Elixir of love 2004 full movie Explained

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The emperor of a city in China has been longing 
for a daughter, after having fifteen sons over the  

course of fifteen years. His wife goes into labor 
and gives birth to the long-awaited princess.  

Everyone in the palace is over the moon until 
the head nurse passes out. It turns out the new  

princess has a disgustingly pungent body 
odor that can make people unconscious.

The king is informed about a fainting 
epidemic where fifteen nannies,  

five nurses, and two guards have passed out 
because they could smell the newborn. The head  

doctor of the palace reveals that the princess 
suffers from severe atypical reeking syndrome  

causing excessive emission of body odor.
Unfortunately, a cure to this problem hasn’t  

been developed yet but the doctor is confident 
he will cure the princess in a few days.  

Until then, they have to wear masks to take care 
of her. A week goes by but with no progress in  

finding the cure. Sometimes, her smell passes 
through the mask and makes everyone nauseous.

Elixir of love 2004 full movie Script


For the welfare of the entire palace, the 
king orders the princess to be taken to  

the riverside residence, away from everyone.
Time passes, and the princess grows up to become  

a beautiful young girl but her body odor remains 
the same. She has tried different kinds of baths,  

medicines, and soaps but nothing helped. At 
this point in her life, she has accepted her  

fate as the stinking queen but is worried that she 
will remain unmarried because of the disease.

Her parents are equally worried for her and 
are constantly looking for a suitable man  

who will accept her despite her smell. One 
day, they arrange a matchmaking ceremony  

where a bunch of men will be invited 
for the princess to choose among.

The maids bathe her in flowers and fragrance 
even though they do nothing to help with the  

odor. To suppress the smell, she is made 
to wear clothes that cover her entire body.  

But when in front of the candidates, the princess 
sneezes, making everyone able to smell her.

Some men vomit, others faint, and the surviving 
ones run away by jumping into the pond. When the  

king stops a guy, he stabs himself because he 
would rather die than have a smelly wife.

The event shakes the princess’s 
confidence and she starts hating  

herself as much as others hate her smell.
After that, we are introduced to a florist named  

Kai. He is best known for creating fragrant 
flowery perfumes for the ladies of the town.  

Kai’s biggest wish in life is to 
be the ambassador of aromatherapy  

and cure diseases using his skills.
One afternoon, he sees a poster issued  

by the palace saying that anyone who cures 
the princess’s disease will get to marry  

her and become the royal consort. Kai doesn’t 
really care about marrying the princess but he  

is eager to prove that aromatherapy works and 
he believes that his flowers can cure her.

We see that he has a plethora of flowers growing 
at his house including a special one called stinky  

weed, which smells really bad. Even though 
most people would find the plant repulsive,  

Kai loves it as much as the rest.
Then comes the day of the competition where  

six selected candidates have to make three smelly 
objects odor-free. They get to work immediately,  

some using magic, others using chemicals, 
while Kai uses his homemade fragrance.

Elixir of love 2004 full movie Review

After a rough battle, only Kai and a young doctor 
named Yei are able to complete the task. They are  

given three months to create a formula or a 
technique that will cure the princess.

If Kai is successful, the palace doctor will be 
humiliated so he wants his junior Yei to win.  

He tries his best to discredit Kai’s abilities 
because he was born in a lower-class family.  

However, the king allows him to participate, 
disregarding the royal doctor’s suggestion.

For the next few days, Kai works hard 
to create the most fragrant soap he has  

ever made. To look for subjects he can 
test it on, he goes to the fish market.  

To his surprise, a woman falls on him 
while trying to lift a heavy fish.

She is none other than the princess who has 
disguised herself as a fisherwoman named Heung.  

She blames her smell on the fish so 
people won’t think she is weird.

Upon finding out that he is 
here looking for smelly people,  

the princess convinces her fishermen friends to 
help him. They come to his house where they are  

made to shower for about an hour using the 
soap on every corner of their bodies.

Kai smells them afterward and passes out because 
the soap didn’t work at all. After the fishermen  

leave, Heung offers to be his test subject for 
free. An excited Kai performs steam therapy,  

green water therapy, mummy wrap bath, and 
other techniques on her but nothing works  

to cure the gut-wrenching smell of her body.
Meanwhile, Kai’s competitor Yei is working with  

the royal doctor. He wants to make sure that Kai 
doesn’t win because it will ruin the reputation  

of the entire royal medical association. 
They are willing to go to any lengths to  

prevent Kai from finding the cure.
The next day, Kai and Heung continue  

the experiments. Kai notices that the smell 
of his stinky weed powder has vanished for  

some reason. He dismisses it as a mistake 
and continues working on other powders.

When it is time for Heung to leave, it starts to 
rain heavily. She stays with him for the night  

and Kai is shocked to see that Heung sleeps with 
her smelly clothes and shoes on. In reality,  

the clothes confide her smell to some extent 
which is why she never takes them off.

The following morning, they go to the forest to 
pick up some wildflowers. It starts raining again  

and they have to take shelter under Kai’s jacket. 
Being this close to Heung, he can smell the awful  

scent on her and expresses his disgust.
She had started to like him more than a friend,  

hence the comment breaks her heart. A confused 
Kai watches as she runs away in anger.

Sometime later, Kai returns home to 
see all his flowers have been destroyed  

except the stinky weed. Seeking comfort, he goes 
to meet Heung and finds her dancing alone.

