The Hobbit 1,2,3 (2014) Film Explained

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”Bilbo Baggins” is shown at the start of the film and is now 111 years old.

He starts writing a part of life for his son ”Frodo”.

There was a dwarves kingdom 7 years ago and its king was ”Thorin”.

His castle was inside a mountain that was called a ”Lonely mountain”.

It was a lovely castle and they found a stone from their castle named ”Arkenstone”.

After finding the rule he said we will rule all over the place.

Our army will be more in number and more powerful than everyone.

Even they ask Elves for their slavery

but that rare stone converts dragon attention to Aragorn

it was from the other side and attacked the lonely mountain.

The elves couldn’t compete with it.

They have to leave their castle and there wasn’t any help from the elves.

Later, ”Thorin” wants to be the king of another kingdom but their enemies reach there before them.

It was an Orcs army and they were commanded by their terrible leader ”Azog”.

”Azog” has promised to end dwarves

He attacked and ended ”Thorin’s” father and the king of dwarves.

He attacked them due to it, the dwarves were losing the war.

Their leader competed with ”Azog” courageously.

He attacked ”Azog’s” hand and the dwarves have won this war.

The orcs returned with their army.

They couldn’t occupy the kingdom there, The dwarves who were happily living in huge castles.

Now they have nothing and don’t even have the houses to live

the leader ”Thorin” starts doing jobs as labor in the different cities.

The other dwarves start living in the forest.

Later, the story of the movie shifts to a city named the Shire and it was a lovely city.

”Bilbo Baggins” is shown young here and a magician comes to him

and he wants to take ”Bilbo” with him.

He was a tall magician named ”Gandalf”.

The Hobbit Full Movie Watch Online

”Bilbo” refuses to go and the magician leaves while making a mark on his door.

Meanwhile, 12 dwarves come to ”Bilbo’s” house and Gandalf was also with them.

”Bilbo” doesn’t know them and they eat all of the food of Bilbo.

Later, the king of dwarves comes to his home named ”Thorin”.

He has bad news actually, the other dwarves don’t want to support them.

These 12 dwarves moved to occupy the lonely mountain again.

A huge dragon lives there and they have to steal the ”Arkenstone” if they want to bring the dragon out.

The dragon knows the smell of those dwarves so they need ”Bilbo”.

”Gandalf” has a secret map that will take them to the lonely mountain.

Only elves can read this map and ”Bilbo” gets ready to move with them.

They start their journey the next day to the lonely mountain

and they reach a forest after crossing the huge mountains of Shire.

They spend a night there.

An orc sees them at night and ”Gandalf” wants to send ”Thorin” to the Elves’ area.

he doesn’t want to go there and says when the dragon attacked us the elves didn’t help us.

The map they have only elves can read it.

”Gandalf” moves alone to the elves’ area and ”Bilbo” and the dwarves face some huge monsters that night.

These were the night monsters

as the sunlight makes them stone.

The giant monsters hold ”Bilbo” and the other dwarves and start cooking them.

Meanwhile, ”Gandalf” returns and breaks a stone due to it, the sunlight falls on them

and they were made stones there.

The dwarves find a cave here that was of the monsters.

They find the treasure that was robbed by those monsters.

”Gandalf” finds a sword that tells about the arrival of orcs.

When the orcs will be near the sword will starts shining.

”Gandalf” gives ”Bilbo” that sword and another magician arrives there.

He was like ”Gandalf” and tells there is darkness in the forests of Greenwood.

The castle of ”Dol Guldur” has a black power that can call the dead souls to it.

The magician gives ”Gandalf” a thing wrapped in cloth

and then the wolves of orcs attack them means the orcs army was near them.

The magician diverts the attention of the wolves so the dwarves will leave.

The orcs have seen them and they were behind them.

”Gandalf” finds a secret way and the dwarves move to that path and were saved from orcs.

The path takes them to ”Rivendell” where elves live.

It was a lovely city and ”Bilbo” gets shocked to see the city.

They meet the king of elves and ”Thorin” shows him the map. He tells them this will be readable in the moonlight.

As the king places it into the moonlight the new words made on it.

He tells them the door of the lonely mountain will one when the sun and moonlight will fall on it.

