Iron sky Full Movie Explained

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Hundreds years ago in 1922, humankind found
that a group of high-ranking Nazis is inhabiting

the dark side of the moon.

They were secretly sent to the moon base during
World war and were forgotten.

After living in dark for over a decade, the
lunar Nazis were told about their defeat in

world war two and the death of their great

They wanted to take revenge on everyone who
slandered their propaganda , which ultimately

gave rise to a nuclear war between lunar Nazis
and the earth humans.

The war went on for only a year but it ended
with the earth turning into a radioactive


The climate turned so extreme that even the
drylands were covered in snow.

The ones who didn’t die in the war were
killed due to radiation while the others died

because of the climate.

In such conditions, the remaining thousand
human survivors found a way to sustain life

in the same moon base where the Nazis had
been living before the war.

They boarded the last spaceship and made their
way to the dark side of the moon.

The plan worked and they found a new home.

Despite the limited resources, the surviving
humans have lived on the dark side of the

moon for thirty years.

They grow food using a mineral found on the
moon’s surface but they are running out

of it at a frightening rate.

Moreover, frequent and increasingly aggressive
moonquakes put the lives of the residents

in great danger.

The leader of the moon people is a woman named
Renate who works her best to maintain resources

for her people.

But with her growing age, the responsibility
falls onto her young daughter Obi.

Like in any dystopian situation, there is
a single community that is still living a

better life than the others.

They are a small group of former moon Nazis
who are currently tech-obsessed maniacs.

They worship Steve Jobs and think that anyone
who changes their mobile settings from the

default must suffer a horrible death.

Their leader is a man named Donald who terminates
the people who disobey their rules through

a mobile app that blows them into pieces.

Obi and Renate are extremely against Donald
and his group but they reluctantly have to

co-exist with them.

One day, Renate and her councilmen notice
a strange spacecraft approaching their base

from the surface of the earth.

They are shocked to discover that someone
was alive on earth for all these years and

are even more surprised that earth humans
managed to build a working spaceship.

Renate wants to terminate the entire ship
and kill whoever is inside because the last

time lunar and earth humans met, the result
was not good.

However, Obi goes against the entire council
and initiates a system malfunction so her

mother won’t attack the alien spaceship.

She also assists them in the landing and meets
the few surviving earth humans.

It turns out that they lived in an underground
bunker in Russia after the war.

But the radiation spread over the years and
they ran out of food supplies which is why

they have come to ask the moon people for

Obi wants to know how the earth humans found
out about the moon base but no one has the


The leader of the earth group is Sasha and
he is also the engineer who built the ship.

He is delighted that they finally have a new
home until Renate reveals the moon doesn’t

have enough resources to sustain them.

They need a magnificent source of energy if
they want to continue living here which is

nearly impossible to find in such a limited

For now, the new earthlings are kept in storage
rooms and given food and water.

Obi gets to fixing a space station that was
cannibalized for its parts years ago.

People looked at momentary benefits back then
but if the station was still working, they

would have a place to stay when the moonquakes
made the base uninhabitable.

Obi believes that she can fix the space station
with the right equipment but she will never

get enough lunar minerals to energize the

While working on the ship’s engine, she
notices a man sneaking into the abandoned

Nazi offices.

She follows him behind but the man takes her
by surprise and knocks her out.

When Obi wakes up, she finds herself in the
old Fuhrer’s office.

The man is someone who came with the earthlings
on the ship earlier.

Upon being asked what he wants, he reveals
that he is none other than the lunar Fuhrer

and the commander of the Nazi army in world
war three.

Obi is shocked, mostly because he hasn’t
aged a day since the war.

Obi wants to tell her mother about his presence
and execute him but the Fuhrer bribes her

with something she cannot refuse.

He claims to have a magical substance that
will save her dying mother.

To prove himself, Fuhrer cuts off one of his
fingers which surprisingly regenerates in

an instant.

Obi decides to give him a chance and brings
the chocolate-like magical thing to her mother.

After eating it, Renate’s year-long disease
is cured.

She also ages backward and is seemingly young.

Donald watches them from hiding, shocked by
the discovery.

Obi then returns to Fuhrer and asks him to
explain what is going on.

The man starts by disclosing that he is an
alien reptilian species called Vrils.

Long ago, when dinosaurs were still alive,
Obi, his brother Hitler, and many more of

their kind landed on earth.

They took over it and raised dinosaurs as
livestock until the asteroids hit and killed

the animals.

The Vrils didn’t lose hope and continued
to live as the only rational inhabitants of

the earth.

Then, one day, the lunar Fuhrer decided to
conduct a small experiment on his pet monkeys

Adam and Eve.

The Vrils survive on special nectar called
Vrilia which is the source of their long life

and regenerative powers.

Adam and Eve were given this nectar and their
evolution was accelerated which resulted in

the existence of modern-day humans.

Following their appearance, the Vrils disguised
themselves as humans and continued living

among them.

Several millennials later, the war occurred
and humans were wiped off the face of the


Vrils learned their lesson and vowed to never
make the mistake of reviving humans again.

The Fuhrer’s brother Hitler is the leader
of the Vrils and he hates humans.

Fuhrer, on the other hand, wants to aid them
but more than that, he hates his brother and

wants to make his life a living hell.

Hence, he is ready to help Obi and humankind
against the Vrils.

Obi still doesn’t understand the entire
story and inquires where the Girls live.

