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A girl named “Lisa” comes on the scene as the story of this film begins.

“Lisa” was looking so worried at that time.

Moreover, she was also disturbed from her own life.

So she is in lying state on a desolate road to take her life.

Meanwhile, a car appears on that road.

Then “Lisa” stands up, noticing that car.

A man in car named “Adam” stops the car, witnessing “Lisa”.

He asks “Lisa”, Are you alright!

“Lisa” replies, listening this, Yeah! I am alright. Then that man “Adam” asks her,

May I drop you in my car? “Lisa” agrees for this.

And she gets into his car immediately. “Lisa” tells “Adam” while sitting in car,

Actually, It is birthday of my daughter so I am missing her too much!

I want to meet her! In fact, my daughter is not alive!

Now I am alone in this World! No one is here whom I call my my own!

So I had come on that road to end the life in the grief of my daughter!

Afterwards, “Lisa” turns on the radio of Adam’s car.

A news was being broadcast on that radio at that time.

Reporter tells that a killer is wandering in the forest.

He has killed two men.

And the killer has a specific sign as a carved tattoo on his right hand.

Listening this, “Adam” turns off the radio of his car.

A carved tattoo is seen on his right hand.

Suddenly, “Adam” stops his car. The car stops with a jerk,

Due to this, Lisa’ s head hits at the front of the car.

“Lisa” loses her consciousness at the spot. Now it is confirmed here,

In fact that killer is not anyone else but “Adam”.

And he is “Adam” who has killed both of that men in the forest.

In the next scene , when “Lisa” comes into her senses.

Then she finds herself imprisoned at a strange place.

There was also a bracelet in Liza’ hand on which the light was switched on this.

“Lisa” becomes so upset, finding herself here.

She is so worried that she begins to shout for help.

“Lisa” tries her best to take off that bracelet after breaking this.

She does not get free from that bracelet because of the tightly worn .

In spite of hard struggle when this bracelet does not open then “Lisa” sits at a place with exhaustion.

Then a small path opens near her.

As “Liza” moves to that way to go outside,

Then back door is automatically closed.

Then “Lisa” becomes more panicked. Liza’s attention moves to her bracelet.

Where the time of 11 minutes get started there.

After this, “Lisa” begins to proceed on that way.

As “Lisa” reaches the middle of that way,

Then someone blocks that path. “Lisa” notices a narrow path there.

Where “Lisa” moves to that narrow path with a great difficulty.

After a great struggle, she is able to cross that path.

Coming forward, “Lisa” comes on that way which is lighted.

That path begins to rise as “Lisa” is moving forward.

It means that path begins to narrow.

If this way is closed then “Liza” may lose her life after being crushed in this.

So “Lisa” moves ahead quickly and comes out of that way.

Later, the timing of 5 minutes is started on the bracelet worn in her wrist.

Now “Lisa” starts to go ahead on that way where she had stepped.

But she observes a lying person on that way while moving ahead.

She comes to know , going near it that he is not an alive person but a dead body.

Which is in distorted condition. This dead body had also the same bracelet in its hand,

Which was in Lisa’s wrist.

It indicates that person is same who had imprisoned “Lisa” here ,

He had also bound this man. Now this man’s dead body is in so rotten condition that,

It begins to stink. Now “Lisa” had to move ahead,

She makes the way clear after tearing apart that dead body to go ahead.

As “Lisa” disposes that dead body at a place then she begin to go forward on that way.

In the meantime, “Lisa” checks her bracelet and she comes to know that,

That the timing of 2 minutes are left on her bracelet.

So she starts moving speedily. Going ahead, “Lisa” senses this,

That the timing on her bracelet is going to over.

Toxic gas begins to release inside through small pipes because of the ending of the time.

But a safe portal opens at a side of that place at the same time.

Now “Lisa” hurriedly moves there to secure her life.

That whole path catches fire as “Lisa” enters that safe place.

But “Lisa” remains safe because of being in that safe place.

That safe place makes a way for “Lisa” to go outside as the fire extinguishes.

And that place disappears from there. “Lisa” is panicked, observing all.

Due to this, she begins to cry. “Lisa” notices during this scenario.

That her bracelet timer has restarted. At this time, the time limit was of 11 minutes .

