Bicentennial Man Film Explained

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As the movie opens, the year 2005 is displayed. Here, the Martin Family enters the picture. “Mr. Martin,” “Mrs. Martin,” and their two daughters were present. Grace was their older daughter, while Amanda was their younger. Suddenly “Martin” invests in an Indian robotics business. The robot is now turned on by “Martin” before his family. That robot declares the three robot rules after being turned on. No robot was permitted to harm or attack any human as part of their first law. The second law said that robots had to obey human commands, with the exception of killing another man. The third law said that robots must ensure their continued existence. The entire family is stunned to see this.

Andrew is the robot’s given name by Martin’s younger daughter. Grace, Martin’s older daughter, does not care for robots at all. Robot is given a place to reside in the basement by “Mr. Martin.” Now, “Mr. Martin” establishes “Andrew’s” system of responsibilities for housekeeping and maintenance. The next day, “Andrew” completes all of its tasks. The basement is cleaned as well. There, he discovers a vintage record player. That fixes this as well. One day, Grace, the eldest daughter of Martin, and Andrew joke around. She requests that “Andrew” jump out of the window. The character “Andrew” follows suit and leaps from the window. “Mr. Martin” severely reprimands both of his daughters for this.

No matter that “Andrew” is a robot, he claims, we shouldn’t treat it like one! It ought to be treated as a member of our family! Martin’s entire family visits a beach one day while on vacation. There, “Amanda” was having fun with her glass horse. Yet “Andrew” makes the error of breaking that glass horse. Because to this, “Amanda” becomes incredibly depressed, and “Andrew” becomes quite unwell. In order to correct its error, “Andrew” now crafts a wooden horse for “Amanda.” Also, it keeps going to her bed. “Andrew” and “Amanda” make friends in this way. “Mr Martin” comes across the wooden horse one day. He is so shocked when he realises it was created by “Andrew”! And he considers how a creative robot may create an extremely attractive artificial horse.

“Martin” visits “Andrew,” who is listening to something on the vintage record player. He is astonished when he sees this. He leads “Andrew” to the robotics company based on these acts. The CEO of the business is informed by “Mr. Martin” that “Andrew” has created the human activity. Imagination, love of people, creativity, and friendship! And he presents the CEO with “Andrew’s” creations. Was everything already programmed into its system, he wonders? It is merely a system, he claims. If you decide you don’t need this system, we can take it back! And we can replace it with a new report! But, “Martin” rejects this. He then takes “Andrew” and walks away. Now, “Martin” makes a little change to “Andrew’s” system.

Now he organises its activities and avocations with the household chores. Since it can also find time to complete these activities. Otherwise, “Martin” will regularly instruct “Andrew” on human manners. Time keeps moving forward. And “Andrew” creates the wooden objects. But he primarily produced large wooden wall clocks in the past. In addition, he gains knowledge of human emotions and feelings. Also, “Amanda” teaches “Andrew” how to play the piano. And as time goes on, “Amanda” and “Andrew” develop a close friendship. “Amanda” has been raised young in this manner. One day, “Martin” determines that all Andrew-made wood products shall be sold.

We’ll sell the stuff “Andrew” made, Amanda tells her father. Then after creating “Andrew’s” account, the money will be deposited. Martin tells Amanda, “It’s just a robot!” We shouldn’t participate emotionally in it! Martin now concurs with Amanda. All clocks are for sale. After opening the bank account, they deposit the money that was received there. The marriage of “Amanda” was scheduled to take place in a few days. And she was unsure about whether or not she should get married. She turns to “Andrew” to find a solution to this issue. There was “Andrew” doing work. Because of “Amanda’s” disruption, it slashes one of its fingers.

Andrew, “Amanda” thanks you for being a nice friend. Also, she desires that a suit be worn for her wedding. “Martin” brings “Andrew” to the business so that they can fix his finger. And he also forewarns them there not to alter “Andrew’s” system. Because “Andrew” had grown to have human emotions within it. Can he change the way that company’s face looks, “Andrew” queries. Because it required a face like that to produce facial expressions. This gives “Andrew” a fresh appearance. In a suit, “Andrew” attends “Amanda’s” wedding ceremony. Its face appearance had changed as well. Following the wedding ceremony, “Martin” was sitting by himself. At the same time, “Andrew” arrives and gives “Martin” the Amanda video.

