Kiss Currency Short Film

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The story begins on a normal afternoon when a 

girl, walking down a path, notices a pretzel  

stall nearby. The seller gladly hands her a 

pretzel but asks for three kisses in return.  

The girl seems shocked at first but she 

happily kisses him on the lips and walks away.

It is then revealed that kisses have 

replaced paper money and have become  

the world currency. A realtor is showing a 

couple around a house they are looking to buy.  

After everything is finalized, they are asked 

to pay two hundred thousand dollars upfront.

The husband simply steps back 

as the wife and the realtor  

start kissing. They go on and on for about 

an hour but only reach upto a thousand.

Somewhere else, a street singer is kissed 

by random passersby as a tip. Similarly,  

a group of friends at the restaurant split 

the bill, taking turns to kiss the waitress.  

A boss is distributing paychecks to his 

employees at the end of the month. But  

because checks and banks don’t work in this 

world, he has to kiss a hundred people in a day.

A more interesting scene can be seen outside in 

an alleyway where a dealer is exchanging drugs  

for kisses. They even get into an argument when 

the customer tries to cut the last kiss short.

Back to the realtor and the woman, who have 

lost count of the kisses but are still going on.

The waitress finally gets done being 

showered with kisses and is given a smooch  

as a tip. Back to the pretzel girl who liked the 

last one so much that she returns to get another.  

But this time, their kiss is stolen 

by a thief, who runs away with it.

Thankfully, a cop gets the 

man before he escapes and  

makes out with him to get the stolen kisses back.

The second story is about a man named Hatsuno who 

wakes up with an X on his forehead. Initially,  

he thinks it is a prank and tries to remove 

it with water but the mark doesn’t go away.

He asks his wife to remove it but to his surprise, 

she doesn’t see the mark. He hides his forehead  

with a handkerchief and makes his way to work. 

At one point, his assistant inquires if he has  

a headache and is told about the mark. But like 

Hatsuno’s wife, she also doesn’t see anything.

This makes him register that only he sees 

the mark which means he doesn’t need to worry  

about people judging him. Still, he remains 

worried about the sudden abnormal appearance.  

Hatsuno’s wife notices he is stressed about 

something and asks him to visit the doctor.

Hatsuno takes the advice but even the 

doctor doesn’t see anything wrong with him.  

He assumes the man is stressed and prescribes a 

bunch of medicines. On his way back, Hatsuno is  

still worried but then, he comes across another 

guy with an identical mark on his forehead.

They jump in excitement, having finally 

discovered that they are not alone.  

A while later, they are at a roadside restaurant 

talking about their experiences with the mark.  

The man’s name is Kira and he got the mark 

two months ago. He knows a bit more about  

it because his father also had the mark appear 

on his forehead right before his death. Kira  

thinks that the mark means they are about to die 

in a few days but Hatsuno doesn’t believe him.

They exchange numbers and decide to keep in touch 

in case they find out more about the marks. One  

day, Hatsuno is watching TV when he sees the 

news about a dead person. In his last speech,  

he has an X mark on his forehead 

that only Hatsuno can see.  

Shocked, he gives Kira a call only to 

find out that he died a few days ago.

In the next scene, Hatsuno goes to his funeral 

and sees that the mark has disappeared. It is  

clear that Kira’s prediction was true which 

means Hatsuno is about to die soon. He knows  

that he cannot prevent it so he decides to 

live the little time he has to the fullest.

That day at work, he meets a client desperately in 

need of a loan. Hatsuno grants him the push and is  

happy to have made an impact in his life. The 

deed provides him a bit of satisfaction, making  

him feel his death is not so bad after all. It is 

his wife’s birthday, so on his way back home, he  

gets her a present. But on the train, he notices 

everyone around him has a mark on their foreheads.

Realizing that it is about to crash, 

he gets off at the next station but  

the horror follows him behind when he sees 

that everyone at the station has the mark.  

Hatsuno runs outside but the mark 

follows him everywhere, even to his home.

