Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

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The episode starts in Oslo, where a group of 

friends are enjoying their time near the sea.  

As one of them gets ready to dive into the 

water, he is taken aback by a mysterious light  

coming from underneath. Soon after, three people 

emerge from the water, looking terrified. The  

group immediately rescues the 3 and contacts the 

police. On the other hand, we are introduced to  

Lars Haaland, a police officer, and his wife, 

who have recently purchased a new apartment  

in the city center. As soon as Lars signs the 

purchase agreement, he gets information about  

the incident in the sea and proceeds to the scene. 

Upon reaching there, Lars notices that the victims  

are cold, so he gives them some warm blankets. 

He also believes the victims are Icelandic,  

so he summons for a translator, only to discover 

that they speak Old Norse. When the translator  

asks where they have come from, they reply 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

that they are from the past. Hearing this,  

Lars believes that the victims are mentally 

ill, but when he turns on the television,  

he sees news about the same incident 

happening all over the world.

Following this, the scene fast forwards 

to a few years, where Lars wakes up in his  

apartment. A radio in the background reports that 

the ‘beforeigners’ have become a common phenomenon  

throughout the world. Beforeigners are people from 

different time periods, who suddenly appear in the  

21st century. Just last year, over 13,000 of these 

cases were reported by the BBC. Meanwhile, Lars  

appears to be taking a secret medicine in the form 

of eye drops. He is also revealed to be divorced,  

and his wife, Marie, now has a new husband named 

Gregers. Lars’s daughter, Ingrid, lives with her  

mother but she pays him frequent visits. One day, 

Lars learns of a female beforeigner who has washed  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

up dead on the shore of Tjuvholmen. He, along 

with his team, arrives at the scene immediately  

and registers the body in their database before 

contacting the ambulance. The body appears to be  

the year’s 12th floater. While investigating the 

body, Lars notices a prehistoric tattoo on her  

neck and petechiae on her hip, as well as on her 

eyelids. The case appears to be different because  

the forensic believes the cause of death is 

strangulation rather than a regular drowning one.

In the police station, the head officer; Harald,  

hires a police officer with a multi-temporal 

background named Alfhildr Enginsdottir. Later,  

the chief summons Lars and Harald to discuss the 

appointment of a senior detective to handle the  

ongoing beforeigner death investigation. Lars 

decides to take the lead on the investigation  

but Harald refuses because he is currently on 

sick leave for chronic drowsiness. Furthermore,  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

beforeigner cases have already been heavily 

criticized and they cannot afford to appoint  

the senior detective who is on sick leave. After 

a bit of thinking, the chief comes up with an idea  

to pair Lars with Alfhildr. Lars believes 

that Alfhildr has recently joined and is  

unqualified for the case but he is 

powerless to change the chief’s decision.

Soon after, Lars and Alfhildr go to the port 

police station to find out who ‘arrived’ with  

the victim, having the prehistoric tattoo. 

Upon reaching there, they meet with officers;  

Jeppe and David and ask them if the victim was 

part of a group, to which they respond no. Jeppe  

suggests they go inside the port for further 

investigation, so they head there and meet with  

the other ‘arrivals’. After a bit of talking, 

Lars displays the dead girl’s photograph and  

inquires if they have any information about her. 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

One of the victims recognizes her and confesses  

to seeing her in the water. She also claims 

that Hafgufa, a sea monster with glowing eyes,  

tried to capture her. Hearing this, Alfhildr 

believes her description, but Lars does not.

At night, Lars goes to a suspicious slaughterhouse 

and gets his eye drops. After returning home,  

he investigates the Tjuvholmen case while Alfhildr 

contacts him to inform him of the Hafgufa theory.  

Although he still doesn’t believe in the 

theory, he asks her to prepare everything  

she finds on Hafgufa and present it to the 

team the following day. On the other hand,  

Ingrid intends to visit Russebuss, 

a traditional Norwegian high school  

celebration, but Marie and Gregers forbid 

her, claiming that she is still a minor.

The following day at the police station, Alfhildr 

shows a picture of the sea monster to the team,  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

which makes everyone laugh. Harald then suggests 

that she stick to the present scientific world.  

Later, Alfhildr discovers that a man named Tore 

Hund, whom she has been looking for a long time,  

is in a restaurant, so she rushes there alone. 

