Vincenzo Natali’s 2013 horror film Haunter, which uses time loops, is titled. The main character of the movie is a girl who repeatedly experiences the same day until she finds a secret entrance in her home’s basement. The concept of the movie is intriguing, and it is performed nicely. Do watch it before continuing to read. Spoilers ahead for the 2013 film Haunted’s narrative and conclusion.
Explained plot of the movie Haunter
The day before her birthday has often occurred in Lisa’s life in 1985. She’s sick of participating in the same conversations again and over, so one day she looks about the basement and finds a hidden locked door behind the washing machine. Lisa’s mother frequently inquires about a set of missing garments, but Lisa has no idea what might have happened to them and, to be completely honest, doesn’t really care.
Lisa feels as though she is being interrupted by a voice as she is playing her clarinet. She decides to check it out this time after hearing a noise in the attic. Lisa finds an old home film of her family when they first moved into their home. A mysterious presence in the home is visible in the video. Lisa makes contact with the spirit that has been calling out to her using a Ouija board. The marker changes to “Yes” when she asks, “Are you alive?”. Lisa is then possessed by a second male ghost shortly after.
During supper, Lisa observes her father smoking, and her mother appears unconcerned. The loops’ characteristics are now starting to shift. She becomes frustrated as she sees her father attempting to fix the car. Lisa notices a significant change in her father’s personality. That evening, Lisa witnesses a hand reaching out from above her covers and hears the voice calling to her once more.
The subsequent loop alters even further, as Lisa discovers her father yelling and cursing after discovering that someone had taken the spark plugs out of his automobile. They are stopped by a knock on the door, showing a lanky man claiming to be from the phone company. He cautions Lisa not to speak to the living or the others when she first encounters him on her own. Lisa now has proof that she and her family are no longer alive.
The lanky man, Edgar Mullins, who is he?
Now let’s go back to when it all began. Originally, the home belonged to a regular couple who had Edgar, a strange child. Edgar murdered his parents before morphing into an unsolved serial killer. Throughout his life, Edgar abducted girls, who he then killed via carbon monoxide poisoning by placing them in a running automobile inside his home. The remains were then burned in his basement after that. Edgar eventually passed away in 1983 from old age, yet his evil continues to this day.
The male members of each of the families who lived in the house were gradually taken over by Edgar’s ghost, who also changed their minds. Using the same running car, he persuaded each parent to kill his family as well as himself.
What transpired to Lisa’s family?
Lisa’s family was the first to fall prey to Edgar’s wicked spirit. Due to Edgar’s possession of Lisa’s father, some time loops feature a different version of the normally cordial father. The father eventually became combative and became aware of who he was becoming. As he realised Edgar’s scheme, he hid his car’s spark plugs.
The Disappeared Clothing
Lisa’s mother made the decision to leave the house unnoticed in the middle of the night out of fear that her husband could harm her and the children. She then packed a lot of clothing (these are the ones missing that she keeps asking about). Before she could depart, however, Lisa’s father, who had been completely taken over by Edgar, used ether to knock out the family. He then led them to the automobile, replaced the spark plugs, and used the running car technique to kill everyone.
And who is Olivia? What makes Lisa wake up?
The home’s current occupants in 2013 are Olivia and her family. She has been learning about the house’s past as her father is currently under Edgar’s control. Because she believes what is happening to her father is the same as what happened to the previous tenants, Olivia is asking Lisa for help in stopping Edgar. In the end, Olivia discovers Lisa’s jewellery in the garage, forging a connection with Lisa and awakening her from her purgatory. Olivia is the one that uses the Ouija board to communicate with Lisa, and it is her hand that touches Lisa through the curtains.
When Lisa discovers Olivia in her bed, she first speaks to her in person. Lisa is instructed by Olivia to check the subfloor. Edgar’s journal and the key to the secret basement entrance are both discovered by Lisa as she investigates the floor. When Lisa opens the door to look for odd items, she is met by the vision of a burning girl. After that, Edgar phones Lisa and threatens to take her family away if she doesn’t stop looking around. Although being disturbed by the state of her family, Lisa continues.
Olivia runs across Lisa in the restroom, Lisa takes possession of her, and Olivia wakes up in 2013. Olivia’s father, who is Edgar-possessed, is trying to fix the car in the same way that we see Lisa’s father doing so. As Lisa (Olivia) comes into contact with Edgar’s ghost, she passes out, and Lisa returns to her parents’ home.
Who is Frances Nichols?
Edger’s first victim was Frances. In 1953, Edgar killed Frances by abandoning her in a moving vehicle. Edger captures Lisa in the area where he used to burn his dead victims as she returns to the cellar to hunt for her brother. Frances’ ring is discovered by Lisa, and as he touches it, a connection is made between them. Frances is trying to elude Lisa as she ascends to the garage; this is Frances’ purgatory. Frances is informed by Lisa that she has been deceased for a long time. Edgar tugs Frances away in advance.
Awake is Lisa’s brother.
As Lisa’s brother discovers his glasses and puts them on, he learns he is dead. He asserts that he was wearing them the night that they all passed away and that he has avoided looking for them out of fear of discovering the truth.
Lisa connects with and reacquires Olivia in 2013 through playing the clarinet. Lisa (Olivia) hears a recording from Olivia in which she describes Edgar in detail. Lisa (Olivia) tries to leave the house to seek for assistance, but she is confined inside and is unable to do so. She swoons.
Parents of Lisa are Woke
As Lisa awakens, her mother is by her side and admits that she is aware that they are deceased. She is reminded of the failed attempt to flee and how they were never able to escape alive as she recalls and touches the lost clothes that she had been searching for.
Lisa tells her dad about what he did as she travels to the garage to talk to him. He sobs, but Lisa consoles him by telling him that Edgar was in charge and that the murder wasn’t his fault.
They have the chance to leave the house and go up to heaven because everyone in the family knows they are dead. Lisa hangs back to support Olivia and defeat Edgar.
establishing a final connection with Olivia
Lisa enters Olivia’s body once more as she makes her way to the cellar and opens a hidden door. Olivia’s Lisa touches everything in an effort to bring Edgar’s victims back to life. Olivia’s father, Edgar, steps in and knocks Lisa (Olivia) down cold. Lisa is still in Olivia’s body when she awakens. Lisa (Olivia) tackles Edgar (Olivia’s father) as he starts the car and flees.
Haunter’s Finale| An Explanation
In the movie’s climax, Lisa (Olivia) is attacked on the lawn by Edgar (Olivia’s father). All the dead girls and families appear because Lisa touched the artefacts belonging to the other victims in the basement, take Edgar down, burn him alive, and damn him to hell. When Olivia’s father regains consciousness, he is horrified to realise what he was about to do, but Lisa (Olivia) reassures him that their family will be happy.
Lisa bids Olivia farewell before retiring to bed. The following morning, Lisa awakens with her parents in heaven after being released from purgatory. Finally celebrating her birthday, she hugs her parents before entering the afterlife.
And with that, the movie comes to an end. What did you think of the storyline and resolution of the film Haunter? Please share your opinions and inquiries in the space provided below.
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