Brave Gunjyo Senki Full Movie Explained

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The movie Brave Gunjyo Senki begins in a prestigious Japanese 
athletes’ school, Seitoku. One rainy day, a  

student named Fuwa is standing on the roof. He is 
a Kendo major and is carrying a bag of supplies,  

alongside a sword. Suddenly, lightning strikes a 
massive rock in front of the school which creates  

an array of mysterious energy. Fuwa jumps off the 
building and levitates because of the force.

The scene cuts to a year later. Fuwa disappeared 
that day and has been forgotten over time. We are  

introduced to the protagonist of the film and an 
archery major, Aoi. He is the best student in his  

class but isn’t confident in his skills. Because 
of the same reason, he hasn’t been able to win  

any competitions for himself or for the school. 
Aoi’s childhood best friend Haruka is also his  

classmate and is always encouraging him.
It is a normal day in Seitoku school when all  

of a sudden, lightning hits the magical rock for 
the second time. It is followed by heavy rainfall  

which surprises everyone since it was a bright 
day some seconds ago. Soon, the kids find out the  

droplets of water are actually warm blood.
Before they comprehend what is going on,  

hundreds of cicadas emerge from the soil and fly 
everywhere. Then, the buildings around the school  

disappear and are replaced by a vast forest. As 
the football players watch the forest bewildered,  

a group of Samurai in traditional 
clothing appear out of the mist.

Brave Gunjyo Senki Full Movie Watch Online

They instantly start slaughtering the kids one 
after another. Chaos ensues as the samurais  

spread around the school and violently kill 
everyone in their way. Aoi and Haruka try to  

save their lives but are caught by a killer.
He manages to cut Aoi’s palm but before he  

lands a second attack, Kota saves them. Kota is 
Aoi’s friend and the captain of the Kendo club.  

Being an experienced Kendo fighter, he is the 
one man who can survive against the invaders.

The three run into a relatively safe classroom 
where Haruka covers Aoi’s injury with a  

handkerchief. They plan to stay there until it 
is safe but are quickly discovered. While running  

away, Kota offers to fight the enemy and asks them 
to get their weapons from the archery club.

Aoi and Haruka run to the club while witnessing 
piles of their classmates’ and teachers’ bodies  

lying on the ground. Aoi is also interested 
in Japan’s history and the heroes of the  

past. Judging by the invaders’ weapons, he assumes 
that they are from the time of the Okehazama war.  

The theory is crazy because it would mean the 
entire school has time traveled to the past.

Soon, the surviving students compose themselves 
and start fighting back using their respective  

areas of expertise. The leaders of different 
clubs like boxing, fencing, and martial arts  

take initiative to fight and save others.
At one point, the battle shifts to the football  

field and grows more violent. A samurai is about 
to kill a girl but is in Aoi’s line of attack.  

However, he freezes and Haruka saves 
the girl in the nick of time.

She slaps Aoi in the face, ordering him to get 
his act straight. Being nervous in a simple  

archery competition is acceptable but he must 
learn to protect a friend in need at any cost.  

Suddenly, they are interrupted by the 
arrival of a masked warlord named Yanada.

He orders the kids to surrender the castle, 
referring to the school. Kota asks everyone  

to keep their ground but there are too 
many enemies and too few of them.

Suddenly, the science club throws little 
smoke bombs from the rooftop and sacres the  

ancient soldiers. Yanada is about to retaliate 
when an informer tells him that the army led  

by Lord Matsudaira is approaching the castle. 
Yamada and Matsudaira have a year-long rivalry,  

and Yamada knows going against Matsudaira’s 
army will be the end of his troops.

Hence, he calls his people to retreat but not 
without abducting as many survivors as they can.  

The students try to defend themselves and 
their friends but can only protect some.

More than a dozen students are taken hostage 
while the others can do nothing but cry.  

After everything calms down, a student checks 
the school’s surroundings using a drone and  

sees that the entire city has vanished.
The only building left is their school.  

A while later, Lord Matsudaira arrives 
as expected. Unlike Yamada’s troops,  

his people are not violent but they push the 
students into the basketball court for safety.

The students start to panic, unaware of where 
they are and where their friends have been taken.  

To reduce their anxiety, Aoi speaks up since he 
has the most knowledge about ancient Japan.

He reveals that they have somehow entered the 
15th century also known as the Sengoku period.  

The battle of Okehazama is about to take place 
which is the deadliest and most cruel internal  

war Japan has ever faced. To make matters worse, 
their school seems to be the epicenter.

