Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

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The movie begins with a young man named Gao 

lying unconscious in a wrecked car at the  

bottom of a cliff. Xing, a native village 

girl, stares at the car from a distance.  

A few moments later, Gao wakes up and leaves the 

car, stumbling across a stony terrain. He barely  

walks a few meters away from the crash site when 

Xing approaches and knocks him out with a stone.

The scene shifts to eight hours 

before the ghastly car accident.  

Gao, who is a gem hunter is 

joined by Xiana, his dealer,  

and Qin, his technician, as the trio stands on 

a sidewalk. There, Gao spots two sketchy men in  

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a car closely watching him from down the street, 

and immediately realizes that they’re hired thugs.

Gao bids Xiana and Qin goodnight before 

entering his car and driving off.  

As he anticipated, the men also start 

up their engine and closely tail him.  

Gao hits the gas and speeds off, prompting a 

fierce car chase which causes the accident.

Back in the present, Gao wakes up and finds 

himself in a primitive but strange village. Here,  

women are the dominant gender as they hunt and 

provide for their families while the men do chores  

and take care of the kids. Fathers are the home 

keepers and cook the meals while the mothers serve  

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as guards and soldiers, protecting their husbands. 

The village is a secluded area completely cut off  

from the outside world as they have no technology 

or knowledge of any scientific products.

Gao also learns that Xing is the Queen of 

the tribe and is astonished to discover this.  

Initially, Gao disbelieves her and 

assumes that the villagers are just  

nerdy cosplayers with great 

costumes and a perfect setup.  

He curses at Xing and the rest of the women, 

which annoys the beautiful tribe leader.  

Xing is pissed at his attitude and keeps 

Gao in a wooden cage as punishment.

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

Later, Gao realizes that 

they are indeed real people  

and decides to return to the city 

as soon as possible. However,  

Yun He, the tribe’s astrologer, tells Gao that he 

can’t leave the village without Xing’s permission.

After a few hours, Gao begs Xing to release him 

from the cage and take him to his car. Xing,  

though skeptical, decides to have mercy on him 

and obliges. The two head back to the crash  

site as Gao searches his car for useful supplies. 

Gao finds a metal bat in the trunk and playfully  

swings it around. Mistakenly, he hits Xing on 

the head, causing her to pass out on the floor.

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

Gao seizes the golden opportunity to escape and 

wears a backpack as he runs into the nearby woods.  

A few minutes later, the car’s 

fuel tank starts leaking, and soon,  

Xing is surrounded by a ring of blazing 

flames. The villagers spot the fire and  

quickly rush to the scene as they pour 

buckets of water to extinguish the flame.

Gao hears the villagers screaming from 

the woods and feels guilty for leaving  

Xing behind. He rushes to the scene 

and pours a bucket of water on himself  

before entering the fiery ring and carrying 

Xing out of it. Right as they leave the site,  

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the car explodes, and the duo lands in a 

nearby pond, much to the villagers’ relief.

In the following scene, Gao is back in the 

village and finds his phone in his backpack.  

He plays a song on it, which attracts Xing’s 

attention as she rushes into the room.  

Xing fears the strange device and tries to smash 

it, but Gao assures her that it is harmless. He  

offers her his earphones, and the duo listens to 

music together as Xing falls asleep moments later.

Gao lays a sleeping Xing in bed, after 

which he frantically searches the room,  

hoping to find a map that can lead 

him back to the city. In the room,  

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Gao ecstatically finds a sapphire gemstone and 

decides to ask Xing about it when she wakes up.

The next morning, Xing tells him that the sapphire 

was a gift from her dead mother. A greedy Gao  

offers her several items, such as: a bowl of 

instant noodles, a novel, and even his phone,  

in exchange for the stone. However, Xing refuses 

to part with the gem, explaining that it is her  

most prized possession. Gao is disappointed 

but resolves to steal the gem instead.

Later that day, Xing asks Gao to 

meet her in an open field at night  

so that they can “watch the stars” together. 

Gao accepts the offer as Xing sheepishly smiles  

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and leaves his shed. That night, the duo lay on 

the grass and stares at the starry sky. Suddenly,  

Xing pounces on Gao and tries to remove 

his clothes, much to his surprise.

He throws her off, and the two get into 

a heated argument. Gao is shocked to  

discover that in the village, to “watch 

the stars” means to “have sex.” Hence,  

why Xing pounced on him. Suddenly, Gao sprints to 

the village to escape, with Xing in hot pursuit.

Xing is angry at Gao, and imprisons 

him when they return to the village.  

Gao explains to Xing that he didn’t know the 

phrase’s hidden meaning and took it at face  

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value. He also states that where he comes from, 

people express their feelings romantically,  

like confessing their love when it 

“snows.” Xing finally understands  

Gao but still has him spend the night in 

the cell while she returns to her shed.

