Million Dollar Crocodile Full Movie Explained

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Today I’m going to explain a Chinese monster
movie called “Million Dollar Crocodile”.

Spoilers ahead!!

Ten-year-old Xiaoxing likes to wander around
in an abandoned zoo every day after school.

He is best friends with a thirty-six-foot-long
female crocodile named Amao.

For the past few months, the zoo has been
in shambles because of the lack of funds.

Hence, Xiaoxing frequently feeds Amao through
the cells.

One afternoon, he is hanging by the crocodile
pool when his test paper is blown into the


Xiaoxing carefully goes in to retrieve it
and notices Amao inside a cave.

He holds out a piece of sausage to the animal
but is interrupted when the zoo owner Liu


He immediately brings the kid out and scolds
him for putting his life in danger.

While he is at it, a group of rowdy restaurant
workers arrives at the zoo.

Since Liu can no longer take care of the crocodiles,
he has agreed to sell them to a local restaurant.

Liu loves his animals dearly but the situation
doesn’t allow him to hold onto them any


The buyers easily capture the small ones but
Amao gives them a hard time by refusing to

come out of her cave.

The animal only trusts Liu so he uses a stick
to call her outside.

She is immediately sedated and taken away
in a vehicle.

Then, we are introduced to a young woman named

She has recently returned from a foreign country
after earning a lot of money.

In fact, she has a bag made of crocodile leather
that is filled with one million dollars.

On the way to the city with her boyfriend,
Yan gets into an argument with him.

As a result, he strands her in the middle
of the highway.

Million Dollar Crocodile Full Movie Watch Online

Meanwhile, the buyers bring the crocodiles
to a local restaurant owned by a gangster

named Zhao.

He plans to slaughter the animals to sell
their meat to foreigners at an outrageous


The expert cook takes the responsibility to
slaughter the crocs.

He doesn’t have problems killing the smaller
ones who are still unconscious because of

the tranquilizer.

But when he gets to Amao, she suddenly wakes
up and attacks.

The ropes she is tied to are not strong enough
to restrain her.

She breaks them in seconds and leaps toward
the people who were trying to kill her.

While struggling, she accidentally breaks
a roof with her tail which causes the cook

to end up inside the pool where the other
crocodiles are kept.

They violently get on top of him, eventually
devouring his body.

While the workers are distracted, Amao breaks
out of a gate and escapes.

Zhao panics and blames his employees for being

He orders them to keep the escape a secret
since they do not want to be convicted for


At Xiaoxing’s home, his father Beiji who
is a policeman is mad at him for losing his

test papers.

Xiaoxing tells him what happened to it but
Beiji thinks the kid is making up a story

to hide that he didn’t get good results.

A while later, he leaves for work, asking
Xiaoxing to stay home because he is grounded.

Meanwhile, Yan has been walking on the highway
for an hour, cursing her boyfriend.

She holds her bag close, relieved that she
at least has the money.

She decides to walk through a tea farm which
is a shorter way to the bus station.

However, she soon regrets her decision as
a thirty-six-foot-long giant crocodile blocks

her way.

She freaks out and climbs on a pole to save
her life.

When the animal doesn’t move, she hits it
with the bag to try to send it away.

But she yet again regrets her decision when
Amao eats the bag as a whole.

It walks away right after, leaving Yan in

She realizes that the bag is worth more than
her life, and runs around looking for the


After not finding it, she asks a couple for
the way to the police station.

In Xiaoxing’s home, he is passing time instead
of studying.

His friends call him outside for a trip to
a nearby lake.

A mischievous Xiaoxing assumes he can return
home before his father and joins them.

At the police station, Yan tells Beiji about
her bag that had her phone and a million dollars

which are now inside a massive crocodile’s

The story is so absurd that he thinks she
is trying to prank him.

But when Yan repeatedly insists that she is
telling the truth, Beiji asks her to prove

the existence of a giant crocodile.

She takes him to the tea farm and reenacts
what happened.

They also meet the couple from earlier who
claim they haven’t seen any animals around

the area.

Yan still begs that she is telling the truth
which only makes the others think she is suffering

from a mental disorder that is making her

Beiji is now sure that she is trying to mess
with him.

He walks away but Yan doesn’t stop following

She inquires if there are places in the town
that hold crocodiles which reminds Beiji of

the zoo.

Seeing that she is desperate, he decides to
give her a last chance and takes her to the


But it has already been closed forever.

Beiji calls Liu to find out that the restaurant
owner Zhao owns all the crocodiles.

After that, Beiji calls Zhao who makes his
minion lie that all the crocodiles are confined.

To Beiji, this confirms that Yan has been

He asks her to go back to her city and drives

In the lake, Xiaoxing and his friends are
having the time of their lives, unaware that

Amao is swimming in the same waters.

A renowned alcoholic sees the animal and warns
the kids about it but they think he is joking.

A distraught Yan is walking down the street
when Beiji approaches her again.

He makes her call her phone and the call still
goes through.

This further proves that the crocodile didn’t
eat her phone.

Beiji stops a bus and urges her to go back
to her city.