The day isn’t far so you have to move to ”Gondor” soon.

The orcs are shown who have attacked dwarves and they go to their leader ”Azog”.

They tell him about ”Thorin”.

”Azog” set rewards for dwarves and asks all of them to chase them.

The king of elves takes ”Gandalf” to the lady ”Galadriel” who is the most powerful of elves.

The huge magician ”Saruman” was also there and ”Gandalf” tells them there is darkness in the forest of greenwoods.

There is a black power that wants to control everything

and the devil’s king ”Sauron” is trying to return.

”Gandalf” shows them the sword given by the magician

and the elves king tells ”Gandalf” this sword belongs to the loyal man of ”Sauron”.

He was ended a few years ago and it was buried in the grave with him.

The magician found it from the castle but ”Saruman” wasn’t accepting this.

Lady ”Galadriel” has understood ”Gandalf” and says to ”Gandalf” call me if you need my help

I will surely come.

The dwarves left because they don’t want to water their time.

”Bilbo” was also with them and they reach the mountain while traveling.

There was a huge storm and the stone monsters were fighting with each other.

It was difficult to move forward so they take shelter in a cave at night.

”Azog” was finding them and as he comes near them the word that ”Bilbo” had started shining.

The earth moves and they fall down and reach a goblin town.

There were many goblins and they can only attack at night.

They were foolish and take all the dwarves to their king.

The goblins leave ”Bilbo” behind and a goblin attacks ”Bilbo”.

Due to it, they fall into a deep cave.

”Bilbo” awakes and finds a ”Gollum” beating goblin.

Then a golden ring falls from ”Gollum” and ”Bilbo” picks the ring when ”Gollum” leaves.

The ring was lovely and then he hears ”Gollum’s” voice

who was eating the goblin and talking to the ring and sees ”Bilbo” there.

He wants to include ”Bilbo” with him.

When he discovers that ”Bilbo” has stolen his ring he starts beating him.

”Bilbo” runs from there

”Gollum” was chasing him and ”Bilbo” gets stuck in between two stones while running.

He falls down when he tries to move from there.

The ring jumps and fixes into ”Bilbo’s” finger due to it, he disappears and ”Gollum” couldn’t see him.

”Gollum” couldn’t see ”Bilbo” and actually, this is ”Sauron’s” ring

he has made it many years ago for controlling the world.

This ring reaches ”Gollum” when ”Sauron” lost his power while passing from many peoples.

This is a dangerous ring but ”Bilbo” doesn’t know this.

The goblins were beating dwarves and ”Gandalf” arrives.

He ends all the goblins with his magic and due to it, the dwarves get a chance to run from there.

The dwarves escape from there.

”Bilbo” also discovers that ”Gollum” can’t see him.

Getting a chance from it, he comes out of the cave.

As ”Bilbo” comes out of the cave he meets dwarves.

Meanwhile, some orcs attack them as they were behind the dwarves for a long time.

They climb up a tree to escape from the orcs and ”Gandalf” sends a butterfly to lady ”Galadriel” by his magic

He asks hr for help

but ”Azog” arrives and says to ”Thorin” that I will attack you.

Likewise, I have ended the previous king of your kingdom.

Later, ”Azog” orders his army to end all of them except for ”Thorin”

and the dangerous animals attack them and ”Gandalf” was trying to stop them with his magic.

His magic wasn’t working.

The wolves of orcs take out the trees and ”Thorin” moves forward to compete with the wolves.

”Azog” makes him faint in a single attack and says to his companion I want his head.

As the orc tries to end him ”Bilbo” arrives and saves ”Thorin”.

Then the giant birds arrive and take ”Gandalf” and other dwarves with them.

They leave them at a place.

From there they see the Aragorn mountain, ”The lonely mountain”.

A dragon is shown inside who is protecting the treasure.

In the second series of the Hobbit, ”Gandalf” and the dwarves are shown to reach a mountain.

They move forward and face a strange bear and ”Gandalf” tells them this is a strange monster.

It can take anyone’s getup.

”Gandalf” tells them about a place and they reach there but the monster was behind them.

Actually, the place where they arrive was that bear’s house.

It lives here in its human getup

before the bear ends them the dwarves hide in that house.

