Intruders Movie Explained

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Anna Rook is in her late twenties and has a 

severe anxiety disorder that impacts her life  

in many ways. The only person she 

relies on is her elder brother  

Conard who is dying of pancreatic cancer. They 

have no family besides each other which is why  

Conard is always worried about his sister. 

Moreover, the siblings hide deep secrets in  

different corners of the house and are 

always wary of who they let inside.

One night, we see Anna playing with an old key 

alone in her room. Suddenly, she hears a strange  

noise coming from the dark but it turns out to be 

Conard sitting outside. He calls her to join him  

but Anna rudely declines. The truth is that 

she hasn’t left the house in over ten years  

because of her anxiety disorder.

The next morning, they are joined by  

Conard’s lawyer Charlotte. She has 

been called to discuss Conrad’s will  

and what Anna will get after his death but Anna 

is not ready to have that conversation yet.

Then, we are introduced to Dan, a delivery 

guy who brings food for the family  

every morning. Other than Conrad, Dan is 

the only person Anna enjoys talking to.  

He is kind and has won her heart over the 

course of time he has been working for them.

As they chat, they hear a loud thud from Conrad’s 

room. Anna rushes to her brother and puts him  

back on the bed. They spend the entire day 

together, talking about different things.  

Conrad brings up the topic of their 

father and asks Anna to forgive him  

but it only makes her angry. A few hours later, 

Anna is woken up by her care alarm ringing.

She runs to Conrad’s room and finds him dead. 

Despite knowing that this was bound to happen,  

nothing in the world could have prepared Anna 

for her brother’s death. After the paramedics  

take his body away, she cleans up the entire 

house and gets rid of all his medicines.

When Anna is at her lowest, Dan comes to 

her aid and lends her a shoulder to cry on.  

He suggests she sell the house 

and move somewhere else but Anna  

is too connected to the house to leave it.

As they chat, Dan reveals that he wants to get out  

of this town but isn’t financially strong to do 

so. Anna abruptly leaves and returns a few minutes  

later with a bag full of money. She wants him to 

take it and make a better life for himself. Dan,  

however, refuses to accept it even though Anna 

insists that she has more money than she needs.

The next day is the day of the funeral. Anna gets 

ready to leave but her anxiety gets the best of  

her at the last moment. She desperately wants to 

say a final goodbye to her brother but ends up  

staying home, drowning in her thoughts. Suddenly, 

a car stops outside and three men approach the  

house. They look through the window to ensure 

no one is home, looking to rob the place.

Anna panics but before she 

thinks of calling someone,  

one of the guys named J.P breaks the back door and 

lets the other two in. J.P seems to be the leader,  

while his brother Vance and friend Perry are his 

accomplices. The robbers are under the impression  

that Anna is at the funeral but the kettle makes 

a noise and makes her presence evident.

She quickly runs upstairs while the guys start 

looking for her all around the house. Perry  

finds her hiding in the bedroom, making her 

run downstairs. Before he catches up to her,  

Anna gets to the front door. She can 

easily run outside and save her life but  

she freezes because of her anxiety.

J.P carefully closes the door and asks  

her why she didn’t escape. She also had 

a chance to call the police when she was  

hiding upstairs but she didn’t. The guys think 

it is strange but all they care about is the  

money she is hiding somewhere in the house.

J.P and his brother Vance continue looking for  

the money while Perry keeps an eye on Anna. She 

tells him about her anxiety and how she hasn’t  

stepped out of the house for over a decade. Perry 

is fascinated by her and wants to check if she is  

telling the truth for his entertainment.

He forcefully pulls her outside,  

making her pass out. When J.P picks her up to 

help her, Anna wets herself. Vance is asked  

to take her to her room and get her cleaned as 

the other two search for the bag of money.

They ultimately find a basement with 

two doors without handles. The doors  

surely lead somewhere but are impossible to 

open. It is clear that either Conrad or Anna  

wanted to keep these rooms a secret.

Meanwhile, Vance is still trying to get  

Anna to change. He is the weakest link 

among the three and is not willing to  

hurt someone for money. Anna also notices 

this and tries to convince him to help her.  

She manages to convince him to some extent but 

he eventually realizes what she is doing.

In a fit of rage, he forcefully tries to make her 

change but is stopped when the delivery guy Dan  

arrives. He was at Conrad’s funeral and has come 

to check up on Anna because she wasn’t there.

Anna is thankful that she 

finally has someone to help her,  

until Dan calls Vance by his name, revealing 

that they are friends. She realizes that Dan  

is also with the robbers and loses her mind.

She runs downstairs and hides somewhere away  

from the robbers. J.P and Perry get to Dan 

and knock him out, revealing that he is,  

in fact, not a part of their group.

After a few minutes of searching for Anna,  

Perry loses patience and threatens to 

kill Anna’s pet bird if she doesn’t  

show herself. Anna remains hidden causing 

Perry to hammer the poor bird to death.

By now, Dan has woken up but J.P ties 

his hands and pushes him onto the couch.  

While the robbers are busy with him, Anna runs 

to the bathroom but makes noise while doing so.  

Vance is about to get her when Anna stabs 

his neck, killing him on the spot.

The other two are still with Dan but 

the strange silence makes them believe  

something is wrong. They ask Vance to 

say something only to hear the sound  

of Anna dragging his body to the basement.

