She dies in the accident.

Akash takes the next bus to Mumbai and comes to 
London with the help of a friend. Even since then,  

he has been working in the pub.
He invites Sophie to one of his shows  

but she has to catch a flight the next 
morning. They promise to keep in touch  

and go their separate ways. In the last scene, 
Akash hits a can while walking down a street, leaving us wondering if he can still see.

Thank You.

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