Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

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A 2017 Korean psychological thriller called House Of The Disappeared (Si-gan-wi-ui jib) is a remake of the Venezuelan film The House At The End Of Time (La casa del fin de los tiempos). Alejandro Hidalgo directed the first movie, and Dae-wung Lim directed the Korean version. A woman who is falsely accused of killing her husband and son and sentenced to prison is the subject of the film. To find out the truth, she goes back to the house where the tragedy took place 25 years later.

Yun-jin Kim (you may recognise her from Lost) is shown doing the hard lifting in the Korean film’s cast. This excellent cross-genre film really challenges your thinking. Here is an explanation of the House Of The Disappeared finale and plot of the 2017 Korean film. There are spoilers ahead, although technically this article also covers The House at the End of Time because the two films have the same plot.

Timeline for House of the Disappeared

What is the history of the house, House Of The Disappeared?

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

The mansion was constructed in 1942 for General Watabe Kunio using a combination of the best occult and natural science practises in Japan. The general insisted vehemently that the home be erected there. It appears the location was home to a wormhole that connected different time periods.

Aside from this, people in the house undergo time-slips in November, which means they unintentionally, randomly splice with other times in multiples of 25 years. To the other current or former residents of the house, each person ends up appearing as a ghost.

Why is the home broken?

A temporal vortex is the foundation of the home. Every November, the house is linked to other times that are more than 25 years apart. For example, 1942, 1967, 1992, and 2017. On November 11, all points in time that are more than 25 years away from one another completely overlap, unlike the other days of the month when there are temporal hiccups. On November 11th, the basement door’s wall that was hiding it would also vanish, enabling visitors to shift permanently to a different historical period.

How did the Japanese family fare in 1942?

Through time, they got away. The farmers at the time were quite angry due to the Japanese exploitation of them. Because they viewed the Japanese General as a pioneer, they retaliated on the family. Contrary to what the reporter reported, the farmers did not break in and murder the family. The Japanese family entered the basement door, disappeared, and lived there for the rest of their lives, never coming back to the house. The time passage had already closed by the time the farmers convinced the housemaid to reveal where the Japanese family was hiding and went to the basement, where all they discovered was a door with a wall behind it.

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

The entire time the Japanese family is depicted in the film, they are inside the home in November of 1942. The woman and the two girls from 1967 are also included in this.

The two spooky gals are who, right?

The house is eventually occupied by a woman and her two children after the general vanished in 1942. The mom and her two kids start having overlaps with other years in the future and past in November 1967. These are the different sequences that feature the mom and her two daughters, who are viewed as ghosts in each scenario. In 1967, remember from their perspective, strange people began appearing in their home; the mom and the two girls assumed the others were ghosts. The mother and her children left the house on November 11, 1967, probably through the basement entrance, never to return.

Home Of The Disappeared| Mi-Tale hee’s Plot Explained

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

Hyo-je is the offspring of Mi-first hee’s marriage, to whom she was previously married. Due to an inherited cardiac disease, Mi-first hee’s spouse passed away. In the 1990s, there was no treatment for her son Hyo-illness, je’s which is the same as his father’s. She then meets Chul-joong, marries him, and has a second kid, Ji-won. In 1982, the family of Mi-hee comes into the home. Chul-joong and Mi-hee lose affection as time passes. Hyo-je, the stepson of Chul-joong, is the target of his growing animosity.

The Night of the Haunting| Mansion of the Disappeared (The Intruder)

Therefore, there is no haunting and no ghosts in this movie; instead, there are just families that unintentionally travel through time and mistake each other for ghosts.
When November 1992 rolls around, Mi-hee encounters individuals from eras with multiples of 25 years between them. The first time it happens, Mi-hee thinks a house intruder is at fault (the mysterious hand). The following day, when the police search the area, they only locate Mi-fingerprints. hee’s Police don’t have any proof that somebody broke in either. Chul-joong believes Mi-hee is insane. Although Hyo-je seems shaken, he keeps his observations to himself. He simply gives Mi-hee a note. Leave this house; the father will kill the child, roughly how the note is translated. Mi-hee stashes the message because she’s unsure of its meaning.

Using Feng Shui

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

Mi-hee hires a Feng Shui expert to examine the home. He is unable to describe what is wrong with the house because he is experiencing numerous things at once. His hand chain is dragged to the door by a temporal occurrence as if a huge magnet were concealed behind it. He makes the obvious assumption that it is haunted, suggests a shaman, and leaves immediately.

When a Shaman

The shaman can now communicate with spirits, however in the case of this house, there are no ghosts. While everyone there is alive, they all exist at separate times. Just connecting and conversing with them over time is what the shaman is doing. She is also able to witness Chul-attempt joong’s to kill Hyo-je a few days in the future. She hears this and says, “Daddy, don’t murder me.”

Mi-hee opens her eyes and sees the many families as well as an elderly man who is watching the ritual and her closely. Once more, they are unexpectedly witnessing this weird rite being carried out by three women in their home from their perspective. Mi-hee panics and requests that the shaman go.

Ji-passing won’s

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

Since there aren’t any ghosts in this film, Ji-won isn’t killed by one. The young person experiences a horrific mishap. Ji-won just so happens to be playing his video game and throwing rocks while perched on the edge of a sheer drop. Dust is blown into his eyes by an errant blast of wind. As the child closes his eyes, he becomes disoriented, retreats, trips and drowns. The authorities find his body later that day. Hyo-je is reprimanded by Chul-joong for neglecting his sibling.

Chul-Fury joong’s

Chul-joong decides to kill Hyo-je out of wrath and lunges at him with a knife. When Mi-hee tries to stop him, he strikes her head against the mirror and knocks her out. Mi-hee goes down to the basement when she awakens to see Chul-joong stabbed. She enters the basement after spotting Hyo-je standing by the enigmatic entrance. She discovers a solid wall behind the door when she opens it. The movie’s opening scene is seen here.

