Angel 2016 Full Film Explained

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Today I’m going to explain a French Drama Fantasy film called “Angel”. Spoilers ahead !

Louise is a beautiful young girl working as an 
assistant to a magician. She falls in love with  

his charm, and so does he with her beauty. But 
tragedy comes when in one of their performances,  

the magician depicts being invisible and never 
returns. His disappearance causes Louise to fall  

into a spiral of depression. For some reason, she 
believes he will return to her soon because he has  

the ability to turn invisible on command.
Her depression turns into hallucination and  

delusion which eventually ends her up in a 
mental asylum. Nine months after the magician’s  

disappearance, Louise goes into labor. No one 
knows she is pregnant so she has to give birth  

on her own. The baby born that night is invisible. 
His existence proves that Louise is not delusional  

but she is too scared to tell the nurses.
She knows her son will turn into a subject of  

experiments if people find out about his 
existence, hence, she keeps him a secret.  

The nurses come every day to give her food 
and medicine but never find out about the  

invisible kid living in the room.
Louise calls him angel which eventually  

turns into his name. She takes great care 
of him and raises him like any normal child.  

We see her patting his back, feeding him, teaching 
him to talk and eat. When he grows old enough,  

she uses chalks and the wall to teach him 
to read. Angel loves to play with Louise’s  

old dress and shoes which is the only way he 
can see half of himself in the mirror.

 Angel 2016 Full Film Watch Online

Every night, Louise tells him about her childhood 
home. She used to live in a cabin in the middle  

of the woods owned by her father. On vacation, 
they used to travel by train and go to a lake.  

It is Louise’s favorite place in the world and 
she hopes her son will be able to see it one day.  

She also wants to teach him to swim in 
the lake but the thought of him meeting  

the outside world scares her to death.
On his birthdays, Louise lights up rolled pages  

and puts them on top of two slices of bread to 
mimic a cake. Angel doesn’t know any better,  

hence, he never complains. As the years pass, 
Angle grows up to be a smart ten-year-old  

but doesn’t come to terms with his invisibility. 
With growing age, his curiosity grows as well.

One evening, he gets on top of a chair and 
looks outside the window. For the first time  

in his life, he sees another human his age. A 
little girl is with her parents outside her home.  

She trips on a stair and is helped by her 
mother. Angel returns to his mother in bed  

and tells her about the girl. Louise is 
terrified that her son is growing curious  

about the outside world. She tells him he 
is different from the rest of the world  

which the normal people don’t like. Hence, he has 
to be careful to never be noticed by anyone.

The comment makes a lasting impression on the 
kid but his interest in the pretty neighbor  

doesn’t die. He frequently watches her through 
the window and realizes she always plays the  

same two keys on the piano. He listens to it for 
as long as he can, hoping to meet her someday.

One morning, Angel asks his mother what 
it is like to see herself in the mirror.  

Louise describes the feeling as seeing yourself 
a little more than you see other people.

Louise always believed that her lover would 
come to her and Angel one day. But after  

years of waiting, she has fallen deep into 
depression. She barely talks to Angel nowadays.

When she pulls away from him, he feels lonely 
and spends days drawing on the wall. One day,  

the pretty girl looks directly at him 
from the garden in front of her house.  

Angel feels nervous and runs to tell his 
mother who turns away without saying a word.

Later, Louise is brought outside her room by the 
nurses. Angel takes the opportunity to run outside  

without being noticed. He walks on the grass, away 
from the cold marbled floor for the first time in  

his life. A few minutes later, he ends up in front 
of the pretty girl who is playing on a swing.

She feels his presence and asks him to come 
closer. A stunned Angel questions her if she  

can see him and finds out she is blind. Her 
sense of smell and touch is heightened which  

is why she can feel his presence nearby.
Angel, who has never seen himself before,  

feels like he exists for the first time. The girl 
introduces herself as Madeleine and touches his  

hand. They talk for a minute before Angel 
gets nervous. Madeleine makes him promise  

that he will come again before he runs away.
She has no friends because of her disability so  

talking to someone her age is as delightful 
for her as it is for Angel. He returns to  

the room with the nurses and lays beside 
his mother. By now, Louise has stopped  

smiling altogether. Angel tells her he has 
a girlfriend but she shows no reaction.

He goes to meet Madeleine again as soon as he 
can. She touches his face and can see him clearly  

in her imagination. Angel also tells her that he 
watches her from the window and loves to hear her  

play the piano. Madeleine laughs because she only 
uses two keys and has never played a melody.

The two play hide and seek for hours even though 
one of them is invisible and the other is blind.  

Soon, the two become inseparable and Angel starts 
spending most of his days with her. One day,  

they take a step forward and kiss. Madeleine can 
perfectly guess what part of her body Angel is  

looking at because she can feel his gaze.
Angel couldn’t be happier in life but that  

doesn’t last long. Madeleine reveals that 
she is about to get eye surgery the next week  

after which she will be able to see. She is 
the most excited about finally getting to see  

Angel but he doesn’t feel the same way.
They spend the next week together before  

she waves at him from her house and leaves. That 
night, Louise speaks for the first time in months  

and invites Angel to sleep by her side. She 
also asks him to go to the cabin in the woods  

if something ever happens to her. When Angel wakes 
up in the morning, she has already passed away.