Back in the city, Xana and Qin earnestly search 

for Gao to no avail. They check the road where his  

car swerved down the cliff but are disappointed to 

find nothing. Qin uses a drone to search the area,  

but a magnetic field disrupts the aircraft 

and causes Qin’s monitor to go blank.

When the duo return home, they meet Li An, a 

businesswoman with whom Gao signed a contract.  

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

The contract mandates Gao to meet with Li An 

every 15 days, and failure to do so attracts  

a 60 million fine. So far, it’s been 13 days since 

his disappearance, and Li An has come to find him.

Xana lies that Gao took a trip to 

the mountains and would be back  

soon. Li An is unconvinced but gives the duo 

48 hours to find Gao before she takes action.

Back in the village, Xing takes Gao to the woods. 

Xing confesses her love for him and asks him to  

marry her as she dumps a bucket of ‘chicken 

blood’ on him. Apparently, Xing misheard him  

last night and thought he said ‘blood’ instead of 

‘snow’ (As both words sound similar in Chinese).  

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

Gao is pissed at her and walks away in 

frustration but is caught in a trap shortly after.

Gao desperately begs Xing to free him from 

the trap. However, Xing asks him to accept  

her wedding proposal before she does this, and a 

defeated Gao ultimately agrees. On their way back,  

Gao finds one of the blades of Qin’s drone lying 

in the bushes. Seeing this, he registers that his  

friends are looking for him, and decides to 

escape from the village as soon as possible.

That night, Gao and Xing converse and decide 

to get married the next day. Gao asks Xing  

about the village’s terrain and learns 

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that there’s a secret cave in the forest.  

He figures that the cave is an exit from the 

village and plots to use it to escape. Gao  

also learns that the village has a wine 

reserve and begs Xing to take him to it.

She obliges, and the duo heads to the village’s 

central pantry. Without her knowledge,  

Gao drops some sleeping pills into the 

wine barrel as a ploy to knock all the  

villagers out during their wedding. Later, the 

couple returns to Gao’s room, and Xing offers  

him her sapphire stone as an early wedding gift. 

Gao feels guilty but collects the gem anyway.

The following night, the couple has their 

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wedding ceremony and observes the tribe’s  

unique rites as Xing goes down on one 

knee and confesses her love for Gao.  

Gao accepts her to be his wife. 

Afterwhich, the villagers sing  

and play a love song as the newlyweds 

dance in unison. To end the feast,  

Gao proposes a toast and urges the villagers 

to drink their respective bowls of wine. The  

unsuspecting natives swallow the drugged drink, 

but Gao tosses his away when no one is watching.

A few hours later, the villagers fall asleep 

while Gao packs a bag and leaves the village.  

He goes through the woods and eventually reaches 

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

the cave, which connects to the outside world.  

Determined, Gao enters the dark cave 

and begins his journey to the city.

The next morning, he finally reaches the end 

of the cave and races to the top of a mountain,  

smiling as he sees a nearby road.

Back at Gao’s house, Li An arrives with her 

men as the 48-hour deadline is almost over.  

Li An asks Xana and Qin about Gao’s whereabouts, 

but the duo reveals that they have no idea where  

he is. Hearing this, Li An offers Xana a contract 

that would transfer ownership of the house to her.  

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

Xana refuses to sign the paperwork, but Li An 

gives her no choice. The businesswoman signals  

her men to hold the duo hostage, as Xana is 

forced to sign the paper with a thumbprint.

Fortunately, Gao barges through the 

front door right in time to stop them.  

Qin takes advantage of the distraction 

and swallows the signed contract while Gao  

speaks to Li An. Ultimately, the businesswoman 

leaves the house and promises to keep in touch.

When she leaves, Gao freshens up and 

shares a meal with his friends, who ask  

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

where he’s been the entire time. Gao wants to 

protect the villagers from the outside world,  

so he tactfully avoids their 

questions and lies to his friends.

After their meal, Gao shows them the sapphire gem 

he got from Xing. The duo marvels at the stone in  

disbelief as they haven’t seen a sapphire of 

that size in years. Finally, Gao hands the gem  

to Xana alongside a soil sample from the village 

for testing. Later that day, the trio visits  

Gao’s uncle, Wen, at a nursing home and puts on a 

clown costume to entertain the elderly occupants.

In the following scene, the villagers wake 

up and frantically search the area for Gao.  

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

Xing is heartbroken by his disappearance and soon 

after, figures that he escaped along with the gem.  

Overcome with sadness; she decides to go to the 

city to search for him. The village’s astrologer,  

Yun He, initially disapproves of 

her heading to the city. However,  

when Xing begs her, Yun He takes 

Xing to the cave’s entrance  

and warns her to be careful of the 

city people before the queen departs.