Lars notices her departure and follows her. After  

a while, Alfhildr approaches Tore and inquires 

whether he recognizes her. When Tore declines,  

she reminds him of the time 

when they met 1007 years ago,  

and when he forced himself on her, 

in a pigpen. Saying this much,  

Alfhildr starts attacking him. Shortly 

after, Lars arrives and pulls her back,  

prompting Tore to flee. He then warns to report 

her to higher authorities as the police department  

cannot keep a person who is out of control. 

Hearing this, Alfhildr reveals that she knows  

about his secret medications and addresses 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

him as a temp addict, leaving Lars speechless.

The same night, Lars returns home and finds 

Ingrid on the balcony. He asks why she isn’t  

with her mom, to which she replies that her mother 

has forbidden her from participating in Russebuss  

because the cover name is too crude. After 

learning about this, Lars agrees to provide her  

with the funds she requires, allowing her to take 

part in it. Elsewhere, we see two men in a boat,  

capturing a woman who emerges from 

the middle of the sea after a flash.

The scene then shifts to the year 1031 at 

the Finnmarksvidda Plateau where Alfhildr  

approaches a small tent in search 

of Tore. Upon entering the tent,  

she notices a blind elderly woman 

sitting beside a fire. Alfhildr  

questions her about Tore’s whereabouts, 

to which she responds that he once arrived  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

in search of the lake with multiple lights. 

Alfhidlr then asks Tore’s precise location,  

claiming that he is everything to her. The old 

woman chuckles and says that Tore is a ladies’ man  

and that she is not the first one to look for him. 

Following that, the elderly woman picks up a tool,  

slices Alfhildr’s palm, sips her blood and 

begins her occult ritual. After a while she  

reveals that Tore is in a place where houses are 

as tall as mountains and cities shine like stars.

Back in the present, Lars, who is at home, 

discovers that the image of the sea monster  

is strikingly similar to that of a fishing 

trawl bag. Just then, a boy rushes to his door,  

seeking help for his father. Lars goes outside 

to check and sees the boy’s father being hung  

on the stairwell by several men. Wasting 

no time, he rushes to stop the men, and as  

soon as they realize that Lars is a cop, they 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

flee the scene. After saying the boy’s father,  

Lars inquires about those men, to which he replies 

that they are Bohemians who claim sole authority  

over ‘drop selling’. Lars doesn’t understand any 

of it, since the man is from a prehistoric time.

The next day at the police station, Lars informs 

Alfhildr that the picture of the sea monster  

looks like a trawl bag. He believes that the 

victim’s hip bruises are caused by the trawl bag.  

He then instructs her to print all trawl sales 

and look for buyers who aren’t in the industry.  

After a while, she comes across a buyer 

company named Cro Magnon Security.

Elsewhere, we see a nude man named Navn, who is 

hunting a bunny in the woods. After the hunt, he  

returns home and cracks jokes with his wife. Navn 

then heads to the kitchen and eats the raw bunny.  

A few moments later, the same two men from the 

boat arrive at Navn’s house, and start discussing  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

about the beforeign girls they captured from the 

sea. Here, it is revealed that the men work for  

Navn. After a bit of discussion, Navn directs 

them to hide the girls in the Hovedoya barracks.

Meanwhile, Lars informs his coworker, Alex,  

about the video footage which was recorded 

near Hovedoya on the night of the murder.  

He also asks that Alex locate additional 

footage from the same website. Just then,  

Marie and Gregers approach Lars and confront him 

about allowing Ingrid to participate in Russebuss.  

Marie believes that he has severely breached the 

trust and decides to file a case against him.

On the other hand, Alfhildr receives a call 

from the National Gallery, informing her that  

the person in custody is willing to speak with 

her. She then goes to the National Gallery,  

where she notices a woman being handcuffed by 

security. The woman is revealed to be none other  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

than Alfhildr’s elder sister. Alfhildr inquires 

about the reason for her arrest, to which she  

responds that she ripped a false drawing of 

Tore, worth thousands of dollars. Expectedly,  

this upsets Alfhildr, and she refuses to release 

her sister, but the latter reminds her of the  

past, when she saved her in Bjarmaland. Because 

of this, Alfhildr approaches the Gallery’ owners  

and persuades them to withdraw their complaint, 

claiming that the woman in custody is intending  

to sue for PTSD triggering. Soon after, the two 

sisters go to a bar to celebrate their reunion.