Still angry, she hits him with stones, refusing 
to believe that his house was trashed. Kai drinks  

for the rest of the night and falls down in the 
middle of the street. This is when he sees women  

sweating and comes up with an idea.
He wants to create medicine from women’s  

sweat since it might suppress the 
order with its own smell. That way,  

one can just take a shower and remove the sweat 
medicine and their body would be odorless.

Kai asks for help from the fishermen and they 
agree after Heung convinces them. For the  

next hour, they make a group of women dance 
continuously and collect their sweat. Then,  

Kai works the entire night and creates the magical 
potion. But just when it is ready, a masked  

burglar attacks him and breaks the vial.
Kai chases the man and ends up in Yei’s house.  

The doctor claims that he never went out of 
the house and since Kai doesn’t have any proof,  

he can do nothing.
There is an entire group  

of scientists working with Yei which shakes Kai’s 
spirit especially now that his work is ruined.

In the following scene, he is alone in his home 
when Heung arrives with a bucket full of sweat  

so he can continue the experiment. The gesture 
touches Kai’s heart and he asks her to stay  

the night. Heung sings him a beautiful song 
that calms his nerves and helps him focus.

A few days later, Kai completes the formula and 
sprays it on the fishermen to see if it works.  

He wants to test it on Heung as well 
but she pretends to be allergic to  

sweat so her true identity isn’t revealed.
The potion works perfectly on men and makes them  

smell better. Even though it is not a permanent 
solution, Kai is happy to have made progress.  

Still, they have to use it on a woman to 
see if it’ll work on the princess too.

At night, the group goes into the palace to meet 
the only smelly woman in the town other than the  

princess. She is the royal doctor’s wife known 
for her smelly farts. The group hides outside  

the toilet and uses the formula on her, only to 
discover the solution doesn’t work on women.

For the next few days, Kai works day and night, 
disregarding his health. Heung finds him bleeding  

out his nose because he is sniffing too many 
times. She forces him to take a rest for the  

night even though Kai is not a fan of the idea.
The next morning, he goes to the woods and comes  

across an old couple burying flowers in 
the ground. They reveal that they like  

to give dead flowers a proper burial.
The couple turns out to be botanists with  

vast knowledge about different kinds of 
vegetation. When asked what are the most  

fragrant flowers of all time, they name four 
flowers that grow in four different seasons.

The couple leaves shortly after but this gives 
Kai a brilliant idea that will definitely work  

as a cure. He tells Heung that he has 
to travel around China to collect four  

seasonal flowers. She offers to join him and 
the two set off for a month-long journey to  

places with different climatic conditions.
They bond while traveling and return home after  

a successful trip. By now, they only have a week 
before the three-month experiment period ends.  

Kai gets sick, so Heung uses his 
diary to make the formula for him.

Since Kai’s nose is stuffy, he cannot smell 
her and they end up sharing a bed at night.  

Eventually, the judgment day comes and Heung 
allows him to cure the princess and marry her. Kai  

doesn’t feel comfortable leaving her behind but 
he has to prove that the aromatherapy works.

In the following scene, the competitors are in 
front of the king and the princess is behind a  

tent. Yei goes first and uses several pressure 
points to try to make her odorless. However,  

it disrupts her sense of smell and only she 
cannot smell her odor. He promises to perform  

the same procedure on every citizen so they 
won’t smell her scent and she can be free.

The king remains unimpressed and asks 
Kai to continue. The royal doctor tries  

to intervene but Kai proves that he has 
no sense of smell at all which is why  

he is incompetent to make a judgment.
The king kicks the doctor out of the palace  

for lying to him and pretending to be working 
on a cure. Following that, the princess is  

made to eat the tablet which actually cures 
her disease and makes her smell great.

Everything goes well until she comes 
out of the tent, revealing that the  

medicine only worked for some time.
The king is about to execute Kai but  

stops upon hearing the princess crying. When her 
tear drops to the ground, Kai gets an epiphany.  

He begs the king to give him one more day 
so he can add something to the medicine.

Kai is granted twenty-four hours, hence, he 
goes to meet Heung immediately. He recalls  

the time that the powdered stinky weed lost 
its scent because her tears had landed on it  

the previous day. He thinks if her tears are 
added to the medicine it will surely work.

To make Heung cry, Kai tells her that he knows 
the smell isn’t coming from her clothes but from  

her body. Heung reveals that she never had friends 
when she was little and even her family disgraces  

her, all because of the stupid disease.
One day, she jumped into the river to commit the  

unthinkable and was saved by the fishermen. After 
coming to life, she finally discovered that she  

is not a diseased outsider when she is in the fish 
market which is why she started living with them.  

By the time she gets done telling the 
story, she has collected enough tears.

Kai thanks her for her help but feels bad about 
everything she has been through. The next day,  

he goes to the palace to submit the final 
product but sees the doctor and his wife  

together. The doctor has no sense of smell 
but he doesn’t want to be cured because then,  

he wouldn’t be able to live 
with his wife with smelly farts.  

The love between them makes Kai realize 
that he needs Heung in his life.

Hence, he runs to the market where 
she is attending the flower festival.  

He gives her the medicine and promises to love 
her forever even if it doesn’t work. She flies  

into his arms and takes the medicine.
Still, Kai goes to the palace to apologize  

to the king for not completing the task. 
He asks to apologize to the princess too  

and goes to her quarter. To his surprise, he 
finds an odorless Heung and discovers she is  

the princess. She finally has a loving 
husband and a nice-smelling body.

In the last scene, the two get married 
as the entire city celebrates.


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