The battle will be between the Oda clan and the 
Imagawa clan. The man who attacked them earlier,  

Yadama, was an ally of the Oda clan which 
would eventually win the battle despite being  

outnumbered. Moreover, the man who is currently 
holding them hostage Matsudaira was an ally of the  

Imagawa clan which is said to lose the war.
Even after losing the war, Matsudaira will be  

one of the three great unifiers of Japan who 
shapes the country into what it is today.

If the students stay in the school, they 
will get in the middle of the battle and  

probably die. They panic and start revolting 
but Kota stops everyone. He reminds them that  

any decision taken hastily might put their 
lives at risk even before the battle.

The smart step would be to allow Aoi 
to form a plan since he knows exactly  

how the battle is going to play out.
The pressure of everyone’s hope is too much  

for Aoi but he remembers what Haruka 
told him earlier and calms down.

He and Kota present themselves to 
Matsudaira as the leaders of their group.  

Since they do not belong to either of the 
battling clans, Matsudaira thinks they are  

lying and commands his soldiers to kill them.
Aoi quickly makes them halt by suggesting they  

work together. He knows that Matsudaira’s current 
aim is to deliver war supplies to a castle of  

their allies. However, the enemy Oda force has 
built two camps right in front of the castle to  

stop its connection with the rest of the world.
Aoi suggests they attack the first camp to divert  

the enemy’s attention while the main 
troops secretly transfer the supplies.  

He is sure the plan will work because he 
has learned about it in history books.

Matsudaira discloses that the kidnapped 
students have been hidden in the same camp  

so this will not only be a distraction but also 
a rescue mission. He agrees to make the deal  

with the students and praises Aoi for his quick 
thinking. However, Aoi’s people should be the  

ones to go on the mission because Matsudaira 
doesn’t want to get his hands dirty.

The members of several clubs bravely volunteer to 
participate but they still fall short compared to  

the five hundred armies of the Oda. Everyone 
expects Aoi to join but he surprises them with  

his cowardice, claiming that he has to stay 
in school to find out a way to return home.

Brave Gunjyo Senki Full Movie Review

Somewhere else in the camp, the students who were 
abducted are thrown into sheds. The boys are made  

to labor for several hours with no food or water 
while the girls are taken advantage of.

In the evening, the students light a bonfire 
on the football field getting ready for the  

upcoming battle. Haruka tells Aoi that he 
has so much more potential than he lets on.  

She wants him to face his fears and 
come to the battle for his friends.

After thinking about it for a long time, 
Aoi gathers enough courage and agrees. In  

the following scene, he makes an elaborate plan, 
assigning every student a task that they are the  

best in. He also picks a safe spot where they 
should gather if they were to be separated.

For the entire night, the group 
prepares for the battle and sets  

off for the enemy camp in the morning.
In the meantime, the abducted students are  

abused by the Oda soldiers. They killed a 
girl last night after abusing her for hours  

and have come to pick up two more girls. 
Suddenly, the Emperor of the Oda clan,  

Nobunaga arrives and kills his own 
soldiers, claiming that he doesn’t  

allow animalistic behavior against 
women even though they are at war.

He is later joined by a soldier named 
Toyotomi. Despite being from the rival clan,  

Toyotomi and the emperor will join hands 
with Matsudaira in the future and the trio  

will become the great unifier of modern-day 
Japan. They are the most important characters  

in the history of Japan and mustn’t die in the 
upcoming war for history to remain the same.

Meanwhile, in school, the students figure 
out that time travel was possible because  

the lighting that hit the sacred rock changed 
its magnetic field. If they are able to hit it  

again with the same magnitude, there is a 
chance they will return to the future.

After finding out that the next rainfall 
will occur at midday tomorrow, they begin  

making lightning rods. A guy from the sports 
club sets off to look for the rescue team and  

inform them to return before midday.
However, their plan is ruined when the  

rescue team is attacked by the Oda 
troops led by the last great unifier,  

Toyotomi. A fight ensues and Haruka is captured by 
the rivals. Aoi tries to kill them but is scared  

that the arrow will hit Haruka instead.
Kota also notices her struggling and runs to  

her rescue only to be stabbed from behind and 
killed. While the enemies take Haruka away,  

Aoi shoots for the first time. It stabs a 
man but they manage to escape nonetheless.

Aoi is devastated to his core and blames himself 
for his friend’s death and Haruka’s abduction.  

The rescue team helplessly runs back to 
Matsudaira’s camp and takes shelter.

