Full Speed Movie Explained

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I’m going to describe the French action comedy “Full Speed” today. Beware of spoilers! Tom, a middle-aged plastic surgeon, and his wife Julia are expecting their third child. In addition, the couple has two kids: Lison, the oldest, and Noe, who will soon become the middle child. To take their minds off work, the family is preparing to travel to the countryside for two weeks. Someone rings the doorbell as they eagerly prepare for the journey. Ben, Tom’s father, appears to be the one who invited himself to join the trip. Tom is fine with including his father, but Julia is not a fan. Ben is a clumsy guy who always breaks stuff. Julia despises his bothersome habit of listening in on private talks, despite the fact that he always has the best of intentions.

She complains to her husband about it, but they are powerless to stop Ben from joining them. In addition, the youngsters adore him and want to take him along. The family gathers their belongings and lugs them to the vehicle. They run into Juan, their downstairs neighbour, on the way. As he tries to chat to Julia, she swiftly ignores him and goes about her business as usual. Tom finds it annoying how often he makes advances towards her. After that, Tom’s family enters his brand-new electronic vehicle, the Medusa. Even Tom is unfamiliar with some of the advanced capabilities, which are essentially automatic.

On the journey, he intends to become familiar with the features. Noe realises that he left his toy harpoon at home before they leave. Ben says they need to go back to the flat because he forgot to pee, even though his parents offer to purchase him another one when they get there. He and Tom return, pledging to complete the transaction in under a minute. Ben inadvertently flushes rolls of toilet paper down the toilet. The toilet begins to overflow and flood as he pushes them down. He disregards it and moves to the kitchen outdoors. Tom pulls out the harpoon and attacks his dad because he thinks he is an intruder.

He receives a call from Cecelia, one of his most recent patients, after calming down. She claims that the regions where she received botox are itchy. Before abruptly terminating the call, Tom reassures her that the symptom is typical. They go back to the car and carry on as normal. As soon as the journey starts, Ben irritates Julia. Tom is enjoying his father’s company in the meantime. The youngsters stop at a petrol station to buy some snacks after driving for an hour. Ben makes pals with Melody, a girl with blue hair whom he meets. Melody alleges that her mother left the house with all of her belongings and that she is unable to reach her. Since that they are travelling in the same general direction as Melody’s mother, Ben offers to assist.

Nonetheless, he begs her to stow beneath the seat next to him because he knows Julia won’t let just any woman in the car. He accidently breaks the wiper blade while attempting to clean the windscreen, but he keeps it whole so he won’t get into trouble. As they travel on, Ben keeps coming up with ridiculous names for the new child. When told to stop enraged Julia, he ignores the advice. Because he was there every time she and Tom tried to get pregnant, she accuses him of being a pervert. The computerised controller unit under the automobile begins to malfunction as they argue.

Tom presses the break but, to his surprise, it doesn’t work when Julia maintains she wants to go back home. He drives on cautiously, assuming that he cannot shift gears either. Julia queries him about what’s happening when they narrowly avoid two vehicles on the highway. As he informs her of the issue, she assumes he is joking. Ben offers him useless advice that is ineffective. The family quickly recognises their predicament. Ben is questioned about how long it will take by Melody as she begins to fear. When Little Noe notices her, he informs his mother. Tom almost flips the car over in shock as she approaches them.

The others are horrified when she introduces herself as she expresses her frustration with Ben for the a hundredth time. Julia forces the youngsters to sing a song in order to calm their fears. But as they are doing it, they nearly crash into a motorbike and start screaming. Tom reminds Julia to phone the automobile dealer’s number he has because he has it. The same car is being sold to a different family by the dealer while they are in a conference. The man just advises Tom to hit the brake after hearing him whine about the new model and hangs up. Melody observes her mother’s vehicle passing them. She tries to reach her several times but is unsuccessful. She grabs the harpoon from Noe in an instant and directs it at Tom.

She fears that the family is abducting her and is concerned for her safety. She hits Tom and misses by an inch despite the others’ best efforts to calm her down. Ben strikes her in the nose and recovers the harpoon. Melody finally realises that the family is telling the truth. Tom briefly loses control of the vehicle and collides with someone’s car door. Short-tempered Jacky, the owner of the damaged vehicle, sets out to exact revenge on the douchebags who were “car door slamming” and chases them at a high rate of speed. Two traffic police officers then notice Tom’s automobile travelling more quickly than it should.

One of them drives after their vehicle while the other follows Jacky while driving just as quickly. Ben and Julia switch seats in the car so that Ben may assist Tom. The cop comes up to them just as he goes down to adjust the breaks and is perplexed by the unexpected sight. While the cop has heard the same justification countless times, Tom informs him that their break has failed. The paper accidentally flies away and strikes the officer in the face as Julia attempts to show him the map on which she has written SOS. The chart falls from the officer’s hands and lands on Jacky’s windscreen, forcing him to grudgingly halt.

