Antlers 2021 Film Explained

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A mine is seen as this film begins.

There is also a young boy who was hearing some mysterious sounds from mine.

Being afraid, he comes to his truck and hides in it.

Meanwhile, his father also comes near the truck.

And he tells his father, I am hearing so mysterious sounds from the mine!

Then his father says to him , You were hearing the rock crashing sounds from the mine!

Actually, this boy’s father was a miner.

His father says to him, We will soon return to your brother “Lucas” after carrying out our work!

After saying this, that man goes into the mine with his co-worker for working!

When that man is working in the mine with his companion,

Then he was also hearing those sounds!

It is seen that there is profound darkness ion that mine.

Then they begin to move in that direction to detect the sound , turning on the flares torch.

Suddenly, a huge creature attacks them. That kid in truck also hears their shouting.

For this, he becomes so afraid and he begins to move towards mine.

He starts calling his father while standing at the opening side of the mine.

He starts to move inside with the little steps when his father does not respond.

But it is not shown here what was happened to that kid by that creature.

Three weeks later, a school teacher named “Julia” comes on the scene.

At that time, she is teaching her students. She begins to tell a tale to all.

Then “Julia” says to a student “Lucas”, Tell your any personal experience!

But “Lucas” refuses to tell any story. It is revealed here , This kid “Lucas” is no one else,

But he is the son of that miner and the brother of that young kid.

Some students tease “Lucas” too much after the leaving time of school.

And they make fun of him. Then “Lucas” directs himself towards mine from there.

Where he observes a lying small animal on the ground.

“Lucas” ends that animal with a stone and keeps it in his bag.

After doing so, he comes back to his house. One locked room is seen here.

The scene changes later and “Julia” is seen at her home.

“Julia” has also a brother named “Paul” who is a police officer.

Then “Julia” starts glimpsing her family photos where it is exposed that,

She has no family member in this World except her brother “Paul”.

On the other side, “Lucas” is also seeing his family photos,

Then he starts hearing the shaking sound from the locked room.

Antlers 2021 Film Watch Online

And someone was knocking at that door violently from inside that room.

Then “Lucas” begins to feel upset. Next day, “Julia” says to “Lucas” in the classroom,

Tell me your any life story! Then “Lucas” begins to tell his story.

He tells, Three bears used to live in a city! One day, two bears’ behaviour turned into violent.

It was appearing after hearing the story of “Lucas” as he has written his own family story.

“Julia” is also surprised, hearing his story and she says to him, Your story is best!

Some boys also tease “Lucas” again after the school. And they also beat him at this time.

“Julia” takes “Lucas” to a doctor after saving him.

Where doctor perfectly treats “Lucas”. Now “Julia” tries to contact with Lucas’ family.

But no one attends her call at his house.

In the meantime, that locked room is seen at Lucas’ house.

Where it is seen as there is a creature in that room.

Which is trying to free from there.Now “Julia” observes while returning to home that,

“Lucas” is looking inside the restaurant , standing outside.

“Julia” takes him inside and serves meal. “Julia” begins to ask him about his brother here.

“Lucas” tells on this, My brother always lives with my father!

When “Julia” asks “Lucas” about his father then he says,

I want to go back to home . Please don’t chase me!

Then “Lucas” starts returning to his house where he sees lost life animal on the way.

Then “Lucas” starts to go to house after keeping it.

Now “Julia” visits Lucas’ house to meet with his family.

Some horrible sounds begin to come from the house as she opens the house’s door.

Being panicked and confused, “Julia” drives away by her car.

Coming to the home, “Julia” sees the sketch created by “Lucas”.

Where “Lucas” had sketched a horrific creature’s face.

Meanwhile, Julia’s brother “Paul” puts his hand on Julia’s shoulder, appearing there.

“Julia” is scared immediately because of this.

Coming to the house, “Lucas” begins to slice that animal.

Slicing and placing it on a plate, he starts to take it into that locked room.

He places that animals’ flesh at that place. Then Lucas’ father arrives there,

And he starts eating that animal’ flesh.

It is witnessed here that Lucas’ father has not been a normal being now.