Following Amanda’s wedding, “Martin” had become depressed. “Andrew,” he continues, “I’ve left you alone now.” “Andrew” reassures him, “Don’t worry,” I’ll be here for you at all times. Time moves in a similar manner. “Andrew” had lived with “Martin” for 12 years. “Amanda” also had a son by the name of “Llyod.” And he had zero interest in “Andrew.” I need freedom, “Andrew” declares to “Amanda” one day. I do not wish to depart from my family! But I require a choice. I want to explore the entire planet. I need liberty, “Andrew” says to “Martin” as he hands him a check. I’m open to moving to a different location! Hearing this makes “Martin” feel so sick because “Andrew” was his best buddy.

He chastises his daughter “Amanda” as well. Since “Amanda” was responsible for instilling Andrew’s mind with all concepts. How long can you keep “Andrew” with you, “Amanda” asks her father? “Andrew” will eventually have to relocate. Suddenly, “Martin” returns Andrew’s check in a dejected manner. And he sets it free. And now “Andrew” departs from “Martin.” After some time, it purchases a beachfront property and constructs a stunning home there. “Andrew” had been in that home for sixteen years. While residing there, he picks up a lot of knowledge from the world and also makes a lot of wooden objects. “Amanda” had become older as well. One day, when she visits “Andrew,” he informs him that Martin’s illness is at its worst.

He longs to meet you despite being in the final years of his life. Martin and “Andrew” are to meet. Martin” tells “Andrew,” Please pardon me! Several years ago, you had requested your independence! And you were entirely correct! He puts his hand on “Andrew’s” hand and thanks him for his long year of service. When “Martin” says this, he quickly perishes. Now that he has travelled the outside world, “Andrew” feels these feelings. Also, he had to look for a similar NDR robot! Yet going outside was not a drop in the ocean! So, it files a court appeal. Andrew’s case is handled by “Lloyd,” Amanda’s son. He did not like “Andrew.” So he obtains Andrew’s travel authorization from the court. So, it might travel far from his mother “Amanda.”

Now “Andrew” travels to many nations. And it looks for NDR robots that resemble it. “Andrew” used to correspond with “Amanda” via letter writing. One day, “Andrew” learns that a nation has created a robot similar to it. When it gets there, it runs into a female robot. It had such vigour. Seeing it fills me with such delight. And as it pursues her, it finally enters a storage area. Witnessing that mechanical woman makes me feel incredibly joyful. Then it realises that the personality chip of this extremely vivacious robot has been activated. It signifies that someone has configured the system in this manner. While in fact, it is not like this. It meets with “Rupert,” the proprietor of that robot.

He reveals to “Andrew” that his father had worked for an Indian robotics firm. Yet, my father got fired from there. My father later launched this business. I now oversee this business in his place. The fact that “Rupert” wants to develop such a suit is something that “Andrew” is also aware of. If the robot wears this suit, it will resemble humans in every way. Yet, he is having trouble locating investors for his proposal. When “Andrew” hears this, he is really happy. And it prepares to make a financial investment in his idea. But in exchange, “Rupert” will create a human-like outfit for “Andrew.” “Andrew” quickly receives the human-like outfit. Now that “Andrew” was dressed in this attire, he appeared to be a 40-year-old man. It is now really happy with this.

It now moves into “Amanda’s” home to startle her. As it arrives at Amanda’s house, he keeps an eye on a girl there. who was similar to “Amanda.” She was also practising the piano. Amanda, who has grown older, arrives at the same moment. She is still unable to identify “Andrew.” Then “Andrew” says, “I’m Andrew,” to her. According to “Amanda,” the pianist is her grandchild! She was named “Portia” and is the daughter of her son “Lloyd,” according to the statement. Now that “Andrew” has moved back into its home, it starts to dwell there. A dog is also kept by it. One day, “Andrew” and “Portia’s dog” reappear to meet. Here, “Portia” understands that “Andrew” requires a human buddy.

A few days later, “Andrew” learns that “Amanda” had had a heart attack. Going to meet “Amanda” is “Andrew.” She was holding the identical steed that “Andrew” had first given her. She thanks “Andrew” for their friendship. As a result, “Amanda” passes away. “Andrew” is saddened at the death of his ex-friend. He was still holding back his tears, though. When “Andrew” visits “Rupert” once more, it informs him that it requires artificial human organs. It was difficult for “Rupert.” Nonetheless, he agrees to make it and succeeds in doing so. He had developed synthetic human organs. Rupert explains to Andrew that if artificial human organs are implanted in the machine, it might experience agony.

