Bridge to Terabithia 2007 Film Explained

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The film starts ,

And a boy named “Jesse” is seen taking breakfast with his family.

“Jesse” was introverted boy.

His house’s circumstances were poor because of poor financial condition.

Due to this, “Jesse” used to feel so ill.

He had five sisters and he is closest with his younger sister.

And she also goes with him to school. One day, “Jesse” goes to school,

Because his competition of race was going to be held today.

But someone had stolen his shoes. As a result, he has to come back to house.

Then he begins asking about those shoes to his mother.

His mother says on this, Those shoes were in poorer condition!

Due to this, I threw them! And he gives “Jesse” his younger sister’s shoes to wear.

But “Jesse” forbids to take those shoes because those shoes were for ladies.

At the same time, Jesse’s father also comes there who says that,

We will purchase new shoes for “Jesse”!

But “Jesse” is asked to wear his sister’s shoes because of the lack of money.

Then “Jesse” begins to paint those shoes with black marker.

So they may not look like female shoes. After a while, the water is dropped on his shoes.

Consequently, that black colour begins to remove.

Meanwhile, his school bus also approaches there.

Being sorrowful, “Jesse” runs to his school bus while weeping.

In the next scene, “Jesse” is seen in his classroom.

Where two students begin to tease him because of wearing the ladies’ shoes.

At the same moment, the principal arrives in his class, accompanied by a girl.

Whose name is “Leslie”! He introduces “Leslie” with the whole class.

Because she was the newcomer at school. And teacher assigns a task to write an essay .

Which will have to be read in the classroom next day.

There was going to start a race competition after the class.

In which “Jesse” was also going to partake.

Then “Leslie” also participates in this race. “Jesse” was at the first point when race starts.

At the first sight, “Leslie” crosses all to reach first!

And she wins this race while defeating all.

Bridge to Terabithia Watch Online

“Leslie” is overjoyed with this and she wanted to move ahead , catching the hand of “Jesse”.

But “Jesse” leaves that spot silently. “Jesse” was feeling so embarrassment.

When he is returning house after school by bus, sitting with her sister,

Then “Leslie” is also in the same bus.

And she also gets off at the same spot where “Jesse” and his sister got off.

Then “Jesse” was thinking as she pehaps is chasing him.

After a time, she tells that I have come here recently!

And my house is nearby the town! Next day, some boys are teasing “Jesse” in the school again.

Meanwhile, “Leslie” quickly comes to “Jesse”.

And she asks Jesse’s drawn sketches of “Jesse” to have a look.

Having a look at those sketches, she praises “Jesse” too much.

And those mischievous boys leave that place .

Then their class is begun. Then teacher calls “Leslie” to read her essay before the class.

It is revealed here that “Leslie” had a hobby of scuba diving.

She begins to tell more about her activities and hobbies to others.

Listening them, “Jesse” also starts inspiring from her.

“Leslie” sits on the back seat of the bus as the school is off.

Because this seat is specific for the seniors so “Jesse” makes her sit on his adjoining seat.

After sometimes, they all three return to home.

It was the firs time that “Jesse” was talking with someone intimately.

“Leslie” races with “Jesse” while conversing.

Then they begin to run to forest hurriedly.

Then they glimpse a hanging rope there while walking.

Below this rope, the water was running.

“Leslie” reaches across the water through the rope.

But “Jesse” refuses to cross the water, witnessing this.

Later, he comes at the opposite side with the help and insistence of “Leslie” .

They had reached so far in the forest. Moving ahead, they notice a broken down car.

Then “Leslie” begins to imagine it as her horse carriage.

She glimpses a tree house while walking ahead.

“Leslie” starts imagining this place as heaven like place.

It was seeming as it is her palace and she is a princess here.

And all the inhabitants of the forest have come to glimpse her.

If it is narrated then she had come into a dream land.

“Leslie” starts to imagine that broken tree house as her castle.

And she speaks loudly while imagining the people in her surroundings that,

I am your princess! And I have come here to rescue all of you!

I’ll keep an eye on you right now! Then the strong winds start to blow throughout the area.

And “Leslie” finds no place for her joy!

And “Leslie” considers it a clue for her as it is truth what has been spoken by her!

And she gives the name to her kingdom “Terabithia”.

After this, they both used to go at that place after their school.

It means , to their dream land or their magical World!

They were engaged to repair the tree house, going there.

Even they become close friends and changing begins to appear in Jesse’s life.

As he had started to live joyful at school. He was becoming social.

He was communicating with them! One day, a girl pretends to fall in the school bus.

As she behaves as such as she has been pushed by someone.

Then she blames “Jesse” saying, He has pushed her!

Then “Jesse” is got off as a punishment by the bus.

Due to this, “Jesse” was going to move to his home on foot.

Reaching at his stop, he checks that “Leslie” is already waiting for him there.

Afterwards, they both move to the same tree house.

They were talking while sitting at the same place.

And this location is quite charming. Near their beautiful palace, a lovely brook used to flow.

And they were naming their surroundings objects with their school people’s names.

It means, those people who often used to tease them.

A squirrel appears there when “Jesse” and “Leslie” are talking with each other there.

Which begins to throw nuts on both of them.

Now “Jesse” gives that squirrel a name which was the name of his school student.

Who was so mischievous. He imagines that squirrel like a Satan.

And he begins to fight with it. Now “Jesse” after returning to home.

Who is sketching , sitting in his room.

Then his family members give him surprise of his birthday.

His family had grown some fruits and vegetables in their house garden due to poor financial condition.

But some animals were eating some fruits and vegetables from their greenhouse while stealing.

So Jesse’s father sets a trap there to catch those animals.

