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The movie opens up with a short introduction 
about dogs being used during the times of the  

First World war. It is also mentioned that more 
than 3000 dogs served in the US military forces  

during their wartime in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Following this, a well-trained army dog, Max, is  

seen leading a group of U.S soldiers to a village 
in Afghanistan. While the villagers are protesting  

against the arrival of the soldiers, Max and his 
handler, Kyle, enter a house. Max continuously  

smells over a carpet and discovers the hidden 
compartment of guns and other deadly ammunition.  

It is then proved that the villagers are selling 
illegal ammunition to the terrorists.

After a tough day at work, Kyle returns to 
his base and talks to his parents back home;  

mother Pamela, and father Ray. Ray is also a 
retired U.S military officer. The parents seem to  

love Max and they treat him like a member of their 
family. However, Kyle’s brother, Justin, does not  

seem to be fond of dogs. He also does not like his 
father being strict and trying to keep him under  

control. Justin mostly plays video games and even 
pirates them to sell in his friend circle.

In the next scene, Kyle is called by 
his superior to his office. There,  

the superior tells Kyle that the guns they 
collected from the village the other day  

are less in number and doubts that someone 
from their group is stealing them. Kyle then  

confronts his group and gets to know that his best 
friend Tyler, is the one who is doing all this.  

However, since does not want to ruin their 
friendship, he decides to give Tyler a chance.

The next day, when Kyle and his group are on their 
next mission, Max leads them to a place and stops  

in the middle, as if he has sensed something. In 
the meantime, Kyle confronts Tyler that he knows  

about his illegal business of smuggling weapons. 
However, instead of apologizing, Tyler asks Kyle  

to remain quiet and focus on the mission. He also 
orders Max to keep going and because of this,  

Max runs into a trap set by the terrorists. 
Sadly, a number of explosions occur around Max,  

and seeing this, Kyle runs to save his beloved 
dog. He asks Tyler to provide him with cover, but  

Tyler leaves him alone and hides in a safe place. 
As a result, Kyle is killed in the shootout.

In the following scene, the military officers 
visit Kyle’s house to inform his family about  

his death. When the family is supplied with 
the news, the parents along with Justin are  

devastated. Later, the family gathers in a 
church to perform the last rites for Kyle,  

and Max is also brought there. He seems very sad 
to have lost his master and silently sits beside  

his coffin. After the ceremony, when the officers 
try to take Max away to their military base,  

he does not comply with them and retaliates. 
However, the dog recognizes Justin and approaches  

him, believing that he will take care of him 
like Kyle did. Sadly, Justin accompanies the  

police officers and helps them put Max inside 
a police van to take him to a dog shelter.

The next day, as Justin is playing video games, 
he starts reminiscing about his late brother.  

Sad, he visits Kyle’s room and goes through 
his pictures and belongings. At the same time,  

Ray also arrives there and tries to console him. 
Surprisingly, Justin erupts and blames his father  

for Kyle’s death. While the father-son duo is 
arguing over the matter, Pamela arrives there  

and informs them that Max is going to be 
put down by the military officers.

Wasting no time, the family goes straight to the 
dog shelter to see Max. There, they meet with one  

of the dog’s caretakers, who informs them about 
Max being violent and out of control. He also  

states that Max has been traumatized because of 
Kyle’s death and has started to react violently  

to any loud noise or person around him. To 
their surprise, when Justin enters the room,  

Max becomes silent and sits on the floor. Max 
seems to follow Justin’s orders as he apparently  

senses Kyle-like features in him. After seeing Max 
behaving friendly with Justin, the family decides  

to adopt Max. Moments later, Justin and the family 
return home but Ray mentions that they cannot take  

Max inside, as he is too dangerous. Hence, they 
are compelled to tie him up outside the house.

Later at night, Max keeps on barking and howling, 
disturbing the family as well as the neighbors.  

Ray yells at Justin and asks him to silence Max. 
Reluctantly, Justin wakes up from his bed and goes  

outside to calm the dog. As expected, Max becomes 
silent after seeing him, but does not allow him  

to leave afterward. With this, Justin is compelled 
to accompany him like Kyle used to in the military  

camp. After Justin falls asleep, Max comes 
near him and guards him like a loyal dog.