They lock the door and ”Azog” also reaches there at night.

He doesn’t attack the dwarves because a huge bear was standing outside the house.

An orc comes to ”Azog” and says you are called back to ”Dol Guldur”.

”Azog” leaves hurriedly and then ”Bilbo” is shown

he had that ring and was hearing weird voices from it.

”Bilbo” ignores them and the castle is shown where ”Azog” has reached.

Many orcs were reaching there and a black shadow appears in front of ”Azog”.

He was ”Sauron” who was the devil’s king and now has returned.

He orders ”Azog” to collect a heavy army and there should be darkness in the whole city.

The next day, ”Bilbo” and the other dwarves move out of the house and move forward.

They have to pass by a forest that was dangerous.

Then ”Gandalf” remembers what ”Galadriel” said, she was saying out enemy the devils king has returned

we have to find out has he returned or not

For this, you have to go to the graves on the mountians.

You have to find out while going there and ”Gandalf” moves to the place where the loyal persons of ”Sauron” were buried.

”Gandalf” leaves but before leaving he tells the dwarves there is a Nightfire in this forest that will derail them.

Whatever happens in the forest don’t leave your way.

As they reach the forest the Nightfire possesses them and they start moving in a circle at the same place

”Bilbo” was feeling like he is walking backward.

Meanwhile, many spiders attack them and hold them into their webs.

Seeing this, ”Bilbo” disappears while wearing his ring.

As the spiders leave ”Bilbo” releases his other companions.

Then the elves arrive and the son of the king was also among them and take them to the woodland.

They couldn’t see ”Bilbo” as he was wearing the ring.

”Bilbo” also moves behind them to the woodland.

The dwarves were imprisoned there and ”Thorin” was brought to their king.

The king talks about an agreement with ”Thorin”.

He says I will let you go from here but after occupying the lonely mountain you have to give me half of the treasure.

”Thorin” doesn’t agree so he was also imprisoned.

”Bilbo” arrives and releases his all companions

and they move from woodland through a stream.

As they come out the orcs attack them who were sent by ”Azog”.

Elves arrive and save them and during their fight, the dwarves escape from there.

”Gandalf” is shown reaching high fells where 9 warriors of ”Sauron” were buried.

The graves of his warriors were empty so ”Gandalf” believes that ”Sauron” has returned.

He is in the castle of ”Dol Guldur” and preparing for war

and his strength is increasing day by day.

Elves are shown who have caught an orc.

They ask him what is he doing in their area?

The orc replies your time is over and the devils king has returned

and get ready for the war.

Your time is about to end.

”Bilbo” and the dwarves moved forward while swimming

and there was a little distance between them and the lonely mountain.

The distance was of a city and it was in the water. Its name was lake town.

The dwarves meet a man who took them to the lake town.

The king of lake town doesn’t let the strangers come to his city.

That’s why the man takes them to his house secretly.

”Thorin” sees a weapon there that was made to end the dragon.

When the dragon attacked the city the king made it at that time.

He has attacked the dragon but it was so powerful that the arrow doesn’t affect it.

”Bilbo” and the dwarves try to move from there that night.

The soldiers of the king hold them

and take them to their king and he orders to end all of them.

The king stops as he discovers that ”Thorin” is the king of ”Aragorn”.

”Thorin” says when they will get the treasure of the lonely mountain he will give one part of it to them.

The man who brought them here says that if the dragon will awake it will destroy the like city.

Like it has destroyed the city before.

Everyone ignores him and the next day, ”Bilbo” and the dwarves move to the mountain.

”Gandalf” reaches the castle where ”Azog” was.

”Azog” attacks him as he reaches there but ”Gandalf” runs from there.

When he moves to the other side of the castle he feels a weird black power.

A black power appears in front of him and he tries to face it with his magic.

”Gandalf” was nothing in front of that power.

The power makes ”Gandalf” faint. The dwarves and ”Bilbo” reach the mountain and start searching for the hidden door.

They find the hidden door when the moon appears at night.

They move inside the mountain and ”Bilbo” was sent forward-moving inside.

So he will find the ”Arkenstone” while going near the dragon.

”Bilbo” becomes surprised to see a lot of treasure there.

