Flashback is shown at the beginning of the film Dont Be Afraid Of The Dark story.
A big house comes before sight at night.
And an old man is also seen in the basement of this house.
This old man’s name was “BlackWood”.
He used to live in the same house.
And he asks his maid to bring something!
As his maid was descending the downstairs,
“Blackwood” had set a trap for her. Due to this, that poor maid is fallen there.
“Blackwood” says, Forgive me! I was not willing to committ this.
They all are making me do this!
Who were those people? It will be opened further.
That maid is died at the spot when “Blackwood” breaks all her teeth.
Because no one could bear such a bitter pain.
“Blackwood” was so afraid.
He gathers all teeth in a pot and puts it before a hole .
He also says, He did not get the children’s teeth! But he got the human teeth,
Which he has brought! Now take this teeth and return back my son!
After a while, it is observed that,
The dark entity which was there also drags “Blackwood” towards him in the dark.
The entity which is there lives under the ground of this house.
A little girl is shown named “Sally”. And she was going to his father on a day.
That girl was travelling alone. Her father had come to pick her up at airport.
The real story included that Sally’s parent had been divorced. And her father’s name was “Alex”.
There was also Sally’s one of the friends named “Kim”. “Sally” had no liking for “Kim”.
Afterwards, it is seen that they all three come to this house.
“Alex” had purchased this house recently.
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And it was the same house shown at the start of the movie.
Where “Blackwood” had faced an accident.
Now they begin to set the house things.
Now the scene of next day is shown where “Sally” was in back garden.
“Sally” was walking there. She feels something behind the bushes there.
Blackwood’s grandson appears when she was going to check that thing,
And he stops “Sally” to go there. He warns to “Sally”, It is not a safe place !
There is a hole and you may not fall into that hole.
“Alex” and “Kim” also come there.
Then “Alex” goes to check that place on the insistence of his daughter.
This was ancient house but there was a secret place.
“Alex” had started to see the house as doubtful. He also finds a way under the stairs.
This way leads to underground place.
It means that there was also a hidden place inside this house.
But it was not being liked by Blackwood’s old grandson.
He had perhaps the knowledge about this house to an extent so he did not want this,
That someone may receive any harm again.
Getting the way, “Alex” and “Sally” move to the basement of house.
It was the same basement seen at the beginning of the movie.
But the hole had been blocked now completely.”
Sally” tries to unblock that hole.
Now “Sally” had started suspecting. Next day, she comes to that basement covertly.
She hears some sounds, standing near the basement.
It was seeming to her that someone is captive there.
And they were also saying the same as they are feeling appetite.
Now “Sally” puts a needle before that thing to remove her suspicion.
Which is pulled inside after a time . It indicated that someone is really inside.
Now “Sally” was going to unlock that hole with wrench.
At the same time, Sally’s father approaches there.
He asks her, coming there.
What is she doing here?
“Sally” tells her father that she heard some sounds from here.
“Alex” also tries to hear the sound but he was not hearing a single sound there.
Someone attempts to attack him with a needle when he was doing as such.
But “Alex” stands there at a proper time.
And he avoids the threat from a little distance.
And he says to his daughter “Sally”, There is nothing!
You have heard something by mistake.
And the half stuck screw is also removed itself. It is obvious here that,
The entity which was in this tunnel,
it was going to come outside. As the door of basement is opened.
“Sally” tries to peep inside. She finds some teeth in a pot there.
Those teeth belonged to “Blackwood” and some of the teeth belonged to his maid.
That pot is fallen down when “Sally” was going to take those teeth.
And all teeth are shattered down.
“Sally” gets two teeth and she keeps them.
After it, it is shown at night ,
Where “Alex” was talking with his ex wife.
And it is revealed through their conversation that,
“Alex” had got the custody of “Sally”.
Now and she will have to live with her father forever.
“Sally” becomes so grieved, hearing the whole conversation of her father.
She comes to her room later.
Where she glimpses her teddy bear which was moving.
She senses doubtfully, glimpsing that teddy bear. But she soon understands that,
There were two little creatures behind that teddy bear.
Which run away as “Sally” appears.
“Sally” was trying to search for them,
And it is known here that,
Those creatures could also communicate.
She places that tooth under her pillow.
Now mysterious incidents were occurring in this house now.
“Kim” comes to know about this next day,
That Kim’s dresses have been torn by someone.
It was all committed by those creatures. But all blames are put on “Sally” here.
Because it was “Sally” who disliked “Kim”. Next day, “Sally” knows about this.
That the placed tooth under her pillow has turned into a silver coin.
Now “Sally” had heard a fairy tale.
And she was considering as a fairy tale is occurring with her.
Next day, “Sally” knows this as someone is in the basement.
She goes in the basement, taking food.
Meanwhile, Blackwood’s old grandson appears there.
He sends “Sally” from there.
He had come to lock that tunnel in basement.
