Desperate Measures Movie Explained

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The movie begins in the San Francisco FBI 

department. Two police detectives namely;  

Frank and Matthew sneak into the building 

using their authority as police officers.  

They break into a room reserved only for 

authorized personnel to steal data from a  

computer. They are looking for someone with 

specific bone marrow for an unknown reason.

After a few minutes of searching, they 

finally land on a man named Peter J.  

McCabe. However, he turns out to be a criminal 

with murder, manslaughter, and assault charges.

Peter is currently locked in solitary confinement 

for breaking an inmate’s leg at Pelican Bay State  

Prison. Even though the guy has had no formal 

education past grade nine, his IQ is over 150.  

Moreover, he has escaped twice and killed two 

policemen in the process. The second time,  

he burned them alive and used their IDs to confuse 

the police. Peter McCabe is not just a fugitive,  

he is an extremely intelligent sociopath 

who loves to play with people’s minds.

The next day, detective Frank and 

the police captain go to meet Peter  

in the prison. The reason for their visit 

is unknown until Frank finally meets Peter  

and reveals that his eight-year-old son has 

Leukemia. He desperately needs a bone marrow  

transplant and according to all databases, 

the only person that matches is Peter.

Despite finding out that he can save a kid’s 

life, Peter doesn’t want to get involved.  

He messes with Frank and makes him beg before 

telling him that he will think about the matter.  

Frank tries to change his mind by 

declaring that his son is Peter’s only  

way of redemption but a criminal like him doesn’t 

seek redemption. All he wants is fun and freedom.

Frank leaves the prison in desperation and goes 

to the hospital to meet his son max. There,  

he is met with more bad news as the doctor reveals 

Max only has a few more weeks to live without a  

bone marrow transplant. She asks Frank to prepare 

himself for the worst but he refuses to listen.

It turns out that Max doesn’t know that 

his cancer is back. He is excited about  

a new aviation book that his father gifted him 

and has no worries about the world. However,  

upon sensing his father’s worry, the kid figures 

out something is wrong and inquires if he is going  

to die. Frank tells him about cancer but lies 

that he has found a donor willing to participate.

The kid is joyous but he doesn’t forget 

to tell his dad if the transplant  

fails, he should know that he tried his best. 

Just then, Frank gets a call from the prison.  

Peter has finally agreed to the transplant 

but wants to meet Max before he confirms it.

Frank is a little skeptical but he 

promises to bring the kid the next day.  

In the following scene, Peter and Max are 

together in a room. Peter asks the kid to  

call him uncle Pete and talks to him for 

a while before promising to be his donor.

Max runs to his father in excitement but the 

criminal has a bunch of demands before they  

proceed with written consent. He wants to get out 

of solitary confinement and be able to socialize  

with other inmates, he wants his smoking 

privileges back, and he should be allowed  

to use the prison library which also consists 

of a computer with access to the internet.

The prison warden is not cooperative enough to  

grant such demands at first but after 

Frank pulls some strings, he agrees.

Then, we see Peter being given a cigarette 

which prompts him to sign the consent form.  

Right after the police leave and he is 

alone, Peter ties his shoelace to his thumb  

and dislocates it. This is the first 

step to his perfect escape plan.

Meanwhile, Max is worried that he is going to 

receive bone marrow from a criminal like Peter.  

His father asserts that receiving blood 

from an old person doesn’t make you old,  

likewise Peter’s sins have 

nothing to do with his body.

In the prison, Peter continues the 

preparations and approaches a secret  

drug supplier. The man doesn’t want to do 

business with him until Peter threatens him.  

He wants an ampule of an anti-drug named Narcan 

used to treat people who have OD-ed. The supplier  

asks what he wants to use the drug for and 

Peter claims that everyone will know in time.

While the supplier works on 

getting his hands on the drug,  

Peter uses the library computer to study the 

map of the hospital he is going to be at.

He tricks the guards by pretending to play 

chess. Because he is equally good at it,  

they never suspect him. In the meantime, 

the police force prepares the hospital for  

Peter’s arrival and ensures complete safety. 

There will be several helicopters flying above  

and an army will escort him 

to and back from the hospital.

A night before the big day, the supplier 

gives Peter his daily dose of medicine.  

But he hands him two cups, one of 

which contains the drug he asked for.  

Alone in his cell, Peter ties the ampule 

to a thread and ties the other end to his  

teeth. He then swallows the ampule 

to pull it out when he needs it.

After that, finally comes the day of the 

transplant. Hundreds of guards in several  

vehicles bring Peter to the hospital. 

He is taken to the OR in restraints  

but they have to be removed when he is 

kept on the bed. The guards do not waste  

time before tying his hands again, 

unaware of his dislocated thumb.

The doctor sedates him to initiate the transplant 

but just then, Peter drinks the contents of the  

ampule. The anti-drug prevents him from 

passing out which shocks the doctors as  

well. But by the time they catch up to his 

plan, he has already pulled his hand out.

He uses a gas pipe to attack the doctors and 

guards in the room before making a run for it.  

Frank, who had been watching the 

commotion from the upper floor,  

runs to their aid. He helps them before 

turning his attention toward the fugitive.

Peter slides down the laundry chute and wears 

a doctor’s coat to disguise himself as one.  

Despite having a chain tying his legs 

together and a gunshot wound on his leg,  

the man isn’t worried. He goes to a 

room with laser guns and threatens a  

doctor to break the chains with them. 