”Bilbo” was sent here to find ”Arkenstone” which was a shining stone but there were so many stones

and the dragon awakes to hear the footsteps of ”Bilbo”.

The dragon feels his smell but ”Bilbo” wears the ring.

Due to it, the dragon couldn’t see him but he feels strange in his body after wearing the ring.

He takes off the ring because of it

The dragon has seen him and ”Bilbo” sees a shining thing there.

He understands that it is ”Arkenstone”

and at the same time, the dragon takes out fire from its mouth.

The gold melts due to it.

Later, ”Bilbo” again wears the ring and returns to the dwarves

and the dragon was finding the dwarves in the mountain.

Now the dragon will not let them go. ”Gandalf” is shown who was imprisoned.

A huge army of orcs was moving from there

and they will attack ”Aragorn” first.

”Bilbo” and the dwarves were planning to end the dragon

and ”Thorin” says we will put the melted gold at the dragon and it will be ended like this.

They reach the place where the gold was.

The dragon runs behind them as it sees them.

There were some furnaces and as the dragon throws fire the furnaces start burning.

The gold starts melting and the dwarves hide behind the walls.

Later, ”Thorin” stands on a huge statue

and was waiting for the dragon to come.

As the dragon comes to them there was a huge statue of ”Thorin’s” grandfather

and the statue melts and the melted gold falls on the dragon.

The dwarves feel that the dragon is ended.

They don’t know that the fire can’t end the dragons.

The dragon comes out of the lonely mountain and moves toward the lake town.

We discover in the third part of Hobbit ”The battle of five armies series”

that the dragon is moving towards the lake town.

The dwarves were sad because the dragon has went to the lake town.

Now it will destroy the lake town.

The people see the dragon coming to them and get scared. They were hiding somewhere

and the dragon starts showing anger.

It was throwing its fire at them.

The dragon burns the whole lake city and changes the city into ashes.

The man who brought them here climbs up the place where the weapon was made to end the dragon.

He shoots the arrow.

As the arrow shoots the dragon it falls down.

It stops breathing and everyone discovers that the dragon is dead now.

After a short time, the dwarves also discover this and were scared that everyone will know this

and everyone will attack ”Aragorn” for the huge treasure.

The treasure is cursed and it has a weird power.

As someone wants to get it he becomes insane.

”Thorin” was also doing this and doesn’t care about anyone else except for the treasure.

The treasure has controlled his mind.

He just wants the ”Arkenstone” and the dwarves were searching for the stone.

”Bilbo” has that stone because he has picked it as he saw it.

He didn’t tell this to ”Thorin” as he was scared if ”Thorin” will get it his condition will get worse.

The survivors in the lake town were getting ready to go toward the mountian.

So they will get their share from the treasure as ”Thorin” has promised.

”Azog” is shown ready for the war with his orcs army.

He sends his orc companion to another side to call more orcs from there.

”Gandalf” was still imprisoned in that castle.

Lady ”Galadriel” saves him.

The elves king and ”Saruman” were also with them and the soul of the ”Sauron’s” warriors attack them

but they compete with them.

A magician comes and takes ”Gandalf” and ”Sauron” is shown there

”Saruman” and Elves king can’t face him.

Lady ”Galadriel” competes with ”Sauron” with her whole powers.

”Sauron” doesn’t has his body and ring which ”Bilbo” has

and that was his soul that couldn’t stand in front of her.

It leaves from there.

Lady ”Galadriel” becomes weak during this and doesn’t has the power to chase the evil soul.

The other magician has brought ”Gandalf” far and when he awakes he asks for going to dwarves.

So he can tell the dwarves about the attack of orcs.

On the other hand, the people of lake town also reached the mountian

”Thorin’s” condition was getting worse inside the mountain.

His greed was increasing and the elves army also reach there.

Their king also wants to get the treasure inside the mountian.

The man who has brought the dwarves in the laketown also reaches there.

According to the promise, he asks for the share of the people of laketown.

”Thorin” refuses as he doesn’t want to share his treasure.

When ”Thorin” discovers that Elves were about to attack the mountain he closes all the paths.

”Gandalf” also reaches there and goes to the king of elves

and tells them a heavy army of orcs is about to attack you.