It is then revealed that they have inhabited
the inside of the earth which is apparently


The place has an alternative for the sun which
is powered by a jar of Vrilia.

If Obi can bring the jar to the moon, they
can power the space station and continue living

in the earth’s orbit, far from moonquakes
and their danger.

The energy produced will also help them grow
unlimited crops, making it the only way humanity

can survive.

Obi doesn’t waste time before asking Sasha
for help because he can pilot his spaceship

back to the earth.

They are joined by a national guard named
Malcolm and ultimately by Donald and his group

who insists on coming.

Obi has a map provided by the Fuhrer and his
cut-off finger which he thinks will help her

at some point.

In the following scene, Sasha’s ship enters
the earth’s atmosphere.

They choose a random landing site and somehow
land perfectly on the opening of the earth’s


The ship crashes without any severe damage
and the group finally sees the beautiful inner


If they defeat the Vrils, the humans might
get their planet back but they don’t seem

to be smart enough to think of that possibility.

For now, Obi just wants to steal the Vrilia
powering the alternate sun.

To navigate around the place, they use Sasha’s
Nokia 3000.

After being distracted by the snake game for
a while, they continue the mission and make

their way to a more crowded area.

Then, we are introduced to the council of
the Vrils which consists of Hitler, Mark Zukerberg,

Osama BinLadin, and many other known figures.

They believe that they have become a better
community after the humans were whipped out.

Hitler is still as strict as ever and makes
his councilmen cannibalize the president when

she tries to go against his propaganda.

Upon reaching the Vril market, Doland and
his followers are shocked because their prophet

Steve Jobs is taking a stroll.

Obi warns them to stay away from him but they
believe Steve would never hurt his followers.

They make a stupid decision and soon regret
it when the Vril guards surround them.

Obi, Sasha, and Malcolm run away while being
followed by the rest of the guards.

Malcolm takes the responsibility to distract
them while the other two escape because they

need Vrilia at any cost.

After saving their lives, the duo dresses
up as Vril guards and goes to the entrance

of the temple where the Vrilia is kept.

The temple guards do not suspect them, unaware
of the presence of humans on earth.

It turns out that the finger Fuhrer gave Obi
is used to open the gates to the temple.

It comes in handy and the two finally get
a full view of the magnificent Vrilia powering

the alternate sun.

In the meantime, Donald and his group, alongside
Malcolm, are taken to Hitler.

By now, their unwavering trust in their leader
has wavered away and they are willing to do

anything to save their lives.

Donald proposes Hitler take his people in
as refugees in turn for their lifelong loyalty.

Malcolm reminds him of Czechoslovakia to make
a point that Hitler is not so good with promises.

In turn, Donald and his entire group are attacked
and eaten alive by Hitler’s councilmen.

Malcolm, however, is left alive for no reason
other than he is one of the good guys.

Back in the temple, Obi climbs up to get to
the Vrilia.

Sasha predicts the weight of the nectar to
be more than a thousand kilograms.

Obi still takes her changes and picks it up
to reveal that he meant a thousand ounces,

not kilograms.

With nature’s nectar in their possession,
the two now have to rescue Malcolm and return

to their home on the moon.

By now, Donald and his people have turned
into mashed meat for the Vrils.

Hitler and Steve are conspiring against the
inhabitants of the moon when Malcolm breaks

the chains with pure human strength and attacks

This gives rise to a chase between the entirety
of Vrils and three humans who have stolen

their only source of sustainable life.

The fight is clearly on the Vrils’ side
but the winners are obviously the protagonists.

After a few minutes of high-speed chariot
chase, Malcolm and Sasha defeat BinLadin,

Hitler, Steve, and all other Vrils.

They finally reach the spaceship and fly back
home in victory.

What they do not notice is a mountain-like
thing emerging from the earth’s surface

and following them into space.

Upon finally reaching the moon, Renate welcomes
her daughter and praises all three of them

for their bravery.

Just when they think this is the happy ending,
the lunar Fuhrer shows his true face.

Even though he is the creator of humans, he
doesn’t want to let them live and only used

them to get the Vrilia.

He shoots Malcolm in the leg and threatens
to kill Renate as well if they do not follow

his orders.

Suddenly, a loud bang is heard and arrives
Hitler on the mountain-like structure joining

the earth to the moon.

The brothers face each other after several
years, ready to fight a final battle.

Hitler has an upper hand, given the dinosaur
he is riding, but the Fuhrer doesn’t back

down either.

The moon is again hit with another aggressive
moonquake which is bound to make it uninhabitable.

When the people are on the verge of death,
Renate takes a gulp of the Vrilia and fights


She is stronger than ever with her new powers
and manages to yank Hiter off his ride.

A heavy metal box falls on him, finally killing
the villain of the millennium.

Meanwhile, Obi makes her people board the
space station, and Sasha powers it using the

remainder of the nectar.

Obi wants to help her mother into the ship
but sees her being killed under the wreckage.

Still, she maintains her cool and pilots the
space station to earth’s orbit.

But the problems haven’t ended yet.

The Fuhrer, who is still alive, hacks the
station’s control panel from the moon.

He is seconds away from blowing it up when
Obi gets an idea.

She uses the Nokia cell phone to trigger the
termination app on Fuhrer’s cell phone.

Although Donald was an idiot, his program
kills the Fuhrer and saves humanity.

In the last scene, we see Obi and Sasha enjoying
their life as the power couple of the space


People live a happy life and are looking to
settle down on Mars in a few years.


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