The news on TV reveals that a virus with a hundred 

percent mortality rate is spreading all around  

Asia. In the last scene, a Japanese politician 

tells the people to rest assured, declaring the  

virus is not dangerous at all. However, Hatsuno, 

who knows the truth, screams in frustration.

The third story sets around a world where 

the concept of lying hasn’t been discovered.  

People always tell the truth no matter what it 

results in. The episode begins at a wedding where  

a pretty woman is marrying a conventionally 

unattractive man. Their best friend delivers  

a speech for the newlyweds and reveals that 

the woman is only marrying the man for money.

Moreover, she has already been in a 

relationship with their other friend  

Shotaro who is also at the wedding. An 

enraged groom attacks Shotaro causing  

a big mess. These kinds of conflicts 

are common in the world with no lies.

All advertisements, thieves, and even politicians 

always tell the truth. A day after the wedding,  

Shotaro is laid off from his work. 

He argues with his boss that their  

product sucks but it doesn’t get him 

the job back. After the eventful day,  

he goes out with his girlfriend but she, too, 

breaks up with him. It turns out that her senior  

at work is approaching her and she wants 

to give him a chance because of his status.

Tired of his bad luck, Shotaro makes his way home.  

Suddenly, he sees a purse on the ground and 

picks it up but is caught by a policeman while  

doing so. He tries explaining that he was 

about to hand over the purse to its owner  

but the policeman doesn’t listen. He assumes 

Shotaro is a burglar and points a gun at him.

Shotaro’s life flashes in front of 

his life, and in a moment of panic,  

he says the purse belongs to him. The 

cop doesn’t ask him further questions  

and leaves. Shotaro doesn’t realize what 

he just did and returns home in exhaustion.

He lives with his father who has 

found out that his son is unemployed.  

Embarrassed about his life, Shotaro claims 

he got a good corporate job just today.  

His father believes him which leaves him in shock.

In the next scene, he meets friends 

and tells them about the new discovery.  

Initially, they don’t understand the concept of 

lying but Shotaro teaches them using examples.  

By the end of an hour, they start 

lying for fun, just because they can.

They go to restaurants and eat for free, 

claiming that they have already paid. Similarly,  

after having fun for a few more days, Shotaro 

suggests they use their talent to make money.  

He picks up two water bottles and declares 

that the water gives people happiness.

The friends start a company of happy water 

and people buy into the attractive slogan,  

thinking that the water will make them happy. In 

only a month, the trio turns into millionaires.  

Shotaro buys a mansion for his father but on the 

day of the move, he gets a call from his friends.

Their headquarter is raided by their customers 

complaining that their water didn’t bring them  

happiness. To get out of trouble, Shotaro claims 

that the effects of the water are seen in 3-5  

years. The crowd disperses but a little girl 

named Yuki doesn’t move. Her mother suffered  

from a terminal disease and died and she blames 

Shotaro for it because his water gave them hope.

He feels awful for the little girl but 

she runs away before he gets to her.  

Following that, the friends sit down and 

decide to stop producing the fake water.  

Then, we see Shotaro visit Yuki’s 

home where her grandmother reveals  

how much hurt the little girl has been 

through because of the fake water.

Shotaro finds Yuki and lies to her 

for the last time. He tells her that  

her mother called him before her death 

and said she loved her daughter to the  

moon and back. Even when she dies, 

she will watch over her from afar.

Yuki feels her heart calm down and thanks 

him for informing her of the message. Then,  

Shotaro turns himself in, telling the 

police about his discovery. The world  

changes because of him and advertisements are 

no longer true. The politicians and thieves  

get away with anything but fights and conflicts 

also decrease drastically. In the last scene,  

Shotaro gets out of prison and reunites with 

his friends, hoping to start a new life.

The last story surrounds a Japanese man named 

Ryota, who has never had a girlfriend or any  

admirable success in life. One morning 

he wakes up to a box at his front door.  

