King Arthur Legend of the Sword 2017 Film Explained

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At the beginning of the movie story, it is stated that the world consisted of two humans,

one of whom was human and the other of whom was a magician.

The king of the magicians starts a war between ordinary humans.

He uses his magical creatures monsters and weapons in this war.

Due to it, ordinary humans can’t face him

and the magician’s king defeats everyone one by one.

Then he faces the king ”Uther” and his army was also about to be defeated.

”Uther” has a magical sword and the king can’t resist in front of the sword.

He was defeated.

His powers were nothing in front of the sword and then the war was ended.

After some days, ”Uther’s” brother goes against him because he wants to be the king.

He makes his army attack his brother

and he knows his powers are nothing in front of the sword that his brother had.

After it, his brother sacrifices his wife and changes into a demon.

The king ”Uther” has discovered all this while going with his wife and son

but the night Demon arrives and ends ”Uther’s” wife, the queen.

Then the king ”Uther” sends his son far while making him sit in a boat.

He starts fighting with the demon night.

King Arthur Legend of the Sword Full Movie Watch Online

The scene ends here and we feel like king ”Uther” is dead.

”Uther’s” son is shown who has reached London in a boat.

A few ladies adopt him and take him to the orphan house.

On another side, the brother of the king ”Uther” has become the king and the tower was also rebuilding

from where the king of the magicians gets power and ”Uther’s” brother also wants this power.

That is why he was making the tower again.

”Uther’s” brother wasn’t a magician but he has spent his life’s many years with magicians.

He was learning the magic and likewise, 20 years have passed.

His brother has become powerful and an evil king.

”Uther’s” son ”Arthur” also has grown elder.

His childhood was spent with thieves and robbers so he was clever and wise.

He used to help needy people and also used to do some illegal tasks.

On another side, ”Uther’s” brother is shown and his tower has been completed.

The stream near his castle has become dry

and his companions see a sword there.

The sword was stabbed in a human-made of stone.

Many people were trying to take out the sword but they couldn’t

even ”Uther’s” brother can’t take it out.

He summons a large number of people in his village and then asks them to try to take it out.

On another side, ”Arthur” gets into a fight

and the soldiers capture ”Arthur” and his friends.

They take them while making them sit in the boat and now ”Arthur” has reached his father’s castle.

He doesn’t remember anything and when they ask him to take out the sword he goes silently to take out the sword.

As he holds the sword he was remembering his previous life

and he can also feel the power of this sword.

He takes out the sword from the stone but he can’t control it as it has many powers.

He gets faint and now everyone has discovered that he is ”Uther’s” son ”Arthur”.

The soldiers take him into the prison

he was the third born king, and the castle and people belonged to him.

He has taken out the sword from the stone that has a lot of power.

This news was spread everywhere and the people were happy

that their real king has returned. They were against ”Uther’s” brother.

Then a lady is shown who was a magician and ”Uther’s” brother goes to ”Arthur” in jail.

He was about to bring him in front of the public and warns him to say that he isn’t able to be the king

and asks him to say that you can’t control this sword.

We will end all of your companions if you will not do this.

Everyone was there to see the king ”Arthur”

and were happy. Now he was asked to show his powers while picking up the sword.

”Arthur” doesn’t do this because he has to save his friends.

King ”Uther’s” brother gives orders to end him.

Meanwhile, the magical lady ”Mage” arrives and controls all the animals with her powers.

She attacks the ”Uther’s” brother’s army

and other companions release ”Arthur” and jump into the stream with the sword.

They escape from there.

”Arthur” holds the sword again and gets faint.

”Mage” use her powers on the sword with which she discovers ”Arthur” doesn’t remember his past.

Now she decides to send ”Arthur” to the dark land where he can remember everything about his past.

It was a dangerous place neither a human nor a magician can stay there.

”Arthur” faces many creatures and monsters

but he competes with them and reaches the tower.

As he reaches there the sword starts shinning and ”Arthur” remembers his past

It reveals that King ”Uther” was losing the fight with the Night Demon.

He tried before and flew the sword in the air.

He came under the sword

due to it, the sword hits the magician.

King ”Uther” died and his body become of stone.

He has fallen into the water because of turning into a stone.

Until then ”Arthur” has also moved far in the boat

due to it, ”Uther’s” brother couldn’t find the sword at that time.

After knowing all this, he learns the skills of using a sword

but he wasn’t an expert. Then he returns and on the way, ”Mage” tells him the story.

She tells firstly, the magicians and humans live together calmly

but then a war starts between them that was started by king ”Uther’s” brother.