At home, Lars is watching the CCTV footage of 

Hovodeya that Alex sent him. A few moments later,  

the man, whom he rescued earlier, arrives 

at his place with various foods as a token  

of gratitude. Lars invites the man and 

his son inside and converses with them.  

He inquires about the man’s wife, to which he 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

responds that she died on the way to the city,  

causing him to be emotional. 

Being the kind person that he is,  

Lars tries to console the man, and even addresses 

him as a friend. This makes the man happy,  

as no one has ever called him a friend before. 

During their conversation, Lars notices a tattoo  

on the man’s hand and inquires about it. The man 

simply responds that it represents the family.

Meanwhile, the two sisters proceed 

to a dance bar, but on the way,  

Alfhildr notices a Cro Magnon Security van and 

decides to follow it. The van pulls over to a bar  

and Navn’s two men enter. Inside, the two men 

approach the bar owner and demand that all of  

the girls they supplied be returned. Initially, 

the owner refuses because his business will suffer  

without the girls but the men threaten him with 

Navn’s name, leaving him with no other options.  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

Outside, Alfhildr secretly photographs 

the van, the men, and the beforeign girls.

The following day at work, Alfhildr shows 

those pictures to her team and suspects that  

the beforeign women, captured from the sea, are 

being used as prostitutes and that the murder  

is connected to it. Following this, Lars and 

Alfhildr begin spying on the van. Elsewhere,  

Navn’s wife throws a business party to celebrate 

her blogging success. A few moments later,  

Navn notices the bar owner approaching outside his 

place and walks out to meet him. The owner demands  

that the girls be returned or else the Bohemian 

will take action against him. This enrages Navn  

and he chokes the bar owner. However, when he 

notices his wife on the balcony, he lets him go.

Meanwhile, Lars and Alfhildr 

notice Navn’s men smuggling drugs,  

and the latter asks if they should 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

apprehend them. Lars tells her to wait,  

and the two follow the men to a 

place where several beforeigner women  

are apprehended. Taken aback, Lars immediately 

decides to save the women. The officers then  

chase after the perpetrators and after a bit of 

back and forth, the bad guys are finally subdued.

While rescuing the victims, Lars notices the 

exact tattoo on one of the beforeigners that  

he saw on the man’s hand earlier. He tries to ask 

the woman about the tattoo, but she is unable to  

understand his language. Later at the police 

station, Lars interrogates one of Navn’s men  

but he doesn’t reveal anything. Lars then 

summons the man he saved, along with his son,  

to the police station and allows them to meet the 

woman with the same tattoo. The woman appears to  

be the man’s wife and they are all overjoyed 

to be reunited. At night, Lars is working  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

late in the office and Alfhildr joins him. As 

they watch the video footage, they discover  

that the deceased girl of Tjuvholmen appears 

beside the sea four hours before her death.  

This shocks the duo as till now, they had believed 

that the beforeigners only traveled from the past.

In the following scene, we see Tore, who 

has surprisingly become a food delivery man.  

On his way to his delivery, he is distracted by 

a woman, causing him to fall off his bicycle.  

He then goes to a nearby restroom to 

clean up the ruined food. Simultaneously,  

a cleaner named Skjalg enters and recognizes 

Tore from the prehistoric world. However,  

Tore pretends to be unaware of it and walks away.

On the other hand, Lars and Alfhildr go to the 

forensic lab, where the forensic expert reveals  

that the deceased girl is not a prehistorian. 

Despite her best efforts to appear different,  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

she is a modern woman. Following this, 

they go to the trans-temporal community,  

believing that the victim has ties to it. 

When they arrive, they are asked to leave  

their electronic devices outside because 

the residents are allergic to electricity.  

Reluctantly, the duo place their laptops and 

cell phones in a box and enter. While the two  

are interrogating inside, a young lady retrieves 

all of the case’s information from Lars’ laptop.

Later in the police station, the officers learn 

about , so they decide to apprehend him before  

he flees. Lars and Alfhildr are given pistols in 

order to catch him. Meanwhile, Holger is preparing  

to escape by diving into the sea but just then, 

the police arrive and arrest him. Following this,  

he is brought to the police station, 

where Lars and Alfhildr question him  

about the Tjuvholmen murder case but he appears 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

to have no idea. Despite this, he tells them  

about Navn but before he can elaborate, he 

falls asleep. After some time, Lars orders  

Alfhildr to keep her gun in the locker. In the 

process, Alfhildr accidentally pulls the trigger,  

causing the bullet to strike Lars’ feet. With 

this, he is rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, Ingrid is with her friend at home, 

and the two are enjoying each other’s company.  