The news is too much for the kid to take. He 
watches his mother’s body for hours before the  

nurses come and take her away. They also remove 
all of her belongings and the writings from the  

wall. The room is the only thing Angel ever knew 
apart from Madeleine. It is gone and Madeleine  

will hate him when she knows the truth.
So, without anything in his possession, he boards  

a train and goes to the lake his mother always 
talked about. He imagines Madeleine coming out  

of the water which only makes him sadder. Then, he 
boards another train to the cabin in the woods.

He breaks in and looks around before sleeping 
on the sofa and declaring it his house. Weeks  

turn into months, and months into 
years. Angel is now a grown man,  

evident from his raspy and manly voice.
He has only talked to himself for years but still  

hopes he will get to see Madeleine someday. Then 
finally, one day, she arrives at the cabin.

Angel feels like he is in a dream 
and cannot stop looking at her.  

He stands right in front of her but even with her 
recovered eyes, Madeleine doesn’t see him.

For the next two days, she goes around the 
nearest town and asks people about him. It  

turns out she has been looking for him since 
she returned from the hospital. Madeleine knew  

about his mother but the asylum had no records 
of his existence. Hence, she did more research  

about Louise and found out about the cabin.
That day, she also visits Louise’s grave and  

leaves a letter for Angel. It says that 
she is back and asks him to come to her.  

Angel continues following her and stays with 
her at the house without her knowing.

Madeleine frequently feels his eyes on him 
like she did years ago but she dismisses it  

every single time. Having had enough, Angel 
writes a letter back to her, saying that he  

misses her as much as she misses him but can only 
meet if she promises to keep her eyes closed.

They meet in the woods later that day and as 
promised, Madeleine keeps her eyes closed.  

They return home together and lay down by 
each other’s side. Madeleine feels his face  

and takes in his scent, trying to relive the 
memories they shared. His scent has changed a  

little but she can still recognize him.
The lovers are overwhelmed by the sudden  

closeness after years of longing for each other. 
In the following scene, Madeleine is blindfolded  

and naked with Angel on the bed.
Angel asks her how she felt when she  

first regained her vision. Madeleine describes it 
as a strange experience. Before, she thought the  

things in the room only existed when she touched 
them. A bouncy ball would disappear from the face  

of the earth when she threw it to the wall and 
then reappear again when it touched her hand.  

But when she gained her vision, she realized the 
ball was always there. Similarly, she found out  

that many things in her room exist simultaneously, 
not just when she touches them.

The profound explanation makes Angel question 
his existence when he is away from Madeleine.  

For the next week, they live in paradise. 
Madeleine continuously has a cloth over her  

eyes but doesn’t mind it. They talk about 
their childhood, and their teen years and  

end up falling in love for the second time.
Then, Angel brings her to see the lake,  

which has turned into his favorite place over the 
years. Madeleine takes off the blindfold and is  

mesmerized by the view. But the only thing 
she really wants to see is her boyfriend’s  

face. Angel kisses her on the neck from behind 
and promises to reveal himself at night.

The night comes and he is in the bedroom with 
a sheet over his head. Madeleine promises to  

love him no matter how he looks. But when she 
takes the sheet off, she retreats in shock.

Angel tells her the truth which is too much 
for her to take. She breaks down crying,  

making Angel feel like the ugliest person in the 
world. He watches her curl up on the floor in  

tears till the morning. When she falls asleep on 
the ground, he puts a blanket over her. It wakes  

Madeleine up from her sleep. She says she is ready 
to keep her eyes closed for life if it means they  

can be together. But Angel doesn’t want that. He 
doesn’t say anything to her face but registers  

that she has to be blind to actually love him.
Madeleine wakes up the next morning and looks for  

Angel but doesn’t find him. Instead, she finds 
a note that says he is going away from her life.  

He promises to always love her 
but asks her to stop loving him.  

Madeleine sheds a single tear after reading it.
She packs her luggage and is ready to leave when  

she feels something in her chest. It is almost 
as if she can tell where Angel is at that moment.  

After closing her eyes and searching for his 
scent, she realizes he went to the lake.

In the following scene, Madeleine reaches 
the deck and calls for him. She knows he  

is nearby because of his scent but Angel 
refuses to talk. Suddenly, a splash of water  

is heard. Angel has accidentally fallen into 
the lake but he doesn’t know how to swim.

Madeleine jumps behind him even though she 
cannot even see him. After frantically searching  

for a while, she sees bubbles underwater 
and brings him to the shore. Angel gains  

consciousness after a few rounds of CPR.
Madeleine declares that this is the end of  

their misery and they will remain together 
forever after this moment. She promises to  

learn to see him with her eyes open like 
she used to see him with them closed.

In the following montage, we see the couple 
living a happy life together. They play,  

fight, talk, and make love like any normal couple. 
Sometimes, Madeleine puts makeup on Angel and they  

laugh at the absurd result. Eventually, she 
gets pregnant and gives birth to a visible  

baby. The couple starts their own magic 
show which becomes a hit. In the last scene,  

we see them swimming together.
Thanks you.

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