Extraordinary Attorney Woo

The movie starts as a girl named Young-woo quietly 
observes a whale toy hanging by the window, while  

her father converses with their pediatrician. 
After learning about her inability to speak,  

the doctor confirms that Young-woo is autistic. 
On their way home, an angry neighbor confronts  

dad and accuses him of having an affair with his 
wife. Young-woo’s dad tries to deny it but the  

angry neighbor starts attacking him. Seeing 
this, little Young-woo becomes terrified.

Suddenly, she starts reciting the law about 
inflicting bodily injury and the potential  

consequences that the neighbor could suffer. 
Hearing this, the angry man is taken aback,  

and he finally stops attacking her father.
All the neighbors are equally astonished to hear  

Young-woo talk for the first time, but her dad is 
incredibly overjoyed. While barely containing his  

happiness, he takes Young-woo to their room and 
asks where she learned the laws. Young-woo shares  

that she learned while reading many of her dad’s 
books about criminal laws. She further goes on to  

reveal the rest of the articles from the book. 
Later, the neighbor’s wife visits to apologize  

for her husband’s behavior and delivers some 
ointment while Young-woo’s dad cries in tears  

of joy. Both are more than impressed to find 
that Young-woo is actually an autistic genius.

In the present, an adult Young-woo 
wakes up for her first day of work.  

Her room is decorated with whale toys; as 
she’s obsessed with the mammal. Before leaving,  

her dad instructs her not to talk about whales 
in the office. While Young-woo heads out for her  

first day at work, dad is proud as his daughter 
is the first-ever autistic attorney in Korea.

When Young-woo finally arrives at her workplace, 
Hanbada Law firm, she meets a man named Jun-Ho,  

who guides her in the lobby and takes her to her 
superior; Attorney Jung’s office. Young-woo then  

meets Jung, along with his associate, Soo-Yeon.
After Young-woo briefly introduces herself,  

attorney Jung takes her application to 
CEO Han and confronts her for accepting  

Young-woo despite her autism. However, CEO 
Han negotiates with Attorney Jung and makes  

a deal to give Young-woo a chance. According to 
the deal, Young-Woo will immediately be fired  

if she isn’t upto the standards.
After returning to his office,  

Attorney Jung gives Young-woo her first 
case. It involves an old lady in her 70s,  

Ms. Choi, who has hurt her husband, Mr. Park, with 
an iron after they got into a heated argument.  

It turns out that the husband had accused 
Ms. Choi of flirting with a delivery man;  

and in frustration, she aimed an iron at his 
head. Because of this, Mr. Park fell unconscious  

and suffered a brain hemorrhage. Ms. Choi was 
eventually charged with attempted murder.

Following this, Attorney Jung takes Young-woo 
to meet with Ms. Choi, who is taken aback by  

Young-woo’s behavior. However, she soon learns 
that they used to be neighbors 22 years ago.  

It turns out that Mr. Park is the same 
man who had accused Young-Woo’s father  

for having an affair with his wife.
Later, Young-woo starts digging into the  

case and asks about the couple’s source 
of income. She learns that Mr. Park,  

now suffering from dementia, is a retired section 
chief. The couple has been living off the pension,  

and the house is actually in Mr. Park’s name.
With this information, Young-woo tells  

attorney Jung that Ms. Choi couldn’t have 
attempted the murder as without her husband,  

she wouldn’t have any income to survive.
Attorney Jung is impressed with Young-woo’s  

critical thinking and apologizes for 
calling her an ordinary attorney. Next,  

Young-woo is assigned to meet Mr. Park at 
the hospital along with another employee.

While waiting in the lobby for the employee, 
Young-woo learns that Jun-ho is the one who  

has to accompany her. The two formally introduce 
themselves, shake hands, and make their way to the  

hospital. After arriving, the doctor informs them 
that Mr. Park has suffered a subdural hematoma  

typically caused by external injuries. He is 
confident that it was from the hit with the iron.

Afterward, the two go to the room 
where the elderly couple is staying.  

After learning that Young-woo is the same 
girl who recited the laws to him 22 years ago,  

Mr. Park feels threatened. Hence, he starts 
hurling obscenities at her. Because of this,  

Young-woo and Jun-ho are forced to leave while 
Ms. Choi tries to calm her husband down.

After their messy ordeal at the hospital, 
Young-woo and Jun-ho return to Attorney Jung’s  

office. Attorney Jung declares that they should 
try to push the case into a jury trial to give  

Ms. Choi the best chance of winning.
In the next scene, it’s the trial day,  

and Young-woo looks around the courtroom 
before settling in. The case begins,  

but Young-woo struggles to check in when the judge 
takes attendance, prompting attorney Jung to speak  

for her. However, when she notices her friend 
and dad among the attendees, she gathers some  

courage and starts representing the defendant. 
Young-woo begins by clarifying to the court that  

she has autism spectrum disorder, so her speech 
and behavioral patterns might be a bit awkward.