He had a torch light in his hand when he had appeared at the beginning.
Those creatures run away from there because o the light of that torch light.
When Blackwood’s old grandson was going to block that tunnel,
Then those creatures were in darkness there.
They were hidden there. Those creatures throw his tool box down.
And they attack him after taking those tools. And they make him wounded badly.
Because there were many sharp tools among them.
Then he saves himself , taking the torch light.
Because those creatures were afraid from the light.
Then he comes out of that basement in some way.
Where “Sally” and that maid witness that man then they become so frightened.
After this, police are also called there.
But the circumstances for “Sally” had turned worst for “Sally”.
She had started to feel afraid in her own house.
Now she used to sleep with “Alex” and “Kim”.
When “Sally” falls asleep at night then “Kim” comes to drop her in her room.
But those creatures were present there.
Those creatures attack “Sally” when she wakes up.
“Alex” and “Kim” come to her room when “Sally” shouts.
Those creatures are fled when they switch on the light.
But “Sally” was much afraid.
She tells about those creatures to her father .
It is obvious! Who could believe in this little girl.
“Sally” was talking as such from the very beginning.
Now “Alex” thinks as it is perhaps her fear.
As a result, he calls a doctor at his house. Doctor treats her and tells them that,
It is Sally’s fear as she lives alone! And she is feeling fear from this,
She is suffering from depression because of being alone. “Kim” is seen there.
Who visits the hospital to know the condition of Blackwood’s old grandson.
Those creatures had distorted his face completely.
He was also not able to utter the words clearly!
She asks to him, What is in that house?
And what happened with him. He gives kim clue that she will have to visit library.
And she will have to read out the specific collection of the books.
Now she goes to the library,
She knows , going there.
That a man “Blackwood” who had been witnessed at the beginning.
He was very renowned painter who used to make the paintings of landscapes.
After this, “Blackwood” began to believe in old tales.
Including monsters, demons and creatures.
After this, Blackwood left the nature painting habit ,
And they started to draw such sketches.
He had completely lost in those paintings.
As he had seen something in his real life.
There was also the clue of those creatures in those paintings.
Those creatures used to live underground according to the story,
Which is beyond the access of human beings.
They survive on the teeth and the bones of kids.
And these creatures are already existed on Earth!
The kids who will place their tooth under their pillow.
Then they will find a silver coin from there.
It was also alright on one side.
At that time, those creatures were not harmed the human beings .
Later, people stop trusting on these stories.
And those creatures filled with rage and anger.
Now “Kim” gets a lot of information from the library and she knows this,
The owner of this house “Blackwood” his son had disappeared mysteriously.
It is seen later that those creatures attack “Sally” at night.
They were trying to kill her but Sally’s maid saves her , approaching there.
“Sally” runs from this house in fear. When “Kim” comes back to this house.
“Sally” was disappeared from here. In the meantime, “Alex” also comes to this house.
Now “Kim” and “Alex” begin to search for “Sally” collaboratively.
Now argument is started between “Alex” and “Kim” in the car.
Because “Kim” had also started to believe in this story. Now she was saying to “Alex”,
We will have to leave this house! Something wrong is occurring there.
But “Alex” suggests her, Don’t trust in such stories!
Moving ahead, they find “Sally”. “Alex” explains both of them,
And he tells them, There is a party in our house tonight!
“Kim” talks to “Sally”, coming there.
And she also gives her camera and clears that creatures cannot appear into the light.
And she can also take the photo of those creatures in the camera.
“Sally” begins to take the photos of those creatures , taking the camera.
And she begins to search for that creatures. One photo is spoiled by that creature.
But “Sally” was not going to leave chasing them. As “Sally” goes to the library,
The creatures attack “Sally” there after closing the door.
“Sally” was taking the photos of those creatures again and again.
Now all people come towards the library , hearing their sounds.
The door was closed but “Alex” breaks that door. And they save “Sally”.
All people were so shocked there . “sally” defends his father with all those photos.
Those creatures really exist.
“Kim” also shows many things to “Alex” as those paintings and stories.
Seeing those proofs, “Alex” had started to believe a little bit.
All move to their house as the party is over.
“Alex” was going to leave to house after taking his family.
Those creatures appear there when he was going to drive the car.
Those creatures fall him down while entangling the rope in his feet.
He becomes senseless due to this. “Kim” is also fallen down who was at house.
And “Kim” also loses her consciousness after falling down.
Now those creatures were going to take “Sally” down.
They were dragging “Sally” to the basement after tying her with rope.
But “Kim” restores her senses here. She cuts those ropes to rescue “Sally”.
Now all creatures pull “Kim” to the basement while assaulting .
One of the feet of “Kim” is also fractured.
Those devilish creatures drag her into the darkness. When “Alex” reaches there,
Those creatures had taken “Kim” from there.
Now “Alex” brings his daughter out of that house , rescuing her.
And they both leave away.
The film completes here.
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