Campion 2018 Full Movie Explained

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Hi, Today, I am going 
to explain a South Korean sports comedy film  

called “Champion”. Spoilers 
The story surrounds a former Korean arm 
wrestler named Mark. He currently works as  

a bouncer in a club in America. One evening at 
work, he is approached by his old associate Kim  

who urges him to compete in an arm wrestling 
match. Mark is not interested but Kim  

doesn’t give up and eventually persuades him.
They go to the other side of the club where people  

are enjoying betting on the matches. The guy Mark 
is competing against has won the entire night,  

making Mark the underdog. No one 
wants to bet on someone like him,  

which turns out to be an advantage for Kim.
The match starts and Mark proves why he used to be  

a professional arm wrestler. The opponent breaks 
a lot of sweat but cannot move Mark’s hand by an  

inch. Without even trying, Mark wins the game 
which makes Kim a bucket full of money.

Conflict arises when the guy who 
lost refuses to accept defeat.  

He hits Kim which eventually causes a fight 
between Mark and a bunch of customers. Because  

of the fight, he is kicked out of the job.
A week later, he gets another job as a security  

guard in a grocery store. He makes a decent 
living and is content with his life, except  

sometimes he misses home. Then, one day, he gets 
a call from Kim, asking him to come to Korea.

There is an arm wrestling tournament starting in 
Seoul, the winner of which will get to compete  

at the international level. Mark stares 
at his old medals for a long time before  

deciding to take the biggest risk in his life.
Upon landing in Seoul, Kim comes to pick him up.  

Campion 2018 Full Movie Watch Online

They go to a restaurant and talk about business 
over a meal. Kim wants to be Mark’s agent and  

take care of the business side of his profession. 
He wishes Mark well but is planning to go into  

the betting business to make more money. For 
this, he will have to exploit Mark’s skill.

For the remainder of the day, the duo takes a 
tour of Seoul. At one of the destinations, some  

girls mistake Mark for a tourist attraction and 
take pictures with him. After living in America  

for many years, Mark’s Korean tongue is shakey 
which leads him to many awkward conversations.  

At night, they go to a club but Mark 
stands in the corner the entire time,  

subconsciously working as a bouncer again.
On their way to the hotel, Kim inquires if  

he has ever wanted to find out 
where his biological mother is.  

It turns out that Mark was given up for adoption 
as a child. He says that he has no interest in  

meeting anyone since all of it is in the past.
Kim drops him at the place he is staying for the  

night which happens to be a love hotel. 
Mark experiences a vibrating water bed  

for the first time but what catches his 
attention is a gift box. It is from Kim  

and has a phone inside. On checking, he finds 
the address of his biological mother on it.

Somewhere else, Kim approaches a millionaire 
loan shark named Yoo and asks him to sponsor  

Mark. Initially, he is hanged upside down for 
talking to Yoo without permission. But upon  

looking at a video of Mark, the gangster agrees 
to sponsor him. His only condition is that Mark  

will have to win and lose as ordered.
The next morning, Mark follows the map on  

his phone and makes it to an address. Before 
knocking on the door, two kids approach him.  

His build makes them believe he is a beast, 
so, to avoid scaring them, he walks away.

The children tell their mother Sumi about 
the strange guy standing in front of their  

house. The family spies on Mark through 
the window and watches him walk away.

Sumi owns a thrift store that is not doing well. 
She owes a lot of money to the gangster Yoo  

who troubles her every chance he gets. 
That day at work, she notices Mark and  

Yoo walking into a club in the mall.
Kim has brought Mark to introduce him to the  

sponsors and showcase his skills. There, we are 
also introduced to a wealthy spoiled youngster  

named Joo-Hyung. He is Yoo’s partner and the one 
who spends the most money on bets. Mark proves his  

worth by defeating a bulky man from the Navy.
Because of the win, he and Kim are given a luxury  

room in a five-star hotel. Kim gets a text from 
Yoo that says Mark should win the first match  

tomorrow, but lose the second one. He is afraid 
that Mark won’t agree to the conditions.