Next day, “Leslie” gifts “Jesse” on his birthday.

“Jesse” unwraps his gifts then there are multi colours for drawing.

“Jesse” gratifies him , taking so costly gift.

Now “Jesse” and “Leslie” daily move to the tree house to decorate it together.

One day when they both are sitting in a tree house then a tree is fallen down.

They both come outside to see this. Then they reach near the roots of that tree.

And they visualize these roots a s a giant Satan.

Actually, it is not the reality but “Leslie” was fantasizing.

Because she wanted to experience this after fantasizing everything differently.

She begins to fantasize this small place as a great place or a creature.

As any creature has been sent to attack them.

And their game continues there. One day, an animal is caught in the trap of “Jesse”.

Which often used to spoil and eat their vegetables after stealing.

Then “Jesse” dose not kill him but he leaves it in the forest.

His father becomes enraged when he knows about this.

And he scolds “Jesse” too much. He says to him, That animal is very threatening!

Remember! It will surely come back one day and spoil our fruits and vegetables.

Due to this, we will be left penniless!

Being saddened on this, “Jesse” leaves from there.

Now Jesse’s whole life was full of issues.

But there was a little hope because of the arrival of “Leslie” in his life.

One day, “Jesse” sees a dog in a shop which was homeless.

It means that it did not belong to anyone. Now “Jesse” adopts that dog.

And he gifts this to “Leslie”. “Leslie” is overjoyed, seeing this.

Then she begins to call this dog with the name “Prince”.

And she keeps it to guard her dream land. They move to their magical land later with their dog.

Then they witness a giant walking tree before them.

Then “Leslie” is lost in her dream World, glimpsing it.

And she also gives a nane to that giant tree. She gives it the name of that girl,

Who teases everyone! Then they both begin to flee, witnessing that giant tree.

Afterwards, they both return back to their tree house.

Getting off the bus, “Jesse” accompanies “Leslie” to her house on a day.

Where “Leslie” introduces him with her parents.

“Jesse” comes to know here that Leslie’s parents are actually the writers.

This is the cause that “Leslie” is so brilliant and creative.

One day, “Leslie” observes a big sized bell in a church.

Seeing this, she thinks that this bell should be in her dream land.

At the same night , Jesse’s father gives him keys to bring something from greenhouse.

But these keys are fallen down accidentally.

Jesse’s sister picks those keys up. And she hands them over “Leslie”, going there.

Then “Leslie” begins to use those keys as a bell, moving to her magical World.

Jesse’s father again scolds him too much because of not getting the keys.

Next day, “Leslie” knows that these keys belong to Jesse’s father.

And he is also searching for this. So he informs about this to “Jesse”.

And she moves to the same tree house with “Jesse” along to take back those keys.

Where they again step into their magical World named “Terabithia”.

Where they witness very mysterious creatures.

According to “Leslie”, These all creatures are here to kill them!

Because they are stealing the keys of that place!

Then they both begin to feel panicked in their imaginations.

But “Leslie” handles “Jesse” to somehow.

And they return back, fighting with the creatures there.

“Jesse” gives those keys directly to his father.

When “Jesse” is sitting in his room then he receives a call of his music teacher.

Then she invites “Jesse” to visit a museum. Then “Jesse” tells his mother that,

I am going to visit art museum! Then he goes with his teacher to visit the museum.

“Jesse” discovers his family weeping when he returns back at home in evening.

Then her mother asks him while scolding, Where had you gone?

He says, Mother! I had told you that I am going to museum with my teacher.

Then his father tells him while weeping, Your friend “Leslie” is no more!

Then he tells that “Leslie” was trying to cross the forest to its opposite side with the help of the rope.

But she fell into the water because of the breaking of the rope.

And she died because of drowning. Hearing this, “Jesse” is very hurt.

And he is very dejected. He was not believing in this.

That his bosom friend did not remain in this World. And she is no more.

Leslie’s father is lamenting a lot when he visits her house.

And he says to “Jesse”, You were the closest friend of my daughter!

And she had great affections for you! And you were only friend of her!

Some days are passed and “Jesse” alone moves to Leslie’s magical World.

Where his younger sister is also following him. But “Jesse,” says to her in rage,

Go away! Because this place only belonged to me and “Leslie”!

And no third person is allowed here!

Now “Jesse” becomes introverted again like before at the first sight.

He used to avoid to talk with anyone. One day, he goes to the tree house after the school.

He is throwing the gifted colour pencils of “Leslie” into the water.

At the same time, he hears the arrival sound of someone there.

He is Jesse’s father not anyone else.

“Jesse” begins to cry , embracing him. And he says, I put all blame of Leslie’s death on me!

If I accompanied “Leslie” to museum at that day then she might be alive today.

But Jesse’s father tries to explain to him that,

It is not your fault at all! It is life that goes on in the same way!

Then he takes “Jesse” with him while consoling him.

After a time, it is witnessed that Leslie’s family is leaving this area.

Seeing them, “Jesse” runs to them.

And he asks them, May I use those woods placed before your house?

Being upset, Leslie’s father replies, Yes! You can.

Then “Jesse” builds a bridge withe the help of those woods, moving to the forest.

So there may be reached across the stream, passing over this .

“Jesse” apologizes his younger sister on his misbehaviour that he acted.

And he accompanies her to show his built bridge there.

He says to her, showing a tree house, This whole place is a complete castle!

And you are a princess of this place! The visitors of this place have come to glimpse you!

Hearing the whole story, Jesse’s sister also begins to fantasize all in the same way,

As “Leslie” was accustomed to doing, she saw it as her dream world!

Where the living Terabithians greet them there.

And this interesting movie completes here.


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