“Lisa” witnesses a watery place there while moving ahead there.

“Lisa” starts drinking that water because of being thirsty.

“Lisa” enters the water , taking a long breath and reaches across the watery place.

That place starts to fill with water as she enters there.

“Lisa” also moves to another place while securing herself from this water.

“Lisa” starts hearing the voices of someone as she enters this place.

Who was shouting for help. Now “Lisa” begins to follow the direction of voice.

When “Lisa” is moving ahead then her place at the below side starts opening.

There was much acid which was boiling.

“Lisa” throws a piece of her cloth into that acid .

And she notices this piece of cloth has burnt badly, touching acid.

Now “Lisa” understands as it is most dangerous acid.

Now “Lisa” begins to cross that path of acid while putting her hands on both sides.

She moves ahead. As “Lisa” is crossing that acid path,

Then Lisa’s knee is touched with that acid all of a sudden.

As a result, her knee is burnt badly , leaving her wounded.

In spite of this, “Lisa” does not lose courage and handles herself,

And she goes ahead on the same way. Moving ahead, “Lisa” notices a man there.

This man has also the same bracelet in his wrist. “Lisa” says to him here that,

Look and listen to me! We are both entrapped here,

We can help each other but that man was so weird.

He does not lend his ear to “Lisa” and begins to act madly.

Suddenly, it is seen that very short time has left in their bracelets.

There is again created a safe place like before.

Both start to go there instantly, seeing the secure place.

Both reach near that safe place on a right time.

But both start quarreling with each other to enter that safe place.

That man is left outside of that safe place while “Lisa” enters there.

That man’s hand is dismembered because of being stuck in the door as it closes.

Then “Lisa” notices a carved tattoo on the hand of same man.

Which was carved on Adam’s hand.

“Lisa” becomes sure here that man is no one else but “Adam”.

That place also catches the fire all of a sudden and “Adam” also burns to die.

Being so scared, “Lisa” loses her consciousness at the same place.

Further, a robot comes to meet “Lisa” as she restores her senses.

It was looking so awkward. Coming there, it begins to treat the burnt knee of “Lisa”.

It means that Lisa’s wound which she had received from acid.

Later, that robot adjusted a device in Lisa” and tells as what had actually happened with her at that day.

After this, flashback is shown where a dispute was breaking out between “Lisa” and “Adam” in the car.

“Adam” attacks “Lisa” on that day during that fight.

“Lisa” immediately comes out of the car and looks at the sky,

That a white bright light is descending on Earth.

That white light was actually the alien’s spaceship which had come in the World.

It means that aliens had abducted “Lisa” at that time.

The story again moves to the present time .

It is witnessed here that “Lisa” has come out of that safe place now.

“Lisa” comes on a way outside and observes that a blade is moving in front of her.

“Lisa” withdraws her steps to see that blade and comes on the upper part of that place to avoid it.

A creature begins to follow her as “Lisa” comes on this way.

This creature was looking so horrific and odd.

Its whole body was burnt. This creature was so horrible that “Lisa” becomes afraid from this.

She is confused so she begins to move ahead , making a distance from it quickly.

That creature begins to chase her but “Lisa” escapes from it , crossing a narrow path.

Because that creature does not get access at this place and it has to move away.

After this, Lisa’s bracelet time is again started.

“Lisa” finds two path while going ahead. She chooses the left path between them.

She starts entering there. As she is going in the direction of this path,

She hears the voice of her daughter. “Lisa” becomes excited, hearing this.

She is unable to stop herself and starts following that voice.

“Lisa” reaches a unique place, going ahead .

Where she starts seeing all memories of her life on the walls of that place.

It included the memories from Lisa’s childhood to the death of her daughter!

She witnesses her daughter there who moves to a window to catch a ball.

But she suddenly falls down while catching the ball.

This incident takes the life of that girl. It was the cause that her daughter was died in reality.

“Lisa” becomes so sad , witnessing such memories.

She starts crying for this. “Lisa” was putting all blames on her of her daughter’s death.

Because she did not take care and help of her daughter.

So she could not save her life. Then “Lisa” glimpses after turning back,

That creature is chasing her. Now “Lisa” starts to go farther through that path.

That creature also comes there and tries to capture “Lisa”.

“Lisa” starts to move on that path npw but she notices the razor wires there.