“Andrew” concurs with this. In the meantime, Portia and Andrew start to get close. Also, they attend the celebration together. “Portia” tells “Andrew” the following day. that it is impossible for her to love a robot. “Andrew” then departs while acting dejected. Now that Andrew’s organs are in place, it is possible for it to feel discomfort as a result. It now cuts to “Portia,” who is joyful. And it requests that she poke its eye. When “Portia” does this, “Andrew” experiences great suffering. It informs “Portia” that we can now develop a relationship. Nevertheless, “Portia” responds, “No matter how much I love you, my wedding will take place shortly.” “Andrew” departs after hearing everything.

The female robot that “Rupert” had created on the other side now informs him that she is unwilling to serve him. By doing so, “Andrew” has deleted “Rupert’s” personality chip, which “Rupert” now understands. Andrew is visited by “Rupert,” who requests the personality chip. Andrew initially declines, but later gives “Rupert” that personality chip! They now discuss Portia’s engagement. Also intrigued in “Andrew,” “Portia” was maybe anticipating this. She might be taken by that “Andrew” when he arrives, ruining her engagement. “Rupert” and “Andrew” then go away. “Rupert” informs “Andrew” that he is carrying new technology that might be used to transform it into a full human.

One of these changes could be lustfulness. It will eventually be transformed into a whole person. The following day, “Andrew” meets with “Portia” and confesses his feelings to her. But, “Portia” starts to flee from there furious. She is held by “Andrew.” They then have a great time. The following morning, “Andrew,” who was eating breakfast like humans, was visible. People will never accept our relationship, Portia tells Andrew. Now “Andrew” asks the court to grant it the status of a legitimate human being. “Andrew” was capable of feeling, enduring pain, and falling in love. Despite this, for one reason, it loses its case. because it was unable to develop over time.

It implies that people age and eventually pass away. And “Andrew” was still not in this natural state. Unless “Andrew” matures with the passage of time, it cannot be given the status of humans. At first glance, “Portia” appears to have aged to be 75 years old. Yet, “Andrew” was still a child. This causes “Portia” to become extremely anxious. The same “Andrew” still exists. The amazing technology of today allows you to stay alive with me, “Andrew” tells “Portia.” “Portia” rejects this and informs him that people do not have an endless supply of life. A child is born, develops into an adult, and then passes away in old age. And this is the life’s wheel. While he sits there right now, “Andrew” muses that he need not stay forever.

Yet he can only stay with one person at a time. That indicates that he is moving back to “Rupert” with “Portia.” The business of Rupert has expanded. He was also successfully running a business. The name “Rupert” had aged as well. Andrew commands Rupert, “Make him a complete person!” The artificial organs had been placed in Andrew’s machine, which had also received one fluid. The blood is now totally poured into Andrew’s body after that fluid has been extracted. He is told by “Rupert” that the animal’s body will never contain this blood. As time goes on, this blood will continue to flow, and he will age. Moreover, it will pass away after 20 to 25 days. “Andrew” now concurs with this. “Andrew” had now fully transformed into a human being. “Andrew” now appears in court once more.

“Andrew” was now an elderly man. Since the time it was created, two decades have passed. He claims before the court that he must live like a human robot or machine. The judge takes his time before making his decision public. “Portia” and “Andrew” are eventually spotted. who had aged significantly. Suddenly “Rupert,” who had created the female robot there, noticed that it had a perfectly human appearance. The court judge makes his decision public in the interim. The characters “Andrew” and “Portia” hold hands.

The court recognises “Andrew” as a human being and rules that Portia and Andrew’s marriage is valid. But, “Andrew” passes away before learning of this choice, and “Portia” is left holding the bag. It indicates that a robot had passed away after becoming a human after 20 years. That robot is told by “Portia” that “Andrew” has always been a human. He didn’t need a judge’s ruling. Together with it, she dies holding Andrew’s hand. The tale of a robot that lived for 20 years is told here. On this scene, the movie’s plot is concluded. Thankyou.

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