He wanted to be a powerful king

and he joins with a magician.

King Arthur Legend of the Sword Full Movie Review

They plan to end king ”Uther”

and the magician unlocks the power of the tower.

He was winning the wars with the power of the tower.

The king ”Uther” has broken the ”Mage” tower

in which there were the powers of the magician and he attached the sword with ”Uther’s” blood.

It means ”Uther” then his son and who will be related with them will get the sword.

They also tell the powers of ”Uther’s” brother will increase with the increase in the size of the tower.

Once the tower will be completed it will become difficult to stop him with the sword.

”Arthur” and his companions meet another family

and it was the powerful family of Britain.

They have a lot of weapons and an army.

”Arthur” makes them understand cleverly that he is ready to be the king.

Now they discover that ”Arthur” is the king

and their plan target was to stop the tower to be completed.

Some of ”Arthur’s” companions move to the ship on which there was the raw material of the tower.

They destroy the plane

and block the path. Later, they set the castle of ”Uther’s” brother on fire in the city.

”Arthur” plans to end his father’s brother.

This was just a trap for ”Arthur” because ”Uther’s” brother had already discovered that he will be ended

that’s why he has sent a human-like him on the ship.

The man who was about to shoot an arrow at him ”Arthur” stops him but

he has shot the arrow and the special commander of ”Uther’s” brother died.

There was hustle and bustle due to it and everyone was running here and there.

The guards were chasing him and were beating ”Mage”.

”Arthur” picks up the sword while seeing this and ends everyone in a single jerk.

King ”Uther’s” brother holds a companion of ”Arthur” and ends him in front of him.

”Arthur” leaves his companions at a safe place while taking them into a boat.

”Arthur” becomes sad about this incident.

He has lost his friend and throws the sword in the water being furious.

Meanwhile, the lady of the lake holds the sword

it is the fairy who lives in the water.

It holds the sword and takes ”Arthur” into the water while holding his hand.

The fairy shows ”Arthur” a glimpse of his future.

What will happen if he will not end his father’s brother while using this sword’s powers?

The world will be destroyed, and the fairy asks him to trust “Mage” and the sword, and she hands him the sword.

”Arthur” comes out of this vision and meets a few men.

They tell ”Arthur” everyone is liking you.

There are many people who are supporting you.

They want you to be the king and the army has attacked his companions.

There was a commander who says we still have you and ”Mage’s” companions.

They will end them if ”Arthur” will not surrender.

After thinking, ”Arthur” sends his sword to their brother

and says he will come to meet after a few days.

”Uther’s” brother was considering that ”Arthur” doesn’t have a sword now.

So he can’t harm him

and leaves ”Mage” and she performs protective magic on ”Arthur”.

”Arthur” goes to meet his father’s brother and has reached his father’s castle.

”Uther’s” brother was about to end ”Arthur” with his own sword.

There was ”Mage’s” plan and she controlled the snakes and eagles through her magic.

She sends a snake to ”Uther’s” brother

and it attacks him but to escape he hits the sword on the snake.

The sword is now stuck in a pilar, and only “Arthur” can extract it.

”Mage” has controlled massive snakes with her powers.

The snakes were attacking the castle and the army of ”Arthur” also attacks the castle.

”Uther’s” brother was thinking he will be defeated so he again moves into the cave.

He has called demon night there and becomes demon night

now ”Arthur” comes out with the sword.

The guards in the black masks attack ”Arthur”

but he ends everyone with his sword’s power one by one.

The people who have left have surrendered in front of “Arthur.”

His father’s brother has become demonic and was also powerful

and he was dominant on ”Arthur” and attacking ”Arthur” like he has ended ”Uther”.

Now he gets faint

and he says the same line to ”Arthur” as he said to his brother ”Uther”.

“Perhaps the sword belongs to me,” says Arthur, recalling his father’s fight with his brother.

He becomes furious while seeing this vision.

He discovers that if he wants to use the sword he has to do his job calmly.

He has to control his anger and he has understood everything after this vision.

He has control of his anger and now was using the sword nicely.

His sword starts shining and there was a fight of ”Arthur” again

but he was attacked repeatedly and his weapon breaks.

”Uther’s” brother comes to a normal human getup because of being hit by the sword.

He dies there and ”Arthur” breaks the tower with the help of the power of this sword.

Everything has become normal and ”Arthur” has become the king now.

He shows his sword to everyone from a distance and everyone becomes happy

on another side, ”Mage” was seeing this from a distance.

Her mission was completed, and she had delivered the sword to its rightful owner.

Here the movie ends. Hope you like it.

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