I am Mini TV Series Explained

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In this post, I’ll describe the Korean comedy science fiction movie “I am.” Beware of spoilers! Young university student Eun-Woo awakens from a nightmare in the film’s opening scene. On his nightstand, a water bottle is pushed in his direction as he reaches for it. Eun-Woo first doesn’t notice it and sips the water. He turns to the side, though, and notices a female seated in a corner staring directly at him. Eun-Woo nearly passes out from the sight, but the girl is still sitting there with a blank expression on her face. Min-Ji, Eun-Woo’s sister, enters the room after hearing the disturbance with a baseball bat but hesitates to assault the girl out of fear. She and her brother climb onto the bed after concluding that the visitor is a ghost.

When their father, Dr. Cha, enters the room, they only start to calm down. They are all gathered in the living room for a conversation after he clarifies that the girl is with him. The siblings watch the unusual girl as she circles the room looking at the drapes. Eun-Woo doesn’t care who the girl is, while Min-Ji is curious. It’s not the best relationship he has with his father. Scientist Dr. Cha never stopped working and barely paid attention to his children. Eun-Woo dislikes him and his job as a result.The doctor discloses that the girl is an advanced android when Min-Ji prods him to talk.

The girl is the outcome of his lifelong research on artificial intelligence. Before he can continue, the girl lifts a table in its entirety using just one hand in order to get a ball from underneath it. To put it mildly, Min-Ji and Eun-Woo are left speechless. The girl is introduced by Dr. Cha as the most well-known robot in human history, or AD number 1. She approaches them and flashes a peace sign. The mechanism in AD number 1 is intricate and highly developed. She has intelligence on par with a high school student, but is still in the learning phase. She is also finishing up her self-evaluation. Dr. Cha therefore requests that his children keep her with them for a few weeks while they observe her adjustment.

Although Min-Ji wishes to assist her father, Eun-Woo is vehemently opposed to the notion. She assures him that she would take good care of the robot and asks him to relax. She speaks to the robot after Dr. Cha has left, and it answers all of her queries. Min-Ji is astounded by the AI’s sophistication. She gives her the name Annie and makes her a member of the family. The next morning, Annie is accompanied by Min-Ji to the high school where she works. She introduces her as her cousin and a transfer student from the United States to the class. The presence of a foreigner among them excites the young people. After school, Annie is brought to Eun-Woo’s college by Min-Ji, who requests that he transport her home.

Eun-Woo is forced to assist the robot against her will because she has to leave for a daylong business trip. In just one day, Annie had developed feelings for Min-Ji. She begs her not to go, but Min-Ji makes a promise to bring her something lovely and leaves. Eun-Woo’s reluctance to take Annie home is another thing Annie senses. She promises to arrive home safely and sends him back to class so as not to bother him. Eun-Woo struggles to sleep at night due to an odd sense he has about his father. He contacts Dr. Cha, who answers by saying that he is nearby and will see Annie soon. Immediately following the call, Dr. Cha is attacked, and his phone is taken.

The following day at school, Annie makes friends with the class president Jieun and her best buddy Tae-Hee. Despite the fact that Annie is mostly silent and unresponsive, they appear to like her presence. She observes the girls’ behavioural patterns while she is silent and finds their giggles to be fascinating. Eun-Woo is out with his lover Seulgi somewhere else. Kevin, a colleague of Dr. Cha, approaches them. He hasn’t picked up his phone since last night, which has him concerned about the doctor. Kevin is close to Eun-Woo and is also Min-Ji’s boyfriend. If Eun-Woo manages to contact his father, he makes a pledge to notify him.

Later on in the day, Min-Ji discovers Annie faking in the mirror. She wants to know what happiness is and why people smile. For Min-Ji to adequately respond, the questions are too complex. By suggesting that Annie will know when she feels it, she ends the conversation. Annie notices Min-Ji dragging Eun-Woo by the ear to the dinner table when he gets home. She stores the memory safely for future use. Eun-Woo finds it infuriating that Annie is sitting at the table with them when she is unable to even eat. In contrast, Min-Ji asserts that she belongs in the family and is entitled to stay there.

The remark causes Annie to experience a warm emotion for the first time, but she isn’t yet aware of what it is. The next scene shows Min-Ji and Kevin going on a date after meeting at a cafe. Kevin’s concern at Dr. Cha’s unexpected absence is still present. However, Min-Ji has been accustomed to it since she was a young child and doesn’t consider it unusual. Min-Ji invites Kevin to see Annie at her house after he mentions an AI robot project. Meanwhile, Annie spots a man dressed all in black as she walks home from school. He is the same person that assaulted Dr. Cha the night before. Eun-Woo conceals her behind a bush before he can find her.

Following the disappearance of the stranger, Annie asserts that Dr. Cha declared the man to be a bad person, indicating that he was aware that someone was chasing them. Later, when Annie runs into Kevin, she addresses him by name. He was Dr. Cha’s assistant during the last stages of the robot’s development, it turns out. Annie wants to stay with Min-Ji instead of going with him, so he tries to take her to the lab. Before asking Annie to enter, the couple had a brief fight about who gets to keep the robot. Annie claims that her friends frequently discuss the boy band when she watches their performance on television at home.

