Howling Village

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At the start of the film, two friends are shown: “Akina” and “Yuma.”

They were standing outside a telephone booth at 2 am

actually, they come here for exploring a village.

They believe there will be a call on the phone booth near the red bridge at 2 a.m.

and the person who receives the call the village’s path opens for that person.

The weird thing is the village doesn’t exist on the map about which those things were said.

It was said to be a cursed village.

That’s why many people often come to explore this village’s history.

The people who explored this village died or got insane.

This village became famous because of all this.

That’s why they come for exploring the village

it is 2 am at night and the telephone rings.

“Akina” answers the phone but doesn’t hear anyone’s voice

and she was just hearing the voice of the waterfall.

The way to the village was also about to be disclosed

now ”Akina” and ”Yuma” move toward that tunnel.

The tunnel that move towards the village and they enter the tunnel

”Akina’s” camera was also active and she makes videos there.

Moving forward in the tunnel there was a signboard

and it was written that no “Japan” rules or laws will apply while moving through this tunnel.

”Yuma” gets scared and asks ”Akina” we should go back from here

but ”Akina” has to explore this village and she doesn’t obey her friend.

They see many old houses when they enter the village

now ”Akina” has to go to the washroom and she decides to use one of the old house’s washrooms.

”Yuma” was exploring the village when ”Akina” was in the washroom

he sees a cage and hears the dog’s voices in it.

”Yuma” goes near and finds a dog’s skeleton instead of a dog.

On another side, ”Akina” comes out of the washroom but realizes someone has locked the door from outside.

She was hearing many people shouting from outside

later, a large number of hands appear in the vicinity of “Akina.”

They were holding ”Akina” and ”Yuma” also sees something outside

then he runs toward ”Akina” but she was also frightened.

There were some black spirits behind them and they run from there.

A girl named ”Kanaya” is shown in the next scene and she was a psychologist.

A mother brought her kid to ”Kanaya” and was telling her about her son

that her son used to be quiet and has nightmares

She says I think my son is hiding something from us

and that’s the reason for her arrival

 at ”Kanaya”.

”Kanaya” talks to the boy and discovers the boy sees a spirit

and calls her his mother and after telling her everything the boy asks ”Kanaya” not to tell anyone about his mother.

He says my real mother will become angry if she will discover this.

The kid leaves after saying this

and also waves his hand to someone.

”Kanaya” sees and finds a lady’s spirit there.

On the other side, “Akina” is shown behaving strangely as a result of the accident’s effects.

She has become weird

; she laughs, sings songs, and also makes weird sketches.

Here we discover ”Kanaya” was ”Yuma’s” sister and he tells his sister about his friend.

He asks his sister to help his friend ”Akina”

and tells her the night when we went to the village my friend behaving strangely since then.

He says I think this happened because of the curse of the village

”Yuma” was talking to ”Kanaya” and his younger brother arrives

and he also got a project for that village so he wants to get more info about that village.

Meanwhile, ”Yuma’s” father arrives and scolds him while warning him not to involve in those things.

He asks him to stay away from all this and then ”Kanaya” goes to meet ”Yuma’s” friend.

She feels negative vibes after meeting her

and that night ”Yuma’s” friend end own life while jumping from the roof.

Her body was diagnosed, and according to the report, she drowned.

This was shocking news for everyone as she jumped in front of everyone from the tower.

How’s this possible that she died because of being drowned?

“Yuma” realised that this was happening due to the village’s curse.

Then he takes his friends to the tunnel that opens in that village

but he was taking them there to set that tunnel on fire.

”Yuma” finds the tunnel sealed when he comes with his friends.

He becomes surprised that the tunnel wasn’t sealed when he came with his friend

now it is sealed and how does this happen? ”Yuma” asks his friends to stay there

and he enters the tunnel.

During this, ”Yuma’s” younger brother also come with them while hiding in his car.

His younger brother has brought a recording camera with him

and also hears the dogs’ voices from the tunnel.

He feels that ”Yuma” is calling him for help

and moves inside the tunnel but there were many spirits inside the tunnel.

Meanwhile, ”Yuma’s” shout is heard and his friends become frightened because of all this.

They tell everything to ”Yuma’s” family and the police.

The police arrive with ”Yuma’s” family and they find the camera of ”Yuma’s” younger brother

and they understand that something wrong has happened to them.

The police were scared of moving inside the tunnel and forbidding everyone

to go into the tunnel but then ”Yuma’s” mother tries to move inside the tunnel.

She starts behaving strangely when everyone was stopping her

on another side, ”Kanaya” receives a call from that kid’s mother.

The kid whom we saw with ”Kanaya”.

His mother tells her that her son is sick and admitted to the hospital

meanwhile, ”Kanaya” discovers while reaching the hospital

that the doctor who has done an autopsy of ”Yuma’s” friend is also not well.