Ingrid opens her father’s drawer 

and reveals his secret eyedrops,  

which intrigues her friend. As the two are 

fooling around, Lars and Alfhildr arrive outside,  

prompting them to quickly put away the eye drops. 

However, when Ingrid goes to open the door,  

her friend steals an eye drop bottle secretly. 

Shortly after, Alfhildr prepares food for  

everyone, and she quickly bonds with Ingrid and 

her friend. While assisting Lars with the dishes,  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

Alfhildr inquires a personal question about the 

service’s stance on intimate relations among  

coworkers. She then reveals that she has been 

communicating with the harbor cop, Jeppe. She  

also claims that they’ve been sending each other 

private photos, which surprises Lars. Meanwhile,  

Ingrid and her friend are staring at them, 

suspecting that there is something between them.

On the other hand, Skjalg approaches Alfhildr’s 

sister; Nora, and tells her about Tore. Later,  

Nora informs Alfhildr of the same but the latter 

is skeptical that Tore will be working as a food  

delivery man. The two sisters then decide to go to 

his house to verify that is the person they know.  

Surprisingly, he appears to be married 

and has a child. When Tores meets them,  

he mentions that he is suffering from memory 

loss but they remind him of everything, claiming  

to be Norse women. However, the conversation 

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scares Tore, so he threatens to call the cops,  

forcing the sisters to leave. After this, 

Alfhildr learns that her sister has cancer,  

which breaks her heart. However, she 

persuades Nora to get the treatment  

and encourages her to fight it, claiming that 

they are shieldmaidens and are born to fight.

The following day at work, Alfhildr informs Lars 

that seven people in Oslo are registered as Navn  

but one of them is a wealthy Prehistorian 

who lives with his wife in a large house in  

Holmenkollen. She also discloses that the two men 

they apprehended on the island work for Navn. They  

then go to Navn’s house and inquire if he knows 

anything about the two men they have arrested.  

As expected, he lies and says no. Lars knows that 

he is lying, but he lacks evidence to back up his  

claim and as a result, they leave. Meanwhile, the 

same young lady who stole data from Lars’ laptop  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

is seen spying on them from afar. As soon as 

they are gone, the lady approaches Navn and  

reveals that she knows the woman his men fished 

out of the sea. She attempts to blackmail him  

in exchange for information, but he chokes her. 

Surprisingly, she manages to counter-attack him,  

saying that the jungle is not as 

simple as he believes. Before leaving,  

she says that she will suggest a 

safer meeting place for conversation.

The next day, Lars visits Ingrid’s school to 

discuss Marie’s disagreement about Ingrid’s  

graduation celebration. He wants his daughter 

to have a normal graduation. Ingrid also  

sides with her father, allowing Lars to win 

the discussion. Gregers, to their surprise,  

appears to agree with Lars’ statement. On 

the other hand, Nora meets with Tore once  

more but the latter is still uninterested 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

in speaking with her. As soon as he leaves,  

she notices an unknown car following Tore 

and learns that he is in danger. Soon after,  

she summons Alfhildr, and the two sisters set 

out for Tore. Meanwhile, the men in the unknown  

car lead Tore into an empty basement parking lot 

and smack him with a rod. Tore asks who they are,  

and they respond that they are Olaf the Stout’s 

men. They are about to finish off Tore, but he  

begs them to not do so. Tired of his whining, 

the men decide to run him over instead. As Tore  

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

lies on the floor, crying, he starts remembering 

his past as a mighty warrior. Because of this,  

he gets up with vengeance on his mind and beats 

up the two thugs, causing them to flee. Soon,  

the two sisters approach him, who asks them 

to provide more information on Tore Hund.  

Hearing this, the sisters finally realize 

that Tore has actually lost his memory.

At the police station, the woman from the 

trans-temporal community arrives with a man  

who recognizes the deceased woman. He claims 

Beforeigners(2019) Movie Explained

that the woman came to his styling studio  

to get her makeup done as she wanted to look 

like a prehistorian. The man further reveals  

that some days after her death, a man by the name 

of Navn called him and inquired about the woman.

In the final scene, we see Navn on one of his 

usual hunting trips. As he is after a rabbit,  

a drone suddenly arrives and shoots him to death.


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