Manifest 2018 Movie Explained

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Hi, Today, I am going to explain an American supernatural
drama television series called “Manifest”.

Spoilers ahead!

The Stone family is at an airport in Jamaica,
waiting for their flight back home to New York.

The airline announces that because of a booking overload, some passengers will have to transfer

to Flight 828 that will take off a while later.

A police detective Michaela, her brother Ben,
and his leukemic son Cal decide to take flight

828 while the rest of the family fly home

In the following scene, the trio are already
in flight 828 and are waiting to land.

Suddenly, a storm appears out of nowhere,
making the plane go through aggressive turbulence.

The lights go off and emergency lights are
turned on making everyone panic.

A minute later, everything goes back to normal
and they continue their way to the JFK airport.

However, the pilot is asked to make a descent
to another airport.

The operator on the other end sounds nervous
upon hearing the name of flight 828.

The pilots are told that there will be military
and medical personnel waiting for them when

they touch down.

Still confused, they land the plane.

The director of the NSA Vance is the main
investigator on the scene.

He informs the confused passengers that they
flew from Jamaica on April 7, 2013, but the

current date is November 4, 2018.

Everyone on the flight has been missing and
presumed dead for the past five and a half


Manifest Full Movie Watch Online

Then, we are taken back to the day they were
at the airport.

The daughter Michaela is a detective in the
New York police department.

She looks at her family and thinks about how
stressed they are behind the happy faces.

Her brother Ben and his wife Grace have been
married for fifteen years and are still in


They have a pair of twins Cal and Olive.

Cal was born with leukemia and has been given
six months to live.

Ben and Grace are always worried about their
son, helplessly trying to find a way to save


Then, there is Michaela’s mother who is
asking her to take a step forward in life

and get married.

Michaela was recently proposed to by her long-term
boyfriend Jared.

She is taking her time to give him a reply
because she is still recovering from the trauma

of something that happened recently.

Back in the present, the passengers think
this is some kind of sick joke but they soon

realize Vance is being dead serious.

Upon further investigation, it is clear that
the passengers haven’t aged a single day

since the departure.

The people from NSA expect an answer from
the passengers but they are as clueless as

everyone else.

They are kept in a camp for the rest of the
night and interrogated individually.

All their answers are the same; they do not
know what happened.

Thirty-six hours later, the news makes it
to the world and creates a sensation.

The families of the passengers run to the
airport to be reunited with their loved ones

who they thought died long ago.

It is a crazy experience for both the passengers
and their families.

Ben reunites with his daughter who is now
a teenager.

Cal is shocked to see that his twin is now
double his height.

Grace, on the other hand, could not be happier
to have them back.

However, Ben and Michaela find out that their
mother passed away two years ago.

They have a hard time processing the information,
so they decide to go home and rest first.

While the rest of the world loses their mind,
the family settles into their changed home.

Simultaneously, scientists start examining
the airplane but find nothing out of the ordinary.

Michaela is worried because her fiance Jared
didn’t come to meet her at the airport.

She goes to her workplace to meet him and
is greeted by a senior detective.

He welcomes her back to the job even though
she has been MIA for five years.

Other than the return of flight 828, the news
about two girls being abducted from their

backyard has also made the television.

Jared is the lead detective on the case and
is very busy.

Upon meeting him, Michaela finds out that
it is not the only reason he didn’t come

to meet her.

It turns out, he married her best friend Lourdes
last year.

Michaela is shocked because to her, it has
only been two days since she and Jared were


The first thing Ben does on returning home
is take Cal to the doctor.

Over the years, researchers have found a way
to treat his leukemia which means he can live

more than six months.

The couple can almost not believe the news.

Meanwhile, Michaela is returning home on a
bus when she hears a voice asking the driver

to slow down.

The voice is so strong that she yells at the
driver and saves a kid’s life right before

the bus is about to hit him.

Then, we are introduced to a medical researcher
named Saavi.

She was also on flight 828 and is returning
to her workplace after five years.

The research she submitted right before her
disappearance has been in practice for the

past two years and has cured cancer.

Her coworkers throw her a surprise party,
welcoming her back.

The next morning, Michaela goes on a run and
comes across two dogs barking at her from

inside a gate.

She hears the calling in her head for the
second time.

This time, the voice asks her to let them

She thinks about it for a second before continuing
to jog.

Hours pass and it gets dark but the voice
doesn’t go away.

At midnight, Michaela goes to the dogs again
and is joined by Ben a while later.

It turns out he also heard the same calling
as she did.

They break open the door and let the dogs
free but decide to not tell anyone about the


The entire world’s eyes are upon them so
if they say something strange, people might

want to perform experiments on them.

The following day, the police find security
footage of the incident.

Jared keeps it on a low to keep Michaela out
of trouble.

He asks her why she let the dogs free but
even she doesn’t have an answer to that.

They find the dogs and go to the owner to

In the meantime, Ben tries to mend his relationship
with Olive, going to her football games and

catching up with her life.

They decide to take it slow because, after
Cal and Ben’s disappearance, Olive had to

go to therapy for many years.

As soon as Michaela gets closer to the dogs,
she again hears the voice asking her to set

them free.

Jared talks to the dog’s owner, explaining
the situation to him but Michaela cannot focus

because of the voice.

She suddenly breaks open the door to a room
out of pure instinct.

Inside are the two girls who were kidnapped
a few days ago.

The voice had been asking her to set the girls
free, not the dogs.

Jared is shocked but he doesn’t have time
to comprehend what happened because he has

to arrest the kidnapper.

The police force believes Michaela is ready
to continue her job since she was able to

solve the case right after returning.

