Marionette 2020 Full Movie Explained

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Hi, Today Im going to 
explain a Scottish mystery thriller film called  

“Marionette”. Spoilers ahead! and wait for the massive plot twist in the end.

At the beginning of the film, we are 
introduced to 10-years-old Manny.  

He doesn’t like to talk to people and 
often keeps to himself. The only thing  

Manny is interested in is drawing. He likes 
to draw dark obscure pictures of accidents  

and events. His personality added with his 
hobby makes people think he is a freak.  

His mother often brings him to therapy to 
help him overcome an unsaid past trauma.  

Most therapists think the drawings are 
just a way for Manny to relieve stress  

but it couldn’t be further from the truth.
The scene cuts to an American woman named  

Marianne Winter arriving in Scotland. 
She is an experienced psychiatrist who  

has come here to start a new life because of an 
undisclosed tragedy that happened back home.

Although in a new place and around new people, 
Marianne doesn’t seem to be hopeful or happy.

The first visit she makes is to her workplace 
where she is welcomed by a co-worker named Maur.  

The kind lady shows her the counseling room 
she will be working in. Maur is confused as  

to why Marianne chose to come to Scotland when 
she had a much better job back in New York.  

To cut the conversation short, Marianne 
simply says that she likes the rain.

The facility is short staffed after their previous 
psychiatrist was hospitalized for a mental  

problem. Hence, Marianne only gets a few hours 
before her first session with the patients.

She has two sessions that day but the second 
one is far more interesting than the first.  

The patient is Manny who likes to draw dark 
obscure pictures of accidents and events.  

Most of his drawings depict a pig in place of 
humans which Marianne thinks is interesting.

She tries making small talk with Manny but he 
is busy drawing for the half of the session. So,  

she takes a different approach and starts 
talking about the drawing. For the first time,  

Manny speaks and claims that no one likes 
when he talks so he prefers staying quiet.  

Marionette 2020 Full Movie Watch Online

On being asked why people feel that way, he 
replies that he can make things happen.

Intrigued, Marianne asks him what was the 
last thing he made happen. To her surprise,  

he replies, you. The comment doesn’t make 
sense to the doctor but she fails to realize  

that the kid isn’t just blabbering.
After work, Marianne goes to a bar for a  

drink. She comes across a man who seems to 
be interested in her but doesn’t approach  

her. The man is with a girl who happens to be 
Marianne’s new colleague. She hands Marianne a  

brochure of a book club she and her guy friend 
attend and invites her to join the club.

A while later, Marianne is on her way home 
when she comes across a car crash under a  

tunnel. The car is on fire and a man underneath 
it is injured but not dead. Marianne wants to  

help him but she freezes in shock and cannot 
move at all. Eventually, it explodes and the  

passersby can do nothing to save the guy.
The scene abruptly cuts to the next day.  

Marianne finds a bunch of Manny’s drawings. One 
of them depicts a car crash, similar to the one  

she witnessed yesterday. Except, there is a pig 
present on the scene. In the next therapy session,  

she asks the kid if he saw the car 
crash on the news and remembered it.

Manny says that he didn’t see 
anything about the car crash, in fact,  

he is the one who made it happen. He also adds 
that he makes everything happen in this world  

and if it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t be here. 
A confused Marianne looks at him in awe when he  

claims that there is a gun in her drawer.
She dismisses the comment as him trying to be  

spooky and she doesn’t bother 
to check the drawer either.

Later that day, the staff of the clinic 
organize a monthly meeting to talk about  

their patients. Marianne is told that 
she is the only person Manny speaks to  

and is otherwise always quiet. He refuses to talk 
to his adoptive mother and his friends as well.  

Manny was previously treated by a doctor whose 
position Marianne took in the office. She wants  

to study the case file from the former doctor and 
the administration promises to look into it.

In the evening, Marianne goes to the book club she 
was told about. As a group discussion takes place,  

the handsome guy from the bar catches her 
attention. After the discussion, she introduces  

herself to him. The guy’s name is Kieran and 
he lives in the same neighborhood as Marianne.  