This isn’t the time to fight with each other we have to fight with the orcs together.

Otherwise, those terrible creatures will end us but the elves king doesn’t believe ”Gandalf”.

On the other hand, the Orcs army moves from another place.

”Bilbo” has come out of the lonely mountain without telling the dwarves.

He comes to the elves city and gives the ”Arkenstone” to the elves king.

He does this so ”Thorin” will give them half of the treasure in return.

So there will not be any war among anyone.

The next day, a huge army of elves were standing outside the lonely mountain.

They show the ”Arkenstone” to ”Thorin”.

They say we need the treasure in return about which you have promised.

”Thorin” tries to end ”Bilbo” when he discovers that he has given this stone to them.

The dwarves stop him and ”Bilbo” says you are not that ”Thorin” whom I met in Shire.

You have gone made for treasure and a heavy army of dwarves is shown supporting ”Thorin”.

Now there will be a war between Elves and dwarves.

Dwarves were about to attack Elves but the orcs army arrives

and their leader ”Azog” orders to end everyone.

The army of dwarves and elves were competing with orcs.

”Azog” asks his orcs to attack the lake city.

The orcs army arrives at laketown and attacks them.

Elves try to stop the but they couldn’t

now orcs were dominating elves and dwarves.

They couldn’t compete the orcs together.

”Thorin’s” companions says inside the lonely mountain that our companions are dying

and we are sitting inside being hidden.

”Thorin” realizes here that he will not be able to go out if he will not move now.

He removes his crown and comes into the field with his companions.

The dwarves become passionate as they see their king.

Now they were competing with the orcs.

”Thorin” moves to ”Azog” with his companions. ”Azog” was on a mountain and ordering his companions

and if they will end ”Azog” here his army will become weak without him.

The elves king tells ”Gandalf” that a huge army of orcs is moving toward us.

If this will happen we will be surrounded

and we will not be able to face orcs.

The orcs army will surround the mountain as well on which ”Thorin” has gone to end ”Azog”.

”Bilbo” goes to ”Thorin” to tell this

but ”Gandalf” stops him and says if the orcs army will see you they will end you.

”Bilbo” replies that none can see me.

He wears the ring moving forward and the army of orcs arrive there.

It attacks ”Thorin” but the dwarves end them

and ”Bilbo” reaches them and tells ”Thorin” about their other army.

Many other orcs arrive and an orc attacks ”Bilbo”

due to it, he gets faint, ”Thorin” gets separated from his companions while fighting with them.

After ending all orcs, ”Thorin” sees in front and ”Azog” was standing in front.

The other army of orcs also reaches there

and the elves army was gone from there so dwarves were alone.

”Azog” is shown attacking ”Thorin” with a stone

but ”Thorin” escapes but because of attacking repeatedly the ice floor was breaking.

”Thorin” pushes ”Azog” into the water.

”Azog” couldn’t come out

and ”Thorin” feels ”Azog” is dead.

Suddenly, ”Azog” comes out of the water and they end each other in hurry.

”Azog” dies on the spot but ”Thorin” becomes badly injured

and he was taking his last breathes.

”Bilbo” comes to his senses and comes to ”Thorin”.

”Thorin” apologizes to ”Bilbo” as he tried to end him

even then ”Bilbo” didn’t leave him as a true friend.

Hearing this, ”Thorin” dies

and the giant birds arrive who have saved dwarves before.

They end the army of orcs.

The remaining orcs runs while escaping.

The dwarves have won this war and got their kingdom back.

They were depressed as they have lost their king ”Thorin”.

”Bilbo” leaves with ”Gnadalf” to his Shire after meeting dwarves.

While leaving, ”Gandalf” says the use of magical ring will be dangerous.

Actually, ”Gandalf” knows about this ring from the beginning

which ”Bilbo” has but he doesn’t know that it belongs to devil soul ”Sauron”.

That’s why he doesn’t forbid him to use the ring

but he says to ”Bilbo” the ring is lost there.

Later, he says goodbye to ”Gandalf” and moves to his house.

”Bilbo” is shown having the ring even today in the last scene of the movie.

Here the story of ”Bilbo Baggins” ends.

Thank you.

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