Film Review: How Long Will I Love U (2018) Movie Explained

Today I’m going to 
explain a Chinese fantasy film called “How Long Will I Love U”. Spoilers ahead!!

Gu Xiaojiao is a thirty-year-old woman living 
in Shanghai. She was twelve when her millionaire  

father passed away in an accident and she had 
to move away from her childhood home. Ever since  

Gu started to work, she has been trying to 
earn enough money to buy the house again.  

However, her lousy job doesn’t pay her well.
Then, we are introduced to Lu Ming,  

a down-on-his-luck property designer. He is 
desperately looking for a client to invest in  

his ideas but hasn’t met with any success yet.
By the end of the day, both Ming and Gu return  

home to their shabby neighborhood. Strangely 
enough, they seem to live in the same apartment  

in the same building. Gu puts her clothes in 
the laundry while Ming cooks himself dinner.

After that, Ming starts to wash vegetables 
in the sink and it somehow ends up in  

Gu’s bathtub. Similarly, a loofa from her tub is 
inside Ming’s sink. Strangely enough, her clothes  

have landed inside his cooking pot and his dinner 
is where Gu’s clothes are supposed to be.

Throughout the night, their belongings somehow 
end up in each other’s apartment. They do not  

think about it before going to sleep.
In the morning, Ming wakes up because of  

a slap on his face. Gu’s room has merged with his 
and turned into one single giant room. Initially,  

they panic and think they are being burglarized. 
But then, they register the condition of their  

rooms which makes them more confused.
Outside Gu’s window is bright sunny  

weather while Ming’s side is pouring.
The duo stands in front of their door which  

has also merged. Ming goes first and opens 
his side of the door. Outside is a world  

that seems normal to him but shocking 
to Gu. It turns out he is twenty-five  

years old and lives in the year 1999.

How Long Will I Love U Watch Online

Gu quickly goes through her side of the door  

and this time, Ming is surprised to see the 
developed world of 2018. It turns out that  

they live in the same apartment but in different 
timelines that have somehow merged into one.

When they go out through MIng’s 
door, they reach his world of 1999,  

and outside of Gu’s door is her world of 2018.
Gu slaps Ming in the face to see if she is  

dreaming. When it hurts him, it is clear to 
both of them that their fates have entangled  

with no possible explanation.
They try opening the doors at the  

same time which causes the apartment to merge 
further. Upon further inspection, they find out  

they cannot open each other’s door and can only 
walk through it when the other person does.

Gu realizes that in Ming’s timeline, her father 
is still alive. She quickly makes her way to  

her childhood home and sees her younger self 
playing with her father. The sight makes her  

emotional but when she tries to approach 
them, the earth shakes and stops her.

At home, Ming also wants to see what happens 
to him in the future. Instead of going out,  

Gu gives him her laptop so he can 
look himself up on social media.  

Ming is amazed by the new technology but when he 
goes to type his name, the ground shakes again.

They register that they cannot make contact 
with their future or past selves since two of  

the same person cannot exist at the same time.
At night, Gu plays music on the phone and orders  

food through AI assistance. Ming is stunned 
by everything that the new phones can do.

In the following scene, a group of wealthy 
businessmen and scientists are in a meeting  

about dimensional shifts. The scientist gives 
an example of a disappearing plane to prove that  

it traveled through time and dimension 
before returning to its place of origin.

According to his research, a merge of the 
dimensions has already formed in the city.  

Now all they have to do is find the coordinates 
to the place. The businessman plans to use the  

dimensional portal to make money. We do not see 
his face throughout the meeting but it is clear  

that he is funding the research 
to profit using the phenomenon.

At night, Gu and Ming cannot fall asleep. 
Gu talks about her father’s death and the  

impact it had on her. She only has his keyring 
to remember him with after the house and all of  

his belongings were taken away by loan sharks.
The following day, they go about their normal life  

through the respective sides of their doors.
Gu is looking for a rich husband who can buy  

her the house in exchange for her hand 
in marriage. She goes on several dates  

with guys but hasn’t found anyone who is 
willing to fulfill her wishes yet.

Gu is on yet another blind date with a man 
who seems to like her very much. When he  

asks her what she expects in a relationship, she 
shows him a virtual presentation of the house.  

The guy feels like he is in a meeting 
with a realtor which is definitely  

not what he is looking for on a first date.
Then Gu meets a man from an online dating app.  

She tells him her condition for marriage and he 
happily agrees to it. It turns out the man owns a  

farming business and is a millionaire. He is the 
double of Gu’s age and talks like a pervert but  

she still decides to give him a chance. He wants 
to pay only half of the downpayment for the house  

so it could be bought in both their names.
They go to an ATM to withdraw the money. Gu  

goes first and hands the money to the guy 
before sending him to buy a bottle of water.  

But to her unfortunate luck, he turns out to 
be a scammer who runs away with her money.  

She has to stay outside the bank for hours 
before the police arrive and investigate.

Ming, on the other hand, is enjoying a snack 
inside a bathroom stall. He overhears the CEO  

of his company and his manager talking about 
an upcoming business. After the CEO leaves,  

the manager Zhao reveals he plans to steal all 
of the CEO’s money and make him go bankrupt.

A few seconds later, he realizes someone is 
listening to their conversation and pulls  

Ming out from the bottom of the stall. To keep 
him mute, Zhao offers to loan him the money  

that he desperately needs for his business. 
Ming asks for some time to think about it.