The next morning, Justin wakes up and goes to 
meet his friend Chuy. There, he also comes across  

Chuy’s cousin; Carmen, who seems to be fond of 
dogs. When Justin mentions that he is having  

trouble with his dog, Carmen offers to help him 
take control of his dog and also train him.

In the following scene, Justin can be seen getting 
ready for Carmen’s arrival, putting on his best  

clothes to impress her. Moments later, Carmen 
and Chuy arrive there. Carmen teaches some tricks  

to Justin about how to go near a dog and make 
him obey orders. After some hours of training,  

Justin is finally able to make Max walk alongside 
him. Just then, Pamela approaches Chuy and  

Carmen and invites them to stay for dinner.
During the dinner, Pamela talks about Kyle and  

starts crying, making everyone feel awkward. 
Outside, Max starts barking aggressively,  

and soon, the doorbell rings. When Justin 
opens the door, he finds Tyler on the other  

side. The parents are happy to see their son’s 
best friend, and inquire about the reason for  

his sudden return from the service. Tyler tells 
them that he was injured in one of the battles  

and has returned home for recovery. Hearing 
this, Ray invites Tyler to the July parade.  

Later, when the family takes Tyler to see 
Max, surprisingly, the dog becomes aggressive  

and starts barking. Max even breaks his chain 
and tries to attack Tyler. Fortunately, Justin  

and Carmen stop him in the nick of time. Here, 
we get to know that Max hasn’t forgotten about  

the incident, and has an eye for vengeance.
The next day, Justin takes Max to a bicycle park  

where he rides with his friends and Max follows 
him around. Later, when Justin returns home,  

he is surprised to find a cage in 
the front yard. On asking Pamela,  

he gets to know that Ray has made it for Max, 
so that he won’t be able to attack other people,  

like he did with Tyler the previous day.
Later that day, after locking Max in the cage,  

the whole family goes to the July parade. 
While others stay to enjoy the fireworks,  

Justin realizes that Max is alone and returns. 
He arrives home to find Max terrified because  

of the fireworks. Justin tries to take Max out 
of the cage but the poor dog doesn’t move an  

inch. As a result, Justin enters the cage 
and sits alongside Max to calm him down.

The next day, Tyler meets with Ray and requests to 
let him work in his warehouse during his vacation.  

Ray also becomes happy and readily accepts 
his request. Later, while conversing,  

Ray asks Tyler about how his son died. Expectedly, 
Tyler lies, mentioning that Max was the reason for  

Kyle’s death, as the dog disobeyed his 
orders and ran into the danger zone.

Hearing this, Ray becomes enraged and rushes home 
with the intention to release his anger on Max.  

He takes out a gun and points 
it at Max but fortunately,  

Justin arrives there and stops him.
In the next scene, Justin visits the military  

dog shelter and talks with one of Kyle’s friends, 
Sergeant Reyes. Reyes tells him that Max is the  

best dog that has ever been trained in their 
facility and also assures him that Max could  

have never hurt Kyle. Furthermore, he informs 
him that Tyler is actually suspended from his job  

and also provides him with a DVD containing videos 
of Kyle training Max for the first time.

Following this, Justin visits Chuy’s house and 
asks Carmen to watch the DVD with him. When he  

sees Max being friendly and obedient to Kyle 
in the video, he dismisses his doubt about Max  

turning up on Kyle. In the meantime, Chuy’s other 
cousin, Emilio, who is associated with a cartel,  

meets Justin and forces him to provide him 
with a game that has been released recently.  

While they are talking, Emilio receives a call 
from Tyler and this makes Justin suspicious.

Hence, as soon as Emilio leaves, he 
along with Max start following him.

After some time, Justin arrives at a place, in 
the middle of the woods, where he can clearly  

see Tyler meeting with Emilio. Soon, a group of 
Italian gangsters also arrive, who are eager to  

buy weapons from Tyler. Here, Justin gets to 
know that Tyler is actually smuggling weapons  

from Afghanistan and selling them in the states. 
Right then, the gangsters’ dogs hear Max barking  

and start running towards him. Despite 
being outnumbered, he defeats the two dogs,  

and escapes with Justin. While running away, 
Justin bumps over a rock and his bicycle goes  

flying into a ditch. As a result, he is forced to 
run on foot, through the dense forest. Luckily,  

they manage to reach the highway, where a decent 
lady offers them a lift and drops them home.