Matsudaira later finds Aoi crying beside Kota’s 
grave. He promises to make Japan peaceful and  

starts teaching Aoi the art of Kendo. Aoi used 
to be in the Kendo club with Kota long ago.  

He revisits the things he was taught and 
practices for the rest of the night.

In the meantime, Haruka is thrown into the shed 
with her other friends. The warlord Yanada,  

who made the first attack, arrives and is 
happy to see the prisoners still alive.  

He takes off his mask for the first time and 
reveals that he is Fuwa, the student who jumped  

into the rock at the beginning of the film.
He is a psychopath who knew about the sacred stone  

and its powers. He deliberately used it to enter 
the 15th century and change the course of the  

entire Japanese history with his knowledge of 
the past. He mocks his former schoolmates for  

being naive and wants to be known as a leader 
in the future. His principles are cruel and are  

sure to make Japan a worse place if he makes 
changes at such a pivotal time in history.

The following morning, the rescue group led 
by Aoi is ready to fight yet again. They are  

approached by the informant who reveals that they 
only have six hours until the rainfall which might  

be their last chance to return home.
Aoi riles up the troops and initiates the  

invasion. The group separates into three 
teams, the first one is the baseball team  

which lands a direct attack on the camp. 
They attack from a few yards away using  

flaming balls which gives them an upper hand.
The second team consists of the leaders of the  

fencing and karate club. Their job is to sneak 
into the camp and attack from the inside. The  

last team consists of the smartest members of 
the group including Aoi. They are the ones who  

look for their friends and rescue them while the 
rest of the group is distracting the enemies.

The baseball team does its best and fights 
till the end. They ultimately manage to  

take control of the area but most of the 
group is killed or heavily injured.

In the meantime, the leader duo is also surrounded 
by guards on the other side of the camp.  

They manage to kill one skilled swordsman but the 
other one kills the leader of the Karate club.  

Enraged by his friend’s death, the fencing 
club leader rises from the ground and fights  

with all his might. He is heavily injured in 
the end but manages to kill the rival.

Meanwhile, the survivors from the first 
team enter the camp and find two abducted  

students. They are overjoyed for a few 
seconds before the beloved leader of the  

baseball team is shot with an arrow.
Knowing that he won’t survive the injury,  

he volunteers to keep the arches away so 
the rest of the group can run to safety.

Somewhere else, the last team with Aoi enters the 
second barrier and sees that there are still a  

hoard of enemy soldiers waiting to fight them. 
Their win is almost impossible but they do not  

back down and attack the hoard fearlessly.
They finally reach the shed and rescue the  

survivors but Haruka is taken away by two guards. 
Aoi follows them and is surrounded by Fuwa’s army.  

Seconds before he is killed, Matsudaira 
arrives with his troops and saves him.

The dying battle picks up with their arrival and 
the students gain confidence to fight back harder.  

Suddenly, Fuwa brings out a rifle and fires 
at Aoi. Matsudaira comes in the way and saves  

him but is in turn shot. With his last breath, he 
gives Aoi his sword and assigns him to fulfill his  

dream of unification. His death means that Fuwa 
was able to change Japanese history forever.

Since there is only three hours left to return 
home, Aoi asks Haruka to take all the survivors  

back to school. He plans to stay until he kills 
Fuwa and avenges Matsudaira’s death. In the next  

scene, Aoi and Fuwa face each other while the 
third unifying leader Toyotomi protects Fuwa.

The man claims that he doesn’t care about the 
future of Japan and kills Toyotomi to make  

another major change in the future just because 
he can. In a final showdown, Aoi goes against  

Fuwa but cannot keep up with his skills.
Haruka returns to save him when he is about to  

be killed but Fuwa injures her leg, asking her to 
stay away. Suddenly, Aoi gets a vision of everyone  

that has died in the war. With renewed motivation, 
he attacks Fuwa and takes his life.

We see that Toyotomi is not yet dead which 
means there is still a chance of history  

repeating itself. Aoi then brings Haruka back 
to school just before the lightning hits.

However, he decides to stay in the past 
to replace Matsudaira and ensure Japan  

has a bright future. He hugs Haruka 
before wishing her farewell. Then,  

the lightning strikes and Aoi sets 
off back to the past on his horse.

The scene cuts to a few weeks later when school 
is on its way to normalcy after so much chaos.  

One day, Haruka reads an article 
about the portrait of young Matsudaira  

being found in a historical site.
It is a portrait of Aoi wearing the  

pattern of the handkerchief that she used to 
cover his wound in the battle. In the last clip,  

she bursts into happy tears, proud of 
Aoi for fulfilling his aim.


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