When Xing arrives at the city, she runs into Yi 

Tian, a famous astrology social media influencer  

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

who is searching for a female co-host. Xing’s 

strange attire and quirky behavior pique his  

interest, and he offers to sign her to 

his company. Yi asks for her manager,  

but a confused Xing merely hands him a 

card that Gao left behind in the village.

Yi finds a number on it and traces Gao to 

a nearby nursing home. At Xing’s request,  

Yi drives her to the revealed location to 

look for Gao. When they arrive at the nursery,  

Gao spots Xing from a distance and runs before she 

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sees him. He hides behind some bushes and observes  

Xing as she searches for him. Xing eventually 

gives up and walks towards the home’s exit  

but immediately turns around when she 

hears Gao sneeze from a nearby bush.

Gao pops out with his clown costume, but Xing 

doesn’t recognize him and merely watches as he  

jumps away. Moments later, Xing joins Yi in the 

car, and the duo drives away from the home. While  

conversing, Yi tells an ignorant Xing that clowns 

aren’t real creatures but are mere humans wearing  

masks. Xing is astonished by the revelation and 

figures that the strange clown she saw at the home  

was indeed Gao. She begs Yi to return her to 

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

the nursery, and the media influencer obliges.

Sadly, when they reach the nursery, 

Gao and his friends are long gone,  

and Xing is left disappointed once again. 

Yi volunteers to take Xing to his house,  

but the tribe leader refuses and sits 

on a pavement in front of the nursery,  

declaring that she’d wait for Gao to return. 

Yi desperately tries to get her to leave,  

but she refuses and even remains 

seated under the pouring rain.

Meanwhile, Gao feels guilty for hiding from 

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Xing and gets Qin to find her location.  

A few minutes later, Qin informs him that 

Xing, together with Yi, is still at the  

nursing home. Gao thanks Qin for his help 

and immediately drives back to the nursery.

There, Gao spots Xing sitting in the rain 

with Yi beside her. He pulls up in front  

of the duo and winds down his window. Xing 

is shocked to see him and immediately grabs  

him by his shirt. Gao frantically begs her not 

to punch him and comes up with an absurd lie,  

stating that it is wrong to hit 

people in the rain. Xing is naive,  

so she believes him and enters his car 

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as he drives her back to his house.

Immediately they arrive, Xing points 

her crossbow at him, but Gao manages  

to calm her and puts the weapon down. Xing 

asks Gao to return her sapphire. However,  

the cunny gem hunter distracts her by 

offering a cake. Xing tries the sugary treat  

and forgets about the stone as she viciously 

munches on it, savoring its foreign taste.

When she’s done with her meal, Xing spends the 

rest of the day exploring the house as she adapts  

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to the new environment. She shoots an arrow at 

the television set, thinking it to be a monster,  

but Gao explains that it is simply a gadget that 

can’t hurt her. Xing is fascinated by the modern  

world and celebrates as she swings a punctured 

feather pillow, making a mess of the house.

The following day, Xana visits Gao and is 

shocked to find the living room in a mess.  

Shortly after, Xing approaches her 

while eating a bowl of instant noodles.  

Xana snatches the dish from Xing and demands to 

know who she is and her relationship with Gao.  

Xing is pissed off by Xana’s attitude and grabs 

her by the face as the dealer screams in fear.

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

Gao is woken up by the scream and rushes 

downstairs to find what happened. He finds  

Xana wrapped in a blanket with a cloth over her 

mouth. Gao quickly frees her and is horrified to  

learn that Xing is responsible. Xana is furious 

and asks him who the strange-looking girl is.  

Immediately, Gao grabs Xana and 

takes her to his room upstairs.

There, he comes clean and reveals what happened 

when he went missing. Gao explains that Xing is  

the Queen of a secluded matriarchal village where 

women rule and men are submissive. Xana initially  

disbelieves him but realizes he’s telling the 

truth when Gao shows her Xing’s native crossbow.

Mr Fox And Miss Rose Movie Explained

In the living room, Xing hears a knock 

on the window and is shocked to find Yi  

outside the house. She rushes to the door and 

tries to open it but can’t figure out how.  

With Yi’s direction, Xing finds the door’s 

handle but uses brute force to turn it. Thus,  

breaking it. Eventually, she gives up trying 

to open the door and breaks it entirely.

Gao and Xana hear the sound of the crashing door 

and rush downstairs to find what happened. Gao  

is livid to find Yi in his home and drags 

him out, before locking his gate. However,  

Yi refuses to leave and reveals that he knows 

Xing is from a secluded island. Gao is shocked  

to hear this and threatens Yi to stay away 

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from her, as heads back to the house with Xing.

The following day, Gao takes Xing to a 

fashion store to get some new clothes.  

Xing tries on some outfits while Gao steps out to 

give her some privacy. Outside, Gao is astonished  

to see Li An approaching from a distance, and 

is scared to have her discover Xing. Hence,  

he immediately hides behind a wall and closely 

watches as the stern woman enters the store.


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