Moon Haven Tv Series Explained

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The movie’s premise is set in a dystopian society 

about 200 years in the future. The Earth is in a  

dilapidated state with high pollution levels and 

limited resources. Majority of the water sources  

are contaminated, food is a rare commodity, 

and the air’s oxygen levels are incredibly low. 

Many years ago, a group of humans were sent to the 

moon, alongside an Artificial Intelligence system  

called IO, to create a more liveable society and 

develop useful technology to help save the Earth.  

After three generations, the humans on the moon 

successfully established a grandiose society,  

inhabitable by humans and full of resources named 

“Moonhaven.” They started living a good life,  

while the people on Earth still suffered 

from the planet’s terrible conditions. 

On a cold night in Moonhaven, a girl named 

Chill steals and runs away with a peculiar  

device. However, she is soon caught and killed 

by her lover, Strego, who retrieves it from her. 

The following morning, a pair of patrolling police 

officers named Arlo and Paul, find the body of a  

murdered woman in an open field. Using an advanced 

tracking gadget, they identify her as Chill Span,  

the woman from earlier. They are shocked by 

the incident, as this is the first murder  

that has ever happened on Moonhaven. Soon, 

the duo heads out to search for the killer. 

This doesn’t take long, though, as they 

arrest and imprison Strego shortly after.  

However, when the officers visit his cell 

for questioning, he attacks one of them  

and immediately makes a run for it.

Next, we are introduced to the protagonist,  

Bella Sway; an experienced pilot, who 

has been tasked to transport Indira Mare,  

the “Envoy of IO” and a high-ranking official 

on Earth, alongside her bodyguard, Tomm,  

to the moon for an executive visit.

Before they commence their journey,  

Tomm engages Bella in a little chat, breaking 

the ice as the two get friendly. Soon, Indira  

arrives, and the trio embark 

on their journey to the moon. 

On the ship, Bella receives a call from Jatey, a 

friend of hers on Earth, who asks her to smuggle  

a psychedelic drug named Singer, from the moon 

back to the Earth. At first, she is skeptical,  

but when Jatey insists a lot, she agrees.

In the next scene, the aircraft finally lands  

on the moon after a long trip. Bella remains on 

the aircraft while Indira, accompanied by Tomm,  

heads out for a meeting with Council Chair; 

Maite, the ruler of the moon’s human society. 

About an hour later, Bella spots a bird 

which nosedives into a surrounding lake,  

dropping off a package. She retrieves the 

package and takes it inside the spaceship.  

On opening it, she finds ‘the Singer’, 

which she was tasked to smuggle to Earth. 

Just as she keeps the package in a hidden 

drawer, Bella sees two policemen knocking on  

the aircraft’s doors via the surveillance cameras.

Curious to find out what they want, she opens it,  

letting them in. The officers turn out to be the 

same ones that found Chill’s body, and they have  

come to bring her in for questioning. Bella is 

confused as to why she’s being asked to come along  

with them but she obliges nonetheless.

On getting to their quaint precinct,  

she learns that her sister, Chill, 

was murdered the day before. However,  

the news doesn’t faze Bella as she didn’t even 

know of her sister’s existence because her mother  

left for the moon right after Bella’s birth.

In the following scene, Bella is taken by Paul  

to see Chill’s adoptive sister, Asus. Asus had 

witnessed her sister’s murder and requested to see  

Bella, to pass a message to her. On her arrival, 

Asus tells her about her mother and sister,  

before informing Paul that there 

was a second witness besides her  

at the crime scene. On hearing this, Paul and 

Bella revisit the scene to look for clues. 

There, they spot a figure watching them from the 

woods. The duo swiftly runs after the stalker.  

Soon, they reach a wall demarcating the livable 

human-conducive area from the rest of the moon.  

Despite Paul’s warnings, Bella goes past it, 

crawling through a nearby hole in pursuit  

of the stalker. However, when she gets 

outside, she instantly feels lightheaded  

and doesn’t go far before collapsing 

due to the lack of oxygen in the area. 

When she wakes up, she finds herself in 

an unfamiliar house. On investigating,  

she finds Paul and his family having lunch at 

the dinner table and proceeds to join them. In  

the process, she learns a bit about their 

culture on the moon such as their strange  

cuisines as well as the various dances they 

offer to bereaved families. When it’s her turn,  

she tells them about Earth and how the people 

are still living there in dilapidated conditions. 

Elsewhere, Indira is in a meeting with Maite, 

the Council Chair. Indira informs her that IO’s  

algorithm has proposed a change of Moonhaven’s 

council authority, despite there being two years  

left in the current administration’s tenure.

Maite expresses her displeasure on hearing the  

news, citing that she has done nothing 

to deserve the termination of her rule.  

Indira agrees but reminds Maite that IO 

is capable of making accurate predictions  

of the future and advises the councilwoman to 

quit before Earth’s top officials take action. 