Soon, they locate the blood stains on the floor  

and follow them to find Vance’s dead body. J.P 

holds his brother and cries, promising to avenge  

his death. The mission turns into much more 

than just a robbery for the surviving duo.

Just then, Perry notices Anna behind a door 

but she locks it before he gets in. After that,  

she runs into her room and brings out 

the key she was playing with at the  

beginning of the film. The key is then used 

to open a console that consists of a lever.  

Upon pulling it, the stairs to the basement 

retract, trapping Perry and J.P inside.

Anna checks on them to make sure that they cannot 

come outside. Some time passes and the robbers try  

to break the doors in the basement to get out 

but it has been made to withhold any force.

Outside, Dan reveals that he is friends with 

Vance and had told him about the money yesterday.  

He feels awful for doing so because he didn’t 

know it would lead robbers into her house.  

Anna still refuses to untie his hands and 

asks him about Conrad’s funeral. He tells  

her how it went and inquires about what Conrad 

would have done in a situation like this.

Anna thinks about it for a while before breaking 

his finger and bringing him to the basement door.  

Since the stairs are missing, he is standing 

at the edge of the wall. Anna asks him to prove  

his innocence by jumping into the basement 

and when he refuses, she pushes him herself.  

Dan cries in pain, holding his dislocated knee.

Anna then enters a hidden cabinet that shows her  

live footage of the basement. A while later, she 

comes to check up on them and J.P tortures Dan  

in hopes that she feels sympathetic.

Anna tells them to use the first aid kit  

that is inside one of the two locked rooms with no 

door handles. This time, J.P can open one of the  

doors because Anna has changed the settings from 

upstairs. However, as soon as he enters the room,  

she presses a button and he is locked inside. J.P 

finds it extremely strange because the room looks  

identical to the one he had seen upstairs.

In the meantime, Perry tries to break the second  

door and is successful after many tries. He finds 

a freezer and opens it to see dead bodies inside.  

Shocked to the core, Perry runs outside and comes 

face to face with Anna. Now that he has seen  

things that he shouldn’t have, she cannot let him 

live. She hits him with a hammer on his head.

The man is about to strangle her to death 

before he loses too much blood and dies.  

Outside, Dan manages to move into the 

second room and sees the dead bodies,  

realizing that something is very wrong.

At the same time, Charlotte comes to check  

up on Anna because she hasn’t been picking up her 

calls. Anna pretends like everything is fine and  

makes up an excuse for the noise coming from the 

basement. Charlotte doesn’t think much of it and  

leaves after making sure Anna is okay.

After her departure, Anna goes to the basement  

and finds Dan by the freezer. She puts him inside 

a cupboard which leads him into the room where J.P  

is locked. The room has a one-way mirror 

that she uses to keep an eye on them.

J.P figures this out and tries to break it but 

Anna informs him that the glass is bulletproof.  

She then makes him wear a shirt out of 

a cupboard. It turns out that Conrad and  

Anna used to drug men and lock them inside 

this room. Then, Conrad joined the victims  

through the cupboard and tortured them 

while Anna watched through the mirror.

J.P wants to know the reason they replicated 

the room and whose shirt he is wearing. It  

is then revealed that Anna’s father used to 

assault her sexually even when she was a child.  

Then one day, Conrad strangled their father 

to death and became her hero. Ever since then,  

they have been luring registered sexual 

predators into the house and killing them.

Anna believes that they did the right 

thing because offenders deserved the  

punishment but according to J.P, both 

she and her brother are psychopaths.  

They got high from killing their father and 

wanted to relive the moment again and again.

Anna loses her mind at the accusations 

and provides Dan with a gun to kill J.P.  

She wants him to pay for his deeds and 

thinks she is helping him by doing so.  

J.P pushes Dan aside and gets a hold of the gun. 

He gets ready to kill Dan but Anna stops him,  

urging him to commit the unthinkable.

She blames him for his brother’s death and  

declares that death is the only way to his 

salvation. Initially, J.P seems to be giving  

in to her demands but he comes back to his 

senses and points the gun at Dan again.

Seconds before he is shot, Anna opens the 

door and lets them out. J.P helps Dan get  

outside of the house but he isn’t ready to 

run away yet. He looks at Vance’s dead body,  

filled with rage and will to take revenge. 

Dan tries to convince him to let everything go  

but is instead punched in the face.

J.P goes back in and starts pouring  

gasoline around the house. Anna 

brings him the bag full of money,  

hoping to send him away with it but he refuses to 

take it and attacks her. In an ensuing struggle,  

Anna manages to run upstairs but J.P 

catches her and claims that he has an idea.  

He wants her to relive the bad memories she 

shared with her father by assaulting her.  

The fact that he is wearing her father’s 

shirt makes it even worse for Anna.

Just then, Dan comes into the room and Anna 

takes advantage of the distraction to shoot J.P  

dead. Silence prevails as both Dan and Anna 

look at the dead body. They come downstairs  

and Dan leaves without saying a word.

Anna stays in the living room for about an  

hour before she finally decides to step out of 

the house. At last, she has left her fear of  

detachment behind and can exist outside 

of the house without hyperventilating.  

In the final scene, she lights the house on 

fire and walks away.


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