After The Dark Movie

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The movie opens up with a couple, college 

students, James and Petra enjoying quality  

time together. Due to oversleeping, the next day, 

James arrives late at his philosophy class, just  

when his teacher, Zimit, is about to close the 

door. However, being the last day of their class,  

Zimit allows him in and starts discussing the 

thought exercises he taught them to survive in  

the modern world.

One by one, the students 

recall the challenging exercises which they  

learnt throughout the year. One of the exercises 

includes the theory that if a monkey is given a  

typewriter and enough time to type a book, one 

day he will definitely type the whole book.

Following this, Zimit informs them that before 

they depart, they will indulge themselves in  

one last thought exercise. In this exercise, the 

students have to organize their thought process  

when the whole world is suffering from an atomic 

cataclysm. In a flash, the scene changes to  

their experimental place where atomic bombs 

are being exploded in a distance. Soon,  

Zimit takes them to a bunker and informs them that 

it can only accommodate 10 people for a year.

James suggests they all stay in the bunker but 

Zimit tells them that the radiation outside  

will take at least one year to return to 

normal limits and the oxygen inside the  

bunker cannot hold more than 10 people.

Back in the class, Petra thinks that it is  

cruel to select 10 out of 21 candidates and 

leave the others to die in radiation. Hence,  

she decides to opt out of the experiment 

and prepares to leave. Surprisingly,  

Zimit stops her and threatens to lower James’ 

academic grades if she leaves. Hearing this, Petra  

is compelled to stay for the thought exercise.

After this, Zimit asks the students to choose from  

a list of cards in which their probable profession 

is written, based on which the students will  

select the worthy candidates to enter the bunker. 

For some reason, Zimit coughs badly when Petra and  

James select their cards from the box. As soon 

as the distribution of the cards is completed,  

Zimit inquires with the students about 

their profession. James is a farmer while  

Petra is an engineer for the experiment.

The scene again shifts back to their experimental  

site, where Zimit shoots one of the students 

when he discloses his profession as a poet.  

Taken aback, Petra questions him for doing so, but 

Zimit defends himself by saying that a poet is of  

no use inside the bunker and that he also saved 

him from being scorched by the nuclear radiation.  

Zimit is also part of the experiment but his 

ability is hidden from the group and it is up to  

them to decide if they want to let him enter the 

bunker. One by one, the students start mentioning  

their worth for being in the bunker and how they 

can help others in need, followed by the voting  

to decide their fate. While selecting the last 

individual for the bunker, the group has to select  

between an opera singer and Zimit. Realizing 

that Zimit has some unrevealed ability, the  

group decides to choose him over the singer.

After the selection of the worthy candidates,  

the selected group takes 5 minutes to greet 

their other classmates. Moments later,  

when the selected candidates are sitting 

around and talking, they hear gunshots.  

They run to the spot and are shocked to see that 

Zimit has killed all of the abandoned students. In  

particular, Petra is devastated, and she tells 

James that she does not want Zimit inside the  

bunker. Following this, James devises a plan and 

informs everyone to gather inside the bunker,  

except Zimit. When everyone 

starts running towards the bunker,  

Zimit also tries to follow them. However, before 

he can enter, the group closes the door.

Inside the bunker, everyone starts exploring the 

facilities, trying to find something interesting.  

Later at night, when Petra goes to take a look 

at Zimit, she finds him in a very miserable  

condition because of the atomic radiation present 

outside. Before he collapses outside the door,  

Zimit shows a paper to Petra, mentioning that 

only he knows the exit code of the bunker.  

Soon, the entire group arrives there, but they 

assume that Zimit was only trying to make them  

feel bad for leaving him outside. However, 

as they cannot open the door in the present,  

the group decides to spend the year and 

face whatever will happen later.

With this, the students start passing their days, 

using the help of just about anything that they  

can get their hands on. Meanwhile, Petra regularly 

visits Zimit’s corpse outside the bunker and feels  

sad for whatever they did to him. The time inside 

the bunker is not easy and fun for the group,  

rather it is agonizing and frustrating as they 

are not allowed to go outside and play.

In the next scene, a year has passed inside 

the bunker, and the students prepare to leave.  

Unfortunately, they find that they need to enter 

a passcode to exit the bunker and that Zimit was  

actually telling the truth. The group tries their 

best to break the glass of the bunker but fails  

in every attempt. Eventually, all of them die 

as the oxygen inside the bunker runs out.

The scene then shifts back to the classroom, 

where Zimit tells the students that they  

should have thought logically before locking 

him outside the bunker. He also reveals that  

his real profession was the bunker builder 

and because of this, he was the only one  

who knew the code to open the bunker.

Following this, he again makes the group take  

part in the next thought exercise. The students 

are hesitant but for the sake of their grades,  

they reluctantly agree. Next, the group 

is taken to a location where volcanoes  

are erupting everywhere. Zimit asks the 

students to look at their cards for information.  

After reading, the students find their profession. 

James is still an organic farmer but is now gay,  

while Petra is an electrical engineer. Both of 

them are selected as worthy candidates to be in  

the bunker and a few of the previous 

candidates are exchanged. This time,  

Zimit gets one spot because only he knows the 

code to open the bunker door. After a while,  

the selected ones rush towards the bunker, while 

the abandoned ones rush to get a car and leave  

the place. Unfortunately, when they try to drive 

away, a huge volcanic avalanche engulfs them.

Later at night, when Petra goes to meet 

James, she is shocked to see him getting  

intimate with one of the boys. Devastated, 

she walks out of the room and sits on a couch.  

After some time, everyone is discussing how they 

can procreate and increase the human population.  