In the following scene, Bella, who has 

returned to the aircraft, sees a system  

intruder warning on her monitor. When she 

goes to investigate the source of the alert,  

she finds Strego lurking in a corner and quickly 

tases him. However, before she can take definitive  

action, she is interrupted by Tomm, who calls 

for her from the other end of the aircraft. 

Bella goes to meet him, and there, Tomm initiates 

a random but wholesome conversation with her.  

A few minutes later, Strego also enters the 

room and tells Tomm that his project is done,  

causing Tomm’s countenance 

to immediately change. He  

shoots Strego, instantly killing 

him and soon after, attacks Bella. 

The two begin fighting, and ultimately Tomm gets 

the upper hand. However, in a desperate attempt,  

Bella reaches for the Singer and manages to inject 

him with it. Thus, stunning and disarming him. 

In the next scene, a frightened Bella walks 

out of the aircraft and runs into Paul.  

Seeing Bella in a frightened state, Paul sedates 

her, causing the former to collapse on him.  

When she wakes up, she finds herself in a tent 

and instantly panics, trying to find an exit.  

She pushes against one of its sides and falls 

through, landing in a body of water. It turns  

out that the tent is isolated in a mighty sea.

Meanwhile, Indira, who has long returned  

to the spaceship, holds a virtual meeting with the 

Earth’s Council. She informs them of the recent  

happenings on the moon, including the murders of 

Strego and Chill, as well as the attack on Tomm. 

The council is furious at the turn of events and 

speculates that Strego was the one who attacked  

Tomm, which makes them fearful that the Mooners 

are turning against them. This fear is especially  

aggravated as the first batch of Mooners is 

scheduled to return to Earth to begin its  

restoration process in less than a couple weeks. 

Indira tries her best to alleviate their fears,  

assuring them that she is in control of the 

situation, but the council is still skeptical. 

Later that day, Paul takes a canoe to visit 

Bella. When he enters the tent, she attacks him,  

thinking he’s there to harm her. However, he 

explains that he only brought her there to keep  

her safe. Hearing this, Bella finally calms down.

Unsure of what happened last night, Paul asks her  

about Tomm and Strego. Surprisingly, Bella lies 

to him, as she is scared to have him discover  

that she was the one smuggling Singer. She tells 

him that Strego was the one who injected Tomm with  

the drug. Paul senses that something is amiss, 

but decides to believe her story anyway. Before  

he leaves, he informs her that Tomm is still alive 

and recuperating back at the ship, thanks to IO. 

In the meantime, Indira pays a visit to Maite’s 

home. There, she firmly asks her to relinquish  

her position and pass IO’s key to the next 

council chair. However, Maite remains adamant  

on staying in power and rejects her request.

Elsewhere, we see that Bella has made her way  

to another tent, several meters away from the 

first. She steals a canoe nearby and paddles  

for over an hour before finally reaching shore. 

In a bid to return to her spaceship, she runs  

around the forest but soon gets lost and captured 

by the mooners. Following this, she is isolated  

at the city’s station in a sleep-like state.

Coincidentally, Paul, who was also at the station,  

uses their advanced technology to search her 

mind and watches some of her life experiences,  

specifically the war times in which she served 

in the military as a pilot. However, since he  

is not used to such acts of violence, he isn’t 

able to keep watching and turns the feed off. 

Then, he goes through her call records and finds 

her conversation with Jatey. Thus, confirming that  

she is the smuggler. Immediately, he 

wakes her from the dream-like state  

and brings her in for thorough questioning.

Confronted with the damning evidence,  

Bella comes clean on the smuggling but maintains 

that she did not attack Tomm with the Singer.  

Upon hearing her confession, Paul takes her to the 

Moon Council for a trial to determine her fate. 

During the trial, one council member advocates 

they put her back to the sleep state,  

while another proposes they send her back 

to the Earth, where she belongs. However,  

before they finalize on one of the options, Paul 

steps forward and tells the council about what  

he saw in her memories. He declares her a 

broken soul, reminding them that the role  

of Mooners is to save Earth souls like her. 

With this, he suggests that the council let  

her stay under his supervision instead.

The council is moved by his words  

and eventually sets Bella free. After the 

trial, Paul, now responsible for Bella,  

takes her to his house. There, she finally 

reveals everything and admits that she was  

the one who injected Tomm with the Singer but 

clarifies that it was purely in self-defense. 

Paul appreciates her honesty and hands 

her a bag containing a wooden box which  

belonged to her sister, Chill. Inside, she 

finds a collection of her mother’s things,  

including a strange-looking projection device.

When they switch it on, they find a prerecorded  

message from Chill, warning them that the 

Mooners were never going to save the Earth.  