They allow her to come to work but put her
on desk duty for a few days.

Somewhere else, Ben and the family are playing
a board game together.

Grace gets a text from her boyfriend saying
that he misses her.

She was in a relationship with a man before
Ben’s return but doesn’t have the guts

to tell him yet.

At the same time, some passengers on the flight
get a slight headache and something in their

hearts tells them to go to the airport instantly.

When they arrive, they are shocked to see
each other, knowing that all of them had the

same urge.

Suddenly, the airplane explodes into pieces
without anything triggering it.

When the NSA finds out that twenty passengers
were present at the scene, they are brought

in for interrogation.

All of them give the same answer; that they
just felt like coming to the airport.

They are let go after ten hours of interrogation
but the officials keep a close eye on them

to make sure they aren’t hiding something.

At breakfast the next morning, Jared hears
a specific tune playing in his head.

No one else hears it which makes him question
his sanity.

Following the eventful morning, he and Grace
bring Cal for chemo where they meet Saanvi.

Upon finding out she was also in 828, they
are shocked because Cal is being treated using

her discovery.

Meanwhile, Michaela goes to work and finds

They used to be best friends but this time,
Michaela cannot get herself to talk to her.

Later, she is told that she will have to take
a psych eval before she gets back to work.

Ben is crossing a signal when he hears the
same tune again and decides to follow it this


He reaches a street singer Radd who was also
in the fight with them.

It turns out that Radd left his thirteen-year-old
son with his neighbor when he first boarded

the plane.

Now, he has found out that his son Adio is
in jail but no one is letting the poor man

meet him.

Jared has been called to him which means he
has to help Radd.

Using his connections in the NYPD, he arranges
a meeting between Radd and his son.

Adio has been arrested for stealing from a
jewelry store he works in but he insists that

it wasn’t him.

The guy might be lying but something tells
Ben that he is not.

At home, Ben tells Michaela to keep the callings
a secret from Grace as well.

He doesn’t want her to feel like he is any
different from the Ben he was five years ago.

Especially because she has been trying to
keep her distance when they are alone together.

The next morning, Grace gets a call from her
boyfriend who is urging her to tell Ben the


As she is explaining the situation to him,
Michaela hears her.

She promises to not tell Ben but asks Grace
to quickly figure out what she wants to do.

Later, Michaela digs into Adio’s case and
finds that all evidence points towards him

being the culprit since there is no sign of
forced entry and he used a false ID to get

the job.

Redd goes to talk to him one more time but
Adio insists that it wasn’t him.

He used the fake ID to get better jobs but
he would never steal something from the job

he worked so hard to get.

At night, Grace buys Cal new toys because
his old ones were donated.

However, he misses things like his rock collections
and limited edition legos.

It turns out that without Grace’s knowledge,
Olive has stored them in a storage unit.

She and Ben go to retrieve the stuff and Ben
finds out the unit belongs to Grace’s boyfriend


Olive hugs him and apologizes.

Before they can move the boxes, Ben again
hears the tune but this time, in real life.

He follows it and finds out it is the ringtone
of the jewelry shop owner’s son.

He is the one who stole the jewelry and put
the blame on Adio.

Ben immediately calls the police and gets
him arrested.

In the end, Adio is let free and Redd couldn’t
be happier.

Michaela goes through her Facebook page and
finds several messages from Lourdes over the


It makes her remember the friendship they

She goes to Lourdes’s place and reunites
with her, forgiving her for everything.

Somewhere else, Ben confronts Grace about
her love affair.

He doesn’t blame Grace for being with someone
else to get over the pain of losing her husband

and child.

Grace is grateful to have such an understanding
man as her husband.

After that, we are introduced to Kelly, one
of the 828 passengers who has been the most

vocal about what happened to them.

She goes on interviews and blames the government
for hiding something.

Then, when she is watching the news at night,
someone shoots her dead.

In a few hours, her house is surrounded by

Ben also finds out about it through the news
and asks his family to be careful of strangers

because the death might be related to her
being a passenger.

He gets a call from Saanvi who says that she
has found an undiscovered protein in Cal’s

blood that wasn’t there before the return.

They decide to keep it a secret before she
does more research to find out what exactly

it is.

Following the call, Michaela and Ben go to
Kelly’s house to investigate the murder.

However, they are interrupted by Vance who
kicks them out because the matter related

to flight 828 is a matter of national security.

Outside, they meet Kelly’s husband Taylor
who says that his wife had a calling yesterday.

Before they ask him more about it, he walks

Michaela has also been hearing the phrase
“Own your truth” repeatedly in her head.

She hears Kelly say the same thing in her
interview and realizes that she is meant to

find Kelly’s killer.

Later, she and Ben go to talk to Taylor who
is preparing for the funeral.

He thinks that Kelly was killed because of
the interviews and so does his maid.

When they start to receive guests, the siblings
see themselves out.

However, this reminds Michaela of her friend
Evie’s death.

A few months before the disappearance of the
flight, Michaela was in a car accident with


Evie died in the crash and since Michaela
was driving, she never forgave herself.

To “own her truth”, she goes to Evie’s
parents’ home and finds her mother.

The last time Michaela was here, she was kicked
out because the couple didn’t want to see


But this time, Beverly invites her in.

Michaela soon finds out that she has dementia
and still thinks her daughter is alive.

Her husband, however, still blames Michaela
for Evie’s death.

After the encounter, Michaela goes to work
and meets Jared.

He did some digging on Kelly and found out
that she and her husband own a downtown mall.

Michaela remembers that the maid mentioned
a mall while talking about Kelly yesterday.

That place might hold the answers they are
looking for.

Comment below for next part.

Thank You.

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