Each of them starts to choose their partner and 

goes to their room. Sadly, James cannot accompany  

Petra as he is gay. Because of this, Petra decides 

to select Zimit as her partner. She grabs his  

hand and takes him to the other room.

Ten weeks pass by but still, there are no  

signs of pregnancy inside the bunker. Zimit then 

suggests that they should change their partners  

and try again. However, one of the students, 

Bonnie, refuses his suggestion and states  

that he is always wrong. Hearing this, Zimit 

gets angry and leaves the room. After a while,  

he returns with a gun, and points it at Bonnie. 

He then orders everyone to go out of the room,  

except Bonnie. Despite Zimit’s orders, 

Jack, who likes Bonnie, hides behind  

the door and when Zimit is about to shoot Bonnie, 

attacks him from the back. The two fight and Jack  

somehow manages to stab Zimit with a pencil.

Because of the injury, Zimit becomes desperate  

for revenge. He immediately heads out and 

opens the entrance door of the bunker.  

Sadly, the volcanic fire enters the place 

and kills everyone within seconds.

Back in the classroom, James asks Zimit why 

he coughed earlier when he was distributing  

cards to him and Petra. Zimit replies that he 

has a cold, but James is suspicious about it.  

Mentioning that he does not care about his 

grades, James pretends to leave the classroom,  

but just then, he grabs Zimit’s box and rushes 

outside. On opening the box, James learns that  

Zimit has been tricking him and Petra by tampering 

with their cards every single time. He returns to  

the classroom and confronts Zimit for his act and 

calls it cheating. However, Zimit defends himself  

by saying that he was trying to prepare James for 

the real-world scenario, bringing him out of his  

privileged life. James still does not believe his 

teacher, so he suggests they go through the third  

round of the thought exercise. The whole class 

also agrees, and Zimit is forced to comply.

In the following scene, the group again 

arrives on an imaginary island that is  

going to be attacked with nuclear bombs. As soon 

as they reach there, Zimit goes to the bunker  

to do a quick inspection of the place. Inside, 

he grabs a gun for himself and hides the rest.  

He hears a voice inside the bunker but does not 

pay much attention to it. Once outside, Petra  

goes to Zimit and gives him a warm hug, mentioning 

that all of them have been hard on him. Petra then  

approaches the group and asks them to trust her as 

she is going to select the candidates this time.  

Everyone agrees, and the selection begins.

Surprisingly, Petra goes against Zimit’s  

suggestions and starts choosing individuals who 

might pose a risk or lack technical expertise,  

such as an opera singer and a poet. Petra excludes 

herself and selects James to fill the last spot  

for the bunker. Zimit mentions that they will 

not remain alive as the group she selected  

has no expertise to prepare anything. However, 

Petra defends herself by telling that the group  

can at least enjoy their time while inside.

Enraged with her choice and for not including him,  

Zimit reaches his bag for his gun but is surprised 

to not find it there. Petra then comes forwards  

and tells Zimit that she took out his gun while 

they were talking to each other sometime before.  

Zimit takes the gun from her and points it at 

James to shoot him, but James is already holding  

a rifle which Zimit hid while he was inspecting 

the place. The sound that Zimit heard while he  

was hiding the gun was of James, who was keeping 

an eye on him. Zimit then reminds them that they  

will require the code to exit the bunker and he 

is the only one who knows it. To his surprise,  

Bonnie, who also has an excellent IQ, recites the 

code for him. It turns out that she had seen Zimit  

using the code during their second experiment.

Having no other choice, Zimit walks  

away from there. A while later, when Petra and 

other unselected classmates also prepare to leave,  

she realizes that they do not have 

the key to the boat. Just then, Chip,  

one of the bunker candidates, tells Petra that 

he has the keys. When she goes to retrieve them,  

Chip cleverly pulls Petra inside the bunker, 

steps out, and closes the door. After this,  

he runs towards the boat with his other friends 

and tries to reach the nearby island before the  

nuclear bombs are dropped on the place.

Inside the bunker, the group enjoys their time  

by painting, singing, and doing all the things 

they like. James expresses his love for Petra  

but for some reason, she is not able to give 

him back the same response. After spending a  

year of fun and creativity, the group steps 

out of the bunker and is shocked to find the  

island still in its original state, without any 

nuclear attack. Despite Zimit’s narration that  

they would all perish since none of them have the 

technological abilities to survive, they have come  

this far. However, since all their supplies have 

run out, they don’t have much time to live.

Moments later, a nuclear warhead lands on the 

beach. As the group has already enjoyed a full  

year, they are ready to embrace death. James makes 

his way to detonate the warhead but just then,  

a barbaric-looking Zimit arrives there 

with his gun, and tells James to step away.  

It turns out that he lived in a nearby cave 

for the entire year. He threatens to shoot  

James and kill him but surprisingly, the 

other survivors stand in front of James.  

After this, the group detonates the warhead 

together and everyone is killed.

The scene shifts to the class, where Zimit 

mentions that the most recent exercise was  

unpleasant. Everyone departs when the lesson 

is over, but Petra stays and accuses Zimit of  

trying to punish her and James with the exercise. 

James, in Zimit’s opinion, does not deserve Petra.  

Here, it is revealed that Zimit has been having an 

affair with Petra and during the whole exercise,  

he was trying to punish James. Petra tells 

Zimit that intelligence isn’t the only  

factor to consider when it comes to survival and 

satisfaction. She then tells him that she loves  

James and leaves the classroom. The movie ends 

with Zimit, sitting by himself in the classroom,  

contemplating different thought 

exercises like before. Eventually,  

he reaches into his drawer for a revolver and 

a gunshot can be heard.


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