While doing so, she also picks up the dance moves. Min-Ji encourages her to observe and supports her new interest. The next day at school, Annie receives a number of gifts from a man who also asks her out on a date. However, the bully at school, who has a crush on the same guy, intimidates her into staying away. They attempt to hit the females when her closest friends side with Annie. With her steely grip, Annie effortlessly stops them. When Min-Ji hears them squabbling, she punishes everyone. Jieun, Tae-Hee, and Annie are made to hold their hands out in the air outside till their hands hurt. The girls decide to skip school for the day while no one is around.

Annie joins them despite her scepticism and has a fun. They visit an arcade, where she wins every game on the claw machine, and then a karaoke bar, where she performs dance moves to songs she has learned from watching television. They are strolling through a park when Annie grins for the first time after a few hours. She now has a better understanding of what happiness is thanks to her friends.The following morning, Eun-Woo has a dream about Annie escaping harm and awakens to find her standing above him. She is there to invite him to breakfast outside. She grabs his ears and imitates Min-Ji when he refuses to eat, which causes him to chuckle.

He takes her to a cafe that day to meet Seulgi, his lover. For the first time, Annie experiences jealousy as the pair flirts. She accuses Seulgi of being ugly in the heat of the moment. The next scene shows Annie and Eun-Woo at home. They chat about the day’s events while sitting awkwardly next to one another. She responds that she feels strange around Eun-Woo when questioned why she was harsh to Seulgi earlier. He brushes it off as a software glitch but acknowledges within that he also feels different when he is with her. Kevin arrives to pick up Min-Ji in the meanwhile, but she won’t speak to him. She is miffed that he sees Annie as an object while in reality, she is more human than an object.

It is Annie’s first birthday today, which Min-Ji discloses before storming off. Calling Eun-Woo right away, Min-Ji requests that he pick up Annie after school. She needs him to keep her occupied while she gets ready for her surprise birthday celebration. Eun-Woo follows instructions and takes Annie shopping. He fulfils her every wish before taking her to a park. When she gets back home, Kevin, Tae-Hee, Min-Ji, and Jieun present her with a birthday cake. She cuts the cake while beaming with pride at how much they love her. Annie and her team are chosen for a relay event at the sports meet the following week on the following day at school.

They instruct Annie on the guidelines and practise all afternoon. In order to appear human, Annie imitates them and acts exhausted. She then excuses herself from class so she can refuel in privacy. She is connected into the charger when Tae-Hee enters the room, which worries him out. Fortunately, Min-Ji shows there promptly and soothes her.Annie confronts Min-Ji about her differences from her pals at home. She is perplexed about her existence, but Min-Ji is unable to explain it to her without making her feel different from everyone else. The following day, Annie won’t leave her room.

She is reassured by Eun-Woo, who is waiting outside her door, that her friends will accept her for who she is. He also admits that he initially had similar thoughts to theirs when he first met her, but that he has since had second thoughts. Annie suddenly enters the home and admits that she was not in the room. Inconveniently greeting her, Eun-Woo allows her entry. Annie feels ready to go to school the following day. She desires to speak with Tae-Hee and resolve their conflict. But Tae-Hee completely ignores her in class. She approaches Tae-Hee again during break and apologises for being a robot, but Tae-Hee warns her off and tells her to stay away.

Because of the rejection, Annie is devastated. Even after it becomes dark, she leaves the house and doesn’t come back. Tae-Hee is also informed the truth towards the end of the day. Then, Eun-Woo recalls having seen Annie racing along a shadowy alley in his dream. The party heads straight to a nearby location to look for her.Tae-Hee feels terrible about being the cause of Annie going missing. In the meantime, Annie is discovered in an alleyway by the guy who had been following her. Her battery dies, rendering her comatose and providing him with the ideal pretext to kidnap her. When the group shows up and makes a threat to contact the police, he is forced to stop.

The gang attends to an unconscious Annie while the man flees before being apprehended. At school the next day, Tae-Hee continues to avoid interacting with Annie. But when she unlocks her locker, she discovers her favourite beverage and a message of apologies inside. Eun-Woo and Seulgi go on a date that day. He has been acting strangely for the past few days, she feels. She believes that because she has known him for five years and understands his emotions, they should just be friends. Eun-Woo picks up Annie from school and takes her to the park after the incident. Even though she says her purse is quite heavy, he offers to carry it for her.

He tries to get it off the ground but barely succeeds. As they converse, Annie frankly admits that she likes him and gives him a cheek kiss. Eun-Woo, who is upset, admits that he shares the same sentiment. Later on that day, in the storeroom, Eun-Woo discovers a laptop. He discovers that it belonged to his father after opening it. He shows a video message in which he describes Annie as a unique robot with the capacity to experience true human emotion. He has ingrained the memories of their mother into her brain, which has an unconscious impact on how she thinks and further enhances her humanity. Eun-Woo believes that the only reason he liked Annie was because she resembled his mother.

He accuses her of betraying him when she gets home and tells her to leave. Eun-Woo refuses to listen when Annie explains to him that she is not his mother. She attempts to flee the home but is once more apprehended by the odd man. He steps forward to fight this time but is defeated by Annie’s superhuman power. Eun-Woo comes on the scene just in time to help save her. The man shoots Annie as soon as she sees him and smiles.Cut to one month after that. After the incident that caused Annie to lose her memory, she needed to be repaired and reset. Despite their sadness, Eun-Woo and Min-Ji recognise that she is essential to the lab. Following their departure, Kevin addresses Annie by her scientific name, but she corrects him and says her name is Annie, demonstrating that her memory had somehow persisted despite being reset. To support the channel, switch on the notification feature, subscribe for more videos like this, and leave a like. Thankyou.

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