He is rather transformed into a creature seen in that locked room.

He was the same. It means , he was Lucas’ father!

At the same time, Lucas’ younger brother also approaches there.

And he also starts eating that animal’s flesh.

It is seen here that Lucas’ brother has also transformed into a creature.

Now Lucas’s father who is in form of creature starts to shout loudly.

So “Lucas” is scared and hesitated. And he locks that room, coming out of it.

It was appearing as “Lucas” had told his own personal story in the class at that day.

Actually, Lucas’ father and brother had infected in that mine because of a biting of that creature.

This is the reason that “Lucas” brings an animal at his house , ending it,

And he feeds that flesh to his father and brother, slicing this animal.

On the other side, “Julia” is playing piano , sitting at her home.

Suddenly, she begins to visualize his father strangely.

Visualizing this, “Julia” starts shouting loudly . Hearing her shouting,

Her brother “Paul” arrives there. Later, he asks “Julia” that,

Are you alright! “Julia” responds on this, Yeah! I am alright.

And she does not reveal a single thing about her vision.

Then she starts to ask “Paul” about Lucas’s father.

Then “Paul” tells “Julia”, He is a miner and alcoholic!

I also tried to arrest him because of his addiction of drugs.

But he remains secure because of his kids. And the time when his wife passed away,

He looks after his kids after this. Then “Julia” tells him here, His son “Lucas” is my student!

And I visited his house yesterday but I got no one there!

Moreover, I heard some horrific sounds there!

I think, there is surely something mysterious in his house!

Knowing this, “Paul” forbids her to visit there again.

“Lucas” is seen there who again begins to make the sketch at his house.

Then his brother says to him from the locked room, “Lucas”! Bring some edible thing for me.

I have appetite! But “Lucas” sleeps , ignoring him.

Next day, “Lucas” starts to set a trap in order to catch the animals at nearby forest.

He also glimpses an old man there. That old man observes that there is lying a corpes before him.

Which condition is worst! That man leaves that place to inform the police after observation.

“Julia” is seen in the class who starts checking the seat of “Lucas”, reaching there.

He discovers books there titled “Animal Trapping” and a sketch book.

A sketch book in which “Lucas” used to draw the weird sketches.

It is seen here that “Lucas” had drawn the strange and horrible drawings.

Now “Julia” moves to the Principal, taking them and shows to her.

She assumes , Something is surely happening with “Lucas” at his house!

It is also possible that his father is torturing him!

Principal responds here, It may be! Okay, I will visit Lucas’ house tomorrow!

I will detect about this and I will also talk to Lucas’ father regarding this!

When “Julia” is returning to home then she notices her brother “Paul” there.

Who was very worried at that moment. “Julia” asks him there, Why are you so upset?

“Paul” reveals on this, My friend has discovered a corpes in the forest!

That corpes’s condition is distorted! “Paul” was thinking that a beast has distorted that corpes.

“Lucas” is seen there who moves to his brother.

Then he begins to feed him flesh then his brother starts coughing badly.

And he begins to eject the black blood from his mouth and eyes.

Observing this, “Lucas” is enough frightened and leaves the room.

That corpes is brought to the doctor on the coming day,

Which leaves the doctor shocked because of its worst condition.

Then doctor tells “Paul”, This corpes has the tooth mark of human not of any animal!

Hearing this, “Paul” was disbelieving in this!

As any human can also commit as such!

Then Principal visits Lucas’ house but she also glimpses no one there.

Then she enters the house while calling Lucas’ father.

Coming into the house, she starts listening the voices of Lucas’ brother from that locked room.

Then she enters that room, unlocking this. She encounters Lucas’s brother there.

Who was sitting at place in a unstable health condition.

But Lucas’ father attacks the Principal from the backside, appearing there.

And he throws her on the ground and starts plucking it like a beast.

So Principal also lost the life at the spot .

Then it is seen that transformation has started in Lucas’ father.

At the first sight, a creature begins to appear from him after a time.

That creature comes out of his body , pulling apart it.

“Paul” comes to the same mine with his team. Going inside, they start investigation.

