Big Octopus (2020) Films Explained

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Three people are shown carrying a baby white octopus at the start of the movie.

One of them intended to kill the young octopus,

But Feng stops him from doing this and takes the baby octopus with him.

When Zi mo learns about this, she comes here to see the baby octopus.

Actually, Zimo is a friend of Feng’s she is a scientist.

After noticing it, Zi mo informs Jeng that it is not a typical octopus, which is why Feng refuses to sell it.

Feng agrees with Zi mo, and we later see a beach scene.

A gigantic octopus appears out of nowhere and drags a girl into the ocean.

As a result of this, everyone on the beach starts running.

Despite the fact that the giant octopus there murders a lot of people.

The next scene shows a man named Lin, who is the owner of a biotechnological lab.

Some people had taken him here, but an officer arrives with his companions later.

After killing all of these people, he saves Lin.

Lin is interrogated by an army officer about why these people have kidnapped you?

Lin claims that they were probably aware of my experiments.

In the next scene, Zi mo notices that all of her experimental samples have disappeared from her lab.

Lin, the owner of the biotechnological lab, arrives in the meantime.

He proposes to Zi mo that they work on a mutant gene.

Zi mo, on the other hand, refuses his offer because she isn’t interested in such things.

Meanwhile, Lin tells Zi mo if you help me in completing this project.

I’ll cover your experiments for five years.

We later see Lin, who is introduced to Zi mo’s friend Feng.

He offers him a large sum of money in exchange for the white octopus.

Feng clearly rejects to accept this offer.

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In the meantime, Zi mo arrives, and Feng rushes over to greet her.

You must have heard about the beach attack, where a giant octopus attacked,

This, I believe, has something to do with the white octopus that you have.

That is why you must return it to the ocean and release him.

Feng says to Zi mo, nothing is as it seems; it’s all a trick of the eye.

It could be an accident, I’m not going to free it rather will keep it with me.

Zi mo angrily leaves from there.

In the next scene, we see Lin’s assistant who asks some people to bring the white octopus.

Later, we see Zi mo agrees to work with Lin.

In the meantime, something in the water is detected by satellite.

That was actually the giant octopus.

They learn later that the giant octopus is headed for Feng’s resturant.

Zi mo notices this and rushes to the location.

The giant octopus has emerged from the sea on the other side.

Everyone there feels terrified and begins to flee as a result of this.

After attacking them, the giant octopus starts to injure a large number of people.

Feng and his two friends try to stop him as they are watching.

But it was giant in size and dangerous that to resist him was quite impossible.

Meanwhile, someone secretly tries to run after taking Feng’s truck.

In the same truck, Feng had kept the white octopus.

Watching the truck going from there, the giant octopus becomes ragged.

It becomes aggressive enough that breaks Feng’s restaurant. Meanwhile, Zi mo also comes there.

Feng begins to chase his truck after sitting with her.
Later, he managed to climb on his truck.

After taking out the driver, he takes control of his truck.

During this, Zi mo’s car clashes with a tree due to the car’s imbalance.

Zi mo remains unharmed; her life has been saved.
In the next scene, Zi mo brings Feng into her home.

Feng is very upset because his restaurant has been ruined.

The fact that he is heavily in debt is the most serious issue.

Feng is calmed by Zi mo, who asks him not to be tense.

Don’t worry, I’ll sell my house to assist you in repaying your debt.

Feng is doesn’t want Zi mo to sell her home. He sells his white octopus to Li the next morning.

Zi mo arrives at that time and when she is aware of the situation she rags at Feng.

Because she believes there is a link between this White octopus and the sea’s big octopus.

Feng, on the other hand, believes that everything is useless, which is why they are at argument.

Feng yells at Zi mo after being broken heart, Zi mo warns him that he will regret his mistake one day.

On the other hand, we see two of Feng’s friends fishing on the water.

In the meantime, the giant octopus attacks and kills them.

Feng gets upset when he learns of this.

Because I may presume that many times ago, Zi mo claims that I’ve previously informed you.

Not only are we both in danger now, but the entire island is as well.

After hearing this, Feng declares that he will take revenge on the monster.

Because he has broken my restaurant before now he has killed my friends.

Lin is shown in the lab scene, is about to kill the white octopus.

Zi mo does not want to kill it; instead, she wishes for it to live.

As a result, this white octopus can be used to test the gene mutation.

Zi mo carefully touches the white octopus later, when no one is in the lab.

The white octopus does not harm her, but Zi mo’s friends arrive in the meanwhile.

They inform her that a DNA test has revealed;

That this White octopus and the huge octopus are related as mother and son.

Furthermore, we know that the white octopus is 75 years old.

This is surprising because octopuses can only survive for about 5 or 6 years.

Zi mo says that it could happen probably because of nuclear radiation.

Her companion says that after listening to her, “we didn’t find anything like nuclear radiation in the white octopus.”

After hearing this, Zi mo suspects that someone has already done some research on this octopus.

Lin is later seen opening his grandfather’s old diary.

He pulls out a broken badge with a serial number written on the back.

Because of the broken badge, it wasn’t completed. Zi mo knows that Lin has published his research.

On the other hand, we see an army officer talking with his senior.

He says after examining the damaged part of the badge, I’ve found the badge’s clue.

