Green Lantern Full Movie Explained

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Today im going to explain movie called Green Lantern:

The film starts a billion years ago .

In which, it is told that ,

“Universe of Guardians” used to rule over the Universe before its creation.

Because they had the rings , generating powers.

Two rings are seen including “Willpower” and “Fear”.

Willpower which had infinite power while fear belonged to terror!

Because of not having control over the fear,

Now guardians create the 3600 sectors on the whole Universe.

And they produce the green lantern crops with this.

Then they face such a risk named “Parallax” before them.

Then Green Lantern is seen whose name was “Abin Sur . He imprisons “Parallax”.

At the same time, a spaceship of some astronauts is crashed with that planet.

And those astronauts arrive at the location where the supervillain “Parallax” is held captive.

Those astronauts begin to feel so fear, seeing him.

He takes the advantage of this and sucks their energy.

And he is freed from that imprisonment where “Green Lantern” had made him captive.

After it, the time of 1983 is shown in the movie.

Where a child named “Hal Jordan” is seen .

Whose father was a pilot in military force.

His father is called to test the aircraft of the military.

“Hal” also goes to encourage his father.

Hal’s father gives his favourite jacket to “Hal”, before getting into the aircraft.

“Hal” considers his father as a hero. He was observing his father like others.

And he was feeling joy. When Hal’s father gets into the aircraft before him,

Then his aircraft’s engine is burst.

Hal’s father was attempting his best to hold control over his aircraft,

But it was not easy for him. But he soon lands on ground while maintaining his courage.

All people move away in fear. But “Hal” was moving towards his father.

So he may rescue his father. But the explosion occurs at the same time.

Hal’s father dies before his eyes.

Green Lantern Full Movie Watch Online

After this, the further time is shown where “Hal Jordan” is seen.

He had grown up and he was also a test pilot at Ferris aircraft.

His company reveals to him that they have invented two robotic aircraft.

Knowing this, “Hal” does not like this at all.

Because he had this good thought that none can control the aircraft properly without pilots

Now he challenges the robotic aircraft in order to prove his saying.

And he flies his aircraft with those two robotic aircraft.

Which are flying equally but “Hal” flies his aircraft towards the peak of the sky.

Where Hal’s aircraft engine is stopped because of the low pressure of air.

And “Hal” is ordered by command center to return back immediately.

Ignoring all orders, “Hal” continues to fly ahead.

Then he catches the sight of his father’s photo while flying the aircraft.

And he recalls all the memories. Meanwhile, Hal aircraft’s engine is exploded.

He turns back to have a look at it and he explodes his two robotic aircraft.

His aircraft was also going to explode but he jumps from it through a parachute at the proper time.

Later, aircraft’s auturity including the daughter of CEO , Hal’s childhood friend “Carol”,

They all taunt “Hal” together. And “Carol” terminates “Hal” because of the explosion of aircraft.

After this, “Parallax” is shown who had freed from his imprisonment.

He reaches that “Green Lantern” whose name was “Abin Sur” now.

He leaves that place, understanding the powers of “Parallax”.

That “Parallax” attacks the planet of “Abin Sur”, moving there.

That “Green Lantern” instantly boards in his spaceship.

And he leaves to inform the rest of the guardians.

That “Parallax” has freed. “Green Lantern” was going to loose his life because of Parallax’s assault.

But his spaceship falls at the bank of the sea on Earth.

He conveys to his ring before dying, Choose your favourite boldest man!

Now ring moves in search of the capable man.

Contrarily, “Hal” is celebrating his younger brother’s birthday with his other siblings.

That ring’s power is transferred into “Hal” at the same place.

Being unaware about the whole incident, “Hal” leaves , gifting his younger brother.

The green light of ring brings “Hal” to “Abin Sur”.

“Hal” wanted to help “Abin Sur, seeing this spaceship.

“Hal” brings him out of his spaceship, rescuing him there.

But “Abin” stops “Hal” threre and gives him a ring.

He tells him while indicating “Green Lantern”.

When he will take this ring and speaks before it then it will add power in him.

Saying this, “Abin” loses his life there. Now “Hal” gets worried, hearing all these facts.

And he calls his friend worker of aircraft here.

And he reveals the whole fact . Then they see the military aircraft.

Which were searching for Eastern London spaceship.

“Hal” drives away along with his friend by a car.

Military force discovers the dead body of “Abin” after him.

They send his dead body to a secret government facility for research.

There is lady doctor is seen where a scientist named “Hector” was also with her.

They both had been called for conducting research on the dead body of “Abin”.

When “Hector” was inspecting the dead body of “Abin”,

Then he puts his hand on assaulted place body where “Parallax” had attacked.

Pouring his hand at that place, Parallax’s little powers is dissolved in “Hector”.

But “Hector” was ignorant about all these facts.

He continues to inspect the body. On the other side, “Hal” is seen.

He was speaking before that Lantern at his home , wearing that ring.

But nothing was affecting so “Hal” loses his temper on this.

And he says to himself, Why did he come here so far if it is not going to work!

Lantern is ignited on this. Its green light is turned on.

“Hal” is hypnotized and he himself begins to talk about the powers.

After this, “Hal” possesses the Green Lantern powers.

Now this news is reached the planet of the Green lantern.

Green Lantern’s people drag “Hal” towards them.

Going there, “Hal” loses his consciousness. Afterwards, research is conducted on him.

Because he was the human being to be Green Lantern.

Now everyone wanted to know this, Why had he been chosen as a Green lantern?

“Hal” is in the suit of “Green Lantern” when he comes into his senses.

He also meets “Green Lantern” there has the look of fish.

He reveals the whole story to “Hal” there. He tells it that,

That “Parallax” wants to devastate the Earth and Universe.