They discover a broken horn there. When Paul’s team exposes to him,

This horn does not seem to belong to an animal!

When “Lucas” is returning to his house there then he encounters his classmate on the way.

Who starts to tease “Lucas” again. Then the same creature emerges on a tree there.

And he begins to pluck his classmate’s flesh after attacking him.

Meanwhile, “Lucas” starts to escape, taking the advantage of it.

“Lucas” directly comes to his house from there.

He notices the parked car of his Principal out of his house.

So he immediately comes to that locked room, understanding the whole story.

It means where his father and brother were locked.

“Lucas” becomes confused, entering that room.

Because neither he finds his father there nor brother!

He just finds the blood stains in the whole room.

Moreover, that room window was also broken. Now “Lucas” gets the point here,

That his Principal has been hunted by his father and brother!

And they both have fled after hunting her. Now “Lucas” did not want to indulge in this affliction.

So he hides Principal’s car, moving outside.

“Paul” tells “Julia” at home, Your school Principal is missing somewhere!

Because her husband has given her “Missing Person Report”.

Then “Julia” tells, I had told her today about Lucas ‘ house so she will have visited there!

To meet with Lucas’ father! “Lucas” is seen at his house who starts to clean the blood stains.

In the meantime, “Paul” approaches at his house and he starts to call Lucas’ father.

But “Lucas” hides himself there without responding on call.

The door is not opened so “Paul” moves way, having a glimpse of the house from outside.

Next day, “Paul” begins to investigate, coming at school.

“Paul” assures to all that he will search for Principal in every condition.

But “Julia” does not believe that her brother “Paul” will be able to search for Principal.

Then “Julia” checks , going into the class that “Lucas” is present at school today.

So “Julia” starts to go to his house without any companion.

Where she notices Principal’s car hidden by “Lucas”.

Seeing this, “Julia” calls his brother “Paul” here. Then “Paul” reaches there with his team.

Where he begins to detect the whole house.

Then they discover one more corpes with Principal’s corpes in the locked room.

And this corpes belongs to Lucas’ father!

Because that creature had emerged from Lucas’ father’s body after pulling his body apart.

Police become so shocked, observing this,

When “Lucas” is returning to his house then “Julia” captures him.

And she brings him into a hospital where doctor tells them after Lucas’ treatment.

That “Lucas” is mentally disturbed right now and he is also feeble.

“Paul” asks “Julia” here, Why are you thinking so much about “Lucas”?

He is not under your charge! Then “Julia” says, His brother is missing!

And his father had also not been found at his house. So he is familyless right now!

He is my student so he is my responsibility!

Saying so , “Julia” departs from there.

“Lucas” begins to recollect his past memories in which it is seen that,

When Lucas’ father had been infected by that creature.

Then he begins to keep his both kids away from him.

And he had locked himself in this room.

He says to his kids here, Listen my kids! I am so sick.

Lock this door from outside and don’t open it until I say!

Now “Lucas” is unaware , Why is his father doing so?

After a while, “Lucas”unlocks that door,

And he observes that his father has turned into strange person.

Then “Lucas” says to his father, My brother’s condition is also worsening!

Hearing this, Lucas’ father also drags his brother into that room.

And he quickly closes the door! In the next scene, “Paul” and “Julia” go to that man,

Who had informed about that corpes lying in the forest.

“Julia” begins to show him the drawn sketches of “Lucas” there.

Seeing this, that man is left shocked. When “Paul” also shows the same scene to that aged man,

That he had found in that mine.

Glimpsing both images, that man shows that creature in a book.

And he tells , This creature’s name is “Wendigo”. That man tells that,

The victim is also begun to transform into that creature when it attacks someone.

And infected man prefers to have the flesh of human .

Then “Paul” does not believe in his stories and he says, These are just myths!

How is it possible in the reality. That man further tells that,

That creature may become the victim at that time when it is weak.

And its heart will have to be pulled out in order to end it.

And this creature’s heart always continue to shine!

But “Paul” mocks at his words while ignoring.

“Paul” receives his friend’s call when he is returning to home.

Who tells him, We have also discovered one more corpes in the forest!

