Dance With The Dead

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A grave digger is shown at the start, and he observes movement in a tomb.

A palm emerges from the burial site, which he explores while touching.

It presses his neck, but he tries to cut the hand with the scissors near the area.

Likewise, he was saved. Later, a school scene is shown and there is a prom function.

The students were practicing for dance and a boy named ”Steven” is shown.

He was asking his friend to go with him to the promnight?

But his friend had already made plans with someone else, so she refused and said she would go with her other friend.

”Steven” becomes depressed after hearing this from his friend.

Meanwhile, his friends arrive who were ”SciFi” club members

and inform him about the meeting in the ”SciFi” club.

They ask him to come. Then another girl is shown named ”Lindsey”.

A boy comes to her and asks her to go to the prom night

firstly, she refuses and says you know I will dance with ”Jimmy”.

Here that boy was making fun of ”Jimmy” while saying you know your friend is a pizza delivery boy

and he will take you in his pizza car.

Do you want this?

After it, ”Jimmy” is shown who is taking everything as a fun

because of this, his friend ”Lindsey” breaks up with him.

She refused to go with him to the prom night.

Now she thinks of going with the boy who offered her before

then the boy takes ”Lindsey” with him at night.

Before prom night he has taken her to a graveyard near the town.

There were the members of the ”SciFi” club and ”Steven” was also with them

and they were finding the dead body of their friend’s uncle who died during the civil war.

They reach his coffin but it was empty

they get scared to see this and suddenly, a dead body comes to them on the road.

It attacks them because now it has been changed into a zombie.

Everyone gets scared to see this and runs from there.

Meanwhile, ”Lindsey” and her friend are shown in the car that stayed near the graveyard.

Suddenly, zombies arrived and dragged her friend

”Lindsey” becomes frightened to see this.

She gets surprised about what’s going on?

Meanwhile, the zombies have surrounded her car and ended her friend.

On another side, the members of ”SciFi” club were escaping

but then the grave digger we see at the start ends those zombies and save them.

The students understand this grave digger already knew this.

They ask why he didn’t tell anyone about it? the gravedigger says I mind my own business

and if you want to end those zombies you have to attack their head.

The students were escaping and the dead people turning into zombies and appearing from the graves.

On the other hand, ”Lindsey’s” car was surrounded by zombies

and they were trying to attack her.

Suddenly, her car starts and she escapes and also save the ”SciFi” members with her.

”Jimmy” moves to a house for pizza delivery but the house members were turned into zombies

that’s why they were attacking ”Jimmy”.

”Jimmy” somehow runs and sees his friend while running on the way

he was hiding because of being frightened by zombies.

”Jimmy” tries to help him but his friend consider ”Jimmy” is making fun of him.

He starts beating him and during this, two zombies escape in ”Jimmy’s” car.

Many zombies were moving toward them.

”Jimmy’s” friend has a gun so he starts shooting them and ends them.

”Steven’s” friend arrives and a zombie was about to attack her but ”Jimmy’s” friend tries to shoot him

but there were no bullets now ”Jimmy” and his friend fought with zombies without weapons.

They end them.

”Lindsey” along woth ”SciFi” members were trying to call the police.

They couldn’t contact the police and their car also gets damaged on the way.

”Lindsey” finds ”Jimmy’s” car on the way

but there were zombies inside as they steal it but ”Lindsey” becomes happy to see it.

As she doesn’t know there were zombies instead of ”Jimmy” in the car

When zombies emerge from the car, they seek refuge in a house.

Meanwhile, ”Jimmy” calls ”Lindsey” and asks her to stay there until he come to save her.

”Jimmy” tries to reach ”Lindsey” through sewerage with his friend.

Moving from sewerage he discovers a strange liquid gas is spread in the power plant of the sewerage.

None knows about it.

Zombies are shown attacking the members of the Band club in the next scene.

Then they discover zombies can’t do anything when the music is turned on.

They start playing the music there and ”Jimmy” has also reached ”Lindsey” with his friend.

Everyone was relieved to see each other and to know that they had all been saved.