During their questioning, the prosecution 
is much harsher on Ms. Choi, but Young-woo  

manages to help Ms. Choi with some of the 
questions. After the case concludes for the day,  

attorney Jung confronts the prosecutor for being 
too harsh on Ms. Choi. But the prosecutor makes it  

clear that he isn’t backing down. Attorney Jung 
then concludes that they have no choice but to  

bring Mr. Park in himself to testify in court.
The next day in the hearing, Mr. Park appears in  

the courtroom. Seeing him, Young-Woo gets nervous, 
as the man is infamous for his sudden outburst.  

However, attorney Jung encourages Young-woo to 
use this as a weapon, so that everyone can see  

the real nature of Mr. Park. Young- Woo agrees 
and when she approaches Mr. Park, as expected,  

he gets upset and starts hurling obscenities. His 
intense reaction makes the judge order him out of  

the courtroom before the trial can resume.
After a while, Young-woo starts her statement,  

but there’s a problem. Mr. Park died on 
his way to the hospital. The news shocks  

everyone in the room, and the charge will 
now change from attempted murder to murder.

Following the incident, Young-woo carefully 
focuses on the crucial parts of the case.  

She studies the case file and finds out a 
very important detail. It turns out that  

Mr. Park had a headache even before he was 
hit by the iron. It means that he already  

had a brain hemorrhage before the iron strike.
So, at the next court date, Young-woo brings up  

all of her findings in front of the doctor who 
diagnosed Mr. Park. With all the facts presented  

to him, the doctor eventually confesses that the 
brain hemorrhage could have been spontaneous and  

caused by a pre-existing illness. This 
convinces the jury to lift all charges  

from Ms. Choi, and the trial concludes.
A few days later, Jun-ho delivers good  

news to Young-woo that Ms. Choi has been 
found not guilty of murder and received  

only probation for the crime of inflicting 
bodily injury. Just then, Ms. Choi arrives  

at the place and expresses her gratitude to the 
extraordinary attorney before sharing a warm hug.

The next case is about a bride whose wedding 
dress slipped while walking down the aisle. Hence,  

the bride’s father sues the Hotel, 
which belongs to the groom’s family,  

for such a humiliating disaster.
It all starts when a bride and groom prepare to  

walk down the aisle. As the guests applaud happily 
for the newlywed couple, things halt when the  

bride stops to glare at the crowd for a while. The 
groom abruptly pulls his wife’s hand, causing the  

dress to slip. Things escalate quickly as everyone 
stares in shock after the bride’s ‘Buddha tattoo’  

on her back is exposed. Here, we get to know that 
the groom’s family is strictly Catholic, and that  

they despise any other religion except theirs.
At Hanbada Law Firm, the bride’s father, Mr Kim,  

shows up to consult with CEO Han and Attorney 
Jung. He wants to sue the hotel venue, Daehyeon  

Hotel, for the disastrous wedding event, which 
included the designing of the wedding dress too.  

Here, we get to know that Daehyeon 
Hotel belongs to the groom’s family.

Although the Hotel has already offered 
to give a full refund for the wedding  

and additional compensation, it’s not enough for 
Mr. Kim and he demands at least a billion Won.

In a meeting with his team, attorney Jung goes 
over the case and claims how difficult their  

next task will be. They will have to find a 
solid reason to support that the Hotel is to  

blame for the incident. Since the Hotel doesn’t 
give information openly, the team has to go  

undercover. Soo-Yeon and Jun-ho will pretend 
to be a couple and visit the Daehyeon hotel,  

while Young-woo will go with another 
colleague to talk to the bride and groom.

In the following scene, Young-woo and one 
of her associates meets with the bride;  

Hwa-Yeong, at her parent’s house. She reveals 
that the groom’s grandfather tried to cancel  

the wedding because of her tattoo of the Buddha. 
The attorneys also learn that the wedding dress  

was loose when Hwa-Yeong first tried it on, so the 
hotel staff used pins to tighten it. Additionally,  

Young-woo notices that there are no pictures of 
her fiance around the house, and Hwa-Yeong has  

even removed her wedding ring. She then asks 
the bride if she loves her fiance, but the  

latter struggles to come up with an answer.
Next, the attorneys meet the groom, Jin-Wook,  

at his Hotel, Daehyeon. He shares that it was 
his grandfather who initiated the marriage.  

To their surprise, the attorneys also learn 
that Hwa-young has been seeing a psychiatrist  

following the wedding incident.
Meanwhile, Min-Woo and Soo-Yeon  

are tasked to confront the hotel as undercovers. 
They have to try on some wedding dresses, so that  

they can find something suspicious and use it 
against the hotel in their ongoing case. However,  

Soo-Yeon suddenly gets an upset stomach 
and rushes to the hotel restroom. Since she  

doesn’t feel well, Soo-Yeon stays behind in the 
toilet and asks Young-woo to go in her place.

As a result, Young-woo reunites with Jun-ho and 
tells him that they will have to call each other  

“sweetie” now, meaning the two now have to 
act as a couple. They hurry for their meeting  

with the director of the wedding business.
Later, they sit on the hotel sofa and pretend  

to book a wedding date. After a while, they 
also look at the available dresses and pick  

out a dress similar to the one Hwa-young wore 
for her wedding. The director isn’t satisfied  

with Young-woo’s choice of dress, but the 
latter is adamant about trying that fit.