They go out for dinner and Kim brings up the 
topic of losing the second match. To his surprise,  

Mark agrees to do it without a fuss.
The following morning, we see Sumi getting  

her kids ready for school. The eldest Joo-Hyung 
is worried that the big man will come to the  

house again. Sumi suspects that Mark is someone 
she knows. After the kids leave for school,  

she brings out old pictures and finds 
one with little Mark and his mother.

Outside, the kids bump into him 
again. The youngest Joon-hee  

is excited but Joo-Hyung threatens to 
call the police if he sees Mark again.

In the next scene, we are introduced to Korea’s 
number one arm wrestling champion named Combo. Yoo  

invites him to the club that evening to evaluate 
Mark’s skill. He doesn’t want to bet money  

recklessly until a professional gives him the 
green light that Mark is actually trustworthy.

In the evening, everyone gathers at the 
club. Mark goes against a seven-foot  

giant in the first match. He wins with great 
effort, impressing even Korea’s very own champion.  

Sumi is also in the audience watching Mark. During 
the break, Yoo tries touching her inappropriately,  

declaring that he owns her because 
of the money she owes him. Mark sees  

this take place and is not happy about it.
When the second match starts, he deliberately  

wins, to spite Yoo. When Yoo tries to assert his 
ownership, he is pushed aside. Kim loses his mind  

trying to please the boss and Mark at the same 
time. He realizes that Sumi is the reason Mark  

betrayed him. In a fit of rage, he goes to her 
to inquire about her relationship with Mark.

At the same time, Yoo arrives and 
starts assaulting Kim. Mark intervenes,  

causing a fight to start between all 
of Yoo’s people and him alone.

During the fight, Sumi asks Yoo to stop his men, 
only to be pushed to the ground. The commotion  

halts when the police arrest Mark and Kim.
They need Mark’s identification for him to be let  

free but he has lost his bag and passport in the 
previous fight. The policeman and Mark go against  

each other in a match and he proves that he is 
actually an arm wrestler. Still, the man refuses  

to let him go without proper identification.
Right then, Sumi comes to the police station with  

her kids. She has found his passport and has a 
picture of him and his mother which proves his  

identity. It is then revealed that Sumi is Mark’s 
step sister and their mother died a year ago.

Mark is heartbroken to hear the news and doesn’t 
know how to process it. The family invites Mark  

and Kim to stay in their house for a few days. The 
kids love him because of his unique personality.  

Little Joon-hee likes to snuggle with Mark while 
Joon-Hyung starts talking to him more often.

Outside the house, a bunch of teens are smoking, 
refusing to go even when Sumi asks them to.  

But when Mark comes into their view, they 
apologize and run away in an instant. The  

next day, Yoo’s people come to collect money 
from Sumi and threaten her. At the same time,  

Mark is about to leave with his belongings, 
not wanting to be a burden to the family.

He sends the loan sharks away but the thugs make 
him realize that he should stay with his family  

to protect them. For the next few days, they 
have a lot of fun together. They go to buffets,  

eat together, play collectively, 
and live like a happy family.

Until now, it was difficult for Sumi to handle 
a business and two kids on her own. Her house  

is filled with unorganized clothes from her 
business. One day, she returns home to see that  

it has all been cleaned. Mark also takes care 
of the children so she can focus on work.

Meanwhile, Kim is in trouble because of a shortage 
of money. Upon seeing Mark with the kids, he gets  

an idea and calls a friend in a broadcasting 
company. He wants to document Mark’s life to  

gain people’s sympathy, alongside some money.
Mark is skeptical but agrees to do it anyway.

In the following scene, we see Mark 
and the family going on an outing.  

They come across Korea’s wrestling champion, Combo 
competing with challengers for a charity event.

