I origins

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At the beginning of the film, it is shown that science has become very .

Even it can tell us the point of soul existence.

Science can tells us everything about soul

many eyes are shown in the next scene.

After focusing the eyes, it is revealed that the eyes of two humans are not the same.

Humans have different eyes.

It means all eyes are unique

like our fingerprints, the fingerprints can’t be the same as our eyes.

The main character of the film, a young boy named “Ian,” is introduced.

”Ian” is a scientist and is shown researching animals’ eyes.

His story is later heard in his own voice; it was his life story that changed his life.

The scene shifts many years ago when ”Ian” reads in the college.

”Ian” has come to a party thrown by his college

but he wasn’t enjoying it as he doesn’t like this party.

He was leaving from there

meanwhile, he sees a girl when he thinks of moving out.

We couldn’t see that girl’s face as she has covered her face.

”Ian” sees the girl and moves toward her to ask why is she standing there?

Why she didn’t go to the party? hearing this, the girl says look at the moon how pretty is it.

Here, ”Ian” looks into that girl’s eyes

they are lovely and ”Ian” says your eyes are lovely.

Can I take a picture of your eyes?

Hearing this, the girl says yes, why not?

”Ian” does the same and takes a picture of her eyes.

Later, the girl asks ”Ian” to go to the party

then they came to the party and they were enjoying it this time.

”Ian” is working in his lab with his friend in the next scene.

Meanwhile, “Ian’s” female colleague arrives and begins working with “Ian” in that lab.

She has come here as per routine to work with ”Ian”.

Then ”Ian” shows them the experiment he has done on mice eyes.

”Ian’s” colleague becomes impressed by seeing it.

”Ian” is shown at his home while watching the picture of that girl’s eyes at night.

The girl with the veil he met at the party.

”Ian” sleeps while seeing her eyes

later, ”Ian” move into a bus to go to his lab.

He gets off the bus on the way due to some reason.

Meanwhile, he sees a billboard in front

in which there were the girl’s eyes whom he met at the party.

Even he has made its picture.

”Ian” discovers the girl is a model and ”Ian” reaches his lab and research that girl.

This girl is named ”Sofi” and she is a pretty model

then ”Ian” is shown on a train where he sees the model ”Sofi”.

She was sitting at a distance from ”Ian”.

”Ian” stands from his place and sits near ”Sofi”.

”Sofi” recognizes him as she sees him even then she didn’t react.

She leaves when the train stops and ”Ian” also moves behind her.

Moving at a distance, they start talking to each other

while talking, ”Sofi” tells ”Ian” that she was born in ”Argentina”.

Then I shifted to ”France” when I was 11 years old.

Hearing this, ”Ian” also tells ”Sofi” about him

that I am a scientist and researching animals’ eyes.

“Sofi,” let me tell you one thing: your eyes are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.

That’s why I have made a picture of your eyes

as I have never seen eyes like yours. A connection was made between them while talking.

Later, ”Sofi” comes to ”Ian’s” house with him, talks to each other, and has a good time.

They were wandering outside and saw a white peacock

and it looked lovely.

Seeing it, ”Sofi” tells ”Ian” that the white peacock is considered a soul symbol in Indian culture.

It denotes the presence of a soul in the vicinity of a white peacock.

”Ian” starts telling her about the scientific facts

we discover that they are opposite to each other.

They are different. ”Ian” is shown living at ”Sofi’s” house.

”Sofi” shows her parent’s picture to ”Ian” and he becomes sad to see her parent’s picture.

He recalls his parents seeing the photos, but he leaves while remaining calm.

A statue is shown in ”Sofi’s house that belongs to ”India”.

Seeing it, we discover ”Sofi” is fond of ”Indian” culture

the next day, ”Ian” and his colleague are shown working in the lab.

They were giving the eyes to the insect that had no eyes.

”Ian” believes that our eyes are not god gifted

but humans have developing organs when humans are born.

”Ian” purposes ”Sofi” reaching home

then he asks her to marry him? and ”Sofi” agrees to this.

The next day, they move to the court to get married

but they discover they can’t get married today.

They were returning home being depressed because of it

but then “Ian” gets a call from a colleague and tells him

we can give eyes to the insect on which we are experimenting.

”Ian” becomes happy to hear this

and he tells ”Sofi” about it while asking her to move with him to the lab.

”Ian” and ”Sofi” come to the lab and ”Ian” makes her meet with his colleague.

Later, they tell ”Sofi” about the insect

that we are experimenting on it and giving it eyes.

”Sofi” becomes furious to hear this and says he is doing wrong because it is against nature.

If we recreate a human that God has made it will be dangerous for us and that human too.

Hearing this, ”Ian” tells her the scientific facts

and makes her understand but suddenly, the acid drops from ”Sofi’s” hand.

A few drops fall into “Ian’s” eyes, causing severe pain as his eyes begin to burn.

