Brightburn 2019 Explained

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The film begins with a scene of a house and a couple living in it.

They were married for many years but they don’t have a baby yet.

The wife was named ”Tori” and the husband was named ”Kyle” and ”Tori” hears some voices from outside.

She comes near the window while getting up from the bed to check.

Then she hears a loud voice and when she sees it a red light was shining there.

It seems like someone has fallen here while flying.

The scene changes while showing the light.

A video clip of a baby is shown in the next scene, later, 10 years passed in the story.

The boy in the video is shown who has grown elder and is named ”Brandon”.

He was ”Kyle’s” and ”Tori’s” son and when he was sleeping at night his mother was painting in her room.

Then a wooden piece is shown in the garage and red light along with terrible voices come from it.

Suddenly, ”Brandon” who was sleeping in his room starts shaking hardly.

”Tori” was also hearing all this but she ignores it.

”Brandon” gets up from his bed and jumps from the window.

”Tori” has this and comes out of the house to check.

She sees nothing has happened here and everything is normal.

She was returning inside but then someone passes from behind her speedily.

”Tori” thinks he is ”Brandon” and is trying to frighten her.

She reaches the garage while following the voice and finds ”Brandon” who was bend

and was trying to open the basement door with power.

The door was locked and ”Tori” gets shocked to see this scene.

She makes ”Brandon” stands up from there and tries to relax him.

This was the same place from where the red light and terrible voices were coming.

The next day, ”Brandon” and ”Kyle” were repairing furniture and

”Kyle” says I am going to bring some important stuff.

Brightburn Movie Watch Online

He asks him to cut the grass on the ground through the machine.

”Brandon” was trying to start the machine when ”Kyle” left.

The machine doesn’t start even after trying so hard

and ”Brandon” becomes furious so he pulls the pully hard.

That’s why the machine that was heavy falls at a distance from him.

”Brandon” gets shocked seeing this and watching his hands.

He doesn’t believe his hands that how this happened? he goes near the machine and sees the fan is working.

He puts his hand inside and the surprising thing is nothing happens to his hand.

The machine stops and the strong fan of iron breaks.

It means ”Brandon” has some special powers and as time passes, ”Brandon” is now 12 years old.

His parents go to a restaurant with their friends for celebrating his birthday.

”Kyle’s” friend brings a gun as a gift for ”Brandon”.

”Kyle” doesn’t give him a gun and says he is a kid and it isn’t good to give him these things at this age.

”Brandon” becomes furious due to it and misbehaves with his father.

”Kyle” cancels the party and everyone leaves.

”Tori” and ”Kyle” were talking about the changes in ”Brandon” after reaching home.

They doubt him and search his room and find the cut pictures of animals and weird magazines.

They feel there is something wrong with ”Brandon’s” body.

That’s why we should guide him properly.

”Tori” asks ”Kyle” we should go somewhere for enjoyment where we can talk to him openly.

The next day, they pack their luggage and move for the campaign.

They reach a forest and put their camp. During hunting, ”Kyle” tells ”Brandon” how to live in the teenage stage?

At night, when they were sleeping ”Tori” awakes and doesn’t find ”Brandon” on his bed.

The scene changes to ”Brandon’s” classmate who sleeps while shutting her laptop.

Meanwhile, the music plays on her laptop but she turns it off and turns but it again turns on.

The music again plays and she gets scared seeing this and this time places books on it.

Suddenly, she sees ”Brandon” behind the curtains.

Due to it, she gets scared and screams.

Then her mother arrives and tries to make her relax when she finds her scared.

”Tori” is shown finding ”Brandon” and finds him there and he says I was here.

I went to the washroom.

Then one night when ”Kyle” was leaving to sleep he hears the yelling of chickens from the garage.

He goes there with his gun to check.

He finds ”Brandon” there who was watching the chickens weirdly.

He was staring at them and the chickens were scared and yelling to see him.

”Kyle” asks him what is he doing here at this time? ”Brandon” doesn’t answer him.

He leaves.

At midnight the lights of the garage were turning off and the chickens were shouting loudly

and ”Kyle” awakes to hear the noise so he comes to the garage to check.

He gets surprised to see the scene where the chickens were ended by someone brutally.