The two talk briefly before Marianne gives him a 
ride to his home. Kieran takes a step forward and  

invites her in but Marianne quickly declines.
At night, she dreams of the time she was in  

America with her husband Josh. They were 
an ideal and happy couple driving to a cafe  

one day when their car broke down. They asked 
for help from a man passing by in his vehicle.  

Everything was going well until they drove 
off the road and hit a tree. In the accident,  

everyone died except for Marianne.
The recurring nightmare wakes Marianne and she  

goes to the office again to work and get her mind 
off the dream. To her surprise, she finds a gun in  

the drawer that Manny was talking about yesterday. 
Before she can comprehend what is going on,  

she gets a call from a man asking her to kill 
“him” before “he” kills her. The person cuts  

the call abruptly leaving Marianne confused.
In the following scene, she meets Kieran and chats  

with him. The guy owns a boat, so the two decide 
to sail for fun. He asks her about the wedding  

ring and finds out about her husband’s death. 
Marianne also reveals that she came to Scotland  

to run away from all the haunting memories 
but so far it doesn’t seem to be working.

The next day at work, Marianne tells her boss 
about the strange call she received yesterday. The  

man assumes it must be from the former employee 
of the clinic, McVittie. He was the psychiatrist  

working on Manny’s case before being admitted 
to a mental asylum for being delusional.

Since most of his reports on Manny were 
affected by his mental health problems,  

the director refuses to provide his final 
notes. Still, he provides Marianne with all  

the background information about the kid.
It turns out Manny’s father died in a car crash  

and his mother committed the unthinkable 
right after. He was found in his house,  

severely malnourished and sick. Since 
then, he has made great progress  

and is now living with his adoptive mother.
Marianne looks at his drawings again and they  

seem much more disturbing to her after 
knowing what he has been through.

In the following session, Manny asks her if 
the gun scared her. Marianne is shocked but she  

pretends to not know what he is talking about. 
This angers Manny and this time, he draws a  

drowning man and writes the name Kieran underneath 
it. Marianne is in utter shock because she and  

Kieran had decided to go sailing later today. 
Moreover, the kid was never told about Kieran.

After the season ends, Marianne finds out 
that the former doctor McVittie developed  

an obsession with Manny and used to spend a lot 
of his time in the library. Out of curiosity,  

she looks at the book he read and finds 
a note inside it. It says that Manny’s  

full name Emmanuel means “God is with us”.
Later, she visits Manny in his home and asks  

him how he knew about Kieran. When the kid refuses 
to reply, she loses her temper which gives the kid  

a panic attack. Marianne notices a disturbing 
drawing he has made and runs away quickly.

Then, she goes to meet Kieran for their trip but 
he is nowhere to be found. Marianne is already  

scared about his safety after the drawing of 
a drowning man Manny showed her. She waits for  

him in her car for an hour but he never shows 
up. After that, she goes to the book club and  

then to his apartment, both with no results.
Upon returning home, she watches the news that  

says more than twenty-five hundred people 
have died in the flood that occurred a few  

hours ago. She freaks out and goes through 
Manny’s drawings to find a picture of a flood  

with the number twenty-five written on top.
The next day in the office, Marianne is determined  

to find out more about Manny. She breaks into her 
boss’s office and is seconds away from finding the  

notes before her boss catches her red-handed. He 
has also been informed about Marianne’s trip to  

Manny’s house. He asks her to take a rest for a 
few days and return to work with a fresh mind.

After that, Marianne goes to the mental asylum 
to meet McVittie. He yet again asks her to kill  

Manny before he kills her. Before Marianne 
can question him further, he leaves.

Then, she notices that he was reading a book 
titled Second death. It reminds her of one  

of Manny’s drawings where he had depicted a man 
falling off a building. She realizes something bad  

is about to happen to McVittie and runs outside. 
But before she can reach him, he falls off the  

building, exactly like Manny had predicted.
This proves that Manny is not a normal boy which  

means Kieran’s life is also in danger. Marianne 
panics and goes to Kieran’s boat yet again.  