”Sofi” gets panicked to see this and calls ”Ian’s” colleague.

She comes and puts medicine in ”Ian’s” eyes

due to it, the effect of the acid removes, and ”Ian” returns home with ”Sofi”.

They were moving home by lift but suddenly, a lift wire broke.

The lift stops there

seeing it, ”Sofi” gets panicked and starts weeping.

”Ian” somehow opens the lift’s door and emerges.

Before he takes out ”Sofi” from the lift it goes downside

”Sofi” got stuck in it and dies there badly.

”Ian” becomes depressed to see it and becomes traumatized.

We learn that “Sofi” asked “Ian” not to bury her but to burn her when she died.

He does the same and buries her bones near the church after burning her.

”Ian” becomes depressed that he starts taking drugs because of losing ”Sofi”.

He becomes a drug addict, and then one day he receives a phone call from one of his colleagues

and says I am coming to your home and shows him the insect on which they were experimenting.

Their experiment was successful

now the insect can see but ”Ian” misses ”Sofi” while seeing the insect.

He becomes sad that he starts weeping while hugging his colleague.

Later, the time 7 years later is shown, and ”Ian” is shown in a TV interview.

He says we have changed the nature rules while giving eyes to that insect.

”Ian” is shown with his friend and colleague at the dinner table

here we discover ”Ian’s” colleague got married to his friend.

Now they were expecting a baby

and their baby boy is born after a few days and a nurse scans his eyes.

They discover the eyes of the baby resemble an army man.

None takes it seriously and they consider there is a glitch in the computer.

After a few years when the boy grows elder, ”Ian” receives a doctor’s call

and says we want to do some tests on that boy.

For this, ”Ian” reaches the hospital with his colleague along with the boy.

They show him a picture of two dogs and the boy selects a dog among them.

Later, the boy is shown a picture of two females and he also selects one of them.

The boy starts weeping after selecting the picture and here their experiment ends.

Later, they return home

and they start searching for the man whose eyes resemble that man.

”Ian” discovers where he lives so ”Ian” also reaches that place.

He moves to the shop and asks about the man

reaching here, ”Ian” discovers the man died many years ago.

Now ”Ian” moves to that man’s house while taking the address.

He sees the dog on the way whom he selected and also sees the lady for whom the boy wept.

The lady is the wife of the army man.

After all this, ”Ian” comes back to his colleague.

He tells her everything, calls his friend at home and gives him the picture of ”Sofi’s” eyes.

He asks him for an iris scan of that picture.

His friend does the same and starts an iris scan of ”Sofi’s” eyes.

He discovers a man’s scan was found like ”Sofi’s” eyes 3 months before.

This man is from ”India” and his colleague asks him to go to ”India”.

”Ian” tells his colleague ”Sofi” used to talk to me about ”India”.

She was also attached to the ”Indian culture”.

Later, ”Ian” moves to ”India”

reaching ”Delhi” he reaches the place where the iris scan of that man was held.

Reaching here, ”Ian” meets a girl who was the manager there

and says while showing her ”Sofi’s” eyes that the same eyes were registered here.

The manager recognizes the eyes and says these are of a small girl

but I don’t know where that girl is right now.

Hearing this, ”Ian” says can you help me with this?

The manager agrees to help him and asks ”Ian” to come tomorrow.

The next day, the manager comes to a place with ”Ian” and asks the people about that girl.

They discover the parents of the girl died and she has none in this world.

She has no home so none knows where is that girl right now.

”Ian” gets an idea and pastes the picture of ”Sofi’s” eyes on a billboard.

”Ian” and the manager are shown together in the next scene

and the manager asks few questions to ”Ian”.

”Are you religious? or do you believe in God?”

”Ian” says I am a scientist and just believes in scientific facts.

I don’t believe in those things. The next day, ”Ian” is shown sitting near the billboard.

“Ian” notices a girl staring at a billboard and recognizes her by the look in her eyes.

That she is the girl for whom he is searching for

”Ian” goes near her and starts talking.

Later, he takes her with him and then he starts experimenting on him along with his colleague.

He shows her some pictures

and the pictures were related to ”Sofi”. The girl gives the right answers to all questions.

Later, ”Ian” shows her a picture of three girls and there was ”Sofi’s” picture as well.

The girl chooses ”Sofi” and it discovers the girl was ”Sofi” in her previous life.

Even then ”Ian” doesn’t believe this.

”Ian” and the girl move downside but the girl gets scared as the lift opens.

She holds ”Ian”

and starts weeping but seeing this, ”Ian” remembers ”Sofi” died because of lift.

”Sofi’s” this life also has the fear about lift.

Meanwhile, ”Ian” remembers what the manager said

With it, “Ian” realizes there are many things that are beyond science.

Science still has no answer of those things.

“Ian” hugs the girl to calm her down and relax her.

He doesn’t take her by the lift but takes her from the stairs.

Here this movie ends.

Thank you for watching.


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