He calls ”Tori” immediately and says see what happened? and I know this is done by ”Brandon”

because he was seeing and frightening the chickens while standing here at night.

”Tori” doesn’t believe him. The next day, the teacher makes ”Brandon” and his classmate play a game

in which the boys will be standing in a circle and a boy will fall on them while trusting them.

The boys will catch him and will escape him from falling.

When it was ”Brandon’s” turn the female classmate doesn’t hold him and he falls down due to it.

The students start laughing at him.

The teacher says you will stand him up and will apologize to him

but when she puts her hand forward ”Brandon” breaks her hand being furious.

His parents are shown in the school and they were called for his weird acts.

He was suspended from the school for two days and it reveals he wasn’t their son.

Later, they return home, and ”Tori” tells ”Kyle” the thing we hide in the garage is attracting ”Brandon”

as I have seen him many times while trying to open the door.

At night, the red light is shown behind the door and an alien language is also heard.

”Brandon” gets up from his bed and moves to that door.

This time, he breaks the lock that was on the door.

After it, the light becomes sharp, and ”Tori” also sees this light in her room.

She runs towards the garage and sees ”Brandon” flying in the light.

As she goes near him he falls down and his hand becomes injured.

He becomes shocked to see this wound as it was the first injury of his life.

That time, ”Brandon” asks his mother tell me who am I?

”Tori” tells him the story and we discover they found him 13 years ago in that incident

actually, he wasn’t their son and they have found a spacecraft outside the house.

They have found that kid from it as they have no baby so they adopted him.

They have hidden the spacecraft in the basement

later, it has become a secret and none knows not even ”Brandon” that he is not their son.

”Brandon” becomes furious hearing this and leaves.

A sharp light emits from his eyes and says I’ll end everyone.

I will not spare anyone and his classmate is shown working on her laptop.

Suddenly, her laptop shuts, and finds ”Brandon” in front of her.

”Brandon” forbids her to scream or make a noise

and says I have brought a flower for you and she tells my mother has forbidden me to talk to you.

She asked me to maintain a distance from you.

That’s why I can’t talk to you and then he disappears from there.

A restaurant is shown in the next scene and it belongs to the mother of his classmate.

As her mother was about to close it suddenly, some marks were made on the windows.

That was actually, ”Brandon’s” sign and the lights were flicking.

She doesn’t understand what is happening?

Suddenly, a light breaks, and a piece of mirror stabs her eye.

She couldn’t see with her eye and then she sees a masked boy again and again.

He was none other than ”Brandon”

and she moves to the storeroom being scared.

”Brandon” breaks the door with his laser power and ends the lady as a devil.

The police team arrives at the restaurant and start an investigation.

They don’t understand who has done this murder?

”Tori” takes ”Brandon” to a counselor who was actually her friend.

She asks him many questions but can’t discover any reason for his weird acts.

That night, when ”Kyle” and his friends were playing games in the bar counselor’s husband was also there.

The counselor was alone at her home but then someone knocks at her door.

As she opens the door ”Brandon” was in front of her.

He forbids her to tell anything about him to the police

otherwise, it will be harmful to everyone, and now because ”Brandon” was misbehaving with her

so she comes in anger and comes inside while asking him to leave.

She sleeps while coming inside but ”Brandon” again comes inside while wearing a mask.

Her husband also arrives and sees ”Brandon”

and tries to make ”Brandon” sit in the car for dropping him at his home.

”Brandon” becomes furious and sees him in anger.

The red light was also emerging from his eyes and he falls at a distance because of seeing in anger.

Then he stands up and starts chasing ”Brandon” with his car.

His car shows problems while moving at a distance.

He sees ”Brandon” in front of his car while flying and thinks maybe I am drunk that’s why I am seeing this.

Then his car also starts flying.

He gets scared seeing this and then his car falls to the ground.

His face hits the steering and it breaks due to it.

Then ”Brandon” comes to him and makes his sign with his blood. ”Tori” and ”Kyle” are shown worried

because it was late night and ”Brandon” didn’t return.

”Brandon” returns but he wasn’t wearing a shirt

and ”Tori” asks where is his shirt? ”Brandon” says I was playing with friends and fell down

that’s why my shirt was torn and dirty.