He was also admitted to the hospital because of it. ”Kanaya” was with the kid at night

but she doesn’t find the kid in his bed when she suddenly awakes at night.

He was outside that doctor’s room who was admitted to the hospital

then she asks the boy what is he doing there?

The boy tells her that his grandfather has called him here but she couldn’t understand anything.

There were many spirits around that doctor’s bed when ”Kanaya” sees inside.

They were repeating the same song and saying ”If the crop is ruined so end it”

meanwhile, the spirits move toward ”Kanaya” and that kid.

The doctor who had performed “Akina’s” diagnose, his spirit was also approaching them from the front

but then a nurse arrives and everything becomes normal as she arrives.

The nurse tells ”Kanaya” that the doctor died two minutes before

and yes, she was telling about the doctor whose spirit was in front of her.

”Kanaya” understand that the kid has a connection with the spirit and the tunnel

because the spirits whom ”Kanaya” saw were singing the same song ”Akina” sang before dying.

”Kanaya” talks to the kid’s parents and discovers their kid died that day

and then this kid was born in the hospital as he had none so we adopted him.

”Yuma’s” friend is shown in the next scene whose car gets damaged near the telephone booth.

He calls his friends for help

and when they arrive they find his car but their friend was missing.

It was 2 a.m. and the phone was also ringing.

One of them receives the call but there wasn’t any voice.

The booth automatically closes when another friend comes to receive the call

and suddenly, the water starts filling in the telephone booth.

Meanwhile, many spirits appear outside the booth and they were singing the same song.

The scene shifts to ”Kanaya” who was asking her father about this repeatedly

but her father was worried and doesn’t tell her anything.

”Kanaya” moves to her grandfather to know about all this

and remembers her grandmother who also can see the spirits.

”Kanaya” has got this gift of seeing the spirits from her grandmother.

”Kanaya” tells her grandfather about the village and he says yes, the village exists a few years ago

but there was a dam near the village and the village was destroyed because the dam broke.

”Kanaya” remembers her grandmother when she was sitting with her one day

and she saw a boy while sitting with her grandmother from a distance.

Surprisingly, she discovers the boy while standing in a distant location.

”Kanaya” has seen the vision of this boy in her childhood and today she was meeting him.

The boy is very knowledgeable about the village and has a lot of information about it.

He shows her a video and she discovers the people living happily in the village a few years ago

then one day a few people from the power company came and decided to make a dam around the village.

The villagers don’t want to let their village destroy and they protest to save their village.

The company just wanted to earn its profit and started torturing the villagers

and they let this prove with the help of political powers that the village doesn’t exist.

Later, the board was fixed outside the village which we saw at the beginning

”Japan’s any rule or law will not apply moving forward” was written on it.

It wasn’t less than any curse what the people of the company have done to the villagers.

They tease the villagers and behave badly toward them

later, the village was destroyed because of the dam breakage.

”Kanaya” sees her grandfather in the video

and discovers the owner of the company was none other than her grandfather.

This was the cause of what happened to “Kanaya’s” family.

”Kanaya” moves to the telephone booth with the boy and the phone rings again at 2 am.

She attends the call and hears her younger brother and ”Yuma’s” voice.

They were calling her for help

and then she enters the village with that boy through the tunnel.

They feel they reached the past and ”Kanaya” finds the dead bodies of the villagers.

She finds her brothers locked in a cage

then she moves to another cage while releasing her brothers.

There was a girl in a poor condition and a newborn baby was also inside

now the boy with ”Kanaya” tells her you have to move far from this village while taking this baby.

The village will be drowned soon

and the baby will take the name of the villagers forward when it will be drowned.

This baby can end the curse of this village.

When “Kanaya,” the boy, and her brothers were fleeing the village, the baby’s mother was following them.

The girl has changed into an evil and now was attacking them.

”Yuma” along with the boy stop that girl

but she was asking ”Kanaya” to move far from here with this baby.

“Kanaya” carried the baby far with her younger brother,

and they both fainted as they reached the end of the tunnel.

They haven’t that baby

later, ”Kanaya” is shown in the hospital with her younger brother.

On another side, the baby was taken by a family whom ”Kanaya” brought.

After it, the doctors tell ”Kanaya” they have found ”Yuma” dead body

and there were two skeletons with them.

”Kanaya” understand those were the boy and the girl’s skeletons.

The girl whose baby she has brought with her

now the question is, why wasn’t “Kanaya” cursed when she left that village?

The tunnel is revealed to be nothing more than a time loop that opens at 2 a.m.

The reason for this is that dam water was thrown in this village at 2 a.m.

“Kanaya” was linked to the village’s curse because she was the only one who could break it.

The boy who met ”Kanaya” and helped ”Kanaya” to show all this

and the girl were her grandmother’s parents.

They were helping her and the kid went to his old time loop as he came out.

People associated with the power plant company are cursed as a result of the village.

Water is also present in their deaths.

Here this movie concludes.


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