Assassins Creed 2016 Explained

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In the beginning of the movie Assassins creed , we see The fight between Assasin’s Creed and Templars was going on for years.

The one who will get the Apple of Eden and will solve its problems will control human thinking.

It isn’t easy to get the Apple of Eden.

None other than Assasins were protecting it.

a younger boy is shown and when he returns home he finds his father ”Joseph” has ended his mother.

Now his father asks his son to run from there.

As the guards of Templars foundation will arrive here soon.

The signature blade of Assasins is shown in the hand of ”Cal’s” father.

Here we discover that ”Cal’s” family believes in the assassins’ brotherhood.

Later, the story is forward into 2016

It is shown that ”Cal” was arrested because he was blamed for a murder.

He was declared the death-sentenced and he will be ended while injecting the poison.

”Cal” fainted and when he comes to his senses he finds himself in a research lab.

She tells ”Cal” that he is dead in front of the world.

For the benefit of people and to remove the violence.

With its help, he will be able to access his ancestor’s memories.

They find out the 1492 ”Aguilar” assassin with the help of the machine through ”Cal’s” DNA.

There was chaos everywhere.

Templars attacked the king of that time ”Sultan Muhammad’s” palace.

They have found ”Sultan’s” son.

Now they were taking him while imprisoning him.

Then the Assassins team arrives to save that kid

and there was a fight of Assassins with Templars and they were dominant over the Templars.

Templars take that kid from there but Assassins couldn’t make them succeed.

Assassins Creed 2016 Watch Online

They were moving forward and the present time is shown where the condition of ”Cal” was worse.

”Dr.Sophia” talks to her father and tells him that they are near the Apple of Eden.

”Cal” is shown awakened on the other side

and ”Dr.Sophia” comes to meet him in his cell.

”Cal” tries to end her but she convinces him

and makes him remember his dead mother.

”Cal” asks her how did she know this much about him?

She tells him when he was arrested his DNA was matched with ”Aguilar”.

Here they confirmed that ”Cal” will take them to Apple of Eden.

”Sophia” also tells ”Cal” that his father was also an Assassin and ended his mother.

If “Cal” can somehow transport them to the Garden of Eden, humanity will be free of volition.

After it, the humans will live calmly.

Wandering in the cell, ”Cal” sees other people like him.

They belong to the Assassins family.

then he was prepared for animus.

His condition wasn’t able to go into the past through animus.

Even then he connects with the past and it is shown in ”Cal’s” past

that ”Aguilar” and his companion were made slave by Templars.

Now they will be burned in front of the whole kingdom.

They don’t lose courage and the Templars guards get them on this stage

but ”Aguilar” tries to escape and succeed in it.

He also releases his companion but it wasn’t easy for them to run from here.

The whole Templars army was behind them.

They somehow fight with this army and escape from there.

They run from there. The present is shown where ”Cal” lost his connection with animus.

He falls down and his condition was getting worse

and his body was about to paralyzed.

This paralytic attack was temporary.

”Dr.Sophia” hurriedly cures him and ”Cal” wasn’t feeling all this right.

He sees that Templars have demanded the Apple of Eden in return for ”Sultan’s” son.

They tell ”Sultan” now no Assassin will come for his protection.

”Sultan” gets ready to give Templars the Apple of Eden.

Then ”Aguilar” and his companions arrive and come to ”Sultan” while ending all the Templars.

Here, a head of the Templars and his warrior lives.

There was a heavy fight between them.

”Aguilar’s” companion was ended in this fight.

He becomes upset because he likes her.

”Aguilar” ends the Templars head and runs while taking Apple of Eden.

As he moves forward and reaches a bridge there was a whole team of Templars.

They surround him and he jumps from the bridge and reaches the military of force.

He gives Apple of Eden to a man and asks him to protect this.

Here we discover the man was none other than ”Christopher Columbus”.

They will find Apple of Eden at the place where ”Columbus” is buried.

”Cal” sees another vision and many Assassins comes to him

and talk to him and one of them was ”Cal’s” mother.

She asks him to protect the Apple of Eden as they are Assassins and their task is to protect Apple of Eden.

The other Assassins are shown doing breakout

and the guards of the foundation seals the animus completely.

”Sophia” moves to Spain with her father.

She gets the Apple of Eden but then ”Cal” decides he will not let this happen.

He was also an Assassin.

Now he fights with the guards with all his companions

and we discover the Templars head will use Apple of Eden against humans, not for their well-being.

They will control the humanity with this Apple of Eden.

”Dr.Sophia” doesn’t know this and the Assassins are shown ending all the guards.

Their Assassins are also ended in this fight and the head along with ”Sophia” leave in the helicopter.

”Cal” fails to stop them and now Templars foundation has got the Apple of Eden.

They were doing a program there and the Assassins team arrive

and ”Cal” tells ”Sophia” that Assassins are protecting humanity for years

While protecting Apple of Eden and ”Sophia” also understands that

humanity will not be saved if Templars will have the Apple of Eden.

She helps ”Cal” and let them go inside

and here the team of Assassins end Templars team.

The Assassins secure the Apple of Eden.

Similarly, the Assassins have reclaimed the Apple of Eden.
Here movie ends.

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