Later, they discover they are in a funeral home due to it, zombies were moving toward them.

Meanwhile, a zombie in a coffin move towards them

and attacks them. Everyone was running to escape from him

and reach a dark room.

Zombies were trying to attack them and they see a dead body when ”Steven’s” friend turns on the light.

The dead body disappears when they were about to hit him

because the deadbody was also changed into a zombie. Before they could understand anything

suddenly, the dead body attacks them turning into a zombie.

They were trying to escape but another zombie arrives and attacks”Jimmy’s” friend.

”Jimmy’s” friend becomes infected and turns into a zombie and attacks everyone.

”Jimmy” attacks his friend with a rod and ends him

now they try to call their classmates for helping them but none was picking up their call.

They understand that everyone is changed into a zombie

”Jimmy” asks his friend to compete with zombies how long we will stay here?

we have to face them.

They take help from ”Steven’s” friend who can run fast.

They move from there while sitting in the car

but moving at a distance the school coach punctures their car.

He was considering them zombies

but the coach discovers there were students inside going to compete the zombies to the prom party.

The coach decides to go with them

and also provides them weapons to compete with zombies.

Now they leave with the coach and meet many zombies on the way

they were gathered there because of the Band club as they were playing band there.

The coach ends zombies one by one due to it, the members of the band club were saved.

Now they also decide to go with them

reaching the prom party they notice the people there are changed into zombies.

Now they plan to blast a bomb in the school with which all zombies will be ended.

They were shutting the doors from all sides so none from zombies will move out

meanwhile, they find some hidden people who were not infected yet.

The coach has set the bomb in the school but mistakenly the remote falls down

as there were many zombies downside and it was difficult for the coach to reach there.

”Jimmy” decides to bring that remote

his friends were forbidding him but he ignore them.

The other friends of ”Jimmy” were trying to escape

but suddenly, many zombies attack them.

“Jimmy” was moving to get the remote when “Lindsey” appeared behind him and said, “I don’t want to lose you.”

I want to live with you always

but zombies see ”Jimmy” when he was trying to pick up the remote while reaching near it.

Zombies try to reach them.

”Jimmy” and ”Lindsey” were competing with the zombies bravely

and ending all zombies one by one.

There were a lot of zombies and they were moving toward them

meanwhile, the band club turns its music on due to it, zombies stop.

”Jimmy” and ”Lindsey” were trying to find out the remote while dancing.

”Steven” is shown with his friend who takes him to the washroom

and shows ”Steven” that she is infected.

”Steven” gets scared to see this but his friend forbids him to tell this to anyone.

She hugs her friend and in doing this, she changes into a zombie.

She bites ”Steven” badly

due to it, ”Steven” also becomes infected.

”Jimmy” also find the remote but suddenly, a zombie steps on the plugshoe

due to it, the plugwire comes out and the music stops and zombies come back in their position.

Now they were again trying to attack them

but they hide while escaping from zombies.

Meanwhile, a zombie without head arrives

and he is the one who wanted ”Lindsey” to go with him on prom night.

He saw them there but ”Lindsey” was attacking his head repeatedly.

She ends him and the Band club somehow reaches the plug wire

and again start playing the band while putting the plug shoe.

”Steven” was with his friend in the washroom and they were changed into zombies.

They eat each other brutally

and ”Jimmy” also found the remote from the prom party.

Now he tries to move out with ”Lindsey” and his other friends.

Zombies were also chasing them as the music was turned off

zombies have caught one of their friends and eaten him brutally.

Meanwhile, a zombie attack ”Jimmy” and ”Lindsey” gives him an ax

then he hits his head with that ax and leaves with ”Lindsey” through the window.

”Jimmy’s” friends have come out of the school

now ”Jimmy” presses the remote’s button.

Zombies inside the school were ended in the blast

now they have understood the dead ones were changing into zombies

because of the poisonous gas emitted by the power plant near the cemetery.

They decide to destroy the power plant.

Later, they leave from there. The gravedigger is shown at the last of the movie.

We saw him at the start and he came there to get the dead bodies of zombies.

So he will bury them again.

This movie concludes here.


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