Les Deux Mondes

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Remy is a French oil painting tradesman. 

He lives a normal life with his wife Lucile  

and two children. One day while playing with 

the kids, Remy sinks into the chair. He quickly  

gets up but the strange occurrence remains on 

his mind for a long time. Starting that day,  

he experiences similar occurrences frequently; he 

sinks deep into the couch and even on his own bed  

before quickly holding himself up.

Because there is no plausible explanation,  

he assumes it is all in his head and ignores 

it. One afternoon, Remy is in his studio with  

the kids. He forgets to close the tap which 

results in the entire studio being flooded.  

The simple mistake costs him his entire fortune 

and ruins his career. While trying to retrieve  

the remaining good paintings, he again sinks into 

the floor. This time, he is unable to pull himself  

up and ends up in a lake somewhere in another 

world. Apparently, this world has 3 suns.

Soon, a group of tribesmen notice his presence and 

run towards him. A terrified Remy walks backward  

and is pulled back into the water. In the 

following second, he is back in his world  

being dragged out of the studio by a friend. 

Remy knows what he saw wasn’t just a dream.

Later at home, he tells Lucile about 

his experience but she dismisses it in  

an instant. Instead, she has another thought 

occupying her head. Lucile has fallen in love  

with her boss Dr. Gellar and wants to move 

in with him. She feels sorry for Remy but  

has chosen her happiness over their marriage.

Losing his wife after losing his career is the  

worst thing that could have happened to Remy. 

Still, he tries to be understanding and talks  

to her about their relationship. To his surprise, 

Lucile has even brought Dr. Gellar to meet him.  

Remy simply allows them to do whatever they 

please and promises to move out in a few days.

Following that, he goes to his family looking for 

reassurance. They listen to him but change their  

attention toward his cousin soon after. A defeated 

Remy goes to the kitchen to spend some time alone  

when he faces another series of strange 

occurrences. The family cat freezes midair in  

a jump. Remy holds it and spins it around but the 

cat seems to have turned into a stuffed toy.

He even calls his family to the kitchen before 

realizing that the world around him has stopped.  

The floor becomes loose, sinking Remy in once 

again. He screams for help but before it arrives,  

he is pulled into the alternate world.

When he opens his eyes again, he is in the  

middle of a forest with the coffee mug still 

in his hands. He walks down a path and sees  

a group of tribesmen slaughtering an animal. 

As he tries asking them for help, he realizes  

that they plan to feed him to their leader.

Remy makes a run for it while being followed  

by the tribe. In some time, he enters 

a civilization and hides inside a cave.  

All of a sudden, he is pulled back into his family 

house and the force makes the kitchen a mess.

His family hears the noise and finds the entire 

kitchen in shambles when they come up to check.  

Remy tries explaining what happened but they do 

not believe him for obvious reasons. The shock  

of everything makes Remy fall unconscious 

and he opens his eyes at the doctors.

The visit is not very fruitful because even the 

doctor doesn’t believe him. The following day,  

Remy goes to his studio where his landlord, 

insurance agent, and clients have gathered to  

talk to him about different payments.

Suddenly, they stop talking and moving  

abruptly. Before Remy knows it, he is sinking 

down the floor yet again. He tries to stop  

himself but it doesn’t work and he ends up 

in the alternate world for the third time.

He comes out of a basket on top of a tree as 

the tribesmen look at him in appreciation.  

His appearance seems to be something 

everyone was looking forward to  

as the crowd erupts into cheers as soon as they 

see him. They expect him to fly down from the  

tree but Remy falls to his face instead.

The language barrier between him and the  

people causes confusion at first but then, 

he is forcefully made to eat a green berry  

which magically makes them understand each other. 

The leader of the tribe finally reveals the secret  

behind Remy’s appearance to their world.

It turns out that they have been troubled by  

a flesh-eating giant named Zoten for a long 

time. He kills and eats anyone he pleases,  

making the people live in fear every day. The 

mages of the tribe found a solution written in  

ancient books that said only a man from another 

world can save them from the giant beast. Hence,  

for the past week, they have been performing 

rituals to invite the said hero to their world.  

The reason the strange things were happening to 

Remy is because he is the savior of the tribe.

A shocked Remy claims to be nothing of such 

sort and refuses to help them but they hold  

him upside down from the edge of a tower 

to change his mind. He is then taken to an  

isolated room where he is supposed to think 

of a plan to kill the beast. Hungry after  

an eventful day, Remy holds a watermelon and 

is suddenly teleported back to his world.

This time, he doesn’t bother 

telling people about his experience,  

knowing that no one would believe him. Instead, 

he goes to a library to investigate the situation  

further. The internet shows no answer to his 

problems so he instead resorts to drinking a lot  

of protein to gain muscles and fight Zoten.

In the following scene, he is back in the  

alternate world with renewed confidence. This 

is Remy’s only chance to prove his worth and he  

doesn’t want to lose it. The tribe gives him 

a special sword before asking him for advice  

on how to get rid of Zoten.

Remy tells them to move to a new village,  

promising to protect them on the journey. The 

villages are scared, bound by a superstition  

that says anyone who crosses the border will be 

struck by lightning. Remy proves them wrong by  

crossing the border first and encouraging 

them to do the same. This makes the tribe  

believe that he is definitely their savior.