Sometime later Ming goes to manager Zhao 
who wants to fire him. He has realized  

that Ming has no evidence to prove that 
Zhao is planning to betray the CEO. Still,  

instead of begging for himself, Ming is worried 
about the CEO going bankrupt. Zhao calls him a  

loser for thinking of others above himself.
The next day Gu is at her work at the jewelry  

store when she bumps into her childhood 
best friend Xiaoya. She pretends to be  

a rich customer to seem more appealing to 
Xiaoya who is married to a millionaire.

The girls talk for a while and 
throughout the conversation,  

Gu boasts about her non-existent billionaire 
husband. The lies backfire when Xiaoya arranges  

a dinner between the two couples that evening.
Gu makes Ming wear a rented suit and brings  

him to dinner. It goes well for the first 
half before Ming drinks from the ice cup,  

shows the rent tag in his coat, and says that 
he works as a UFO researcher. At the end of  

the night, the fake million-dollar diamond in 
Gu’s finger falls on the stove and melts.

She returns home crying while Ming 
consoles her. The two watch the TV  

together when a show about lottery tickets 
catches their attention. The Next day,  

they excitedly collect the winning numbers of the 
lottery ticket and buy them in the year 1999.

Even before the results are announced, they 
start to celebrate. Gu takes Ming out on a  

date where they play VR games, walk around the 
city, and go to the bar at the end of the day.  

They forget that they are broke and 
drink more than they can afford.  

Gu gives the restaurant her expensive purse, 
promising to return the money the next day.

The next morning they wake up on the same 
bed. They are nervous because it is the  

day lottery results will be announced. 
They eagerly wait for the announcement  

and are overjoyed when they actually win the 
lottery. However, it doesn’t last long since the  

number on their card disappears right after.
Only then do the couple realize that they cannot  

alter the future in any way. But if so, they 
are confused why their fates were intertwined.  

Gu never gets her bag back from the 
restaurant and returns home angry.

On the way, the duo argues and calls each other 
names. All of a sudden, they notice Ming’s face  

on a large billboard. It is then revealed that 
in 2018, he changed his name to Shiyi and has  

become one of the biggest builders in China. 
He owns a multi-millionaire dollar company  

and is about to hold a press conference 
in a venue that is only minutes away.

Ming is shocked to be looking at his future. 
Gu, who was arguing with him a second ago,  

starts sweet talking to him. Ming goes to 
the conference and sees his future self,  

Shiyi for the first time. But the incident 
causes an earthquake and the conference has  

to be canceled. Shiyi realizes what is going on 
when a bunch of memories are added to his brain.  

Ming’s arm is hurt which creates 
a scar on Shiyi’s arm as well.  

This means anything Ming does will 
directly affect Shiyi in the future.

It is then revealed that the businessman who 
wanted to profit off the dimensional portal  

is none other than Shiyi. The scientist 
says that Ming must go back to how he was  

before he met Gu because the new memories might 
change his persona which will affect Shiyi.

The next day, Ming goes to Zhao with a 
resignation letter. Since he is bound to  

become successful in the future, he doesn’t 
want to accept the money from Zhao.

The same day, Shiyi visits Gu at work and takes 
her out on a date. He claims that he wants to  

treat her because he knows she was close to him 
in his younger years. The man and Ming are the  

same people but Gu doesn’t feel comfortable 
around Shiyi as she feels with Ming.

He takes her to a fancy restaurant but it is too 
awkward for Gu to enjoy. At the end of the date,  

Shiyi asks her to stay away from Ming because her 
involvement will cause him to divert from his true  

purpose in life. He promises to buy her the house 
she always wanted in turn for her loyalty.

Gu agrees to do as told, not for the house 
but for Ming’s future. She returns home at  

night and hugs Ming before telling him that 
she is moving out. She also says that Shiyi  

asked him to take manager Zhao’s offer.
The next day, Gu moves out of the apartment,  

but coincidently, her door is left open by 
an umbrella. This means Ming can go to 2018  

even without her help.
Somewhere else, the CEO  

finds Zhao in his office and finds out about his 
plan to betray him. Zhao panics and knocks him  

out before making him gulp alcohol. He plans to 
kill the man and make it seem like an accident.

Gu is in her home after years when Shiyi 
arrives with the bag that she had to give  

to the restaurant. When Shiyi turns around, Gu 
notices a rent tag on his clothes and realizes  

it is actually Ming. She kisses him and tells 
him a proper goodbye before he walks away.  

Both of them cry, knowing that they 
can never meet each other again.

When Ming reaches home, he gets a call from 
Zhao who calls him on a bridge. He wants to  

use Ming’s help to kill the CEO and make it 
seem like an accident. Ming refuses to do so  

but Zhao claims that he is too deep into 
the matter to turn away at this point.

Suddenly, Ming realizes Shiyi chose to help Zhao 
in the past which is the reason for his success.  

He took over the manager’s position after the 
CEO’s death, building his empire on blood. With  

time, he became ruthless to the workers and 
cared only about money. That is why he is a  

completely different person from Ming.
The universe has given Ming a chance to make  

the right decision this time. Furthermore, by the 
CEO’s keyring, he discovers he is Gu’s father.

All this time, Gu was orphaned because of the 
decision Shiyi took. Not wanting to make the  

same mistake, Ming saves the man’s life.
As soon as he does so, the evil Shiyi of 2018  

disappears, meaning Ming changed the future. 
Now, Gu will never have to lose her father  

and will grow up to be someone else. This also 
means that the current Gu will cease to exist.

In the last scene. We see Gu and Ming return 
to their apartment in different timelines.  

When they meet in the middle, Gu disappears.

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