Mi-hee receives a 25-year sentence for killing her husband and maybe her son, whose body was never discovered. Mi-hee is released in November 2017 and placed under house arrest.

Who is the priest in House Of The Disappeared?

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

Who is the priest in the movie “House of the Disappeared”?

What actually transpired on the night of the haunting (intruder) in 1992, as depicted in House of the Disappeared?

Hyo-je, Mi-hee, and Mi-hee

On November 11th, 2017, Old-Mi-hee opens the basement door because there isn’t a wall there. She is transported back to November 8, 1992, the intruder’s night. Mi-hee, in 2017, is unaware that she has gone back in time to 1992. She attempts to enter her room but is shocked to discover that it is locked. Keep in mind that 1992-Mi-hee is in that room and has the door shut. Obtaining the keys, 2017-Mi-hee opens the door after unlocking it. Mi-hee attempts to seize the enigma inside in 2017.

A glance through the door reveals 2017-Mi-younger hee’s self approaching her with scissors. Mi-hee realises that she was the intruder that was in the house all those years ago in 2017. Immediately, 2017-Mi-hee descends to Hyo-room. je’s Her excitement at seeing her son again is uncontrollable. Hyo-je is given a written note by Mi-hee in 2017 and instructed to give it to his mother.

Ji-won and Hyo-he

Due to a temporal anomaly, Hyo-je from November 11, 1992, unintentionally travels back to November 8, 1992, the night of the invader, at this precise moment. When Future-Hyo-je enters his brother’s room, he is shocked to see Ji-won still alive. He gives him a hug and apologises. Future-Hyo-je, who is convinced that his brother has returned, enters the hallway to inform his mother. As he approaches the aisle, he accidentally travels back to November 11, 1992, where he sees his irate stepfather approaching him and threatening to kill him.

There were 2 Mi-hee, 2 Hyo-je, 1 Ji-won, and 1 Chul-joong there on the night of the intrusion (who leaves the house after the argument with Mi-hee).

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

Who murdered Chul-joong, according to House Of The Disappeared? What actually transpired on the murderous night of November 11, 1992?

2017-Mi-hee is being pursued by an elderly guy when she crashes into the cellar doorway. The elderly guy reveals himself to be Hyo-je, who has been attempting to see his mother for 75 years. In the other years, 2042 and 2067, he was unable to get in touch with his mother. Ultimately, 2092-Hyo-je communicates with his elderly mother, 2017-Mi-hee, through the temporal portal to let her know that she saved him on the night of November 11, 1992. 2017-Mi-hee is informed by 2092-Hyo-je that 1992-Mi-life hee’s will be ruined by her acts that evening and is urged to refrain from doing the same.

A cure for 1992-Hyo-genetic je’s heart condition is available in 2017, so 2017-Mi-hee realises that her miserable life now has value because it gives her son life. This is accomplished by first saving 1992-Hyo-je from his murderous stepfather and then by bringing 1992-Hyo-je to 2017 when there is a cure for his condition.

When Chul-joong is going to stab Hyo-je on November 11, 1992, 2017-Mi-hee says “I love you” to 2092-Hyo-je and travels there. Mi-hee hits Chul-joong in 2017 and takes his knife. He stumbles onto the blade while disoriented, impaling himself to death.

In an effort to change history so that 1992-Mi-hee might live with her son, 2017-Mi-hee originally plans to depart from Hyo-je in his own time. She seizes Hyo-je and brings him to 2017 after realising that he cannot receive the necessary care in that time period. Hyo-je mysteriously vanished in 1992 due to 2017-Mi-deeds. hee’s Moreover, 1992-Mi-hee is imprisoned and sentenced to a terrible 25 years in prison due to 2017-Mi-fingerprints hee’s on the murder weapon; 2017-Mi-hee gives up her youth to give her son a life.

Home Of The Disappeared| A Discussion of the End

Described in the Korean film House of the Disappeared

The conclusion of House Of The Disappeared shows that a time-traveling old Mi-hee is responsible for her husband’s passing and her son’s abduction. There are merely mistaken time-travelers who mistake each other for ghosts; there are no real ghosts in the house.

Old Mi-hee tells the priest everything on November 12th, 2017, and the priest listens in shock. He soon encounters Hyo-je, who has been transported from 1992, and they exchange their secret handshake, which verifies the veracity of the story. Due to throat cancer, Old Mi-hee requests her son to accompany the priest because she won’t be around for very long. In his company is 1992-Hyo-je, the priest. In 1992, Hyo-je had a crush on a girl who is now much older but still proudly wears a necklace made of marbles Hyo-je gave her in 1992. The two eventually run into this girl. The girl smiles and caresses her jewellery as she stares in shock at 1992-Hyo-je.

Despite not being depicted in the movie, 1992-Hyo-je starts a new life in 2017 and eventually receives therapy. 1992: Hyo-je discovers from old news that Mi-hee was given a 25-year sentence because of his disappearance and the passing of his stepfather on the evening of November 11, 1992. For this reason, he starts attempting to get in touch with 2017-Mi-hee to warn her against doing it and saving her own life. He attempts to use the time vortex to meet his old mother in 2042 and 2067, but fails. He ultimately succeeds in 2092. But, nothing is changed because what has transpired is a done deal and cannot be changed.

How old is Hyo-je in the final scene in House of the Disappeared?

85 or so years old. He is not older than 100, no. Hyo-je, supposing he was 10 years old in 1992, is now 10, thanks to time travel. From there, he attempted to return and meet his elderly mother for 75 years; at that point, he would have been 85 years old.

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