On the other side, Zi mo rags on Lin that why he has published the research.

Meanwhile, we see the army officer also reaches with his fellows.

He points his rifle down on Lin and yells angrily, “Why didn’t you inform us about this?”

Why don’t you tell us about your research?

I no longer require your help; instead, I require your experiment.

Zi mo, on the other hand, gained access to Lin’s laptop.

She discovers old photographs and secret reports.

Lin and his assistant, meantime, have captured her.

Lin knows that one of his assistants gave reports to an army officer and informed him of the research.

Now that the army officer is aware of the research, he asks that Lin inform him of everything.

Li claims that his father worked as a scientist in a German lab.

He was forced to research marine animals and work on gene mutations.

He studies marine animals. Later, he experimented on them but unluckily his experiments failed.

Later, he tested on an octopus but the octopus safely runs from there.

After some time the research center was closed.

I’ve been searching for this octopus for a long time ago.

Because it can help me in finding the genuine antidote.

Lin shows the half-broken badge, and the army officer later brings out its half-piece.

Lin understands that this army officer was engaged in everything that had happened up to this point.

After taking the white octopus, the officer arrives in the middle of the water.

Feng comes there but the army people come there going to throw him into the water.

Meanwhile, the baby octopus holds him before falling into the sea.

Feng was escaped to be the meal of the shark.

As the baby octopus saved his life they begin to have a friendship.

Meanwhile, the giant octopus comes there. The people of the officer continuously begin to fire at him.

Zi mo, on the other hand, drags Feng outside.

The baby octopus was likewise released from its cage into the water.

Meanwhile, they begin to fire at the baby octopus as well. Later, the baby octopus goes inside the water.

Watching this the giant octopus becomes ragged and begins to attack them.

Meanwhile, the officer makes a dangerous attack on him. The giant octopus was not dead but runs.

After a while, after attacking their ship he controls their ship.

For this reason, they have to jump into the sea.

They managed to make it to the shore while swimming.

And a massive ship sank their ship completely into the water.

Later, Lin uses his grandfather’s map and after following it.

He takes everyone to a cave in which the secret research base is there.

The place of his grandfather’s experiments. They reach ahead after entering the cave.

Meanwhile, the giant octopus, who had been following them, arrives.

They stop for a rest after going a little further. Later, a giant octopus attacks them after arriving.

They fire at him once more, but the giant octopus kills many of their people.

In the meantime, they’re all terrified.

They were successful in finding the research’s secret base. They go inside after finding this.

Lin is later asked by the officer to find the antidote.

The antidote that his grandfather has injected the octopus.

He asks Zi mo to prepare for the test. Lin arrives at a place where many antidotes were available.

He starts to extract the real antidote from them.
Officers, on the other hand, are exploring this area.

Lin gives the officer an antidote when they find a lot of explosive material.

As a result, the officer becomes quite pleased.
Because after this, his army will be quite powerful.

Officers have planted explosives material all around the place.

Zi mo is asked by the officer to check the antidote.

When Zi mo’s test, her test fails, the officer becomes ragged.

He shoots at Ling’s leg and adds, “You’ve lied to me again.”

In the meantime, the giant octopus arrives.

As a result, the men of the officer started to fire at him.

When the huge octopus becomes ragged and begins to kill them.

Feng and Zi mo try to take, but he can’t run fast since a bullet damaged his leg.

Even though the giant octopus was pursuing them, they don’t leave Lin alone.

After capturing him, they hide at a location.

The giant octopus almost killed many people including the officer.

Meanwhile, a heavyweight iron object falls on Lin’s feet while he is running.

He had previously been harmed, and as a result, his condition has deteriorated.

Lin, on the other hand, gives Zi mo the actual antidote.

Because he’s kept the original antidote hidden from the officer.

Because if he gets the actual antidote, he could use its power to wipe out the entire globe.

Lin passes away while telling this story.

Feng instructs Zi mo to fetch the antidote from the area.

He goes to get the explosive remote by himself.

Meanwhile, the officer has him in custody, and the two of them are fighting.

As Zi mo was already present, the officer dominated Feng.

He instructs Zi mo to conduct a test on the true antidote.

Feng later, after taking explosives for two minutes.

It means they have only two minutes. Feng was beaten up by the officer.

On the other hand, Zi mo, who was testing the antidote, had completed her test.

It indicates that their research is successful.

It confirms that this is the genuine antidote, and the officer becomes happy.

He is killed by a giant octopus.

Feng after watching this, take the antidote from him.
After capturing Zi mo, he begins to flee.

Meanwhile, the explosives start to explode, and the area starts to destroy.

They flee, and the giant octopus is unable to pursue them.

They proceed to dive into the ocean in order to save their lives.

Both reached the shore, Feng was senseless as he was faint.

Zi mo becomes quite sad and after a while, Feng restores his senses.

Meanwhile, we see the baby octopus was watching them.

We later observe the scene after 7 years, when Zi mo and Feng’s son were playing on the beach.

He suddenly starts driving into the ocean, but the baby octopus saves him.

Meanwhile, Zi mo and Feng, his parents, arrive.

The child asks if the story about the baby octopus is true.

The story you told me about the octopus who saved your life.

This movie ends here.


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