So “Paul” reaches that location!

Then it is seen that corpes belonged to Lucas’ that classmate not anyone else,

The classmate who used to tease him! Who had also been attacked in the forest by the creature.”

“Paul” is shocked, coming there and seeing that corpes in the forest.

Doctor tells him here, Someone has eaten him mercilessly!

Observing these facts, “Paul” begins to think that creature is behind these endings!

Then “Paul” and “Julia” come to their house, picking Lucas” from the hospital.

Where “Julia” begins to converse with “Lucas” after arriving at home.

“Lucas” tells here, My family loves me a lot!

And my family is coming to pick me up and I can also sense them coming!

Then that creature sound begins to echo out of the house,

There is an officer out of their house then he moves to nearby cabin of that house to check the sound.

That officer also informs to “Paul” about this sound.

So “Paul” moves out to direct himself towards his home.

Then that officer checks , coming to that cabin that,

Lucas’ brother is lying in a box there but that creature assaults him from the backside.

And it starts eating him. “Paul” also reaches there after a moment.

He also begins to move towards that cabin.

Then “Lucas” also comes out of the house to meet his brother.

Whereas “Julia” tries to stop him but he ignores her.

Coming into the cabin, “Paul” also witnesses Lucas’ brother there.

As he begins to come to Lucas’ brother then that creature assaults him.

And he throws “Paul” away . So he is very wounded.

Now Lucas’ brother also runs outside. “Paul” thinks here as that creature had left from here.

But that creature stars attaching him again. As that creature is going to eat “Paul” after hunting,

Then “Paul” finds an iron rod there so he begins to attack that creature with this.

So that creature flees!

“Julia” also comes to that cabin while searching “Lucas”.

Where she discovers “Paul” there in wounded condition.

She observes that her brother “Paul” has been injured badly from the backside.

So “Julia” dresses his injury. Then she comes to that mine in search of “Lucas” with his brother.

And she alone begins to move inside the cave, holding the guns.

Going inside, she checks that “Lucas” and his brother are hidden there in fear.

Then she notices that creature is also there which is eating the animals after plucking their flesh.

That creature was looking so frightening! Now that creature starts staring at “Julia”.

It is seen here that creature’s face looks like Lucas’ father.

Now that creature moves to “Julia” in order to attack her.

But “Julia” fires her gun at it. But there was profound darkness in the cave,

Due to this, she cannot have a look of that creature clearly.

Then that creature begins to target her from backside. As “Julia” falls down,

Then she finds the flare torch there. Seeing it, that creature starts going far from her.

At the same time, “Julia” stabs a rod into that creature , lying aside.

And she begins to stab that creature with that rod.

Now “Lucas” also attacks that creature , holding a knife.

So that creature falls down as being injured and weakened.

It was weak so it was not difficult to end it.

Now “Julia” pulls that creature’s heart out with the help of the knife.

So it may not revive. Then Lucas’ brother shouting begins to echo.

“Julia” checks , going near him that he is going to be transformed into a creature.

Then she starts moving to Lucas’ brother, holding the same knife.

But “Lucas” stops “Julia” and forbids her to end his brother.

He says, Don’t end my brother! He will be recovered!

“Julia” says to him there, It cannot be credible! He cannot be recovered now!

“Julia” explains to him , saying this.

“Lucas” says to her to end his brother while crying.

Now “Julia” goes to Lucas’ brother and embraces him.

Then she is going to attack him with a knife at his back,

And she apologizes him while weeping because she was also feeling pain , doing so.

But she was compelled. In this way, “Julia” ends Lucas’ brother.

Further, it is seen that “Paul” and “Julia” are talking about “Lucas”, standing at a place.

Where “Julia” expresses, I will take the custody of “Lucas” and also look after him!

The responsibility of his care is now mine! Saying this, “Julia” begins to leave, taking “Lucas” with her.

Then it is observed that “Paul” has started to cough all of a sudden.

Consequently, his mouth begins to bleed . That blood was also black.

It means that “Paul” had also been infected during fight with that creature.

Showing this scene, this movie completes here.

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