She is scared that if Kieran gets on 
his boat, he will drown and die. Hence,  

she unmoors the boat away, hoping to keep him from 
boarding it and hence preventing his death.

Then, she goes to the clinic and steals all 
of Manny’s drawings from the archive. To her  

surprise, everything that has happened to her in 
the past has been vaguely depicted in the drawings  

and she is represented as the pig in all of them. 
One drawing in particular catches her attention  

in which a man is asleep on a sinking boat.
Marianne realizes that it is Kieran who was  

probably asleep on the boat that she 
unmoored in heavy rainfall. She runs to  

the site of the boat crash and finds Kieran’s 
dead body being brought out of the waters.

She had been manipulated into making Manny’s 
predictions come true. Marianne loses control  

of herself and abducts Manny after the 
incident. She points her gun at him,  

asking him to reveal his true identity. 
She thinks he is a messenger sent by god  

to punish her because she is an atheist.
They stop at an on construction building where  

Marianne points the gun at Manny and asks him 
if she is still being controlled by him. Manny,  

in turn, claims that she was the one who made 
everything happen. She opened the drawer and  

the gun appeared, and she was the one who killed 
Kieran. Having had enough, Marianne shoots the kid  

dead and commits the unthinkable right after.
In the following scene, she is in the hospital  

after the car crash. When she wakes 
up, her husband Josh is by her side.  

It turns out he survived the crash and only she 
was hurt. They return home normally, unaware of  

everything that happened in Scotland.
But in the middle of the night,  

Marianne wakes up and tells Josh she has been to 
Scotland before. She thinks it was a dream but  

remembers every detail of the visit vividly.
She calls the clinic the next day and hearing  

her colleague’s voice makes it clear that the 
dream was true. Without informing anyone, she  

flies to Scotland the next morning and meets her 
colleagues. However, they don’t recognize her.

She asks them about Manny but they do not know 
him either. Determined to know where he is,  

she goes to the archive room and finds his files 
on the ground. All of a sudden, Manny appears from  

the dark and startles her. He says that he 
never changed the future or manipulated her,  

it was her who made his predictions 
real by looking at the drawings.

Marianne takes a chance and looks 
at the files again and finds a gun  

inside. She also finds a single drawing that 
shows her Josh’s death which means she has  

locked his death by looking at the picture.
She walks outside and screams in frustration  

before the police arrive and take her to 
a mental asylum. In the following scene,  

Manny comes to visit her. Then, something 
clicks on Marianne’s mind. She figures out that  

Manny needs her to fulfill his predictions.
At the same time, Manny is also inside the closet  

of his house. He is drawing yet another picture 
in which he is visiting a pig in the hospital,  

like how he was with Marianne earlier.
After that, we see Marianne in a therapy session.  

She has finally found out the meaning of her 
life and everything that has been happening  

to her until now. She knows that she only 
exists in Manny’s mind, which is why he  

is able to change and manipulate her future.
Manny used to be a happy child when his parents  

were alive. He had everything he wished for in 
life. But after the horrible death of his parents,  

he completely turned away from reality. 
He felt like nothing in his life was  

in his control so he started to draw.
It turns out that, he created a false reality  

in his art that he had complete control over. 
Marianne is also a part of this reality and is  

not a real person. This is why Manny could make 
her do anything and even send her in the past.  

Marianne remembers him telling her that he created 
her. At the time, she couldn’t figure out what  

it meant, but now, it is crystal clear.
She looks up and says that everything in the  

universe she is in, exists in the mind of a ten 
year old boy. Back in actuality, Manny draws a  

final picture of a pig telling the entire truth 
to a therapist. He finally lets go of the false  

reality he created in his mind and simultaneously, 
the world around Marianne disappears.

In the end, we see Manny hug his adoptive mother, 
accepting the reality of his parents’ death.

Here movie ends.
Thank You.

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