Mark challenges him and wins the game, 
surprising everyone. A few weeks later,  

the story about his harsh past, adoption, and 
struggles in wrestling is made into a documentary  

and televised. The show becomes an instant success 
and makes them a decent amount of money.

The children start looking up to their uncle 
even more. One day on their way to the school,  

they overhear a woman bad-mouthing Mark. In 
retaliation, Joon-hee declares that her uncle  

is a champion and makes him promise that he 
will win the national championship for her.

In the following scene, we are introduced to 
Kim’s father who is old but works very hard  

to make a living. The only reason why 
Kim is adamant about making more money  

is that he wants to give his father the best life, 
one where he doesn’t have to work anymore.

On returning home that day, Joon-Hyung calls 
Mark and shows him the emails that his mother  

used to write every day. Mark finds out that his 
mother’s biggest regret in life was giving him  

up for adoption. Throughout her life, she wrote 
several emails to an address that wasn’t his.  

In the emails, she has described how hard life 
was when he was with her. She couldn’t afford to  

feed him and wanted him to have a better life.
Even on her deathbed, all she wished was to meet  

him and say sorry. Mark also finds out that Sumi 
is not his stepsister. His mother took her in when  

she was a kid after her parents passed away.
The news shocks Mark, making him furious at Sumi  

for never telling him the truth. In the following 
scene, the family drives to Mark’s mother’s grave.  

While on the trip, he calls Sumi out for her 
lies. Mark has decided to return to America,  

leaving them behind for good.
Kim tries to stop him since he hasn’t  

taken part in the tournament yet and it is 
in a week. However, a frustrated Mark accuses  

him of using his friend for money and leaves.
In the following montage, we see Korea’s champion  

Combo practicing for the championship. The 
gangster Yoo has also hired a beast named Kane.  

He used to be a ruthless arm wrestler, famous 
for breaking every single arm he played against.  

A few years ago, he was arrested for 
using pills to overperform in games.

He also practices his best, ready to get back in 
the game. Then, the day of the tournament finally  

arrives. The kids are home alone when they notice 
that they forgot to return the medal to Mark.  

Using this excuse, they board a bus and make 
their way to the arena to watch him wrestle.

A while later Sumi gets a call from her friend 
at the arena and has to run to get her children.  

The competition starts and Kane, Mark, and 
Combo are kept in three different groups. They  

dominate the matches of their respective 
groups and make it to the semifinals.

A ruthless Kane hurts many of his opponents 
and goes to the final. The millionaire investor  

Cheng and his people have bet all their money on 
Kane. Upon seeing how good Mark is performing,  

they are scared to lose all the money. Hence, 
Cheng orders Yoo to do everything he can to  

ensure their player wins.
Yoo, in turn, offers Kim two  

hundred thousand dollars for him to convince 
Mark to lose in the semi-finals against  

Combo. Kim accepts the money and goes to tell 
his friend but Mark refuses to seal the deal.

The money will pay off all their debts and fulfill 
their life wishes, still, it is not worth the  

promise Mark made to Joon-hee. Hence, he wrestles 
Combo in an intense match and wins in the end.

During the break between the matches, Yoo catches 
Kim and proceeds to beat him. However, the thugs  

are stopped by Mark. He pushes the gangster to the 
floor and saves his friend. Kim forgets about the  

money and asks him to win at any cost.
The final match starts and everyone holds  

their breath to watch it. Kane plays foul 
and deliberately makes their hands slip.  

He also pulls on Mark’s thumb very hard, 
making him slower with every pause.

The ball seems to fall in Kane’s court. 
But just then, from the side of his eyes,  

Mark sees the children rooting for him. With 
renewed interest to prove his worth to them,  

Mark pushes Kane’s hand at 
once and defeats him.

In the last scene, Mark tells his mother that 
he loves her on television. He cannot help but  

cry at the thought of her suffering so much. The 
movie ends as everyone celebrates the win.
Thank You.

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