Everything Everywhere All At Once Full Movie Explained

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Hi, Today Im going to 
explain an American absurdist comedy-drama film  

called “Everything Everywhere All at Once”. 
Spoilers ahead!!

The protagonist Evelyn Wang is a Chinese-American 
who came to the US long ago with her husband  

Waymond. The couple runs a laundromat which 
has been struggling for the past few years.  

It is currently being audited by the 
IRS and is at risk of being closed.

Evelyn’s life has not turned out 
how she wanted to. Her daughter Joy  

is in a lesbian relationship that she doesn’t 
approve of and her husband Waymond is seeking  

to get a divorce in their loveless marriage. 
Moreover, she is soon being visited by her father  

Gong who never wanted her to leave China.
In the following scene, Evelyn, Waymond,  

and her father go to the IRS office to submit 
the papers related to their business. The  

three get on an elevator when something strange 
happens. A force hits Waymond and makes him act  

strange. His demeanor changes entirely, almost 
as if he changed into a different person.

He turns toward his wife and tells her that 
her life is in danger. He doesn’t have much  

time to explain because the real Waymond 
will come back to his body in a second.  

He makes her wear a headset and gives her 
a set of notes to follow when he is gone.  

The headset starts working and shows him a panel 
on his phone. Then, something strange happens  

to Evelyn. She remembers every single thing 
that has ever happened to her; from her birth,  

to how she left China, to the birth of her 
daughter, and how they drifted apart.

Suddenly, Waymond comes back to his normal 
self, leaving Evelyn utterly confused.  

They go to the IRS officer Deirdre and 
show her the income and expenditure file.  

She is not happy about the unnecessary 
purchases done in the name of the business.  

Their shop is on the verge of being frozen but all 
Evelyn can think of is what happened earlier.

Everything Everywhere All At Once Full Movie Watch Online

She brings the paper out which asks her to switch 
her shoes to the wrong feet, close her eyes,  

and imagine herself in the Janitor’s closet. 
When she does so, the entire reality changes.  

Evelyn is able to make a second version of herself 
whose consciousness is inside the janitor’s closet  

with a different Waymond. She is in two places 
at the same time, much to her astonishment.

Waymond then explains the truth about the 
universe. In reality, the world is a cluster  

of several universes called the multiverse. 
There are trillions of earths in the trillion  

universes that exist close to ours.
On every earth, lives a different version  

of a person; one can be a doctor, a pilot, an 
animal, or even a rock. Similarly, this Waymond  

belongs to the universe named alpha. It is the 
most advanced universe so far and the one that  

discovered the concept of the multiverse.
In alpha earth, Evelyn is a scientist who  

found out a way to make one’s consciousness 
travel into a different universe. Using the  

same process, alpha Waymond transferred his 
consciousness into the Waymond of this world.

Evelyn still doesn’t know what he is and why he 
has come to her. Alpha Waymond replies that the  

entire world is at the risk of being destroyed 
by her daughter Joy. In the alpha world,  

Joy was the most talented bouncer who could 
exist in several universes at a time.

Evelyn pushed her limits and made a malfunction 
in the system which gave Joy the power to exist  

in every single universe at the same time. She 
gained knowledge about trillion versions of  

herself and came to the conclusion that nothing 
matters. The world is a lie and humans are just  

a pack of misery. To end this misery and 
gain eternal peace, she created a black hole  

called the everything bagel black hole.
She wants to suck the multiverse inside  

and end everything to ever exist. The only 
person who can stop Joy is Evelyn. Hence,  

Joy is going into universes one after another 
to kill all versions of her mother.

This version of Evelyn is the saddest one so far. 
She hasn’t done anything significant in her life  

or in her career, unlike all other versions 
of herself who are successful to some level.  

Hence, Alpha Waymond believes that 
she is the one out of trillions of  

Evelyn who will help save the multiverse.
Alpha Joy is evil and is sending several people to  

kill Evelyn. Hence, she should immediately learn 
to defend herself. In some universes, Evelyn is a  

martial art expert. If she jumps into one such 
universe, she will be able to learn the skills  

instantly which will further help her fight.
Right then, they are attacked by the Joy’s  

minions who have found where Alpha Waymond is. 
Deirdre also attacks them, having been taken  

over by her alpha version. In the middle of the 
fight, Evelyn jumps universes for the first time,  

looking for a universe where she is a martial 
art expert. However, she accidentally reaches  

a universe in the future where she and her 
husband are discussing their divorce.

Evelyn jumps back to her world and tries 
for the second time. Fortunately for her,  

this time she reaches the universe where 
she is an expert fighter. In this reality,  

she chose to stay in China rather than come 
to the US with Waymond. She eventually grew  

up to be an expert in martial arts and a highly 
successful actress. She lives that life for a few  

seconds and returns to the original world.
Evelyn can almost not believe that one single  

decision made such a harsh difference in her 
life. But before she can overthink the mistake,  

she is attacked by Deirdre. She beats her 
ass this time, having learned everything  

that the actress version of herself knew.
When everything calms down, Alpha Waymond asks her  

to eat. While she is at it, she again envisions 
herself in the world where she is an actress.  

In an event, Alpha Waymond comes to meet her. 
Without her, he has also become a successful  

businessman. They reunite after years but 
the spark between them is still present.

Alpha Waymond brings her out of her dreams because 
they have to get away before the evil Joy arrives.  

