3 % Movie Explained

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Today I’ll discuss the dystopian thriller series “3%” from Brazil. Spoilers ahead!! The movie’s plot assumes that the planet has been split in half a long time in the future. The first part is referred to as the offshore, where affluent residents reside. Money, happiness, entertainment, and everything else they could possibly want in life are all theirs. Whereas the second one is a slum with no hospitals, schools, medications, vaccinations, or jobs. Every individual from a slum is allowed one opportunity throughout their lifetime to move offshore. They must go through a selection process known as “The Process” when they turn twenty.

Only 3% of applicants are chosen in the aforementioned procedure. The chosen ones are given the opportunity to live their lives without any difficulties, while the others are returned to the slums to resume their miserable lifestyles. One morning, it is announced that the 104th “Process” is about to start. Please come to the headquarters if you have registered for the process. This year, a girl by the name of Michele is one of the participants. She will arrive at the headquarters in forty minutes, according to a ring behind her ears. She put the device in when she signed up for the procedure. Everyone who has participated has a device embedded in them that acts as their official identity.

Together with several other twenty-year-olds, Michele and her blockmate Bruna make their way to the headquarters in an apprehensive manner. Before entering, they are required to change into the uniform. After that, Ezequiel, the principal overseer of the procedure, makes a speech to them about the significance of the initiative. It turns out that the founder couple were the ones who created the programme. He doesn’t go into great detail about the founders but does discuss the rebellious group that is against the concept. Ezequiel greets Aline, a new employee, after the lecture. She reveals that she has come from offshore to evaluate his performance.

Ezequiel is irritated by the intrusion, but he cannot defy orders from higher-ups. Meanwhile, the participants are sent to the interview rooms to be evaluated by the officers from offshore. This is their first assignment, and any who are considered unfit will be sent home before the competition even begins. Michele’s interviewer asks her several personal questions about her life. Her partner, she admits, came as a participant last year and has yet to come home. She believes he succeeded, but the interviewer implies differently. He might have perished in an unlucky event which is not unusual for the participants.

She is requested to take off a locket that is really important to her in order to gauge how emotionally dependent she is on her partner. When she performs it without hesitation, the interviewer selects her. At the same time, a man by the name of Marco answers each query with assurance. He is confident that he will succeed because everyone in his family has always passed the selection. He survives the first round thanks to his lack of fear. The same cannot be said for a guy named Alex. After twenty minutes of self-assured speech, he is rejected because his comments didn’t sound genuine. He makes a fuss about the competition being unfair before being taken away.

3 % Movie Watch Online

Afterwards, we are introduced to Joana, a girl who doesn’t like to chat a lot. She is the smartest out of the lot that doesn’t go ignored by the interviewer. Hence, she is selected as well. Lastly, there is Fernando. a disabled person whose disability reduces his chances of survival. But he succeeds in the interview thanks to his tenacity. The group ignores each other for the time being, ignorant that their fates are going to intertwine. Somewhere else in the facility, an employee named Agata has found a mole in their programme. It seems that a man has been dispatched by the rebel organisation known as The Cause to gather information from within.

To find out who else is involved in the plan, he is currently being tortured. After being severely battered, he discloses that the fresh set of contestants also contains a mole. To keep the peace for the duration of the programme, Ezequiel and Agata must remove the person as soon as possible. But they have to find out who the person is first. In the slums, a meeting takes place between the members of the rebel organisation The Cause. They believe everyone deserves a quality life and the process is just propaganda to create higher and lower classes in society. The leader of the group is confident that the person he sent in the programme won’t be caught. Back in the headquarters, Alex commits the unimaginable because he wasn’t selected.

others are frightened by the incident and have to be brought to the other room by the officials. After that, their ear devices are scanned to make sure they are registered participants. Joana notes that the guy in front of her named Rafael had three stitches behind his ears which is distinct from the customary two stitches implant. She calls him out for being a scam but he says he was officially enrolled. When scanned, the monitor validates him. Joana is certain that he passed the test by utilising a ruse, but she chooses not to tell the authorities because she wants to take benefit of the information. They are then led into a room for their first task as the time they had been waiting for finally arrives.

In the centre of the table is a set of construction materials. They must be used by the participants to construct nine cubes in ten minutes. When the task begins, Fernando has trouble getting to the blocks. Michele helps him out of instinct before taking the blocks for herself. They instantly begin to work and continue as the timer ticks. In the last few seconds, Michele struggles to create the last cube. Seeing her struggle, Fernando helps her and creates a bigger cube out of the eight cubes she had already created. When the countdown stops, Rafael is still one cube less so he steals from a guy near him. He passes the round after the management allows him to get away with it.