After walking for a few hours in search of a new  

place, they come across two of Zoten’s men. 

The duo warns Remy to return to the village  

but he fights them using his just-learned 

but surprisingly good fencing skills.

He manages to kill one of the soldiers while the 

other flees to his leader. When everything calms  

down, the people start clearing up the dead 

body. When asked where they are taking it,  

Remy finds out they plan to cook and eat 

it. Disturbed by the strange tradition,  

he orders them to stop it immediately and since 

the tribe doesn’t want to anger their savior,  

they decide to do as told. 

A while later, a group of people  

reveals that Zoten is planning an attack on 

the tribe and a war is about to take place.

When Remy is back in the real world, he 

starts reading books on war tactics and  

history. He does research about battle 

formations, governance, and many more  

things to prepare. After finding out that the 

most important factor is a motivated troop,  

Remy gives a speech to the tribe 

the next time he meets them.

With little encouragement, the people are ready 

to fight for themselves and their families.  

One day, Remy decides to stay with the tribe and 

spends the night surrounded by women. They are all  

ready to do anything to please him but Remy is 

not interested. Their advances make him realize  

that he is still deeply in love with Lucile 

and wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.

Sometime later, Remy returns to his home in 

the original world. After tending to his son,  

he returns to the tribe only to find 

himself in the middle of a battlefield.  

The tribesmen are losing miserably, so he 

asks them to retreat to higher ground.

They do as told, preventing any more loss of 

lives. Then, Remy decides to put his strategy  

into action and goes to a sleeping rival troop. 

He starts insulting and slapping them at random,  

urging them to chase him. Things work out 

exactly as he had imagined and the rival  

troop is exposed on an empty battlefield. 

This is when Remy motions his army to  

attack and hides inside a tree trunk himself.

One-third of the enemies are killed with arrows  

and the rest are weakened because of the surprise 

attack. In a few minutes, they retreat in fear,  

giving the tribe a taste of victory. They bow 

down to Remy, who is now their absolute hero.

Following the war, the tribe is led to a new 

fertile land which they declare as their new home.  

Remy becomes the emperor and uses the knowledge 

of his world to make the village a better place.  

Soon, they make one progress after another and 

establish themselves as a modern civilization.

Remy is respected as a god and is given many 

concubines to live with. During his stay in this  

world, he even paints a mona-lisa-styled 

portrait of his favorite mistress.  

Six months pass in a similar fashion and 

being the emperor changes Remy as a person.

Earlier, he used to be intimidated by Lucile’s 

boyfriend Gellar but with the recent change in  

his behavior, Gellar is threatened by Remy’s 

presence. When they get into a fight because  

of their differences, Remy is quick to shut him 

out. It gives him a sense of satisfaction that  

the man he once lost to is scared of him.

As time passes, Remy’s achievements turn  

him into an arrogant man. He treated his 

people like servants, letting the success  

get to his head. The people of the village 

quietly follow his orders for a few months  

but start to revolt as time passes.

When Remy gets a hint of this,  

he goes to talk to his subjects about the problem. 

They claim that they are overworked and paid less  

just for the sake of his amusement. The 

village doesn’t need more fancy palaces,  

instead, the emperor must make efforts to make 

people’s lives better. Remy tries negotiating  

with the rebels but it doesn’t work.

Having had enough, they capture him and kick  

him out of the village altogether. Upon returning 

to the real world, Remy goes to a friend asking  

for help to reopen his studio. He is evidently 

more humble than when he was an emperor.

His life gets back on track as he develops 

a romantic relationship with a client named  

Delphine. They start to date but just when 

she leans in to kiss him for the first time,  

Remy is pulled back into the alternate world.

The tribe has called him again,  

asking him to kill Zoten to fulfill the prophecy. 

Although Remy doesn’t want to get involved,  

he is let into a cave with the beast. 

A brief fight later, he is about to be  

killed but just then, he throws a sphere in a 

random direction and manages to kill Zoten.

When the tribe sees the creature dying, it 

erupts into cheers, getting ready for the  

final part of the ritual. It turns out that 

they have to kill and eat Remy in order for  

the prophecy to be fulfilled. He runs into the 

woods to save his life but an old mage destroys  

an artifact behind him. Without the structure, 

Remy won’t be able to return to his world.

He is soon found and is about to be killed 

when his concubine retrieves the burning  

artifact and throws it into the river. As a 

result, he is teleported back to his family  

at a hospital. Lucile and Delphine meet each 

other while waiting for him. Upon finding out  

that their divorce hasn’t been finalized yet, 

Delphine decides to stay away from Remy.

In the following scene, Lucile realizes that she 

is still in love with Remy and Gellar was a huge  

mistake. She tells him that she has kicked the 

guy out of her house and is willing to give their  

relationship a second chance. In response, Remy 

asks her to always be happy and walks away.

Back in another world, the people build 

Remy’s statue to honor him as their savior.  

A few months later, Lucile and Remy 

are on a beach with their children,  

enjoying their life as a family. The 

final scene shows Remy watching the TV  

and finding out that his painting of the Mona Lisa 

has been found at an archaeological site. However,  

historians think it was made by a ten-year-old 

Da Vinci because the portrait is mediocre.


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