Yan retaliates and cries about her million
dollars, making him forcefully get her inside

the bus and send her away.

Still, Yan is not someone who gives up that

She jumps out of the window of a moving bus
and follows Beiji again.

A man comes to him complaining about his missing

Beiji goes to the lake where it was last seen
to investigate.

Yan notices blood spreading on the surface
of the water.

When Beiji jumps inside, he finds the goat’s
decapitated head.

This makes him realize that Yan might have
been telling the truth.

His home is also near the pond which means
there is a possibility the crocodile might

attack his son.

He immediately rushes home to see a naked
Xiaoxing playing outside.

He hugs his son tightly, grateful that he
is safe.

Yan also arrives there, having followed Beiji.

She stays at their home with Xiaoxing so Beiji
can go out and investigate the case further.

When it gets dark, Xiaoxing cooks noodles
for both of them, unaware that Amao is right

outside the house.

Meanwhile, Beiji makes a stop at Zhao’s
restaurant and the broken gates make it clear

that they are the reason the crocodile escaped.

He teaches them a lesson for lying and urges
them to file an official complaint about the

missing animal.

After that, he calls the zookeeper Liu and
tells him everything.

Million Dollar Crocodile Full Movie

Since Amao is a female crocodile, Liu thinks
she must be somewhere near the waters where

she can lay eggs.

Beiji registers his home is in the middle
of the only two water bodies in the town.

He hurriedly rushes home to make sure his
son is safe.

In the meantime, Amao enters the house and
is climbing up the stairs when Xiaoxing sees


He recognizes her as his friend but Yan panics.

She tries to protect herself with a knife
but it only triggers the otherwise calm crocodile.

She attacks them and wreaks havoc in the house.

Xiaoxing and Yan hide inside a locked room
but Amao breaks in through the wall.

As the last resort, they climb up the roof
through the window.

Xiaoxing is safely up but Yan has trouble
following him.

She is seconds away from being attacked by
the crocodile when Beiji arrives and hits

it with his bike.

Amao falls to the ground and runs away, leaving
the house in a mess.

By now, the entire town has been warned about
the dangerous animal walking among them.

Soldiers are appointed to capture her and
the matter turns into national news.

In the following scene, everyone is in the
police station.

When Zhao is alone, Yan asks him how fast
can a crocodile digest the food it eats.

Zhao knows nothing about the animal’s anatomy,
still, he confidently claims that they can

digest in hours of eating.

As they talk, he finds out Amao has a million
dollars inside her stomach.

Driven by greed, he makes it his mission to
get the bag before anyone else finds the crocodile.

He and his minions drive towards the lake
to hunt it but are stopped by police on the


They are blocking the road to ensure the animal
does no harm.

Hence, in turn, the group takes a shorter
way to the lake that runs through the woods.

In the police station, Yan hugs Beiji from
behind, begging him to catch the crocodile


However, Beiji realizes she is doing it to
steal his gun.

He warns her to never try anything like that
again if she doesn’t want to spend the night

in jail.

The next morning, the military and the police
get ready to go on a search mission.

Liu also joins Beiji since he is the only
person who can control the animal.

Yan is eager to go on a search to ensure she
will be the first one to get her hands on

her money.

However, since she doesn’t know the way
to the mountains, she tricks Xiaoxing into

helping her.

While in the woods, they bump into Zhao and
his minions and follow them.

The group eventually finds a footprint near
a lake.

They need bait to bring the animal out so
Zhao uses Yan and Xiaoxing as one.

They are hung upside down by the lake.

Amao sees them and recognizes Xiaoxing as
the kind kid who always fed her.

Hence, she doesn’t attack the two.

One of Zhao’s minions tries to hit her with
a dart which triggers her yet again.

She runs back into the water and drags Zhao
behind because he is stuck in a fishing net.

Beiji and Liu arrive at the scene and see
that Zhao has somehow survived without any


Right then, Amao jumps on him and devours
his body.

Xiaoxing, Yan, and Liu follow the crocodile
behind, trying to control her.

Yan fires a shot at her which makes her violent.

She smacks the car and runs away to the field.

They lose her on the tea farm but we see her
reentering the lake from the other side of

the road.

The police start clearing the area and alerting
the people about the animal.

Yan suggests the police use her phone’s
GPS system to track Amao.

The police work on getting the data and eventually
find out the location.

Beiji and Liu set off to look for her since
only Liu can control her.

They see her in the shallow part of the lake
and bring her to the bank in no time.

Liu is doing a great job keeping her calm
but that is until one of Zhao’s minions

attacks Amao for killing his boss.

She loses her temper again and starts attacking
everyone in sight.

Liu tries his best to calm her down but she
in turn attacks him as well.

As the last resort, Beiji shoots her in the
head which ends her life.

At last, we see Amao looking at Liu’s dead
body with teary eyes.

She never wanted to kill anyone, let alone
her keeper but she did what she had to, to

keep herself safe.

In the last scene, we see Yan counting the
bills she got from Amao’s body.

They are mostly destroyed but she doesn’t
want to give up on them.

Somewhere else by the lake, Amao’s eggs
hatch, giving birth to her offspring.


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