What they do not know is that Joy 
has taken over Evelyn’s daughter  

and is inside the building already.
Alpha Waymond loses connection and returns  

to his own world, leaving Evelyn alone. A 
few minutes later, Evelyn meets the evil joy,  

dressed in her signature funky clothing.
She has the power to manifest and change  

anything about all universes. She causes a 
policeman to turn into confetti and starts  

performing salsa dance with the other.
She also fights a man using adult toys,  

leaving Evelyn in utter shock. After defeating 
everyone else, she walks toward Evelyn,  

ready to kill her as well. Just then, Evelyn makes 
a jump to a universe where she can learn more  

fighting skills. However, she ends up in a place 
where people have hotdogs for fingers. In this  

world, she is in a relationship with Deirdre who 
loves to watch people eat each other’s fingers.

Because of this mistake, she is about to be 
killed but is saved by Alpha Gong. A while later,  

all the alphas disappear, leaving Joy 
and Waymond confused. Evelyn tries  

explaining everything to them but the two 
do not believe in her absurd stories.

By now, the evil Joy has taken 
many people under her control  

and is making them attack the family. Evelyn goes 
into different realities to acquire all knowledge  

that the different versions of herself know.
She finds herself to be a blind woman, a singer,  

a cook, an artist, and a street artist for 
a pizza company in different universes.  

Using the skills of all the versions, she 
is able to defeat everyone in one go.

In the end, she is exhausted and is held by 
the alpha Waymond. Back on the alpha planet,  

Joy gets to her father and kills him. As 
a result, he dies in Evelyn’s arm as well,  

leaving only the original Waymond behind.
Following that, Joy comes to Evelyn again,  

confident that no one will stop her 
this time. Evelyn tries going into  

more universes but it makes her sick. Joy 
laughs at her and leaves her to die.

In the next scene, Evelyn wakes up as the 
actress watching the premier of her new film.  

She simultaneously wakes up as a cook in the 
movie “Raccaouille” where the rat is a raccoon.  

Being in so many realities at once 
is too hard for her to take.

Suddenly, everything shuts down and she 
goes back to her future self who is in her  

office after the meeting at the IRS. They are 
preparing for the Chinese new year celebration.  

Evelyn runs to Joy and asks her if she is fine.
She soon figures out the person she is talking  

to is the evil Joy. The mother and daughter face 
each other in different realities, even in the one  

where they are born as pinatas. In the process, 
Evelyn also goes through the same malfunction  

that made Joy evil. She meets every single version 
of herself and realizes that nothing matters.

In every life, she is miserable in one way or the 
other and the same goes for everyone who is ever  

born. Evelyn finally understands why her daughter 
wants to end everything and sides with her.

In the following scene, we are shown another 
reality where the mother and daughter are rocks  

on a cliff. They chat through telepathy and 
tell each other that even in a life as a rock,  

they are miserable. They decide that there 
is no point in the world’s existence,  

so they should end it as a whole.
The two are finally in front of the  

everything bagel black hole, ready to 
sacrifice themselves. At this moment,  

Evelyn gets an epiphany. She focuses on herself 
who is currently in her laundromat. Deirdre has  

come with the police to arrest her for tax fraud 
and the chaos she caused at the IRS office today.  

She is handcuffed while her husband talks to 
Deirdre, trying to convince her to let them go.

He finally convinces her and they get a 
week to submit the proper audit of the shop.  

He then comes to his wife, assuring her 
everything will be fine. This makes Evelyn  

realize there are some things in life that 
matter; little things that make it worth living,  

unlike what she had thought earlier.
In the reality where she is an actress,  

she and Waymond meet in an alley after the movie 
premiere. There are a lot of things holding them  

back from being with each other. But Evelyn keeps 
them aside and declares that they should date.

Likewise, in the hotdog hands reality, she and 
Deirdre solve their differences and live as a  

happy couple. In all trillion universes, Evelyn 
finds something that is worth the life they live.  

And hence, she hugs Waymond, refusing to go 
into the black hole with the evil Joy.

Joy sends an army of people to attack her but 
Evelyn makes them understand the revelation  

she just had. In the end, they are also 
convinced that life is worth living.

However, Joy doesn’t feel the same. She 
walks towards the black hole to end herself.  

In another reality, Evelyn introduces Joy’s 
girlfriend to her father, not ashamed of her  

daughter anymore. They mend their relationship 
and embrace each other in a last hug.

As a result, the evil Joy also comes to terms with 
the reality of life; even if the entire world is  

against you, there is always one thing or a person 
who makes life worth living. Evelyn, Waymond,  

and Gong collectively pull evil Joy out of the 
bagel and bring her back to her normal self.

The scene cuts to a week later. 
The family is outside the IRS  

office to submit the final draft of the audit. 
They have accepted Joy’s girlfriend as a part  

of their family and Joy couldn’t be happier.
Evelyn and Waymond were about to get a divorce  

but the incidents have made their love stronger 
than ever. Evelyn listens to him and respects  

him as she did years ago. Deirdre gets a 
look at the final audit and approves it.  

It turns out the family is bad at 
doing taxes only because they don’t  

understand the big words in the documents.
The movie ends as Evelyn looks at her family  

with pride. She is finally happy with how her 
life turned out, even after knowing many other  

possibilities she could have become.
Thank You.

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