He doesn’t remember ordering anything 

which makes him curious about the contents  

of the box. He opens it carefully but is 

underwhelmed by a pair of glasses inside.

The scene cuts to a day earlier. 

Ryota was going through a mental  

spiral because of his non-existent 

love life and lousy job. Last night,  

he drank several cans of alcohol before matching 

with a beautiful girl named Misa on a dating site.

Today is the day they are supposed to 

meet and Ryota decides to elevate his  

style with the glasses. But upon wearing 

it, he instantly realizes they are not  

a usual pair. The box assures any customer who 

wears them will be shown a path to happiness.

They turn out to be smart glasses that scan people 

and situations for Ryota and tell him exactly what  

he should say or do. Ryota is skeptical but he 

decides to give it a try nonetheless. At first,  

he takes some time to get accustomed 

to them but he soon finds them useful.

The glasses count calories and stamina 

and tell him when he should eat.  

They also tell him what path is the 

shortest route to his destination  

and at what speed he should walk. But they come 

the handiest when he finally meets his date Misa.

As the couple greets each other, the 

glasses scan Misa’s social media and  

find out about her interest in art 

and museums. At the glasses’ advice,  

Ryota suggests they go to a museum for a date.

Misa is happy to have found a man with the same 

interest as her. She excitedly asks him what  

he thinks about the art she likes. Ryota freezes 

because he doesn’t even understand the terminology  

and quickly asks the glasses for help. Then, he 

is shown a book and asked to read a few lines from  

it. By the end of the trip, Misa is thoroughly 

impressed with the knowledge Ryota possesses.

They go to a restaurant for dinner where 

Ryota follows proper dining manners,  

thanks to his new mentor. Then suddenly, a 

man falls unconscious and stops breathing  

because of a respiratory problem. Everyone 

panics but no one knows how to assist  

him. This is when Ryota comes to help and 

performs CPR with the help of the glasses.

A few minutes later, the man is saved and 

Misa is moved by Ryota’s kindness and courage.  

On their way back home, she 

asks him out on a second date.

Starting that day, Ryota doesn’t take 

off the glasses for a second of his life.  

He becomes completely dependent on it from buying 

clothes to choosing what he wants to eat that day.  

He also does significantly great at work as 

the glasses tell him just the thing he must say  

to impress the boss. Ultimately, Ryota 

is promoted to the manager of his branch.

After only a month of owning the glasses, Ryota’s 

life has turned upside down. One afternoon,  

he brings Misa to his house, looking to propose 

to her. The glasses even provide him with the  

script that will impress her enough for her to 

say yes. But just when he starts reading it,  

the glasses run out of power and he has to 

make up an excuse to put them on charge.

He goes out to buy a cake for both of them but in 

his absence, Misa finds out about the device and  

reads the entire proposal script. Ryota returns a 

while later and tries to continue the date. Misa  

stops him from embarrassing himself further, 

disclosing that she knows about the glasses.

Ryota explains that he is bad at relationships 

which is why he took help but Misa doesn’t  

want to listen to any explanations. She 

feels awful for falling for his charade  

and claims that she wants to be 

in love with him, not his glasses.

Ryota takes them off, promising to be himself 

with her from now onwards. The following day,  

Misa is at work when Ryota 

approaches her to apologize again.  

He doesn’t have the glasses on and has 

kept to the promise he made yesterday,

He tells Misa how much he loves her 

and proposes to her with a ring. When  

Misa agrees to marry him, we find out he is 

wearing a lens replacement for his glasses.  

A flashback from last night reveals 

that the promise and him throwing  

his precious belonging away was 

also a suggestion from the device.

Unaware of all this, Misa is happy to 

be engaged to the love of her life.  

Somewhere else, the couple is being 

broadcasted live in a meeting. The  

manufacturers of the glasses used Ryota 

as a test subject to prove its efficiency.  

The episode ends when they make a deal with 

an investor to make the glasses commercial.

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