Joana has also produced eleven cubes, allowing her to pass as well. Michele likewise has nine cubes, although one of them is bigger which makes her pass. After the game, everyone starts looking at Rafael differently. They speak behind his back and accuse him of cheating. He intentionally starts a fight and is then assaulted by several people. When they eventually stop, the participants who were insulting him earlier now sympathise with him. His strategy works but it doesn’t go unnoticed by a savvy Joana. She pleads with him to stand by her because, if he deserts her, she will inform the official of his fraudulent registration. Aline is speaking with Ezequiel in his office about how he manages the Process.

She is eager to find a flaw in his work so she can take over his position. She also mentions his wife’s name for this reason, but they are cut off before we can learn more about her. Agata discovers that the rebel group’s mole is either Michele or Bruna in the meantime. They are brought aside and asked to reveal which one of them is with the group. The two have always been close friends and have lived next to one another their entire lives. Agata will be forced to kill them both if they don’t disclose the truth. Michele advises they assault her when she isn’t looking because it’s their only chance of surviving. Bruna concurs. In the heat of the moment, Bruna consents to the plan.

As soon as Agata reappears, Michele betrays Bruna, leaving only her to fight Agata. She is shot dead in the ensuing chaos, and Michele is set free. The mole who is working for the rebel group, Michele, is then exposed to be. Despite the fact that she and Bruna had been friends since they were young, she gave her life for a greater good. The story about her boyfriend was also made up to be selected. She is actually travelling abroad to search for her brother, who underwent the procedure but never returned. The next scene provides background information on Fernando.

His father reared him, instilling in him the only goal of passing the Procedure. Fernando has lived his entire life knowing that he must not let his impairment prevent him from working offshore. He is brought in for a physical examination, and a doctor administers a medication by injection. To his amazement, the medication causes him to experience pain for the first time ever in his legs. According to the doctor, if he makes it through the procedure, he will have access to proper care and eventually be able to walk. Fernando already knew he would never be able to walk, so he is unsure of how to react to the news. The participants are divided into groups and taken to a location for the next task.

It comprises of four mannequins with various facial expressions seated at a dinner table. To find out what happened to the woman wearing navy blue apparel, the group must investigate. They start analysing the matter right away and offering their own solutions. Fernando muses for a while before concluding that the woman was poisoned. Given that both of them have dirt on their shoes, they must be visitors at the home of the other couple, and her spouse is the one seated next to her. But in an emergency, she’s looking in the direction of the other man. This could imply that his wife, who prepared the lunch, poisoned it because she was having an affair with him.

This also explains why the wife’s face is expressionless. The group accepts the ideas, but Rafael disagrees. He puts out the hypothesis that the woman is reacting allergically to the silver cutlery. He surmises that the woman is allergic to silver because everyone else is wearing at least one piece of jewellery that is made of silver and she is donning a glass ring and a wooden necklace. As he is a doctor, she is turning to face him rather than her husband. They discover diagrams of the human body in the drawers that point in the same direction. This does not, however, explain why the host woman’s face is expressionless.

The woman has no illumination on her side of the study table, and Joana, who had remained silent the entire time, reveals that the woman is blind. When they open the other drawer, they discover a book in brail. Rafael’s presumption turns out to be accurate in the end. Nonetheless, one of their comrades gets fired for failing to assist the squad. Due to a staffing shortage for the third round, Ezequiel begs Aline for assistance in keeping an eye on the game. Although she accepts the offer, she has some misgivings about Ezequiel. As a result, when the tournament begins, she searches for him and discovers him leaving the headquarters. He enters the slums wearing a battered robe and pretending to be a beggar.

The remaining groups are each led to a room at the same time. Seven people are in the room, thus they are handed six coins for this round. In fifteen minutes, the group will have to pick who to eliminate. Finally, those who leave with a penny will be let through. Rafael claims ownership of a coin in his hand. In any case, he is committed to taking the match. But he is forced to comply when Marco insistently requests that he return the coin. The group decides to vote after deliberating. Rafael receives the majority of the initial vote due to his blatantly negative disposition. Michele eventually chooses Joana, though.

Rafael is urged by Joana to speak out for her as she turns to face him. He follows orders and votes for Fernando out of fear that she will find out his secret. Rafael wants to discredit him since he stands the least chance of winning. Fernando counters, saying the doctor assured him he could receive proper care elsewhere. This indicates that she did not view his impairment as a disadvantage. The group finally decides to draw names and let fate pick the winner. Aline is keeping an eye on Ezequiel outside. In disguise, he travels far into the impoverished city but doesn’t appear to stop anyplace. He suddenly becomes aware that someone is observing him when he sees the camera blinking green.

He runs away and drops a bunch of fruit on his way. Because his  face is not clear in the videos, Aline has to think of another way to expose his truth. In the meantime, the group resorts to drawing out a ribbon and eliminating whoever gets the  shortest piece. At last, Joana gets it and is eliminated. As the winners walk outside,  the last guy realizes he has no coin. It turns out that Joana had stolen it while  the others argued. So, even though she lost, she tricked the last guy into being eliminated.  She smugly joins the rest of the group in the last scene, ready to do anything to win.


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