The Ritual 2017 Film Explained

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The movie starts and 5 friends are shown two of them are named ”Luke” and ”Dom”

and they were enjoying themselves in the bar.

They start planning for hiking and one of them asks them to go to ”Sweden”.

While agreeing, they get ready to go there.

”Luke” is shown going to the mall for buying wine and asks one of them to go with him.

His friend agrees to go with him.

They reach the mall for buying wine and notice some people have made the owner a prisoner.

”Luke” hides there seeing this

but his friend remains standing there.

The thief takes the wallet of ”Luke’s” friend and then asks for his wedding ring

but he refuses to give it to him.

Hearing refusal the thieves attack him with a knife.

They attack him several times and he died there.

”’Luke” was seeing this being hidden but he doesn’t do or said anything to save his friend.

Later, the scene after 6 years is shown

the four friends are shown in ”Sweden” for hiking as they have decided.

They don’t want to come here but they come here in memory of their friend.

”Luke” was depressed all of them because he can save his friend that day in the mall.

They have wine while remembering their friend and then move on hiking.

”Dom’s” foot slips on the way and becomes injured.

That’s why he was facing the problem to walk forward.

They find a shortcut to move forward through a map and it was going through a forest.

They decide to move forward through the forest.

”Luke” doesn’t feel good and doesn’t want to take this risk.

There may be danger in the forest and ”Luke” says they will call someone here for help.

His injured friend ”Dom” agrees to go through the forest.

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They move forward that way and moving forward they see an animal’s dead body hanged on a tree.

It was ended a few times before but they ignore it and move forward.

They see a symbol on that tree and they got an idea seeing it

maybe there will be hunters in this forest and they have ended that animal whom they saw hanged.

Meanwhile, they see a cabin in front and they become happy seeing it

because it was raining heavily in the forest.

They will find some help in this cabin.

They reach the cabin but couldn’t find anyone and it was deserted.

They come inside while breaking its door.

”Luke” hears a strange voice from the forest but he ignores it and moves inside.

He locks the door and they find many ancient things in that cabin.

It seems like the residents have left this cabin.

They find the same symbol as there was on the tree and find a statue with no head that was looking terrible.

Seeing all this, they feel there is something wrong.

Even then they were compelled to stay there.

There was raining heavily in the forest. Later, they sleep there.

At night, when they were sleeping the light from the sky stops

due to it, ”Luke” awakes and he tries to awake his other friend.

”Luke” goes alone to check because his friend doesn’t awake. He opens the door.

He notices he has come to that mall where his friend died after opening the door.

Suddenly, ”Luke” awakes and it means he was dreaming.

Now he was out of the cabin in real.

Then his chest starts bleeding and sees around that what has happened?

He finds paw marks on his chest and comes inside being panicked.

He finds his friends are also panicked along with him.

Two of them were panicked and ”Luke” makes them relax.

They don’t find their third friend there.

”Luke” moves to find him and notices his friend was standing in front of the statue.

He was without clothes and worshipping it.

”Luke” makes him relax and they pack their luggage to move from there.

They were silent and embarrassed but moving forward, they find many symbols in those trees.

They get scared seeing this scene.

Now they were planning to move out from here.

According to the map, the exit way was towards the Southwest

but ”Dom” was moving to a new path and they were chasing him.

Moving forward, ”Luke’s” friend was telling the others about the night incident.

They ask him to forget it because it was just a dream.

They find another cabin as they move forward

and it was like the previous one.

This time, they don’t go inside and move forward on the way while ignoring it.

They have moved far in the forest and ”Dom’s” foot starts aching.

He sits there due to it.

He asks all of them to stay there

but his other friend says we have to leave this forest soon.

I am not feeling good about staying here.

”Luke” was seeing around to find the way

so he may find a way.

He sees a weird thing at a distance that was moving

and ”Luke” gets scared seeing it.

He runs to his friends and tells them about the thing he saw.

The thing which moved but none believes him

and ”Luke” shows the injury on his chest to prove this.

”Dom” says maybe you will be hit by a tree while walking into this forest

due to which you have this injury.

”Dom” was saying ill to ”Luke” and becomes furious at him.

They start arguing because of it.

”Luke” leaves while taking his luggage

and his friends also move behind him with their luggage.

They find a thing buried in the earth while moving forward and take it out.

They discover the thing was a campaign tent and find a bag in which there was a wallet

They find a picture and a credit card and its expiry date was 1984.

They understand maybe this family came here in 1984

later, they died here and after this, the friends think there is something wrong in this forest.

”Luke’s” best friend asks them to leave this place soon.

As the night was appearing so they decide to stay there.

They sleep there while putting their tents.

”Luke” again sees the dream of his friend’s death and he awakes due to it.

Meanwhile, he sees someone shouting outside the tent.

He goes out to check and finds his friend there.

”Luke” finds the tent of his friend is torn

and he was also missing from there so he asks about him from another friend.

His friend who was weeping and worried tells him our friend has been taken by a giant man. They were talking

and hear the screams of their friend from the forest.

They move toward that voice

but they didn’t see anything there as they reach there.

They were returning back to the tent but they have moved far in reach of their friend.