Now he leads him to Green Lantern. Where Green Lantern’s chief is delivering speech there.

Green Lantern’s chief considers “Hal” weak.

He leads “Hal” to potent Green Lantern to check his power.

That Green Lantern trains “Hal and also tells him that,

Anything will happen what he thinks with the power of ring!

He also tells with this, The sun will attract the man who will be big sized.

Green Lantern’s chief also fights with “Hal” there and beats him badly.

He mocks at “Hal” on this. And “Hal” disheartenes on it.

And he decides this, He will leave them all!

On the other side, “Hector” is seen who had possessed Parallax’s powers.

He gets the power to read the mind of the people.

Now he is teasing the people. And the changing which was occurring in “Hector”,

He had also kept an eye on them.

Green lantern’s chief takes other Green Lanterns to kill “Parallax” as “Hal” leaves.

But “Parallax” snatches the powers of all there before him, using his powers.

And he kills all of them. In the meantime, Green lantern’s chief flees .

And he complaints about “Parallax” , coming to his guardians.

That he is more powerful than them! Guardians tell him on this,

It was tough to get the fear rings .

But That “Parallax” had attained that ring from one of those guardians.

He had transformed into a super-villain as a result of this, and he had imprisoned him.

Now he had again come back to revenge.

Then Green Lantern’s chief declares that we will have to make the fear ring to cope the fear.

Now guardians agree with him. And they also make one more ring of fear.

It is seen further that aircraft company gets their favourite contract.

And the party is arranged in its celebration . “Hal” and “Hector” were also in that party.

“Hector” reaches there when “Hal” is talking with “Carol”.

And he tries to inspire “Carol”, coming there.

At the same time, Hector’s father stops him, approaching there.

And “hector” leaves the party in fury. His anger is increased here,

When he comes to know that It was not his capability that made him to hold that project ,

But because of his father! Now “Hector” was becoming so aggressive here.

When he glimpses helicopter, flying towards the party,

Then he also controls that helicopter to crash it with his power.

That helicopter was going to crash on the people there .

Due to this, intense fear is created among all people.

But “Hal” is transformed into “”Green Lantern” there.

And he lands that helicopter on the ground , converting it into a car.

All are rescued here but Green Lantern’s existence becomes prominent.

Now “Parallax” contacts with “Hector” for the first time here.

And he orders him to kill “Green Lantern” who is on Earth.

Now Hector’s face was transforming here gradually.

He is caught on this and he is kept in a laboratory.

On the other side, “Hal” goes to meet “Carol”, transforming into “Green Lantern”.

And “Carol” recognizes “Hal” here. And he tells that he has left Green Lantern unit.

Knowing this, Carol says to him, You had to take the advantage of this opportunity!

Nor you had to leave this! She becomes furious on this.

“Hal” goes outside, thinking Carol’s suggestions. then Hal’s ring is brightened,

He knows through this that someone is at danger.

Detecting it, he goes to the laboratory where “Hector” was attacking his father.

“Hector” knew everything about “Hal” that he is Green Lantern.

Being envious, he fights with “Hal” there.

Then “Hector” contacts “Parallax” and he orders him to destroy the World.

“Hector” burns his father to death with flames.

And he also tries to kill that lady doctor but “Hal” saves her.

The fight is held between both of them. On the other side, Green Lantern’s planet is seen.

Where the fear ring had created. And Green Lantern’s leader was ready to face “Parallax”.

Meanwhile, “Hal” comes there and he stops him using the fear ring.

Because that man will be transformed into evil who will use this ring.

And he asks all of them to save the planet Earth.

But the guardian and Green Lantern’s leader refuse to help him.

Now “Hal” goes alone to save the World.

Now he directly comes at the place of Aircraft where “Hector” had abducted “Carol”.

Because he knew that “Hector” had feelings for “Carol”.

And “Carol” is the weakest point of “Hal”. “Hector” threatens “Hal” when “Hector” comes there.

That he may give him that green ring! Otherwise, he will pour his blood into “Carol”

As a result, she will be transformed like him!

On this, “Hal” takes off his ring and gives it to “Hector”.

Wearing that ring, he says to “Hal that he was telling a lie.

That he will let go of “Carol”. Then he begins to kill “Carol” there.

When he attacks her with that ring then that attack is stopped.

Then “Hal” tells him , This ring searches for the capable man itself!

And this attack is reversed on “Hector”. “Hal” rescues “Carol” now.

And he picks up his ring. Then “Parallax” had approached on the planet Earth.

Because he was grabbing the energies of others, he had grown more powerful.

And he also considers “Hector” useless there and snatches his power.

After this, “Hector” also dies. After this, “Hal” comes to confront “Parallax”.

But a great fight is held between them. “Hal” is getting defeated by “Parallax” during this fight.

But “Parallax” goes into “Hal” now and carries him far in space from this World.

Then he recalls the same fact , going there,

The sun attracts the bigger thing! And he takes “Parallax” to the sun from his backside.

Converting himself into aircraft, “Hal” begins to fly from there.

“Parallax” was still not stopping to chase him and he was also fighting.

“Hal” applies all his powers here on “Parallax”. And he throws him towards the direction of sun.

He had also become feeble so he also begins to attract the sun.

But Green Lanterns save him, approaching there.

They admire him and transport him to their world, where he assumes the position of leader.

Coming into the World, he meets with “carol” and stars a relation with her.

It is shown movie’s short clip that ex leader of Green Lanterns named “Smestero”,

He takes off his Green Lantern’s ring and puts on the ring of guardian.

Doing so, his eyes are turned pale. And he gains the power of fear.

And the movie completes on this scene. Thankyou !

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