After that, he runs to the emergency  

room to get a shot of morphine for the 

pain but Frank catches him in the act.

Peter holds a scalpel to Max’s doctor 

Samantha’s throat and demands Frank to give  

up. When the detective tries to shoot 

Peter, Samantha reveals that if he dies,  

the bone marrow will be useless and 

Max will never get the transplant.

Suddenly a policeman named Wilson 

appears from behind a curtain.  

He points his gun at Peter, 

asking him to let the doctor go.  

In a moment of panic, Frank gives up his 

gun to Peter so he can defend himself.  

The act ensures his departure from the police 

force but all he cares about is saving his son.

As Wilson and Peter negotiate, 

Frank comes in between them,  

refusing to let Peter get hurt. A 

shootout ensues where the fugitive  

kills another policeman and hurts 

Wilson gravely before running away.

When the captain arrives with his team, he berates 

Frank for letting people get killed for his son’s  

life. Frank is arrested for his erratic behavior 

and is to be sent to the police station. However,  

when they are outside the hospital, he throws the 

policemen into a crowd of reporters and escapes.

Back inside, Max bleeds from his nose, 

and dr. Samantha is tending to him.  

Officer Matthew is also with the two but 

is attacked and knocked out by Peter. He  

demands Samantha to reveal where the 

cyclopropane is kept in the hospital.  

He also promises Max that he will send her back 

as soon as she helps him find what he wants.

Not wasting any more of his time, Frank drives a 

bike into the hospital and continues looking for  

Peter. He goes to Max and makes sure the kid is 

okay before helping Matthew. Max reveals that the  

fugitive was talking about propane which gives 

Frank an idea of where they might have gone.

Keeping Matthew to take care of the 

kid, he runs outside. At the same time,  

Peter makes Samantha put two tanks of propane into 

a bag and asks for directions to the electrical  

room. He is planning to blow up the place as a 

distraction to escape without getting caught.

However, Samantha takes him by surprise 

and hurts him before running away.  

She meets Frank in the hallways 

who begs her not to tell the police  

because they will kill Peter. The 

doctor agrees and goes to tend to Max.

Peter and Frank meet outside the room with 

propane but Peter has an upper hand because  

Frank cannot kill him. He blows up the room and 

runs away yet again. The explosion also causes the  

entire electrical system of the hospital to shut 

down including the ventilators and the lights.

Matthew moves Max to the old building of the 

hospital joined to the new one through a bridge.  

While trying to follow them, Frank notices 

that Peter is also moving to the old building.  

As he crosses the bridge, the team 

below starts firing at the criminal  

but Frank saves his life by shooting at 

the light they are using to locate him.

By now, the SWAT team enters the hospital which 

means Peter doesn’t have long before he is either  

caught or killed. To gain leverage over the 

guards, he holds their team leader hostage.  

This allows him access to 

the control room which he  

uses to put the entire hospital in 

lockdown by closing all the doors.

Meanwhile, Samantha is told that the kid is in 

desperate need of a doctor and she needs to be  

in the old building as soon as possible. Frank 

hides her from everyone and gets her to the other  

building, gaining an appreciation for his efforts 

from Peter who is watching them on CCTV cameras.

Still, he doesn’t allow him inside the building. 

Frank manages to convince him to let them in,  

promising to be on his side. 

After being let inside,  

Frank and Samantha go to see Max while 

Peter plays out the next part of his plan.

He brings the hostages on 

the roof as a distraction,  

knowing that the captain and his team will 

be on the bridge joining the buildings. He  

has laid a tank of propane near the bridge to 

kill them. Frank figures out his plan and saves  

the captain and his team’s lives by blasting 

the propane when they are not on the bridge.

Now, the only people in the 

building are Peter, Frank,  

Matthew, Max, and Samantha. The latter 

three are inside a locked room. Outside,  

Peter and Frank meet each other 

and Peter threatens to kill him.

Max quickly opens the door to save his father 

but ends up being held at gunpoint because of it.  

Peter then acts out the last part of his plan 

and uses the kid as a hostage. They go to the  

morgue which has a way to the tunnels 

underground. This was Peter’s original  

escape plan all along as he had the map of 

the tunnel he acquired from the internet.

He makes a hole in the wall and apologizes to 

the kid. He would have helped him if he could  

without wasting a chance at freedom. Peter 

then leaves Max there and runs through the  

tunnel. With only half an hour left to sunrise, 

he is sure to be lost in the rush hour traffic.

Having found out about his plan,  

Frank follows him closely and sees 

him driving away in a blue vehicle.  

He steals a police car and uses the policeman’s 

ID to ask for help from the control room.

After driving for several minutes, he finally 

sees the car about to get on a bridge. Calling  

the bridge operator, Frank pretends to be 

the captain and manages to trap Peter again.

As they face each other in the showdown, 

the captain and his team appear on a  

helicopter. They fire at the criminal 

but Frank takes the bullet to save him.  

When Peter tries running away again, Frank 

shoots him, causing him to fall into the  

sea. With his remaining strength, Frank saves 

Peter and he is brought back to the hospital.

The transplant finally takes place and Max is 

saved. He returns to consciousness to a happy  

father waiting for him. In another more secure 

ward, Peter is still alive. He asks the guard if  

the kid is okay. Suddenly, the bed starts moving 

forward and the guard realizes his gun is missing.  

The movie ends as Peter holds the gun to his 

head and inquires what kind of car he drives.


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