They were lost in the forest.

The morning appears and they see the dead body of their friend hanged on the tree.

It was hanged the same way they saw an animal’s dead body on a tree.

They get scared seeing the condition of their friend.

Their condition gets worse.

They take their friend’s dead body down and start finding the map as he had the map.

They couldn’t find the map and ”Luke’s” friend says we should not leave his dead body like this.

I will stay here with his dead body.

”Dom” forbids him to do this and move forward while covering their friend’s dead body with woods.

Moving forward, they realize the problems started when they went into the cabin.

They find water while moving forward and they drink it.

They see a bucket there and find the footprints of a human there.

They assume there must be humans living nearby

so they move forward and moving forward, they get tired so they stay there for some time.

”Luke” moves to the top of the mountain to check the way of the forest and finds they are about to leave the forest.

He becomes happy and moves to his friends to tell them.

Reaching there, he sees a terrible creature has taken his friend.

”Luke” gets scared and tries to run from there but he falls down because of colliding with a tree.

He again sees that mall but this time, it was his dream.

Waking up, he calls his friend ”Dom” and moves toward him.

”Luke” tells him our friend has been taken by a terrible creature

and it was running speedily that’s why I couldn’t see it.

They get scared but even then they decide to run from there courageously.

They see a path on the way and there were torch lights around it.

They find the dead body of their other friend there hanged on a tree.

It was hanging the same as their other friend’s body was hanged.

They get scared and move forward on that way

and reach a cabin.

Someone attacks ”Luke” and when he awakes he finds himself and ”Dom” tied with a rope.

”Luke” sees outside while making a hole in the cabin

and they see many people of the tribe there.

”Luke” tells this to ”Dom” and he also gets scared hearing all this.

He breaks the glass that was on the table and asks ”Luke” to break his rope

but before he could do anything an old lady arrives with the tribe people.

She was looking horrible and sees the wound on ”Luke’s” chest coming near to him.

She makes ”Luke” drink water and shows her mark as well.

Then she goes to ”Dom” but leaves without making him drink water.

”Luke” asks her to give water to his friend ”Dom”

but the lady ignores him.

Then she moves forward

and she asks a man to bring ”Dom” to me.

They take ”Dom” to the upside of the cabin

and ”Luke” was hearing the shouting voice of ”Dom” then a girl of that tribe comes to ”Luke”.

She tells ”Luke” they are taking your friend to sacrifice.

They bring ”Dom” back and his condition is worse because of being tortured.

”Dom” says they will end me but promise me you will burn this cabin after leaving.

The morning appears and they tie ”Dom” with a pole.

Later, they wait for the creature to come.

”Luke” was trying to open his rope in the cabin.

Before he unties the rope the creature arrives

and the people of the tribe bend seeing it.

”Luke” unties the rope of his hand and ”Dom” is shown who sees the vision of his wife

but that was the creature who come in front of him in his wife’s getup.

The creature picks ”Dom” from there.

It hangs him on the tree-like others.

”Dom” was ended here brutally.

”Luke” is shown and the tribe girl comes to him and he asks her to bring ”Dom” down the tree

but the girl refuses and says we can’t touch dead bodies.

”Luke” asks her about the creature and she tells this creature is ”Forest God”

and living here for a long time.

It didn’t harm us that’s why they all consider it their God.

You are also included in our group because of this mark on your chest.

You have to live with us and tell our group worships the forest god every year.

This creature makes the travelers its hunt and chooses one from them to live with us in the forest.

Like it has chosen you this time.

The mark on your chest is this group’s mark.

The one who worships the creature fulfills his desires.

It also makes him immortal and in return, we have to give it the sacrifice of humans.

”Luke” asks her why the forest God has chosen him?

She says compare to others you have pain inside and feel guilty inside

and the creature means the forest God chooses those people.

Tonight a ritual will be performed on you and you have to bend in front of it

and you will also be hanged with the tree if you will not do this.

”Luke” becomes shocked hearing this and the girl leaves after telling this.

”Luke” somehow moves upside room and finds many dead bodies there

They were dried but even then they were alive

as they have become immortal because of the creature.

”Luke” sets those bodies on fire and comes out from there.

The old lady sees him but he punches her and moves to another room.

He finds a gun there and ends a man who stops his way

but ”Luke” sees the creature has ended the girl of the tribe.

As she has told everything to ”Luke” and this was against rules.

Now ”Luke” was coming out from the other door

and shoots the creature but it doesn’t affect it.

Seeing it, ”Luke” runs from there being scared, and sees the vision again

that he has seen before.

Due to it, ”Luke” couldn’t run from there, and the creature holds ”Luke”

Then it throws ”Luke” down while lifting him.

After it, it performs a ritual while putting its hand on him.

”Luke” sees an ax nearby

and he attacks the creature with its help.

He somehow runs from there

and moving at a distance he comes to the edge of the forest.

Likewise, he successfully comes out of the forest.

We discover the creature can’t come out of the forest so it screams from inside.

”Luke” moves forward and sees many cars

it means ”Luke” has reached the city.

“Luke” was safe and sound in this place.

This movie ends here with his survival.

Thank you.

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