She also mentions that ‘The Bridge’, which 

is the transport of the Mooners to the Earth,  

is a trap. The message leaves the duo in awe 

as they stare at the projection in disbelief. 

The following morning, Paul visits his 

partner, Arlo, in his house to tell him about  

Chill’s ominous warning from the recording. 

Paul panics at the severity of the issue,  

but Arlo comforts and reassures him that 

they will eventually discover the truth. 

When Paul leaves the house, he finds 

a girl dressed in officer’s clothing  

waiting for him outside. She introduces 

herself as Blu, his assigned apprentice,  

and silently tails him as he walks away.

Meanwhile, Bella goes to meet Indira to inform her  

that Tomm is a double agent who is in cohorts with 

some Mooner rebels trying to sabotage the Bridge.  

She recounts what happened on the night of 

the attack, explaining that Tomm tried to  

kill her because she witnessed Strego speak 

to him. However, Indira does not believe her,  

declaring that Tomm would never betray her.

Right then, we get a flashback to Indira’s past,  

at an IO training facility. There, a teenage 

Indira meets another student named Basta.  

The two girls instantly hit it off and become 

best friends. Their stay at the facility is  

generally peaceful and quiet. However, one day 

the facility is attacked by a group of terrorists. 

Indira and Basta enter a hidden room to 

hide from the armed men but are quickly  

discovered by one of them. Much to Indira’s 

surprise, Basta joins him and leaves,  

revealing that she is one of the terrorists.

Back to the present, Bella returns to her ship  

and retrieves the package which the Singer was 

contained in. She returns and shows it to Paul,  

who analyses the object but can’t seem 

to make much of it as it has no distinct  

markings or symbols. However, when she 

mentions that a bird delivered it, he  

immediately goes wide-eyed, realizing the source.

Soon, he takes her to a craft shop where Mooners  

construct robotic delivery birds. On entering 

the shop, Bella spots a pelican-shaped design  

identical to the one that delivered the Singer, 

and stares at its craftsman suspiciously. 

Just then, the man sprints out of the shop 

and into a nearby forest while Bella quickly  

chases him in hot pursuit, with Paul trailing 

behind. Luckily, after a bit of back and forth,  

they finally capture the runaway craftsman, 

Sirl, and bring him in for questioning. 

At the precinct, they ask who he’s working 

with, but Sirl is uncooperative and denies  

being involved. In a bid to bait him, Bella lies 

that Tomm has woken up and would eventually spill  

all the secrets of the Mooner rebels. However, 

Sirl remains silent and is eventually allowed to  

leave the precinct when they realize that he won’t 

budge. As he leaves, Paul asks Blu to spy on him,  

just in case he does anything suspicious.

Later that day, Paul and Bella engage in  

a little argument over the intentions of the 

Mooners. Bella is certain that some Mooners are  

trying to sabotage the Bridge with the help 

of Tomm, as they want to keep the paradise  

they established away from Earth. But Paul, who 

blindly trusts his people, does not see reason  

and swears that the Mooner would never do that.

In the following scene, Maite and Indira enter  

the IO authorization chamber. The chamber permits 

access to foreign aircraft to enter the Moonhaven  

and requires authorization from both 

leaders. Without their unanimous consent,  

no ship can land in the haven.

Maite and Indira initiate the  

authorization process in anticipation of the 

arrival of a fleet of aircraft, which are to  

convey the first batch of Mooners to the Earth. 

However, at the last authorization stage, Maite  

has a change of heart and withdraws her consent. 

Thus, canceling the endorsement as she storms  

out of the chamber, giving Indira no explanation.

Confused, Indira reports the matter to the Earth  

Council, who become even more anxious over the 

situation as patience is running thin on Earth,  

with humans expecting the Mooners to 

arrive soon to recuperate the planet. 

In the following scene, Bella, Paul, and his 

daughter, Elna, are walking through the woods  

when Paul receives a nearby distress signal 

from Blu. They quickly trace the signal and  

find her lying amongst some shrubs in the forest.

She informs them that Sirl caught her stalking him  

in the woods and then tried to kill her. However, 

she fought back and luckily managed to knock him  

out. The group helps her up and after this, 

they trace Sirl’s footsteps to a nearby cave. 

In it, they discover that some 

Mooners have removed their implants,  

which are small pebble-like trackers that 

help IO monitor each individual’s movements  

and activities. Hence, making them untraceable.

The group brainstorms why they would do this,  

and soon deduces that Sirl must have told 

them about Tomm’s recovery. Therefore, they  

realize that the mooners are planning to attack 

Tomm. Wasting no time, Bella and Paul quickly  

head to Indira’s house, accompanied by a squad of 

officers to protect Tomm, who is still in a coma. 

Early the next morning, a 

masked Mooner attacks a guarding  

officer right outside the house, sedating her. 

The episode ends as the rest of the group slowly  

encircles the house, preparing for an ambush.

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