“Lisa” has to cross these razor wires to avoid that creature.

The time had left shorter once again here for “Lisa”.

A safe place opens there instantly and creature secures itself, moving there.

Then “Lisa” glimpses a vast sky ahead. She is wounded badly because of crossing razor wires.

She loses her consciousnesses at the same place because of the wounds’ bleeding.

Her time is also over. Then fire catches at that place at the same time.

“Lisa” remains safe from burning in that fire. Rather, the lower part of that place is opened.

And “Lisa” hurriedly enters that place. Consequently, her life is secured .

“Lisa” finds herself at that place as she opens her eyes,

Where she was bound at the beginning. The struggle that she had made till now to move ahead,

All struggles were dashed into dust!

She is saddened and lays dawn there with exhaustion.

Meanwhile, the same robot comes here and begins to treat Lisa’ wounds.

But “Lisa” forbids it to treat her and says,

Don’t recover me! Let me be like this!

Let me die!

As that robot is going to inject “Lisa” with poison,

Then “Lisa” hits upon a plan and she begins to create a way to escape through the wall.

With her blood! “Lisa” had come to know this here,

How can she escape from here! And she begins to go outside with the help of her created ways.

“Lisa” was crossing all paths easily at this time.

She knew the activity of each task. When “Lisa” reaches that path,

Where acid exists then she begins to burn her bracelet in that acid.

That bracelet is rotten , putting into it. In this way, her that bracelet is taken off in such a way.

“Lisa” finds some marks on her hand as bracelet removes from her wrist.

Which were the map clues to escape from this place.

“Lisa” discovers two ways while moving ahead. But “Lisa” moves to the right way at this time.

Going further, “Lisa” again finds two paths. But she begins to notice the mark on her hand.

She chooses left path according to hand mark. And she starts moving further.

But the same creatures appears there through the lower part of that place.

It again begins to chase “Lisa”.

Somehow, “Lisa” diverts the attention of creature and comes on another path.

“Lisa” comes to a separate place through this way.

Coming here, “Lisa” meets another unique and strange alien.

That creature had still not stopped to chase her and it also arrives here.

Now ” Lisa” again starts to go ahead , escaping from that creature.

The time on bracelet is again over and a safe place is also opened there again.

“Lisa” immediately comes to that safe place. But that place does not catch fire as time is over.

But that safe place is rather opened. Now that creature was in front of “Lisa”,

So it assaults “Lisa”. the fight starts between them.

In this fight, “Lisa” kills that creature after crushing its head under her foot.

“Lisa” begins to go ahead later. She again finds two paths while stepping forward.

“Lisa” again starts to observe the created marks on her hand.

She selects the right side. Coming on this way, she encounters her daughter here.

“Lisa” becomes sentimental , seeing her daughter.

She begins weeping while embracing her daughter.

Lisa’s daughter asks her to accompany her. But “Lisa” knows here,

Her daughter is dead and it is a trick in disguise of her daughter.

Her daughter disappears within a few seconds. So ‘Lisa” starts moving ahead on her way later.

“Lisa” glimpses a vast sky before her. As she looks at this,

She begins to take her steps towards it. Then three blades come on her way.

They fall downward simultaneously. “Lisa” crosses two blades, noticing their time .

Her foot comes under third blade as she tries to cross this.

As a result, her half foot is sliced.

“Lisa” feels a bitter pain due to this. In spite of this, she moves ahead while encouraging herself.

It is revealed here that the sky which “Lisa” was witnessing,

It was not a sky but a screen . “Lisa” loses her hope, seeing that screen.

She begins to shed tears because all her made efforts were wasted .

“Lisa” drowns into grief so she wishes here that,

Would that I may die! But some entity takes “Lisa” out of that place.

In the next scene, “Lisa” finds herself in a separate planet she wakes up.

It indicated that it is not our planet “Earth”.

Rather, those aliens had carried “Lisa” to their planet , taking her from Earth.

“Lisa” is seated near a water fall here. Moreover, Lisa’s cut foot is also recovered now completely.

“Lisa” also encounters her daughter here who says to her that,

Mother! You can also live with me here. In fact, her daughter was not died,

Rather, she had also been abducted by the aliens.

This marks the end of the movie. Thank you


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