Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

We witness a town where three different species live.

That means, humans, zombies, and, vampires.

Vampires were at the top; there was ease for them in the town, and they were leading a happy life.

For food survival, blood canes were given to them.

So, they don’t kill humans for sake of blood intake.

On the second number, humans come that feel threatened and troubled by these two creatures.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

On the third number, zombies appear who feed human brains to satisfy their hunger.

For this reason, these zombies have been kept locked in a separate place.

In this town, there existed a college,

Later, we see a boy named Deg.

Deg likes one of his classmates, but Deg’s friend doesn’t pay him any attention,

She often ignores him and, we see another main character named “Petra”.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

The same night, Petra goes to a party with her vampire friend, where that vampire bites Petra.

For this reason, after returning home, she gradually starts to change into a vampire.

The next day, Petra checks her phone and begins to wait for her vampire friend’s call and message.

She neither gets a call nor a message.

She understands that the vampire was deceiving her.

At night, we see Ned’s parents rebuking Ned and his brother badly.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

For this reason, Ned rags and he goes into the zone of zombies.

Zombies were doing anything whatever they want, without thinking anything.

Seeing this, Ned starts to like zombies life a lot.

For this reason, he asks a zombie girl to bite him.

She does this, she bites Ned, and as a result, Ned turns into a zombie.

Later, some aliens enter their town from the outside.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

The following day, a human meeting is held.

They believe that these aliens may have been sent by vampires.

Thus, these aliens kill us.

There is also the vampire meeting going on, in which they believe,

Humans have invited these aliens.

The zombies, on the other hand, believe that both of these species have invited the aliens by calling them.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

For this reason, three of the species come to attack each other.

Chaos begins, the fire was burning at one place and explosions were erupting elsewhere.

Even the police cars have burnet.

While the aliens calmly observed everything from above.

During this all, we see Deg’s friend who asks him to go somewhere with her.

Deg takes her to his house as a result, but the vampires attack there.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

A vampire sees them and starts pursuing them. They run away from there to save them.

They see a house and they enter inside.

A secret meeting of zombies is going on there.

The dangerous zombies approach them and start to attack them.

Later, zombies were attacked by vampires from all sides.

As a result, a dangerous fight starts there.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Suddenly a police car arrives there and as a result, many people were killed there.

Later, three of the main characters, Petra, Deg, and Ned are left.

When three of them were about to kill each other.

A white light emerges from there,

and the aliens after kidnapping humans, aliens and zombies were taking them with them.

Meanwhile, Deg reminds that this is the house of his piano teacher.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

He might be in the basement to save his life.

He requests his teacher a lot and he finally takes three of them there as well.

Deg goes toward the window to see aliens.

Meanwhile, Petra and Ned attack the teacher and his mother.

After murdering them, they make them their meal.

Deg abruptly turns around, becomes shocked, and asks, “What have you done?”

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Three of them tidy up that place together and spend the night in the basement.

Three of them befriend each other there.

The next day, when they go out to see through a window,

An alien sees them, it starts pursuing them.

For this reason, after breaking the other door of the basement, they exit from there.

As Petra was a vampire, so her body begins to burn in the sunlight.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

In order to save her, after putting his dress off, he dressed up Patra.

And he manages to survive without dress.

As it was heavy smoke outside, so they scatter from one another.

Petra transports Ned to the school after some time, with great difficulty.

Deg arrives there after some time and he shockingly tells them,

That I’ve survived from the aliens and aliens haven’t attacked me.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Ned has completely transformed into a zombie.

Despite this, he was quite smart and mature.

He informs him that aliens can only see synthetic materials, that is created artificially and chemically.

That they were capturing humans because of their dresses.

They couldn’t see you since you didn’t wear the dress.

Later, they learn that this place isn’t safe for them.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

For this reason, they leave for Deg’s house.

So, they can see Deg’s parents that they’re alive or not.

After going home, they don’t see Deg’s parents anywhere.

Deg becomes upset as a result of this.

And they sit after wearing the light chemical-free cotton dress to save them from aliens.

Meanwhile, an alien comes there and begins to capture Ned somehow.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Watching this, Petra begins to break the tentacles of the alien.

But the alien disappears after taking Ned.

Later, only two of them were left there alone.

Later, Ned arrives out of nowhere and he tells them,

That you both might have killed the alien to save me.

Because of this, I couldn’t reach their main area.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

And I fell just in the center of the city.

From there I’ve come here and he tells them that the aliens have come in search of a chemical.

We can find this chemical in the meat factory of our coach.

Because our coach after using this chemical, and changing the tissues of the horse,

He brings the taste of chicken.

We were eating the tissues of the horse considering chicken in the sandwich, for many years.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Hearing this, Petra and Deg become shocked, and they feel terribly bad.

Later, they go to the factory of their coach to take help from him.

He kicks three of them off from there and an alien appears in front of them all.

After kidnapping them the alien puts them into another factory in the city.

The other people of the city were also present there.

There, aliens have divided these species into three parts.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Zombies, humans and vampires.

Ned becomes quite happy to see his parents.

Thank God! they’re safe.

We see Patra in the vampire area.

There, her vampire friend painfully comes to her and tells her,

You’ve come from outside and you must have blood in your body.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Please give this to me, and Petra rags as a result of this.

And she begins to beat him badly.

Ned begins to think that how to break this field made in the area of the zombies.

That is created by the aliens.

Suddenly, he remembers that if they all attack together on the field, it can break.

Later, three of the species do the same.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

Humans, vampires, and, zombies violently attack that field.

As a result, the field finally breaks.

Everyone releases and they directly go toward the meat factory of that coach.

Aliens again come there, in order to attack.

But the coach releases that chemical in his tank.

The chemical that the aliens have come to achieve.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

As the alien sees the chemical, it restores its real appearance.

That has small portions, all the aliens begin to merge in this chemical in this way.

A giant alien is created from these all aliens in a while.

Its color was white and he thanked them all initially,

Later, he starts to criticize them that you’re tiny people and, totally mad.

You all fight with each other. Look at me, I’m the giant alien.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

You appear to be tiny and useless in front of me.

Watching this, everyone standing there begins to rag at him.

For this reason, they begin to kill him and begin to chemical spray on him.

On the other side, Petra’s vampire friend comes to kill Patra.

Meanwhile, Deg goes there to save her.

There he suddenly transforms into a werewolf.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

He attacks the vampire and kills him.

On the other side, the alien becomes a tiny boy after being shrieked.

And returns to his alien spaceship.

Before this, he throws a bomb on them that directly falls into the hands of Ned.

But Ned after holding this bomb passes it to Deg,

Deg tosses the bomb back into the alien spacecraft using all of his strength.

Freaks Of Nature (2015) Film Explained

As a result, the ship blasts, and all the aliens destroy in it. They all have died there.

The whole city has been restored to normal, where three of the species are living together happily.

The film ends with this.


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