In the meantime, Soo-Yeon, who is still suffering 
from her stomach ailment, overhears Ji-Hye,  

a hotel employee talking in the restroom about 
how another employee was fired following the  

dress mishap. She immediately calls Jun-Ho 
and informs him about her finding. Jun-ho then  

follows Ji-Hye into the staff room and inquires 
about the fired employee’s contact information,  

but she isn’t willing to give away the information 
so quickly. After a while, Jun-ho returns to the  

room where Young-woo is clad in a white gown 
with a bouquet in her hands. Jun-ho is at a  

loss for words after seeing her, however, they 
don’t find anything suspicious with the dress.

In the next scene, attorney Jung and his team sit 
with the judge and Daehyeon Hotel’s legal team.  

It’s clear that the Hotel’s team isn’t backing 
down since it can damage their reputation.

While Young-woo and Jun-ho spend 
some alone time together at a bakery,  

they spot Ji-Hye and again plead for the 
fired employee’s contact information.  

This time, Ji-Hye finally opens up about the 
incident and informs them that the employee has  

left the country. Moreover, she also agrees to 
be a witness to the case and testify in court.

On the first day of the court trial, Ji-Hye 
arrives to testify as a witness to the wedding  

incident. She testifies that the incident was 
not completely an accident, and reveals that  

the dress was torn by the fired employee; Lisa, on 
the morning of the wedding. With time running out,  

the team director scrambled for a replacement 
with a larger size of the same dress.  

Because of the mishap, Lisa was humiliated 
and fired immediately after the wedding.

This puts the hotel at fault. But it’s not a 
win yet for team Hanbada. In a shocking turn  

of events, the hotel’s attorney calls upon the 
bride to the stand. There, they reveal that the  

bride had made posts on a website called Wagle, 
where she confesses her relief at the outcome  

of the ceremony Apparently, she’s not into the 
groom and only went ahead with the arrangement  

because her father wanted to be in-laws with 
a wealthy family. Attorney Jung and his team  

are shocked to discover this side of the story 
and later convince Hwa-young to tell the truth.

Later in the attorney’s office, Hwa-young finally 
shares the reality of the marriage. She reveals  

that she would have received a sizable amount of 
land as a wedding gift. In this way, the marriage  

was more of a business deal, than a relationship.
Just then, Young-woo flips the compensation  

argument around. She claims that since the 
marriage was hinged on that promise and  

Hwa-young couldn’t go through with the 
wedding due to the hotel’s negligence,  

the hotel should compensate for the loss of the 
land. This means it would raise the amount of  

compensation from 1 billion up to 3.32 billion. 
Hwa-young’s father is beyond happy to hear the  

news but Hwa-young doesn’t want the compensation 
and vainly tries to talk her father out of it.

At the next court hearing, the groom’s uncle, the 
chairman of Daehyeon Hotel, testifies and admits  

that he was aware of the land as a wedding gift. 
This revelation becomes a win for Team Hanbada,  

but things quickly take a sharp turn. Hwa-young 
suddenly raises her hand and announces to withdraw  

from the lawsuit. Everyone in the room, including 
the attorneys, are left in utter disbelief.

A flashback then shows a brief conversation 
between Young-woo and Hwa-young in her office,  

where Hwa-young learns that she has the right 
to withdraw from the case, hence losing the  

3.2 billion won they were about to get.
Back in the courtroom, Hwa-young’s father  

bursts into anger and lashes out at his daughter. 
However, this time, she’s done with her father  

being very oblivious about her life. She 
reveals she’s Buddhist, not a Christian,  

neither is she straight. In fact, she is in love 
with a girl. This is the reason she doesn’t have  

any pictures with the groom in her room. Instead 
she keeps pictures of her and her girlfriend.  

This girlfriend also attended her wedding, and 
that’s why she’s shocked when she saw her in  

the ceremony which ultimately resulted in the 
slip. With her newfound confidence, she marches  

out of the courtroom with her girlfriend 
while her father has a mini heart attack.

After the case concludes, the team heads out 
together for a meal on CEO Han’s treat. Following  

the dinner, Jun-Ho waits outside the restaurant 
for Young-woo, but she is in a hurry to go home.

When Young-woo arrives home, she delivers some 
seaweed sushi for her dad. The father-daughter  

duo then starts chatting. The whole wedding 
saga has Young-woo thinking about her future,  

and she admits to her dad that she probably won’t 
be able to get married because of her autism.  

However, if she does get married, she’s 
definitely giving her bouquet to daddy  

as she’d like to see her single 
father get married after she does.


Enter the digital haven designed for movie fans! Meet Namolaturkar, our seasoned film expert, on a year-long journey to decode cinema's enchantment. With a pen mightier than a director's lens, NamoLaturkar doesn't just write articles, he opens doorways into the intricate layers of film narratives. Take a cinematic journey with NamoLaturkar's guidance, where each article is your pass to the heart of storytelling, shaped over years of passion and unwavering love for the big screen. Get ready to learn about film from the experienced eyes of a master storyteller.

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