He is caught up by the second police officer, but he tricks her and keeps pursuing Tom and the family. The head of traffic police is informed of the issue in the meantime, but she dismisses it as Tom lying to avoid getting a speeding ticket. The vehicle eventually arrives at a busy cross-border checkpoint. The family stands up and prepares to cross it safely. Tom serves the automobile several times while swerving around all the other vehicles in their path. Finally taking the issue seriously, the head of the traffic police directs the launch of an inquiry to learn every detail about the vehicle and its owner. Jacky follows them across the border in an effort to get compensation for the car damage.

Tom then attempts to clean the windscreen with a water spray, but Ben’s assistance causes the wiper blade to come off. He reaches out through the roof window while holding a cloth. Although coming close to falling off, he manages to clean it off. Tom receives a call from his client Cecelia again during an emergency, but this time her face and lips are swollen. He devises a solution before rejecting the call. He’s been on the road for the last two hours straight, and his shoulders hurt. Ben switches places with him and takes the wheel after repeated requests. The dealer places the customer’s family inside the new model once they are back in the auto showroom.

He receives a call from Tom, who berates him for providing them a broken car, as they continue to ride it. The new family becomes trapped inside as well, behind the dealer. The door handle breaks when he tries to open it, demonstrating that the issue was with the car all along. To his dismay, the family begins to puke inside. The police learn that Tom’s automobile was caught speeding a few nights ago in the interim. They obtain a photo showing Ben operating the vehicle while riding shotgun with a stripper. The officer assumes the family is lying as a result and points his revolver at Tom. Julia opens the car door and abrasively exposes her tummy to them as proof of their innocence.

Afterwards the approaching cars are ordered to exit the highway by the traffic police. To avoid hitting anything, two officers always drive in front of the vehicle. Later, Juan, who lives above them, calls Julia to complain that their flat has flooded and is causing his ceiling to leak. He is most concerned about all of her ruined nude artwork, though. Juan says he has to spend time with her again so he can paint them right as Tom takes her phone away. Tom hangs up the phone in rage and asks his wife what the man was discussing. It is obvious that Julian is having a relationship with Juan.

She acknowledges that it was a year ago and that she hasn’t spoken to him since, but Tom’s sadness is unaffected by her admission. Then, though, Julia adds that she is aware that he had an affair with his former secretary. The couple decides to discuss it at a later time, away from the kids. Ben claims that he needs to urinate right away to end the awkwardness. He receives a plastic bag, which he uses for personal hygiene. They chuck it out the window, and it hits Jacky square in the face. He nevertheless persists in pursuing after, covering his head with a bucket. Next, as a last resort, Tom requests that Ben speed the vehicle by pressing on the gas.

The family braces themselves for the crash while holding hands, but it never occurs as the gas pedal snaps. Tom tosses the pedal away in anger and curses the auto dealer. It nearly causes him to crash and collide with the traffic police. He makes it through the collision, but his motorbike is damaged. He and his partner meet Cecelia by chance and use her car to assist the family. They are being pursued by Jacky, who demands the money for the repairs. The man is finally dispatched by the youngest Noe, who strikes him with his harpoon. The news regarding the car has now been broadcast on television. They will arrive at a traffic jam and are certain to crash in around 30 minutes.

The police attempt to stop the family’s car with force by bringing their car in front of it, but that too fails. Finally, they request that the kids be delivered to them through the window. The technique is risky, but it is their only chance of surviving. Thankfully, the strategy succeeds, and the kids are loaded into the police car without incident. Bill becomes a little disoriented when it’s Melody’s time, causing her to hang precariously between the cars. But he quickly gathers himself, and she is transferred safely as well. The other three, though, are too large to fit through the window. There will be a traffic gridlock in five minutes. When they are about to give up on living, a police helicopter arrives to save them. Through the roof window, Julia is led outside while being restrained by a harness.

She tells her spouse that she loves him before being taken away. The pair expresses their love for one another as being greater than anything else in the world when faced with the possibility of never seeing one another again. She eventually makes it to the aircraft safely, leaving the father and son alone in the vehicle. When the helicopter lifts the entire car into the air and saves their lives, they are just seconds away from crashing. But they fail to remember how fragile their automobile is. When its roof collapses, the bottom half falls to the ground. To their fortunate surprise, neither Tom nor Bill are hurt. Julia’s water bursts suddenly, necessitating an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

The family welcomes their third child in the scene that follows. When everyone finally boards the lift to head back home, it malfunctions, leaving them all stuck once more. To support the channel, switch on the notification feature, subscribe for more videos like this, and leave a like.

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