When Justin walks inside his house, he 
is surprised to see Tyler and his illegal  

business partner, Deputy Stack talking with 
his parents. It turns out that Tyler discovered  

Justin’s bicycle in the woods and deduced that 
he saw them dealing the weapons. Meanwhile,  

Stack pretends to have a wound in his hand and 
also claims that it is because of Max. He then  

tells the parents that they should take away 
Max as it is a danger for everyone. When Justin  

protests, Tyler asks to talk to him privately 
and threatens him to keep his mouth shut. Afraid,  

for the safety of his family, he agrees to 
let Max go. Moments later, the dog shelter  

employees arrive there and take Max away.
In the next scene, Tyler returns to work,  

and there, Ray confronts him for using one 
of their storage units without any paperwork.  

In reality, Tyler is using it to store guns, 
but he lies that it is being used by his friend.  

On the other hand, Max is brought to the dog’s 
shelter but is very difficult to control.  

In no time, he runs away from the place 
after attacking the security guards.

Later at night, Ray walks up to Justin 
and tries to strike up a conversation,  

but the latter remains silent. Ray immediately 
deduces that his son is hiding something,  

and urges him to speak, but as Justin 
is scared, he does not reveal anything.  

Later, Ray visits his storage units and catches 
Tyler and Stack loading guns in a truck. He  

confronts them but is held hostage by Emilio.
Meanwhile, Pamela gets a strange voicemail from  

Ray, informing her that he will be spending 
the night in one of their hunting houses.  

The voice mail is strange because Pamela does 
not recall owning any hunting house. Right then,  

Max arrives outside the house, and seeing him,
Justin and Pamela become happy. Justin then takes  

Max and goes straight to Chuy’s house. 
There, he tells Chuy and Carmen about his  

father’s absence and the group goes out to 
search for him. They arrive at the storage  

units and find a broken lock. Max smells the 
lock and guides them the way towards Ray.

After roaming around the whole night, Justin 
and his group finally arrive at a secluded place  

in the woods. They spot Tyler and his group 
dealing in weapons with Ray inside their car,  

held hostage. Sensing the danger, Carmen returns 
to inform the police while Justin and Chuy keep an  

eye on Tyler and his associates. Unfortunately, 
the dogs brought by Tyler’s associates  

realize the group’s presence and start running 
towards them. Surprisingly, even this time, Max  

defeats the two dogs. Because of this, Tyler and 
Emilio rush towards the woods to find Justin.

When Ray notices that Stack is alone and has no 
one around, he manages to attack him and free  

himself. Soon, Max and Justin arrive there, and 
the father-son duo have an emotional reunion.  

However, the danger has not been averted yet, 
so they decide to make a plan. Both of them walk  

on different routes to confuse Tyler. Meanwhile, 
Stack gets inside his car and starts searching for  

the father-son duo. When he spots Ray and tries 
to run him over, Ray shoots the car, causing it  

to disbalance and explode under a bridge.
Elsewhere, Max is eventually caught by Tyler,  

who holds him at gunpoint. Tyler expresses 
his frustration for not being able to close  

the deal because of Justin, and prepares to shoot 
him. Right then, Max attacks Tyler from behind,  

causing both of them to fall from the bridge, and 
into the river below. Carmen also arrives with the  

officers and all the bad guys are arrested.
In the last scene, Justin and Max can be seen in  

front of Kyle’s grave where Justin is expressing 
his feelings for him. Justin thanks Kyle for  

leaving a dog like Max and salutes him for the 
first time. Later, when he returns home, he finds  

Carmen and Chuy inside his house with Pamela 
preparing for dinner. Justin is surprised when  

he does not find Max’s cage outside the house.
He enquires Ray about it, to which he replies that  

they won’t be needing it anymore, as Max will 
be living with them, as a family member.


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