”Brandon” was holding the shirt and ”Tori” asks for the shirt

but he hides the shirt and moves to his room and they understand that he is lying and hiding something.

Later, ”Kyle” awakes and doesn’t find ”Tori” on the bed.

He comes to the nearby forest while finding her and sees a spacecraft.

”Tori” was standing near it and having a baby in her hand.

”Tori” was looking terrible and her body was bleeding.

”Tori” asks ”Kyle” to see the baby but he was terrible

suddenly, the phone rings, and ”Kyle” awakes.

He finds himself on his bed and it was his nightmare.

There was ”Tori’s” friend on the phone and tells her husband has got into an accident.

They immediately go to the hospital.

The counselor asks them is ”Brandon” at home? has he reached home?

”Kyle’s” suspicion turns into reality.

The next morning, they ask ”Brandon” that counselor’s husband died?

Do you know anything about him?

If you know anything so tell us because I know you went to their home last night?

”Brandon” says I don’t know anything about it.

”Kyle” becomes furious and asks him repeatedly about it while scolding him.

Suddenly, ”Brandon” throws ”Kyle” far with his one hand

and then goes to his room and ”Kyle” gets shocked to see all this.

Now he believed that the counselor’s husband is ended by none other than ”Brandon”.

”Tori” doesn’t believe him and doesn’t agree with him

so ”Kyle” goes to his room at the same time and finds his shirt soaked in blood.

”Kyle” tries to make ”Tori” understand while showing her the shirt

that ”Brandon” isn’t a human but a devil from another world.

He is a danger to everyone and will end us soon.

”Tori” was still not believing him

and the next day, ”Kyle” takes ”Brandon” on a weekend, and ”Tori” was alone at home.

Police officers arrive and shows ”Tori” ”Brandon’s” sign

he found it on the road but ”Tori” refuses to recognize it in front of the police officer.

The police officer leaves and ”Tori” understands everything

that ”Brandon” isn’t an ordinary kid but he is an alien devil from another world.

Then she finds a painting book of ”Brandon” and he has made many torture paintings on it.

”Kyle” and ”Brandon” were moving into the forest to hunting

now ”Kyle” knows everything so he has planned this to end ”Brandon”.

Then he shoots ”Brandon” who was walking forward.

The bullet doesn’t affect ”Brandon” and ”Kyle” gets scared.

He gets panicked and before he loads the gun for another bullet ”Brandon” disappears.

”Kyle” escapes from there and ”Brandon” comes while flying in the air.

He makes him fall down while attacking him.

Then he comes to him while wearing a mask and burns his skull with the laser of his eyes.

”Tori” was calling ”Kyle” again and again.

So she will tell ”Kyle” everything but ”Brandon” picks up the call and says his father has gone.

”Tori” understands that ”Brandon” has ended him.

”Tori” asks him to tell me where are you? ”Brandon” says I am at my home

and ”Tori” gets scared hearing this. She sees ”Brandon” flying in front of their house.

”Tori” immediately calls the police for help.

A police officer comes there with a lady and ”Tori” courageously comes to the door

suddenly, the body of the police officer blasts.

The female officer asks ”Tori” to hide inside the house.

She starts finding ”Brandon” while calling backup.

Then ”Brandon” ends her while attacking her.

”Tori” was hiding under the bed and seeing all this.

Her condition gets worse and gets scared.

She slowly jumps from the window and comes out of the house

but then remembers that nothing will harm ”Brandon”.

Except for one, this is a spacecraft.

This happened to him he was harmed by the spacecraft and then ”Tori” goes to the garage.

She takes a piece of the spacecraft and calls ”Brandon”

as he comes in front she pretends to love him and hugs him and was about to attack him with that piece.

Suddenly, ”Brandon” holds her hand.

He furiously lifts ”Tori” up in the sky and takes her at height and then leaves her.

Because of falling from the height ”Tori” dies immediately.

”Brandon” sees a plane there and it is shown crashed in the next scene.

There were 268 passengers and they all died.

There was the same ”Brandon’s” symbol on it means she has crashed it.

The police think the plane crashed at this farmhouse in which ”Kyle” and Tori” died.

Their kid ”Brandon” was alive and safe.

”Brandon” was having a biscuit and

this movie ends while showing this.

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